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What's missing in SWtOR? It's called a Grind.


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I'm happy to take your word for it. :)


I can understand why you would. If I got to the point where that was all there was to do, I'd go...do something else (outside the game).


I hate that answer. Well I get a couple hrs here and there to do ops and wzs while the baby sleeps but waiting for ques there is nothing to do in the mean time while the wz fills. What I did earlier waiting for ques was codex and datacrons but that didn't take long. Now it sit oon fleet and wait.


And the post above nightmare mode is barley a challenge compaired to normal and drops way to much but that's just my opinion I still say leave normal mode the same so guild like your can still have enjoyment.

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STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > General Discussion

What's missing in SWtOR? It's called a Grind.



Whats missing ? It's called a soul !


People rapidly leveled to 50 not because they did not stop to smell the flowers. It is because there are no flowers to stop and smell.


Extremely limited exploration, No housing, No guildhalls, No guild banks , No max level crafting, Very little trading, Very little world PVP, No public quests, No keeps to siege, No decorating, No alcohol, Very limited character customization, No vanity appearance tab, No collectables, No mini games (unless you count the ENTIRE space combat engine) and No living breathing world.


Everything is very static and boring , if there was something else to do besides fight , fight , fight all the time there would be much more player retention. People ran in a sprint from 1-50 because that is all there is to do.

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The "grind" is what sucked for me in other games. Mindlessly repeating the same thing over and over.


I like the fact that pretty much everything you do in SWTOR "gets you somewhere." Either progressing your class story or progressing the planet story. A vast majority of this game feels like it has a point, not just the boring, repeatative grind.

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repeating an action endlessly is not a synonym for hard work.

I don't mind a good challenge but I hate the endgame grind for gear. I usually get to 50 and start a new char. At my rate it should keep me busy untill the next expansion.


I'm doing the same thing working on my 4th 50 and got the rest of slots to around 20 and leveling is worse than any gear grind I do like watching class quest but that's all after watching everything on my first toon going to 50. I like to pvp with different classes/factions but while I wait for a 20 min que I would like to be able to do something beside sit on fleet iif que times is real bad I just go and level and get datacrons along the way and get what I missed at 50 while I wait. So I wana something to work on and I only play a couple hrs here and there. So I'm just mainly a causal except 1 night a week wife watches the baby we blast through nm mode to get fresh 50s gear.

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Q: What is SWTOR missing?


A: Content


Anyone who took the hardcore approach to this game has had a capped character with companions in top tier gear and a capped tradeskill for over a month now.


We are bored; plain and simple.


I rolled a few alts and can't play for more than an hour because the planet quests are all the same as my last toon. Yeah the class quests may be different but they are only 5% or so of all the quests and if you only do class quests they tend to turn red quick.


I tried pvp only leveling and i must say i need to find a guild that is lowbie pvping because solo queueing drove me up the wall (lots of baddies).




I have to wait, take a breath, play skyrim or ME3, and let them roll out new content. I never expected them to be equal to other mmos in the content department right when it came out.

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link please


From Game Informer... Link = http://www.gameinformer.com/b/podcasts/archive/2012/03/28/respec-radio-ep-28-guild-wars-2-pandas-and-leaving-the-old-republic.aspx




Respec Radio Ep. 28: Guild Wars 2, Pandas, And Leaving The Old Republic


by Phil Kollar on March 28, 2012 at 08:00 PM




It's been a slow year for MMOs so far, but things are about to heat up. On this episode of Respec Radio, we share our experiences with the Guild Wars 2 and World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria betas.


As always, I'm joined by Andy McNamara and Adam Biessener. In addition to lots of gushing about Guild Wars and ranting about pandas, we discuss our slow but certain loss of interest in Star Wars: The Old Republic, which may be directly responsible for the lack of Respec Radio episodes of late.


Tune into the show below, catch up on old episodes on the Respec Radio hub page, and subscribe to the show on iTunes or your RSS service of choice via our RSS feed.

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I absolutely 100% agree with the OP.


Tho im also one of those people who have been playing MMO's since the mid 90's.


We lack epeen and grind, which is a shame tbh. But like all younger generations its the easy way out that is going to be favoured. The quick buck and the zero workload is todays method of getting people interested in your games.


Its a sad development imo.

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I absolutely 100% agree with the OP.


Tho im also one of those people who have been playing MMO's since the mid 90's.


We lack epeen and grind, which is a shame tbh. But like all younger generations its the easy way out that is going to be favoured. The quick buck and the zero workload is todays method of getting people interested in your games.


Its a sad development imo.


Tsk. Let's not stereotype on that age thing.


In fact, I think you might find that it's the somewhat older folk who aren't looking for the grind anymore.


My thing is: I have enough "grind" in RL. In a game, not interested anymore.


And I am *old*. ;)

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Tsk. Let's not stereotype on that age thing.


In fact, I think you might find that it's the somewhat older folk who aren't looking for the grind anymore.


My thing is: I have enough "grind" in RL. In a game, not interested anymore.


And I am *old*. ;)


hehe, the young gaming generation has nothing to do with age tho :) Its people who became gamers the last 8 or so years ;)


Tho i get your point, alot just dont have the time. However like everything in real life it should take effort to achieve things even if a game isnt reflecting real life. In my humble opinion anyway .

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I absolutely 100% agree with the OP.


Tho im also one of those people who have been playing MMO's since the mid 90's.


We lack epeen and grind, which is a shame tbh. But like all younger generations its the easy way out that is going to be favoured. The quick buck and the zero workload is todays method of getting people interested in your games.


Its a sad development imo.


"we lack epeen and grind"


what kind of value a grind provides? doing repetitive tasks is neither challenging nor fun.


i know what a true grind is, i played a korean (yes) mmo and staying up late or waking up at 3am because of a double exp event (so i could get 10% instead of 5% for an hour) was nothing unusual for me


the joy of "dinging" was great, but the realization that you're at 0% again - not so much.



there is only one purpose of grind - it is there to keep players busy till a new content update arrives; after all if you have nothing to do in a game - you won't play it (and therefore - not pay for it).



but the solution is to make those grinds not feel like grinds (and introducing the ranked pvp is just that - the rating that you will "grind" is something fun - you can compare it with others and of course try to be higher, therefore - play more).


another solution would be to introduce more mini games (pod racing would be great - especially if you could race other players / or a pvp duels in brackets with "there can be only one" in the end).



farming social point is not a fun grind, farming valor is not a fun grind (BW fortunatelly realized that and removes the valor requirements) - i'm not sure why people want more of such grind instead of more fun activities

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hehe, the young gaming generation has nothing to do with age tho :) Its people who became gamers the last 8 or so years ;)


Tho i get your point, alot just dont have the time. However like everything in real life it should take effort to achieve things even if a game isnt reflecting real life. In my humble opinion anyway .


Ah, I see. I would use a different word for that group then. :)


Perhaps "relative newcomers" or "non-MMO vets" or "Post-WoW" :D would convey what you meant better. I do understand what you are saying.


But I still disagree. Heh.


I started with, well...MUDs and I find it a relief to not have to grind, grind, grind (and I define "grind" as well...EQ1, hell levels, days upon days to get anywhere killing mob after mob).


I think this particular game is not going to suit those who are vets. and/or enjoy the grind (pre-WoW style). I don't think it was actually meant to although I could be wrong on that one. I didn't follow the development, I've just read their site and followed stuff since launch.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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Coming from someone whos life is so full he plays video games? :rolleyes:


I also volunteer for local organizations. I work 3 weeks straight before grabbing a weekend off unless scheduled maintenance or a breakdown takes my cell for the weekend. I hunt, fish and go off-roading pretty regularly, weather permitting. I go out with friends a few nights a week. I have to do my laundry, dishes, cooking and all the other little things adults do to live.


What I don't do is sit in front of a computer all day every day. It is called moderation.


I've done the gear grind in WoW, the crafting grind in SWG and EQ2 among others and realized what a complete waste of time it all was. If it isn't fun, why do it?


Some grind-like activity is always going to be present in MMO's but it doesn't have to be a major presence. SWTOR kills some of the grind with crew skill missions and having companions crafting instead of forcing you to grind it out in person. We can send companions on lengthy missions and log out for the day instead of spending those same hours logged on taking care of scut-work when we could be out adventuring.


Dailies are grinds but thankfully don't take up huge portions of time...unless more and more dailies are added on that players feel required to do. You can spend an hour alone running space combat missions every day but you don't have to once you get everything you want from the space commendations. Most daily grinds are like that.


Grinds that involve things you enjoy doing never feel like grinds. If you PvP a lot, the PvP dailies fit in nicely with what you were going to do anyway so they feel less grindy than others.


An MMO that lets a person log in for a couple of hours daily and feel like they are accomplishing something while having fun are much better than MMO's that require you to log in for a couple of hours every day just to do grinds.

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this is a mmo for the farmville/fable button clicker crowds.


face it casual gaming is where the profits are now for game developers anymore.


Lies there are not massive numbers of players in the game. The sheer joy when you even see another person :D it's indescribable

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Its not as much missing the grind as it is missing a REASON to grind. I can remember certain games where being a low level you would be in total awe of players and mounts/vehichle/pets ect ect. For me its not here, I dont feel the extra incentive, in another game I did a reputation GRIND on 3 different classes because of the rewards, I see nothing like that here.
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Its not as much missing the grind as it is missing a REASON to grind. I can remember certain games where being a low level you would be in total awe of players and mounts/vehichle/pets ect ect. For me its not here, I dont feel the extra incentive, in another game I did a reputation GRIND on 3 different classes because of the rewards, I see nothing like that here.


And the few things there IS to grind out? /wrists at the thought of doing them. Illum dailies. Belsavis dailies. and... no, that's it. oh, space missions. did I leave anything out? and the level of non-boringness involved in these dailies? tedious to the max. Illum? even worse. they put the False Emperor portal there just to taunt me every time I go there. So close yet so far.

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I know what what you mean seems like allot of people worry about end game before the game even launches these days.. Times have changed post wow thats for sure.


Because these days we've all played MMO's before and have come to realize for that vast majority of the time you weren't levelling on that character. The time spent levelling to max level is miniscule compared to how long you've had that character for. So knowing that makes it important to know whether or not you'll have something to do after you reach level cap or whether or not you park your toon and roll an alt in order to be playing the game.


Time spent levelling can be measured in weeks or months (the days of years are over as far as I know, and it's usually a pretty small number if you measure it in months). Time spent playing games are measured in years. A lot of us would like to know how we will be spending the next few years if we commit to the game.

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What I believe is missing is not a grind, it's character progression. Progression is what many people who like mainstream MMOs are looking for. Starting another alt is not what many people are looking for when they think about progressing their main.


Many of these people want to rack up achievements, pets, mounts, gear and essentially all the prestige they can on a main, especially one that has progressed through content over months and years.


SWTOR has a mainstream MMO design without many of the mainstream MMO features. But this was highlighted in months of posts in the beta forums. There was a very long thread about longevity of the game stating many of the things that are being stated now.


One could argue that if the game was not designed to have "grinding" or "progression", it is not missing something, it just does not match your taste. I've arrived at that conclusion as have many others.

Edited by Ibliss
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