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question about haves & have nots


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Ok, first off, yes, this is a "I got beat by x, going to the forums."


But, I am honestly curious in a non-flame way.


I'm a rage jugg, yes, due to be kicked in the junk nerfed because I can do 4k smashes once every 9 seconds.


But I was standing guard, by myself (it's a pug, happens all the time, even though I say "don't leave me by myself") and a smuggler jumped out of stealth, cc'd, started tapping the node, I broke cc, and he instantly stunned me, by the time I'm out of the stun, I'm down to 1/2 my health, he's still at 100%. I get my "omg op smash off, and suddenly I see him start casting a heal, which I interrupt, so he cast a DIFFERENT heal, and boom, he's full again.


So i was thinking. This cat had: stealth, heals, fire and forget stun, and a CRAPLOAD of burst (no way am I going to do 1/2 someone's health in 4 seconds.


I have.... a moderate burst once every 9 seconds that requires setup and can be foiled, and is being HEAVILY nerfed. I have a stun, but it's channeled, so essentially, I'm stunned too.



Honestly, this really doesn't seem fair. What am I missing?

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Honestly, this really doesn't seem fair. What am I missing?


Not to be a smart *** but, you are doing it wrong.


Whatever it is that Jedi are doing to rip everyone apart. @50 your smash shouldn't be your main thing. I die all the time to melee because they have some kind of immobilization ability, then they force leap at me and rip me apart while I can do -nothing- then if a group of people target them they have a short duration vanish or something. If you are 50 and you are not stupid-over-power you need to do some research. Warriors are amazingly powerful. I haven't seen a Jedi use smash for weeks against me. They stun you and use that 3 second cast blade dance thing and it eats my shield, and half my life before I can do anything.


Same with Commandos and their grav rounds. Rips through my defenses like butter. I can't even force speed away from them fast enough to survive because their first shot totally eats my bubble.

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He probably had to blow relic/adrenal and lucky crits to hit you for 1/2 health. Ops/Scoundrels are a burst class... but they're a glass cannon if he's bursting you that high he's not spec'd for heals. Which means he probably timed a WZ healthpack on top of his heal to get himself back to full.


He wouldn't be able to continue healing himself through good sustained DPS with occasional bursts (rage jug). He would most likely combat stealth and wait for his long CD's to come back so he could do it again. Ops/Scoundrels are literally built for an unsuspecting 1v1 fight.


My question to you is this...Did he cap the node? If not then kudos to you my friend you did your job defending the node and he failed his trying to cap it.


I'm really not sure why rage jugs took a nerf with 1.2 (if thats the question you're asking). Ops and scounds took a hit too with the longer cooldown on backstab/<repub equiv> so their initial burst will still be there but they won't have the same sustained dps for longer fights.

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From what I see, you are missing gear, knowledge of the class, and knowledge of your class.


Rage spec isn't tank. Its about seeing pretty #s. That said, a geared smug/op can kill you in stunlock(or close to it) if you don't have your cc breaker. If he is dpsing you, his heals don't hit for much. Its like your taunts/guard in dps spec.


The smug wasn't that good. He should have sapped you, and if you broke that, flashbanged so he could cap while you were cc'd.

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No, what I'm saying is my burst isn't better than anyone else, but at the same time I don't have heals, I don't have a stun, I don't have cc, outside one that breaks on damage, whereas I get cryogrenaded, and lose 70% of my health before I can do anything.


I'm not saying I don't have some burst. I'm saying EVERYONE has burst, AND many have stealth, cc, heals, and stuns that don't ALSO stun yourself to do it. SO, what do juggs/guards get to make up for not having all those, because I seriously don't see it.


I'm not saying "nerf everyone" I'm not saying "zomg buff." I'm saying I'm obviously missing something important - what is it.

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No, what I'm saying is my burst isn't better than anyone else, but at the same time I don't have heals, I don't have a stun, I don't have cc, outside one that breaks on damage, whereas I get cryogrenaded, and lose 70% of my health before I can do anything.


I'm not saying I don't have some burst. I'm saying EVERYONE has burst, AND many have stealth, cc, heals, and stuns that don't ALSO stun yourself to do it. SO, what do juggs/guards get to make up for not having all those, because I seriously don't see it.


I'm not saying "nerf everyone" I'm not saying "zomg buff." I'm saying I'm obviously missing something important - what is it.


besides the ability to jump around the battlefield like a jack@#$? also your stun deals damage AND gives you resources.


force push is also an amazing ability. in huttball its a great way to push a healer into the acid pit or push a sorc to prevent a ball carrier pull. in civil war and void star force push is an amazing ability to create opportunities to cap a node. lets also not forget about the aoe snare.


thats just the baseline stuff.

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Not to be a smart *** but, you are doing it wrong.


Whatever it is that Jedi are doing to rip everyone apart. @50 your smash shouldn't be your main thing. I die all the time to melee because they have some kind of immobilization ability, then they force leap at me and rip me apart while I can do -nothing- then if a group of people target them they have a short duration vanish or something. If you are 50 and you are not stupid-over-power you need to do some research. Warriors are amazingly powerful. I haven't seen a Jedi use smash for weeks against me. They stun you and use that 3 second cast blade dance thing and it eats my shield, and half my life before I can do anything.


Same with Commandos and their grav rounds. Rips through my defenses like butter. I can't even force speed away from them fast enough to survive because their first shot totally eats my bubble.


You're talking about a Marauder, maybe a Carnage one because Carnage is the tree with immobilizers.


He has a RAGE JUGGERNAUT, big difference

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Not to be a smart *** but, you are doing it wrong.


Whatever it is that Jedi are doing to rip everyone apart. @50 your smash shouldn't be your main thing. I die all the time to melee because they have some kind of immobilization ability, then they force leap at me and rip me apart while I can do -nothing- then if a group of people target them they have a short duration vanish or something. If you are 50 and you are not stupid-over-power you need to do some research. Warriors are amazingly powerful. I haven't seen a Jedi use smash for weeks against me. They stun you and use that 3 second cast blade dance thing and it eats my shield, and half my life before I can do anything.


Same with Commandos and their grav rounds. Rips through my defenses like butter. I can't even force speed away from them fast enough to survive because their first shot totally eats my bubble.


Speaking of research.......


A rage jugs "main thing" is smash.

The ranged root is a marauder carnage tree talent. Not jug. Also, try a knockback or root and stay in his deadzone if he is carn. He wont be tearing you apart unless he outgears you.

Force camo is a mara ability. Not jug.

Move away or use your interrupt if 4k damage from ravage is eating you alive. Average shield is 3k, max ravage will hit for 6k if you are in greens and stand still through it without interrupting. So you have under 10k health, and that's your problem with melee.

If they stun you, they are stunned as well. Unless you are talking about non rage jugs. They can force choke and not be stunned by it. Tanking talent I believe.


For commandos/mercs: interrupt grav round/tracer. Force lift. Stun. LOS. Or knock them somewhere since they have no gap closers.

Edited by Moosestick
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No, what I'm saying is my burst isn't better than anyone else, but at the same time I don't have heals, I don't have a stun, I don't have cc, outside one that breaks on damage, whereas I get cryogrenaded, and lose 70% of my health before I can do anything.


I'm not saying I don't have some burst. I'm saying EVERYONE has burst, AND many have stealth, cc, heals, and stuns that don't ALSO stun yourself to do it. SO, what do juggs/guards get to make up for not having all those, because I seriously don't see it.


I'm not saying "nerf everyone" I'm not saying "zomg buff." I'm saying I'm obviously missing something important - what is it.




-You have heals just not dedicated ones you sit there and cast in combat. Unleash heals you for 10% of your health in rage spec. You can also buy WZ medpacks which are a 35% heal.


-You're "stun"(force choke) doesn't suffer push back and does damage while it stuns.


-Force crush is a 10m snare DOT that sets up you're smash crits


-Your force charge interrupts casting, force push interrupts casting, and then you have an actual interrupt. How did the scoundrel even get a heal off?


Any class with heals that isn't speced healer and tries to cast their heals on themselves in the middle of combat is essentially admitting defeat and just postponing the inevitable. Just because a class has heals doesn't mean its a good idea for them to use them in the middle of combat.

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Ok, first off, yes, this is a "I got beat by x, going to the forums."


But, I am honestly curious in a non-flame way.


I'm a rage jugg, yes, due to be kicked in the junk nerfed because I can do 4k smashes once every 9 seconds.


But I was standing guard, by myself (it's a pug, happens all the time, even though I say "don't leave me by myself") and a smuggler jumped out of stealth, cc'd, started tapping the node, I broke cc, and he instantly stunned me, by the time I'm out of the stun, I'm down to 1/2 my health, he's still at 100%. I get my "omg op smash off, and suddenly I see him start casting a heal, which I interrupt, so he cast a DIFFERENT heal, and boom, he's full again.


So i was thinking. This cat had: stealth, heals, fire and forget stun, and a CRAPLOAD of burst (no way am I going to do 1/2 someone's health in 4 seconds.


I have.... a moderate burst once every 9 seconds that requires setup and can be foiled, and is being HEAVILY nerfed. I have a stun, but it's channeled, so essentially, I'm stunned too.



Honestly, this really doesn't seem fair. What am I missing?



LoL My smuggler does the same thing....If your on Fatman it was prob IZOLA.


You are missing nothing....Brust classes always get the first NERFs because BAD PVPers/ Bad Gear players QQ when they can't beat the burst class.


I'm not picking on you but a prop geared/spec/skilled jugg should be able to match a Scoundrel. Even if he gets the open.


All things being equal this is a tie with the edge going to the jugg.

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