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Customer Service suggestion


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I sent a suggestion e-mail to the Customer Service department and received an in-game reply from a Service Representative named Ryan. Ryan suggested that I post my suggestion on this forum saying that the appropriate person or persons may read it.


My suggestion was that some of their Customer Service people should receive a bit more training before they become one of the reasons that SWTOR sheds more paying customers, referring to some of the decisions that their Customer Service people make on this forum.


The "Closed Ticket" from Ryan is on my ingame character's list of service tickets and I do not know if it could be copied and pasted here or not or if that is even necessary. I just hope that this suggestion reaches the proper Customer Service supervisor or manager and receives some serious consideration.


Hope this helps.

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I also received an e-mail with a Customer Service survey form attached. I filled the survey out and I am afraid I did not give my last Customer Service interaction very high marks due to the poor treatment that is sometimes provided here. The customer service on this forum can often make one feel pretty unwelcome.
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