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Server que after disconnect- grace period plz?


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Update from my server Bloodworthy". Close to 4 hour queue now if you DC.


God damit, had mot my RL friends who got in earlier been on this server I would have swapped to an other server yesterday :s


This should not be happening, if you disconnect or crash to desktop you should have a grace period, and we are trying to make Bioware understand this!


But so far no reply or acknowledgment from Bioware of our complaints.

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This is beyond acceptable. I DC for 10 seconds from the game and I'm put into a hour long que? How can Bioware miss such an obvious feature that's needed when your throttling the servers for huge que times. I understand the reason why your throttling them. But to not have a grace period is downright unacceptable.


You need to fix this grace period Bioware, and you need to fix it now.

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It doesn't make sense not to have a grace period. Disconnects are a constant in all internet gaming, and someone who waited for a queue to log on, then disconnects after getting into a group, warzone, or just doing something solo, is just unreasonable.


The lack of a grace period after disconnect is similar to making someone wait in line to check out at the grocery store, having them get to the front, check all their stuff, and then send them back to the end of the line, right before they get to buy their stuff because the register stopped working for a moment.


The excuse is that your trying to help everyone get a good environment? well your making people pissed at each other because people d/c once and cant get in for 30 minutes, causing multiple problems.


> person d/c'ing gets pissed because they lose out on what they were doing

> people who might be in a group with d/c'er get mad at the d/c'er

> takes away efficiency and stability for game


Now, the solution of a grace period, somewhere around 30 minutes, nothing huge, would fix all problems.


Waiting for an extra 2-10 minutes on my FIRST time logging into game on any given day is fine with me, as long as i dont have to wait the queue 5 times in 1 sit down

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It doesn't make sense not to have a grace period. Disconnects are a constant in all internet gaming, and someone who waited for a queue to log on, then disconnects after getting into a group, warzone, or just doing something solo, is just unreasonable.


The lack of a grace period after disconnect is similar to making someone wait in line to check out at the grocery store, having them get to the front, check all their stuff, and then send them back to the end of the line, right before they get to buy their stuff because the register stopped working for a moment.


The excuse is that your trying to help everyone get a good environment? well your making people pissed at each other because people d/c once and cant get in for 30 minutes, causing multiple problems.


> person d/c'ing gets pissed because they lose out on what they were doing

> people who might be in a group with d/c'er get mad at the d/c'er

> takes away efficiency and stability for game


Now, the solution of a grace period, somewhere around 30 minutes, nothing huge, would fix all problems.


Waiting for an extra 2-10 minutes on my FIRST time logging into game on any given day is fine with me, as long as i dont have to wait the queue 5 times in 1 sit down


Completely agree! The lack of a grace period after dc's and crashes to desktop is simply



I hope Bioware acknowledges this issue soon enough and works toward fixing it!


Just stood 4.5 hours in queue after a crash to desktop, insane.

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/signed !!!!!



there is meant to be a grace period, but they seem very delayed.


For example I DC'd (hour long queue yay -_-), 10 mins after my DC i was told the server recognized me as logged off, so maybe if i tried to log in after the server officially logs me off i'll be in the grace period and get on instantly.


Something to try in the future i guess

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You know the capacity of urs servers, u know how many preorder was made.

U should count with this situations and be prepare already.


Queues are understanable..but....queues after D/C are not.


You are not new in gamming field so u should know and count with instability of connections and computers (especially win users). Too many factors which can get you from game w/o ur will.


Please fix this fast. U may start loosing customers faster than other company begin with B.

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You know the capacity of urs servers, u know how many preorder was made.

U should count with this situations and be prepare already.


Queues are understanable..but....queues after D/C are not.


You are not new in gamming field so u should know and count with instability of connections and computers (especially win users). Too many factors which can get you from game w/o ur will.


Please fix this fast. U may start loosing customers faster than other company begin with B.


We haven't had the disco issues until the servers got this loaded. I understand what you are saying here for the long haul, but right now the discos are server side, 100% I've been able to play rock solid for as long as I wanted all week until yesterday.

They did not have enough room at the inn and as you said. they know exactly how many people they are letting in so I am not sure why this is even happening.

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ok this is my 7th hour of waiting.. first i ve waited 1070 ppl (for 3 hours) after that when i reached 73rd number i got 1003 error.. after that i re-entered the que, 1169 ppl in front of me again.. and waited for 2 hours and around 300ish i again got 1003 error.. and i re-entered the queue and 980 ppl in front of me , i ve waited for 2 hours and im still on the queue..


so i am asking that, are bioware ppl likes the situation we are in? or are they just not capable of increasing the numbers of the servers? The thing is Bioware took my 7 hours of my life for doing nothing in front of pc..


and if are bioware employees going to solve this problem can you guys give an eta? because i dont want to play like this.. im just getting mad.. its like mine field?! i enter game and pray all the time for not to crash or disconnect?


Please authorized people from bioware give an ETA for this problem. Or give free migration to other servers. We want this as a whole guild.


Waiting for your Reply.

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Something shocking just happened. I finally got the go ahead to log in after being in queue for the fatman server for an hour and a half and guess what happens during server load, I frikken crashed. Soooo I quickly go to turn the game back on, I log in, (took me like 20-25 seconds maybe) and guess what, I'm back in queue at 837th place and another 2 hour wait? Ridiculous. How about limiting how many accounts can make characters on a server until full release?
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