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Fleet doesn't = Online


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I just noticed a guys thread talking about Server pops and such. So I got curious myself and decided to check the pop on The Fatman... now I don't have a character over there so I had to make one. Upon landing on Tython I'm greeted by 22 People just there... but this TS made this quote


Yes, this is not the first post on the topic and it shouldn't be the last.


At the time of posting (AM on a weekday in the US):


Fatman Hutta/Korriban are both sitting at ~29 people online.

Naddist Rebels are both sitting at ~2 people online.



Population issues should be the #1 concern for BioWare but clearly it it's not. Sure, we can re-roll on Fatman or the like... but that just punishes the player.


So I opened the "Who" menu and removed all areas and hit search and got "Showing First 100 Results" So why create this thread? Because people... FLEET DOESN'T EQUAL SERVER!!!


Have a nice day.

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Fleet is where people group and trade. Why? Because that's where a GTN is, and entrance to almost all the Flashpoints or Operations are. Because there's no preset Galaxy wide chat channel.




Oh and if you would like to respond to someone who posted something, hit the reply button, not new thread button. :rolleyes:



Have a nice day :)

Edited by Kourage
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90% of the people queuing for warzones or LFG for Hardmode flashpoints will be sat on fleet so yeah its a pretty good indication of max level activity on the server tbh.


Not when the number in the upper left hand zone box isn't accurate.


Example last week we had a guild meeting sixty of us were in attendance and we decided to hold it on Tatooine; we all zoned into Acnhorhead so the zone counter should have showed us plus whoever else was in the Zone right?


It showed that there were 9 people in the Zone.


I pointed it out asked my guildies what numbers they were seeing 5 9 12 all different numbers, we finished up the guild meeting and decided to head for the fleet it was Friday night and our server was packed it registered that there were forty people on fleet.


That Zone indicator has become a mini game so many people are obsessed with it and it is nowhere near accurate. Honestly if they can't fix it they should just remove it.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I just noticed a guys thread talking about Server pops and such. So I got curious myself and decided to check the pop on The Fatman... now I don't have a character over there so I had to make one. Upon landing on Tython I'm greeted by 22 People just there... but this TS made this quote




So I opened the "Who" menu and removed all areas and hit search and got "Showing First 100 Results" So why create this thread? Because people... FLEET DOESN'T EQUAL SERVER!!!


Have a nice day.


Your server's fleet population doesn't equate to your server's total population. But, by and large it is a fairly good number for producing an impression of a server's total population. A low fleet population at prime time usually translates into a low total server population. Right now, on the U.S. servers, at prime time there are only 3-5 servers that will register as Heavy (or higher). The rest are all Standard and Light (about an even split between those two). My server is listed as Standard and at prime time we will have about 90-120 in fleet, and around 500-600 total on the server.


I made a character on one of the four Heavy servers just to see the difference. It was pretty substantial compared to my Standard server. While my server may have 10-30 players per planet on average at prime time, the Heavy server had well over 100. Granted, this is probably more due to people re-rolling onto those four servers. But, it did start to feel like I was actually playing a MMO. Any server that is labeled less than Heavy is a virtual ghost town.

Edited by Godzillamax
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90% of the people queuing for warzones or LFG for Hardmode flashpoints will be sat on fleet so yeah its a pretty good indication of max level activity on the server tbh.


Question is...what percentage of people are queueing for those?


I don't. My guild doesn't very much. So ?

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90% of things are 90% correct 90% of the time


Can we throw out more random percentages and make them fact.


The topic has been discussed and no matter how many times it is presented people will always believe that fleet numbers are a guage, they arent but no matter what you do people will always use the number as a fact

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Fleet is where people group and trade. Why? Because that's where a GTN is, and entrance to almost all the Flashpoints or Operations are. Because there's no preset Galaxy wide chat channel.




Oh and if you would like to respond to someone who posted something, hit the reply button, not new thread button. :rolleyes:



Have a nice day :)


His point was that the little counter in the upper left showing the number of players in a zone doesn't show the total number of players correctly.


ie. you may see it say 29 people when in reality there are 75-100 in that zone.

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Question is...what percentage of people are queueing for those?


I don't. My guild doesn't very much. So ?

On my server, there is always a very large crowd around the PVP mission terminal. Perhaps they are all shopping at the PVP Weapons Vendor, but I suspect not.
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One way to look at server pop is to /who by level, and then do 10-level bands.


Example here:




Data output here:




It's enabled me to take repeated measures of the pop on my server (and other folks are putting in some info for other servers).


Admittedly, it's user-entered data, and people make mistakes, but it's a good indication of what our server is like.




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90% of things are 90% correct 90% of the time


Can we throw out more random percentages and make them fact.


The topic has been discussed and no matter how many times it is presented people will always believe that fleet numbers are a guage, they arent but no matter what you do people will always use the number as a fact


Fourfty percent of all people know statistics can be easily manipulated.



+10 internetz for anyone who gets that reference.

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90% of the people queuing for warzones or LFG for Hardmode flashpoints will be sat on fleet so yeah its a pretty good indication of max level activity on the server tbh.


Actually.. at any one time, there are more people actively doing one of these things, and therefore not on fleet, than there are people queueing for it or trying to find a group for it, and therefore waiting on fleet.


I once did some population and /who checking on my server during primetime and being able to take into account every zone (including Warzones, Flashpoints, Operations and Ships who have their own seperate zones) I had to conclude that only about 10% of the total population are on fleet at any one time.. and at many times it seems that number is even lower.


But that is only logical, if you conclude there is only 1 fleet per faction, while there are 17 seperate planets, 3 different Ship zones, one seperate Space zone, 13 Flashpoints (per faction), 2 Operations and 3 warzones.


The number of people are only the number of people actively idling or shopping. So far from a majority of the total population.

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On my server, there is always a very large crowd around the PVP mission terminal. Perhaps they are all shopping at the PVP Weapons Vendor, but I suspect not.


Okay but what is the percentage of total players on the server. I realise that's a tough question but I'm curious. So many people seem to take the count of how many are on Fleet as indicative of server population and I'm trying to say that it isn't necessarily a good indicator. There are many people who actually AVOID Fleet like the plague.

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The only way to actual tell how many people are online, on your server is long winded.


/who 50 jedi knight

/who 50 jedi consular

/who 50 smuggler

/who 50 trooper

/who 45-50

/who 35-45

/who 25-35

/who 15-25

/who 0-15


That will tell you how many people are on your server (if your republic anyway), total. Whether they're on the fleet, in an instance, in a warzone, space battling, whatever.


That is also the only way I would accept someone talking about how populated (or not) their server is.


Breaking down the 50 bracket into the four classes will allow you to see exactly how many level 50's there are.


It takes about 3 minutes to do this, find the totals, add them all, and see exactly what your server has to play with for your faction.



Have a look you might be surprised - In a good way, or a bad way... That's down to the individual I guess.




All I can tell from doing this over the last month, on and off, at peak times is:


- WoW (let's face it, the staple for this genre) tends to have 2x the amount of players online, compared to an evenly matched (in terms of wording) sized server in ToR.

- This shouldn't be the case, but unfortunately is, as TOR also, despite having significantly less players, has considerably more servers live.


Mathematically, I can't work it out. Seems like someone made a mess in their pants (so to speak) at BioWare HQ, and should be punished accordingly.




An empty MMO is a sad MMO :(

Edited by Solo_Han
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The Fleet is a pretty fair representation of the number of people that are online that are available to do things with, whether its flash points, trading, RP'ing, or whatever else you can think of. If you're just grinding missions then the number of people in fleet, or frankly on the server, is likely to be pretty meaningless to you.
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I just noticed a guys thread talking about Server pops and such. So I got curious myself and decided to check the pop on The Fatman... now I don't have a character over there so I had to make one. Upon landing on Tython I'm greeted by 22 People just there... but this TS made this quote




So I opened the "Who" menu and removed all areas and hit search and got "Showing First 100 Results" So why create this thread? Because people... FLEET DOESN'T EQUAL SERVER!!!


Have a nice day.


All my high level characters are residing on the fleet, so as people have been saying, the Fleet is a good indicator of how healthy a server is for end game purposes.

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Yeah IMO they need to remove the numbers from that bar above the chat box. Its not very accurate anyways. To get more accurate numbers you have to do specific searches like was posted above. Problem is most of the whiners don't do that, they just take the inaccurate and misleading info as fact and go from there.


/who is there to find people in the game, its not suppose to be a scale to judge the game on.

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So you have 120 people in fleet. Lets pretend no one is doing anything but standing in fleet.


Then a Voidstar, Civil War and 2 Huttball (same faction) matches start. Also 3 raid grps are entring Ops, 1 raid group is entering 16 man Ops and 4 parties are entering Flashpoints. How many people are left in fleet?


VS - 8

CW - 8

Huttb - 32

3 Ops - 24

1 Op - 16

4 FP - 16


Total Fleet population = 16!


So when people log in and see Fleet population of 16 people and go ZOMG SERVER is Dead, it makes me laugh. As if people are suppose to stand around and wait on one person to log in to entertain that one person.

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The Fleet is a pretty fair representation of the number of people that are online that are available to do things with, whether its flash points, trading, RP'ing, or whatever else you can think of. If you're just grinding missions then the number of people in fleet, or frankly on the server, is likely to be pretty meaningless to you.


Not really, it's an accurate representation of the people that are in between Flashpoints and Operations (as it doesn't count anyone actually doing them) from my experience most people queuing for warzones do so from their ships as it's less laggy and only enter fleet to trade.

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90% of the people queuing for warzones or LFG for Hardmode flashpoints will be sat on fleet so yeah its a pretty good indication of max level activity on the server tbh.


Actually, it isn't. When I was recently trying to decide which new server to pick, and trying to figure out how badly overpopulated one side might be, sometimes the side with fewer people in fleet had a lot more people.

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