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Bioware Please...


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Your definition of incomplete is different than my definition of incomplete. Being a participant in beta, there were things that were incomplete. They completed those things before release. Since the release I feel they have a complete game. Would it upset me if they pushed back the release, not really, but last year I saw no reason for it to be pushed back, just as I see nothing incomplete about it now.


How do you not see anything incomplete with the game now?


1)Crafting system is backwards-You get epic schematics from HM Ops bosses they are lower level then t3 pvp?

2)The Graphics aren't "as advertised" They took out all the HD cut scenes

3)PvP is boring and was stale 2 months ago. The currency system is backwards!

4)UI is crap..Just simple It's CRAP! Running Max 1920x1080 res on a 30inc monitor looks like I have the game Zoomed in by 200%

5)Servers unstable like no other(The random click to enter a pvp que that sends you back to the char login screen)

6)PvP lag...I use to think the word instant...well meant instant not wait 2-3s for a GCD!

7)Same script for all classes!...Voice acting that is just pasted to every personal story! There all the same.

8)PvP matches starting with 3-4 players and Not aborting? No that's working as intended.

9)Resolve not working at all!

10)Force Resil Broken doesn't purge spells and last 1s not 3s.

11)Space combat that is so linear that my 4 year old daughter sat and played 5 missions and completed them without asking for help!..Nope working as intended also!

12)Char Models are all the same skins! Talk about saving cost!

12)Game randomly crashing on good and bad systems.

13)Stunlock central (Makes WoW 2002 rogues look like a joke)

14)No dungeon ques!(I know this isn't wow but um it's 2012 ques have become standard)

15)Personal story is a joke! Do epic battles receive green loot? Makes perfect sense!

16)Leveling solo is forced more then a group!

17)Why does the Republic fleet have to look like the imperial fleet? Ah that's right copy and paste! save money!

18)World PvP..Illum is crap and there is no reason to even join in. You get nothing! beside bonus to kills. Makes it hard when your server pop 6-1

19)No perks for guilds!(Oh wait 1.2 guild banks are coming)really? sad it takes them months "after a release to realize that should be at launch).

20)People who purchased the game with broken codes and EA/Bioware have yet to help! or even refund them! Not seems like the perfect marketing system.

21)Companions spend more time talking to you then do fighting mobs.


There is a list a mile long and yet some how fanboi's like yourself seem to think this game has no issues. When I cam into the game I wanted it to succeed. I came up with reasons why there were bugs also. Oh it's launch all games have bugs. They fixed some of them (The giant random green wall in Taris and other planets) That's gone! Good Job Bioware! or the green aura that stays on you forever they fixed that as well.


Yet there are many,many,many others out there they don't care about or just don't want to bother with. So sit there and tell yourself that it's not broken I can understand you seem like you have invested a lot of time in this game. You have been a member of these forums since 2008. That's a very long time to wait for a game you come to have loved and watch it become a Flop..Fact is that's reality! It is a FLOP you can either defend it to the end and stay and watch it go the way of the DoDo! or you can move on...Your choice your opinion and your life. Just don't try to justify it with reasons that are obvious and claim that the game is okay! To your standards!

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It is a FLOP you can either defend it to the end and stay and watch it go the way of the DoDo! or you can move on...Your choice your opinion and your life. Just don't try to justify it with reasons that are obvious and claim that the game is okay! To your standards!


Observation: You have a very negative view of the game, while at the same time appear to be unable to accept that other people view the game differently then you, actually enjoy the game, and see many things they like about the game WHILE at the same time acknowledging that as an MMO it is never perfect, never finished, and will always be patched to address issues, add features, add content, etc. etc.

Edited by Andryah
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Observation: You have a very negative view of the game, while at the same time appear to be unable to accept that other people view the game differently then you, actually enjoy the game, and see many things they like about the game WHILE at the same time acknowledging that as an MMO it is never perfect, never finished, and will always be patched to address issues, add features, add content, etc. etc.


Without a doubt MMO's will never please 100% of it's fan base. Yet when the majority of the fan base is speaking out and asking questions of why X is like so and Why wasn't X in the game when you said it would be isn't negative it's a true observation. Now people who try to see "the good" in an MMO for what it is. Well is foolish I don't go to the gas pump and pay $4.20c a gall hoping I'm getting the get gas I paid for. I know What I'm getting. I don't go into a TV store and buy a 50 inch TV hoping it works half the time. Just as I don't pay 15$ a month hoping that a gaming company will live up to the expectations that "THEY" themselves have voiced to there consumer! Bitter? No...A Fool..Sometimes...A moron who will continue to pay for a product that is mediocre and sub-par compared to it's competition..Won't Happen!

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How do you not see anything incomplete with the game now?


1)Crafting system is backwards-You get epic schematics from HM Ops bosses they are lower level then t3 pvp?

2)The Graphics aren't "as advertised" They took out all the HD cut scenes

3)PvP is boring and was stale 2 months ago. The currency system is backwards!


Your opinion, nothing to do with whether the game is 'complete' or not.


4)UI is crap..Just simple It's CRAP! Running Max 1920x1080 res on a 30inc monitor looks like I have the game Zoomed in by 200%


Again, your opinion. It could be better and more user friendly but it does it's job.


5)Servers unstable like no other(The random click to enter a pvp que that sends you back to the char login screen)


Many improvements have been made, it's alot better than it was and improving all the time in my experience. I havem't had a any 'return to login screen' issues or crashes for ages.


6)PvP lag...I use to think the word instant...well meant instant not wait 2-3s for a GCD!


If the skill ignores the GCD then it will say so, if not then it will be affected by the GCD. Instant doesn't mean always avaiable, it simply means when it is available, it can be cast instantly .. i.e. to cast timer


7)Same script for all classes!...Voice acting that is just pasted to every personal story! There all the same.


Ive only done 3 stories, and not completed all three, however I disagree totally with this statement.


8)PvP matches starting with 3-4 players and Not aborting? No that's working as intended.


Agree with this, it shouldn't even start unless both sides are full.


9)Resolve not working at all!


The resolve mechanic, in my experience (and that of many others) is working perfectly as per the design, however, the design itself is significantly floored in many peoples opinion.


10)Force Resil Broken doesn't purge spells and last 1s not 3s.

11)Space combat that is so linear that my 4 year old daughter sat and played 5 missions and completed them without asking for help!..Nope working as intended also!


It was never really advertised as anything other than a simple rail shooter.


12)Char Models are all the same skins! Talk about saving cost!

12)Game randomly crashing on good and bad systems.

13)Stunlock central (Makes WoW 2002 rogues look like a joke)


I can't remember the last time I was stunlocked, probably around the time I got a better understanding of Resolve


14)No dungeon ques!(I know this isn't wow but um it's 2012 ques have become standard)


Bottom of the 'to do list' in my opinion.


15)Personal story is a joke! Do epic battles receive green loot? Makes perfect sense!

16)Leveling solo is forced more then a group!


When are you 'forced' to solo? There are very very few things, if any at all that you can't do in a group. I accept that it can be done solo so alot of people will choose to do it that way, however they certainly are not forced to solo it.


17)Why does the Republic fleet have to look like the imperial fleet? Ah that's right copy and paste! save money!


That is being really picky in my opinion.


18)World PvP..Illum is crap and there is no reason to even join in. You get nothing! beside bonus to kills. Makes it hard when your server pop 6-1

19)No perks for guilds!(Oh wait 1.2 guild banks are coming)really? sad it takes them months "after a release to realize that should be at launch).


Why should they be in at launch? Just because you want it doesn't make it a necessity.


20)People who purchased the game with broken codes and EA/Bioware have yet to help! or even refund them! Not seems like the perfect marketing system.

21)Companions spend more time talking to you then do fighting mobs.


There is a list a mile long and yet some how fanboi's like yourself seem to think this game has no issues. When I cam into the game I wanted it to succeed. I came up with reasons why there were bugs also. Oh it's launch all games have bugs. They fixed some of them (The giant random green wall in Taris and other planets) That's gone! Good Job Bioware! or the green aura that stays on you forever they fixed that as well.


Yet there are many,many,many others out there they don't care about or just don't want to bother with. So sit there and tell yourself that it's not broken I can understand you seem like you have invested a lot of time in this game. You have been a member of these forums since 2008. That's a very long time to wait for a game you come to have loved and watch it become a Flop..Fact is that's reality! It is a FLOP you can either defend it to the end and stay and watch it go the way of the DoDo! or you can move on...Your choice your opinion and your life. Just don't try to justify it with reasons that are obvious and claim that the game is okay! To your standards!


Any to finish off, your last 3 words pretty much destroyed your entire argument. If the game is OK for someone, then who aer you tell them otherwise. Everyone has differing opinions, expectations, likes and dislikes. Get over the fact that some people feel differently than you.

Edited by Loxion
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Without a doubt MMO's will never please 100% of it's fan base.


+ to your credibility, IMO, for an objective statement. :)


Yet when the majority of the fan base is speaking out and asking questions of why X is like so and Why wasn't X in the game when you said it would be isn't negative it's a true observation.


Ooops. Now see, when people with a view about a game (be it negative or positive) speak in terms like this (ie: speaking in an unsubstantiated manner as speaking for the majority), that distroys their credibility to many fellow forum members. :confused:


You can speak for yourself, but you cannot speak for a majority, at least not on a gaming forum. You are not a duly elected majority representative, you are an individual with individual opinions about the game. Each forum member decides if they agree or disagree or even see a completely different view on things. You know this....you are just hiding behind a "majority" to build legitimacy to your opinions. It does not work with most people, whether your opinions are positive or negative.

Edited by Andryah
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Question: What is this "Run through station" thing I keep hearing about? I go from my ship to the planet spaceport in two loading screens. I feel like Yarael Poof over here.


Because a lot of travel works like this in SWTOR; I'll use the typical route of going from Ilum to Belsavis for daily quests.


Finish dailies -> (speeder/quick travel to) Ilum start point -> click shuttle door [LOAD SCREEN] -> (appear on Ilum orbital platform) -> run into appropriate hangar and click elevator button -> [LOAD SCREEN] -> run down corridor/airlock to ship door and click door -> [LOAD SCREEN & CINEMATIC] -> appear on ship and run to bridge (get harassed by droid) -> set course for Belsavis and run back to ship door (click to leave) -> [CINEMATIC & LOAD SCREEN] -> appear in Belsavis Orbital Platform docking corridor (run down hallway and click elevator button) -> [LOAD SCREEN] -> appear in Belsavis OP main area -> run to shuttle and click door -> [LOAD SCREEN] -> appear on Belsavis -> run dailies.



Typical travel path for getting around in SWTOR where an orbital platform is concerned.

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A lot of bugs were fixed in a very short amount of time, 1-2 weeks. This new update, 1.2, is fine coming out when it did. In turn it was probably for the better to release in Winter, for the money, and be able to promise a big update in a rather short amount of time.


This ^^^ Smart guy.

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EA / Bioware have commited the MMO CARDINAL SIN.


They have bungled the launch.


No MMO has ever recovered from a bungled launch (though you could say WoWs launch was rocky).


Server pops now are only 30% of what they were 2 months ago?


The games a flop.

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EA / Bioware have commited the MMO CARDINAL SIN.


They have bungled the launch.


No MMO has ever recovered from a bungled launch (though you could say WoWs launch was rocky).


Server pops now are only 30% of what they were 2 months ago?


The games a flop.



So, you like to make up percentages?

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EA / Bioware have commited the MMO CARDINAL SIN.


They have bungled the launch.


No MMO has ever recovered from a bungled launch (though you could say WoWs launch was rocky).


Server pops now are only 30% of what they were 2 months ago?


The games a flop.


These statements would be true, if they weren't all completely false.

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Alright, this is only a half rant topic, but I think my overall point is valid.


Question: 6 months ago would you have really been all that upset if they said that SWTOR is coming out in the late spring rather than Dec 20. 2012?


Whether EA forced an early release or not doesn't concern me, well it does, but that's to be expected, its EA. The fact that so much was incomplete with the game and they still decided to release it, for WHATEVER reason(s) it may have been, is just unbelievable.


If the game was actually ready to go, with plenty of content at lv 50, less glitches/bugs, and just overall longevity of the game was intact; by all means, release the game. But they HAD to of known that mechanics were off, MANY bugs existed, and the content at max level was ..meh.


My contention is that people wouldn't have cared at all. They would've gone about their lives, playing other games, seeing the decline and boredom of WoW and would've received a complete SWTOR and stuck with it longer.


Too many people have quit SWTOR because of all the aforementioned reasons and you can say that 1.2 will be the saving grace, but why would you say that?


Legacy updates? A new battleground and raid/dungeon? Nice, but as it's been reported, they should've been in the game from the start. 1.2 is what SWTOR should've been on release.


How about fixing stuff and adding things that make the game play better? ie cross server pvp, server xfers or at least consolidations?


Then again I can't really be all that surprised. Because whoever is the lead graphics designer for PvP gear is a serious troll. Sentinels, I mean.... Space Power Ranger Samurai? How the hell can you go into a meeting, present that gear set with a straight face? Same thing for whoever came up with the space stations above each planet.

They must've been like, "Ok here is the deal, we will give players personal ships, which they cannot change, and only use for traveling between planets and roller coaster Starfox-esque battles. Oh and better yet, they cant even fly directly to a planet, they have to stop at a space station, run through multiple phases and take a shuttle to the surface! TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL


tl;dr Answer my first question. I'd just like to see what people think.


It's to my undestanding that Bioware got a nice bonus for releasing the game early(from EA). Whether this is true or not, I dunno. . .but if so, I dont mind it. Of course, that is assuming the money gets put back into the game. . .and not just split between the developers and put into their pockets immediately.


If Bioware released early, means that we(the players and the devs) had more leverage and longevity if the game had flopped(since they had the extra resources to make changes or whatever), then I dont mind. I would have rather had a fail-safe(that bonus) than nothing.


It's a slippery slope though. Giving the devs an extra 6 months wouldn't have made that big of a deal I dont think. People complain just to complain(look at ANY of the dozens of other MMO forums). The game is doing well as is(which I think is something that EA knew) and by having things like the UI customization, a couple extra Operations, and even a real LFG tool wouldn't have really changed anything now that we're playing it.

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Hey there!


Though we appreciate that you have concerns regarding the game, we’re going to close this thread as it does not have a topic for constructive discussion. We encourage you to post your specific concerns in a relevant thread, and we value your constructive feedback, especially in areas you’d like to see the game improve.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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