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Problems with the new pvp system


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I find the new system to be better than the old system however the way they are implementing the new medal system has a lot of flaws.

There are games where i get 9-10 medals now this is the norm and in the new system will lead to great rewards.

There are games where every time i step off the pedestal i get killed by 3-4 emprie players I get 0-3 medals and take over 500 thousand damage and die 50 or more times. If i'm taking this much focus fire and being shut down I feel I should be given medals for damage taken and kills taken as I'm contributing by allowing someone else to live longer. On our server empire players actively take out bounties on fan sites on good players and the goal is to shut them down and otherwise grief them. I talk smack to these players knowing that regardless what i do i'm going to be targeted and will always have multiple people on me. One such player recently called it harrassment that i atacked her every chance i get even though i know he/she/it is a healer and if we wish to win we much kill him/her/it so we can kill the defenders. Bioware decided that it was harrassment as i've been targetting them for a long time in every game even though they are a healer and my job is to kill healers. So by doing massive amounts of damage to me even going so far as to force leap into the start platform in voidstar to attack me I feel I should get medals if i Draw the enemies attention to that extent and thus reach my cap. If they dont want me to get those medals they can simply treat me as any other player in which i'll still earn medals at least 8 in the new system and will stll walk away rewarded.



Another point is most of the time even when we have 3 groups running we have 5-6 players in a match I feel if you are not against a full 8 players you should take a large penalty in the number of medals you can earn. If you both start out at 8 then you get full medals but for any medals or rating or comms you get when its not a full 8v8 you should in fact take a hit in rated games. If there's only 6 on one side queued it should not start the game till there's a full 8 queued. if there's only 6 and you must start the game only allow 6 of the opposing team to join and only allow them to enter 1 by 1 as 1 by 1 on each side queues. This allows for a costantly balanced pvp experience and doesnt allow one side to farm medals and rating when there is not enough on one side to properly defend the goals/assault the goals. These are preexisting problems that are going on right now. Thats not to mention they are yet to close the exploit where empire uses the queueing system to get 10 players leaving us with 6 and thus a 10-6 match and the system reads it as 16 players and locks it. I've seen it happen 2 times when i wasnt testing it to see how it was done on our side and hundreds on the other side due to how it chooses groups from queued groups. Sure if you can get 8 players togehter to queue thats awsome but when you usually have 6-7 for most of the day because your side is underrepresented and now they are enocuranging you to play the other faction and no one on empire wants to play republic because they have disadvantages in just their skills and level experience let alone their numbers which means it would be like going from the glorified empire to the crap republic on our server and no one wants to play a losing side well let me tell you this change has even further deepened the gap between players per side on shadow hand.



Over all the system looks like once they get cross realm set up that it'll be a good system but right now there's too big a gap that is going to still give the massively overpopulated side a major strategic advantage while stlll punishing the side with less people. I'm having a buddy who's much better at writing type this up on a few fan sites and maybe scare away a few players till they get these issues resolved. These are glaring oversights on the programers and needs to be addressed before 1.2 launches.

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