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The one piece of equipment that would unbalance the war between Imp and Rep


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Glasses, and could probably add hear aids to that as well. I continually attack and beat up bad guy groups while there friends a mere 20-25 ft away cannot see or hear the attack. (Hey Bob, was that a grenade that went off?) Who knew that the Star Wars universe was so crippled by myopia. Begun, the glasses war has.
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Glasses, and could probably add hear aids to that as well. I continually attack and beat up bad guy groups while there friends a mere 20-25 ft away cannot see or hear the attack. (Hey Bob, was that a grenade that went off?) Who knew that the Star Wars universe was so crippled by myopia. Begun, the glasses war has.


Oh.. so the same thing that could win wars between factions on almost every other MMO. Gotcha.

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I thought you were referring to griefing at first. Thought you meant how players don't pay attention to the sounds of the game to know when someone in their party is being attacked. In this game and others I've griefed low level players while out searching for nodes to harvest. If I see a group of lowbies I start at the end, the healer or ranged that's far out, destroy and then move in towards the core of the group. I know this is a terrible, just terrible thing to do... but it's open world pvp on a pvp server and hilarity ensues. (I don't think griefing is actually the term for that. Just picking on the lowbies. Maybe it is, I'm not sure.)


I'm fairly certain that NPC's suffer from the same distractions. They can only focus on one thing at a time and don't have the benefit of interactive 3d sound like I do. I am a NPC killing machine god. I practically eat NPC's for breakfast, that's all I'm saying. I'm assuming everyone on this forums is too. It needs to be said, we're bad asses.

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See, I was thinking the Republic could clean Imp house if they just discovered either a lightening rod, or a copper rod stuck in the ground. Stooopid Sorc and Agents would be worthless then.


Great idea, glasses + grounding. The imps won't know what hit them.


Bordak, don't take things so seriously. ;)

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Glasses, and could probably add hear aids to that as well. I continually attack and beat up bad guy groups while there friends a mere 20-25 ft away cannot see or hear the attack. (Hey Bob, was that a grenade that went off?) Who knew that the Star Wars universe was so crippled by myopia. Begun, the glasses war has.


It's not myopia or deafness. It's indifference. Welcome to the Star Wars universe. :D


And you know what... if you offered a bounty, they would pay attention and help you. :p

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