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Question about Huttball after 1.2


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Don't get me wrong this is a cheap tactic but nonetheless works in the current build of the game.


With my Powertech's utilities I can keep someone 1 v 1 in an acid pit in Huttball from 100 health to 0.


I'm just curious if the 1.2 update resolves this issue?

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Don't get me wrong this is a cheap tactic but nonetheless works in the current build of the game.


With my Powertech's utilities I can keep someone 1 v 1 in an acid pit in Huttball from 100 health to 0.


I'm just curious if the 1.2 update resolves this issue?


That's part of Huttball. With knockbacks, pulls, and stuns there are many classes that can do it.


The fun part is when you CC break and then knock/pull the other person into the acid and kill him.

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it already is a common thing, dome by all classes that can pull. Hutball is a fail project that exposes the various flaws in the pvp mechanics of this game that NO other pvp scenario does. I dont think itll last, and they are still doing changes in 1.2 heck juggs just lost crash. there is always room to put these classes in their place. IF anything pull from anyclass shouldl ead to full resolve bar. due to the HUGE opness of the ability.


Its different from a charge, as it takes your character aad MOVES you to the attacker. It started in wow with dks, and its been ridiculous ever sense in pvp. such a powerful ability should have equal consequences. Pvp is a pursuit game play, not a i yank you 50ftfrom to me and kill you.

Ive always been oppose to such a mechanic that so specifically controlled by the player. a knock back is not controlled and random. you CAN kb someone into the pit, and potentially stun them there til they die, but that takes alot more work then to stand on the edge of a pit and pull someone and they ALWAYS land in it.

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I'll admit i have died a lot of times to that tactic (mostly because i'm also the first one to reach the ball a lot of times and thus end up with everyone targetting me.).


However its the sage/sorc their job to then pull you out again, effectively countering that move, but seeing as how i'm a sage myself most of the time people just let me die horribly in flames or acid.

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That's part of Huttball. With knockbacks, pulls, and stuns there are many classes that can do it.


The fun part is when you CC break and then knock/pull the other person into the acid and kill him.

Working as intended. That's the main reason the acid is there in the first place.


I totally get that the pit is meant to be a trap. But at lvl 50 should you not at least have the chance to escape it if you were full health before you went in?

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I totally get that the pit is meant to be a trap. But at lvl 50 should you not at least have the chance to escape it if you were full health before you went in?


You do have a chance. It's called a CC breaker, and everyone gets one.

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I totally get that the pit is meant to be a trap. But at lvl 50 should you not at least have the chance to escape it if you were full health before you went in?


you have a chance to escape it allready... it all depends on the situation and what you're being dealt, what your doing and what your team mates are doing.


if you're allergic to team play i suggest you stay out of warzones.

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You do have a chance. It's called a CC breaker, and everyone gets one.


I'm trying to explain this without actually displaying the combo. I can keep resolve down, counter your cc break and kill you without actually using an attack.


I'm not trolling and I understand teamplay in huttball. I'm just saying it's not hard to find a lone target and do this. And all I was wondering was if it was going to be addressed.

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I'm not trolling and I understand teamplay in huttball. I'm just saying it's not hard to find a lone target and do this. And all I was wondering was if it was going to be addressed.



why would it be adressed? think about it like this.. there's one thing to run right over it and not die.. but if you're locked down in it what exactly would be the reason for you surving this acid bath?

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why would it be adressed? think about it like this.. there's one thing to run right over it and not die.. but if you're locked down in it what exactly would be the reason for you surving this acid bath?


I just don't feel anyone should have the power to keep someone in there at full health until death.


It's one thing to use it at lvl 50 to bring an opponents health down or a way to help finish a wounded opponent off. It's another to keep someone in there at full health without a chance of surviving it.


I'm actually surprised because I thought this was more of an issue than it seems to be. The people I play against sure let me know their displeasure with it so I thought it would be a more common issue on the forums. It appears I was wrong.


Anyway thanks for your responses. You've at least answered my original question.

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