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Commando/Merc Heals Constructive Criticism - PvP


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Constructive Criticism.


1. Lack of decent self heals under pressure.


If an enemy knows what they're doing they will lock me down quite hard, outside of trauma probe, an 18 second cooldown mild heal, my aoe heal and popping my instacast spell cooldown - theres no substantial heal I can use on myself. Sages have shields, a frontloaded HoT, a frontloaded channeled heal to compliment their other two casted heals - they have three healing spells they can use quite often which makes them a lot harder to lock out with interrupts. Scoundrels have decent ticking hots, and emergency medpack spam under 30%, the same amount of casted heals and a good interrupt bait in Diag Scan.


Fix - Hammer shots heals self. Gives us a small self heal to use when under pressure and everything else is down. A small buff to how hard Kolto bomb hits would be appreciated also as this is usually the only heal I can give to teammates when I'm under pressure as I kite past a group of teammates.

2. Rotation too easy.


Currently, its fairly easy to keep up a decent rotation and still be resource neutral. In a normal rotation a trooper can cast for about 5.5 seconds every 9 seconds (adv probe + 2x med probe), every second rotation you can use instant cast. This is a decent chunk of heals per rotation and decently high HPS.


Fix - Keep the nerfs to med probes cost after an advanced probe, but reduce the cooldown on the no ammo cost and instant cast cooldowns to 45 seconds, talented to 30. Put SCC back up to 2 ammo regen to make it a decent ammo regen skill but not a skill where its 'spam heals for X seconds'. These should make the healers job a lot harder, with a higher skill capp, but not a massive nerf for those who are really switched on and know when to pop cools etc..


3. Trauma Probe cost is too high


Trauma probe heals for about the same as 1.3ish stacks of Slow Release Medpack, but since its only usable on one target at a time its not really a highly used spell. With two ammo cost, its not really a spammable skill, and when we cast it on the second person half the time we've just wasted stacks on the first person.


Fix - Don't limit it to just one person. Make it a reactive HoT spell - the cost will keep it from being mass spammed on everyone, and it give the trooper a bit of manouverability, and stop us from thinking of it as a waste if we've already got one up. Also, reduce the duration to 45 seconds to stop troopers from loading everyone up with them before a pull/game start but long enough so that they have the time to get the full effect of the heals.


4. Trooper and Merc have different resource mechanics due to differing numbers.

Currently Troopers have 12 ammo mercs have 100 heat. The merc numbers are all based around 8's, whereas the troopers are all based around 1+ ammo cost. A small difference, but this makes spells harder to fine tune for both classes.


Fix - Change trooper mechanic to be out of 100 ammo, and lose ammo in the same way as a Merc gains heat - this also has the added bonus of being able to fine tune spells much easier - you could make it so that instead of reducing med probes cost by one, you could make it reduce it by 12 on both classes to form some form of middle ground. Would make balancing a lot easier in future if both resource mechanics were the same.

Edited by cerberias
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Again after ptr testing and multiple posts on this forum i stil ask BW one question to answer the players.


Why bring any healer to a raid group other then a sorc?


As bad as healing will be nerfed and as bad as sorcs themselves are nerfed. Sorcs are still and will be considered the best of he worst. Regardless of numbers, spredseets, rotations, the entire playerbases complaints.


Bioware answer one question for us. Why bring any healer to a ranked WZ over a sorc?


What do u discuss in devlopment meetings? What makes any change on ptr viable? Why are you ok with only one healer being viable?


Just please answer ur playerbase as to the reason any raid or ranked WZ team wants to bring any class other then sorcs to a competetive team?


As a player and as most players ask what does a BH or OP player offer to their friends? Again before any other issue is considered. What do i as a BH or any BH offer a group of 8 friends bring to the tabole that a sorc doesnt?


How does a BH or OP tell people they may know for years and life long gaming friends offer anything to the people they call their friends?


Mmos are based not only on classes but we all trust eachother to make the people around us better. Bioware you are making sure nothing lse matters over FotM ifb u balanced based on anything else the changes in 1.2 would not go live.


Bioware why cant the people playing ur game atleast see why u made us obsolete?


Sorcs are not overpowered and BH and OP healers are a joke so why would we get invites?


Tell us BW when u log in why would u invite ur real life friend to heal a raid or wz match if they r not a sorc?


Whats the point of this? What logic r u using? R u all just abused children or just bad at ur jobs? What is ur logic?


Again BW after these changes go live explain to us why a. BH or OP healer offers more to the progression of my 7 to 15 friens that we as players cannot explain?

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Bioware answer one question for us. Why bring any healer to a ranked WZ over a sorc?


Because sorcerers are squishy relative to the other healer classes. I play a deception-spec'ed assassin. If I decide I want to kill a sorc/sage healer, I can drop them 80% of the time using interrupts and one CC. On some of the better ones, it can take a while, but they'll usually die.


Commando/mercs, on the other hand, are a different matter entirely. More defense + a cooldown granting 25% DR and immunity to interrupts makes them significantly harder to kill, to the point where if they use that interrupt immunity bubble, I'm better off going after somebody else until it wears off. Operative/scoundrel healers can also be hard to kill if they stack HoTs on themselves.


Granted, I don't know if this'll hold up with the 1.2 changes, but as it stands on live now, Sorc/Sages are the glass cannons of healers. Yeah, they may put out big green numbers, but they drop pretty easily. The other two healing classes may not heal as much, but they stay alive significantly longer.

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The way I see it is this, we don't have an escape ability, in combat sprint, we don't have an interrupt, our shield is worse than Sages, our aoe heal is far weaker than Sages, no good hot's and until recently we were the only healing class to not have an in combat res and to top it off our strength is burst cast time heals on a single target, but that is vulnerable when it comes to interrupts of all kinds in PvP and burst now will lead to ammo problems more often.


We would be the most easily shut down healer of all three as you were near enough saying.


What do we have that counters all those, well we have to have some things whether the BW devs or other heal classes like it or not, heavy armour is one, but that doesn't even play a part in some damage types, which I find strange, it doesn't play that great a part compared to all the stuff we lose.


Best single target heals, but that is also the worst effected when it comes to interrupts, instant cast times aren't effected.


It's why I find the strength of the nerfs surprising to say the least, we are weak in many areas, missing many things others have and had one of our only a few strengths heavily hit, burst single target healing, sure we can still do it, but we will be out of ammo quickly now.


On another topic, it seems a lot of complaints about healing being too much in PvP, is often when too many healers were in the same Warzone and thus unkillable with cross heals, 5 for example on a side or in premades, these are NOT the healers fault and DOESN'T make them op in itself.


Limit the number of healers allowed in a WZ to 2 or 3, instantly that drops the amount of heals and increases dps, both gains in favour of dps.


With premades of course healers are going to be hard to kill, that is what good teammates do, protect them as best they can.


Nerfs need to hit more areas than just the healer, you can't blame just the healer and just nerf them, more moderate nerfs to healers was needed and take from other areas, like lower the guard amount little, less healers also helps here too, but it's just mainly good team play.


Stop allowing pug v premade matches would also help a lot with warzone team balance, keep it purely pug v pug ( no more than a group of two can enter into pug teams )


On to some of the nerfs...


1. Trauma Probe


While I agree Trauma prob should now be able to be cast on multiple people, with a moderate buff to the heal amount as an idea, I don't agree with it lasting only 30 seconds at all.


I only used it myself because it was free and was able to move it around in mid battle depending upon who needed it most, that ability is now gone and Trauma probe as it stands will NOT be taken by me for PvP, it's dead.


Moving it to last only 30 seconds will mean you have to renew it and thus use ammo far too often and when taking into account we want to cast it on multiple people, that is 16 ammo every 30 seconds if you buff the whole Warzone team, it's a far worse ammo management nerf than what it already got even.


To justify the nerf, rather than allow it to be cast on as an unlimited amount of people, give it a more moderate number ( 4 would do ) and a moderate heal buff of 25% as you gave up ulimited, that way you just don't put it on everyone and have to decide who needs it the most, some thought in it and less ammo to keep them up importantly.


2.Supercharge Cells


I really dont understand why the buffs were nerfed here, 10% was fine, not too much, not too little, when you look at other classes debuffs, far higher numbers than ours.


Also giving back 2 ammo was perfectly fine.


3. Field Triage


This is the other one that annoys me a lot, we spend three points on this, spending three for just the one is too much and I know I would at least skim one point to put elsewhere with the lost value.


Some thoughts


I would be happy with reversing the field triage and Supercharge cell nerfs and leaving the rest.


But some things that could be given back in return, lower Recharge Cells to a 45 second CD, or add that ability to Cell Capacitor so you have to spend points to get it, with the same time 45 sec CD if you spend both points.


Reserve powercell could also get the same buff, or added to something you need to spend points on like field triage, to partly offset the nerf from 2 to 1.


It would still be worth spending the full three points on field triage then.


An escape ability would also be nice, topped a poll I saw, so wanted.


Other things like Mortar Volley radius nerf, finally get parity in the speed it does damage, only to again get a nerf stronger in return, like was the case with our aoe heal.


Psych Aid/First aid also lost value, losing the ability to remove heal debuffs, not really worth spending a point on now.

Edited by LillyWhiteS
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There are three things a healer speced character has:

Survivability, utility, heals, low damage potential


I'm going to ignore the heals and damage potential for now since I think most of us agree that they should be fairly equal in this regard. Next, there's no denying that while being focused Mercs have higher survivability, which is frequently mentioned, than a Sorc/Sage or Smug/Op, however people rarely mention the utility disparity.



Knockback - Strong

30m interrupt - Strong

30m mez - Strong, has a 2s cast as heals

Friendly grapple - Strong

30m Slow - Middling, 50% uptime possible

Force Speed - Middling, when not used as a survival CD

10% armor - Weak, most targets don't benefit much outside of tank acs.



10m AoE mez - Strong

10m interrupt - Strong

10m Slow - Middling, 100% uptime possible

10m mez from stealth - Middling

Stealth - Weak, node capping and sneaking to the endzone

AoE stealth - Very weak



Knockback - Strong

30m mez - Strong, has a 2s cast

Kolto residue - Weak, 5% during SSC/SCG on targets hit by Kolto Bomb/Missle

Stealth Scan - Weak

10% armor - Very weak, lower up time than Sorc.


I didn't bother including any that all three classes get.


I omitted Orbital Bombardment/XS Frieghter Flyby, since I believe only one of them actually still interrupts channels, and I'm unsure if that's being changed in 1.2


Force Speed is a little harder to qualify, I initially didn't include it but when I sat back and thought about it, I can think of many times I've used it on my Sage to get to a fight faster, obviously Huttball carrying, and Voidstar gap jumping.


I tried to account for talents, most that I omitted I felt were a matter of preference of the player, and as such didn't offer enough utility to be mentioned.




Utility breakdown

Sorc: 4 strong, 2 middling, 1 weak

Op: 2 strong, 2 middling, 1 weak, 1 very weak

Merc: 2 strong, 3 weak


Which inversely mirrors the generally accepted survivability rankings of

Merc > Op > Sorc

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Because sorcerers are squishy relative to the other healer classes. I play a deception-spec'ed assassin. If I decide I want to kill a sorc/sage healer, I can drop them 80% of the time using interrupts and one CC. On some of the better ones, it can take a while, but they'll usually die.


Commando/mercs, on the other hand, are a different matter entirely. More defense + a cooldown granting 25% DR and immunity to interrupts makes them significantly harder to kill, to the point where if they use that interrupt immunity bubble, I'm better off going after somebody else until it wears off. Operative/scoundrel healers can also be hard to kill if they stack HoTs on themselves.


Granted, I don't know if this'll hold up with the 1.2 changes, but as it stands on live now, Sorc/Sages are the glass cannons of healers. Yeah, they may put out big green numbers, but they drop pretty easily. The other two healing classes may not heal as much, but they stay alive significantly longer.


So a question. Is there any healer you cant kill 1 vs 1? Or even better, has there ever been a healer that killed you in 1 vs 1?


If the answer is no to both, why are we even talking about healer nerfs at all?

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it may be uninterruptable, but its still only about 260hps. Only a very slight heal usable while the others are down - i'd almost prefer it to be casted so people could waste their interrupts on it! :)


1. Trauma Probe


While I agree Trauma prob should now be able to be cast on multiple people, with a moderate buff to the heal amount as an idea, I don't agree with it lasting only 30 seconds at all.


I only used it myself because it was free and was able to move it around in mid battle depending upon who needed it most, that ability is now gone and Trauma probe as it stands will NOT be taken by me for PvP, it's dead.


Moving it to last only 30 seconds will mean you have to renew it and thus use ammo far too often and when taking into account we want to cast it on multiple people, that is 16 ammo every 30 seconds if you buff the whole Warzone team, it's a far worse ammo management nerf than what it already got even.


To justify the nerf, rather than allow it to be cast on as an unlimited amount of people, give it a more moderate number ( 4 would do ) and a moderate heal buff of 25% as you gave up ulimited, that way you just don't put it on everyone and have to decide who needs it the most, some thought in it and less ammo to keep them up importantly.


I wanted to make it into a reactive heal Hot - other hots have 15~ second timers, but since a reactive heal doesnt heal if no damage is inflicted - its more of an anti burst tool. Instant cast providing more mobility but since its used on multiple people it makes it much easier and smoother to use.


Also, please try to keep the QQ out of this thread - I'm trying to make constructive criticism, not have a cry about it.

Edited by cerberias
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Great post.


While I can see your point about self healing, I'm not sure giving any class a free, uninterruptible heal that can be cast while moving is such a great idea.


If you mean Hammershot, I can do more DPS in 1 GCD as a healer than I can heal with HS (i.e. by using my HS offensively). Now let's think about how much more damage a DPS spec can do in 1 GCD versus how much HS heals.

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If you mean Hammershot, I can do more DPS in 1 GCD as a healer than I can heal with HS (i.e. by using my HS offensively). Now let's think about how much more damage a DPS spec can do in 1 GCD versus how much HS heals.


It depends on the context. Obviously, Hammershot isn't going to save you when a Sent/Mara is glued to you butt, but running away? LoSing? Stuck in combat? Those ticks add up.


You're essentially talking about giving yourself a neverending, free HoT. That doesn't strike me as a particularly well thought out design, in the big picture, for either PvP or PvE.

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Constructive Criticism.


1. Lack of decent self heals under pressure.


If an enemy knows what they're doing they will lock me down quite hard, outside of trauma probe, an 18 second cooldown mild heal, my aoe heal and popping my instacast spell cooldown - theres no substantial heal I can use on myself. Sages have shields, a frontloaded HoT, a frontloaded channeled heal to compliment their other two casted heals - they have three healing spells they can use quite often which makes them a lot harder to lock out with interrupts. Scoundrels have decent ticking hots, and emergency medpack spam under 30%, the same amount of casted heals and a good interrupt bait in Diag Scan.


Fix - Hammer shots heals self. Gives us a small self heal to use when under pressure and everything else is down. A small buff to how hard Kolto bomb hits would be appreciated also as this is usually the only heal I can give to teammates when I'm under pressure as I kite past a group of teammates.

2. Rotation too easy.


Currently, its fairly easy to keep up a decent rotation and still be resource neutral. In a normal rotation a trooper can cast for about 5.5 seconds every 9 seconds (adv probe + 2x med probe), every second rotation you can use instant cast. This is a decent chunk of heals per rotation and decently high HPS.


Fix - Keep the nerfs to med probes cost after an advanced probe, but reduce the cooldown on the no ammo cost and instant cast cooldowns to 45 seconds, talented to 30. Put SCC back up to 2 ammo regen to make it a decent ammo regen skill but not a skill where its 'spam heals for X seconds'. These should make the healers job a lot harder, with a higher skill capp, but not a massive nerf for those who are really switched on and know when to pop cools etc..


3. Trauma Probe cost is too high


Trauma probe heals for about the same as 1.3ish stacks of Slow Release Medpack, but since its only usable on one target at a time its not really a highly used spell. With two ammo cost, its not really a spammable skill, and when we cast it on the second person half the time we've just wasted stacks on the first person.


Fix - Don't limit it to just one person. Make it a reactive HoT spell - the cost will keep it from being mass spammed on everyone, and it give the trooper a bit of manouverability, and stop us from thinking of it as a waste if we've already got one up. Also, reduce the duration to 30 seconds to stop troopers from loading everyone up with them before a pull/game start.


4. Trooper and Merc have different resource mechanics due to differing numbers.

Currently Troopers have 12 ammo mercs have 100 heat. The merc numbers are all based around 8's, whereas the troopers are all based around 1+ ammo cost. A small difference, but this makes spells harder to fine tune for both classes.


Fix - Change trooper mechanic to be out of 100 ammo, and lose ammo in the same way as a Merc gains heat - this also has the added bonus of being able to fine tune spells much easier - you could make it so that instead of reducing med probes cost by one, you could make it reduce it by 12 on both classes to form some form of middle ground. Would make balancing a lot easier in future if both resource mechanics were the same.


I was under the impression that trauma probe heals for 300-350 for 10 stacks, meaning over the duration it heals for 3k-3.5k, and is essentially on a 30 second cooldown seeing as how a stack can only be used every 3 seconds... assuming a stack is used every 3 seconds the effect will be used up within 30 seconds.


Actually I misread your post. Still I don't see how an ability that costs 2 ammo that you'll use once every 30 seconds is too high of a cost.

Edited by pyrobot
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Again after ptr testing and multiple posts on this forum i stil ask BW one question to answer the players.


Why bring any healer to a raid group other then a sorc?


As bad as healing will be nerfed and as bad as sorcs themselves are nerfed. Sorcs are still and will be considered the best of he worst. Regardless of numbers, spredseets, rotations, the entire playerbases complaints.


Bioware answer one question for us. Why bring any healer to a ranked WZ over a sorc?


What do u discuss in devlopment meetings? What makes any change on ptr viable? Why are you ok with only one healer being viable?


Just please answer ur playerbase as to the reason any raid or ranked WZ team wants to bring any class other then sorcs to a competetive team?


As a player and as most players ask what does a BH or OP player offer to their friends? Again before any other issue is considered. What do i as a BH or any BH offer a group of 8 friends bring to the tabole that a sorc doesnt?


How does a BH or OP tell people they may know for years and life long gaming friends offer anything to the people they call their friends?


Mmos are based not only on classes but we all trust eachother to make the people around us better. Bioware you are making sure nothing lse matters over FotM ifb u balanced based on anything else the changes in 1.2 would not go live.


Bioware why cant the people playing ur game atleast see why u made us obsolete?


Sorcs are not overpowered and BH and OP healers are a joke so why would we get invites?


Tell us BW when u log in why would u invite ur real life friend to heal a raid or wz match if they r not a sorc?


Whats the point of this? What logic r u using? R u all just abused children or just bad at ur jobs? What is ur logic?


Again BW after these changes go live explain to us why a. BH or OP healer offers more to the progression of my 7 to 15 friens that we as players cannot explain?


Yeah not sure what you're complaining about here. Sorcs are the one class I have the easiest time facerolling in warzones. Ops and BHs? No, they actually cause trouble for me.

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It depends on the context. Obviously, Hammershot isn't going to save you when a Sent/Mara is glued to you butt, but running away? LoSing? Stuck in combat? Those ticks add up.


You're essentially talking about giving yourself a neverending, free HoT. That doesn't strike me as a particularly well thought out design, in the big picture, for either PvP or PvE.


Thats exactly why it needs to be made usable on self - to give some free self healing. We can use it on others why not on ourself? Scoundrels can use Diag Scan on themself for free. Its basically a self topper thats slow but doesnt use resources. Currently as it stands, if im low on resources and want to top myself up I either have to use a cooldown, pop my instacast, or wait for high resources - or I can gimp my resource generation for a while.


You also have to understand that you're still using up GCD's which arent being used for other things, it'd be very much a last option self heal when you've either been locked out of everything else or you're massively low on resources. If it was a free neverending HoT spell, we wouldnt have to spam-spend GCD's on it.


I was under the impression that trauma probe heals for 300-350 for 10 stacks, meaning over the duration it heals for 3k-3.5k, and is essentially on a 30 second cooldown seeing as how a stack can only be used every 3 seconds... assuming a stack is used every 3 seconds the effect will be used up within 30 seconds.


Actually I misread your post. Still I don't see how an ability that costs 2 ammo that you'll use once every 30 seconds is too high of a cost.


Its too high of a cost comparatively speaking to the other HoT's in the game, with a free cost and one person limit it was thought of as more of a buff - used on someone for a GCD. But with a one person limit and a cost in the thick of combat I personally would only use it when i'm at full resources - since it takes 30 seconds to get 3.5kish heals. This also means that a 30 second duration is too small as sometimes you wouldnt even get some of the ticks before the entire thing ran out. Maybe 45 seconds.


By making it usable on more than one person I bring it more in line with the rest of the HoT's in the game - obviously its slightly more powerful in most situations but thats why it still has a slightly higher cost (20% of resources compared to 15% for scoundrel SRM) and its a spell that can't be used to top people up unlike the Scoundrel HoT's.

Edited by cerberias
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Thats exactly why it needs to be made usable on self - to give some free self healing. We can use it on others why not on ourself? Scoundrels can use Diag Scan on themself for free. Its basically a self topper thats slow but doesnt use resources. Currently as it stands, if im low on resources and want to top myself up I either have to use a cooldown, pop my instacast, or wait for high resources - or I can gimp my resource generation for a while.


You also have to understand that you're still using up GCD's which arent being used for other things, it'd be very much a last option self heal when you've either been locked out of everything else or you're massively low on resources. If it was a free neverending HoT spell, we wouldnt have to spam-spend GCD's on it.


I'm not a big fan of free abilities, especially not free heals. Eventually I expect this kind of design to come back and bite Bioware on the ***, because the healing scales with gear.


The GCD is the only trade off. It's a fair one, considering almost every heal the Commando has requires them to stop moving and hardcast.


Correct if me if I'm wrong, but Diagnostic Scan has a cast time and can be interrupted. Huge difference, especially in a PvP context.

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I'm not a big fan of free abilities, especially not free heals. Eventually I expect this kind of design to come back and bite Bioware on the ***, because the healing scales with gear.


The GCD is the only trade off. It's a fair one, considering almost every heal the Commando has requires them to stop moving and hardcast.


Correct if me if I'm wrong, but Diagnostic Scan has a cast time and can be interrupted. Huge difference, especially in a PvP context.


It doesn't scale very well, even compared to instant cast healing abilities - it scales even worse than classes autoattacks infact since it doesnt scale with weapon damage only bonus healing. If i stood there autoattacking someone with strike on my guardian, assuming equal gear, to a trooper spamming hammer shot - i would outdps said hammershot heals. It might takes a while, but eventually it would happen.


It mostly just gives troopers something to do to self heal when their abilties are on cooldown/lockout, we can heal other people why not ourselves?


Diag Scan does have a cast time, but it also replenishes energy on crits (with +24% crit chance over three ticks) and if it gets interrupted it means theres one less interrupt flying about so you have more chance to get off a better heal. Yes, the scoundrel does have to stand still to cast it - but they also have a lot more instant casts than a trooper does. Hammer shot would heal for about the same as a double stacked Slow Release Medpack if you literally spent all your GCD's spamming it on someone - whereas a SRM takes two GCD's and once you count regen inside of those GCD's, it only costs 12% of their resources.

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It doesn't scale very well, even compared to instant cast healing abilities - it scales even worse than classes autoattacks infact since it doesnt scale with weapon damage only bonus healing. If i stood there autoattacking someone with strike on my guardian, assuming equal gear, to a trooper spamming hammer shot - i would outdps said hammershot heals. It might takes a while, but eventually it would happen.


It doesn't scale well now, but wait until we're a few tiers into the game, or even the next expansion.


It mostly just gives troopers something to do to self heal when their abilties are on cooldown/lockout, we can heal other people why not ourselves?


The other thing to consider is that it builds a stackable buff that increases damage and heal % and is necessary to proc Supercharge.


Somehow, the design falls a bit flat if you can get that while you're alone.


Scan does have a cast time, but it also replenishes energy on crits (with +24% crit chance over three ticks) and if it gets interrupted it means theres one less interrupt flying about so you have more chance to get off a better heal. Yes, the scoundrel does have to stand still to cast it - but they also have a lot more instant casts than a trooper does. Hammer shot would heal for about the same as a double stacked Slow Release Medpack if you literally spent all your GCD's spamming it on someone - whereas a SRM takes two GCD's and once you count regen inside of those GCD's, it only costs 12% of their resources.


True again, but I still think the crux of the issue is "free, uninterruptible, zero cast time." The only reason nobody complains about it is because the ticks are so small.

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Feedback is pretty simple for this one. commando healers are no longer viable for serious raids or ranked pvp unless they ease on the nerfs. they were already too easy to control with stuns and interrupts and cant even come close to healing output of sorcs. survivability dont mean much if everyone else on your team dies and with the sent marauder buffs they will just roflstomp commando healers (and everyone else) now in ranked.


Best thing to do is roll the arsenal dps spec which will own (more COF procs, higher demo round damage) and wait for them to realize how retarded these nerfs are and change the class again.


It's really a shame they are doing this as I thought the game was very well balanced since launch. Maybe theyll learn that crybabies are gonna cry no matter what changes they make and disregard the forums all together in the future. Actual game data in controlled settings using GOOD players with that information being used by capable devs is the only way changes should ever be made to any class. Ill keep dreaming of that day. In the meanwhile ill have fun on my sentinel alt wrecking peoples good times and same on my commando arsenal respec!

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It doesn't scale well now, but wait until we're a few tiers into the game, or even the next expansion.


They'd have to change the co-efficient, equal gear autoattacks do more damage than hammershot does healing.


The other thing to consider is that it builds a stackable buff that increases damage and heal % and is necessary to proc Supercharge.


Somehow, the design falls a bit flat if you can get that while you're alone.


Its only 3% heals/damage at max stacks, and you can already build it while you're alone with Medical Probe.


True again, but I still think the crux of the issue is "free, uninterruptible, zero cast time." The only reason nobody complains about it is because the ticks are so small.


The crux of this issue is mostly just 'do you think this would be balanced'?


Feedback is pretty simple for this one. commando healers are no longer viable for serious raids or ranked pvp unless they ease on the nerfs. they were already too easy to control with stuns and interrupts and cant even come close to healing output of sorcs. survivability dont mean much if everyone else on your team dies and with the sent marauder buffs they will just roflstomp commando healers (and everyone else) now in ranked.


Best thing to do is roll the arsenal dps spec which will own (more COF procs, higher demo round damage) and wait for them to realize how retarded these nerfs are and change the class again.


It's really a shame they are doing this as I thought the game was very well balanced since launch. Maybe theyll learn that crybabies are gonna cry no matter what changes they make and disregard the forums all together in the future. Actual game data in controlled settings using GOOD players with that information being used by capable devs is the only way changes should ever be made to any class. Ill keep dreaming of that day. In the meanwhile ill have fun on my sentinel alt wrecking peoples good times and same on my commando arsenal respec!


Please, actual feedback only, no crying. This is here to debate some ideas that I've come up with not to talk about how viable the specs are.

Edited by cerberias
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Please, actual feedback only, no crying. This is here to debate some ideas that I've come up with not to talk about how viable the specs are.


No crying. Just the truth. Your ideas are better than the nerfs, sure. they still won't make the class viable in ranked matches. This is the game in all mmos once the nerf train starts rolling.

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After playing a BH healer and Agent healer to valor 60, I could not understand why BH healers got hit with a nerf. Agent healers are so much better. Healing on the move is why pyrotechs are so much better than tracer spammers.


BH is godmode for 15 seconds on a 2 minute timer, however, a smart person will just blind him and waste 8 seconds of that 15. Their main heal take more time and heals less on avg than an agent. I use to think it was because BHs had better armor and could survive longer. That theory went out the window when I figured out every dps class bypasses armor anyways. Then I was like, well, a BH can dish out some nice AOE dps. Fusion missile, explosive dart, death from above combo is nice. However, one well placed orbit strike does the same damage. If I stun someone and shiv/backstab, they will die in that orbit strike.

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I've got my BH healer to lvl 40, so my experience is limited. However i find i survive quite well in warzones even with being focused. I concentrate on making sure i survive before anything else mostly, so i keep all my CC's available and don't waste them, i try and keep my supercharge available as much as possible, and most importantly my CC breaker.


When i get focused, i'll usually hit one guy with a 4 second stun, and if he breaks that i hit him with a concussion round to take him out for 8 seconds. i use my aoe knockback with the slow to run away to a better position, spamming rapid shots while moving. even if i'm being interrupted, i don't usually pop my shield unless my resolve is full, in which case, i break CC's, pop the shield, and heal myself like a mad man. then when they see me with full health again, they're pretty discouraged. then if i haven't used it, i supercharge gas, then kolto missile myself.


after all that, my knockback is usually of CD. If all that isn't enough to survive, i probably did something wrong, or they just really want to kill me, in which case, there isn't much you can do.

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