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You know...


I actually think this is the first mmo that DOESN'T have every mission/quest as "kill 10 boar" stuff.


Actually..I haven't had a mission like that in a long time. All I have had are spying, sabotage, destroying equipment, and raiding tents. Yes, I might have to kill some enemies along the way. But NOTHING like repetitive quests like in a lot of other mmos.


true enough i had onyla few rare ones, mostly their the bonus ones i got when i found a area, options but i do all quest before i leave a world if i can lol.

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I have been wondering why I only play this game for a week at a time....all you do is run in the beginning. This is my 4th toon to make it to the teens and I'm just really tired of running. I waste so much time running its silly and you don't get sprint until like 14. Give us road speed or stop making me run the length of Coruscant for the 3rd time and its not even like you got new things to look at (Big Ben kids) or a different way to go. Its always on a path and there are only certain paths to take, what happened to the old SWG where you just went off the beaten path? Early WOW was like into the Crossroad out of the Crossroads into the Crossroads out of the Crossroads but at least you could run in any direction not just down THIS path. Sigh....back to WOT for 2 weeks


So quit making alts that get into the teens and stick with one character. You get a speeder at level 25.

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I'm not going to get into the whole MMO way of doing things. It should differ based upon the game.


In a fantasy or medieval style game, running a lot makes sense. Not everyone could afford transportation.


Star Wars...very different. Futuristic high tech stuff is here. I was given my own starship, but I can't have a personal transport? Really? That makes no sense. Especially if I'm a Darth's apprentice or Imperial Agent. Those NPC's should be bowing at my feet saying "Here...take my speeder. Please don't kill me."


If I'm an apprentice inquisitor on a mission for Darth Zash....someone had better give me a speeder or feel my wrath. Now that makes more sense in the Star Wars universe.


It's not about MMO tradition on how advancement is designed. It's about immersion into the virtual world we're playing in.


Yeah...lvl-25 comes pretty easily, but the forced wait for a speeder doesn't really make sense in this type of game. It's a futuristic high-tech environment, not some fantasy medieval theme. Even then...I'd steal a horse. :)

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Wow people have gotten lazy.


Anyone remember EQ prior to Luclin? Not only did you have to run far and wide... but come on, I swear the new generation of MMO players are a bunch of kids that just expect everything to be insta gratification.


On one side they don't care for the entire voice over element, but dont want a grind. Then some people want a grind. Then, there isn't enough of an end game grind. The leveling is too easy, but run distances are too far.


God forbid you have to spend a few minutes getting from A to B..... in fact, they should just give everyone teleportation to anywhere on the map, why even bother with travelling....


lol This ^^


Somehow, i doubt the person complaining about running ever picked up a copy of FFXI. Now wanting to sound like an old granny here (admittedly, avoiding it terribly), but you'd be running for hours, just to even get into the zone of your mission.


and as someone pointed out, v1.3 introduces speeders for level 10's in legacy.

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It doesn't bother me as much as some of you others but it does seem like the world is artificially bigger than it should be. I wouldn't mind the run if I was running past something but in some areas there are several minutes of running before seeing anything that is ever going to be interactive. I'm hoping these huge open empty areas are there for expansion and in a few years they will be stuffed with quest givers, roaming vendors and random interactive npcs.

What does bother me is that after 10 minutes running past nothing for the millionth time I have to wait several more minutes staring at a loading screen. Sometimes I take a lift and instantly get to my destination, I see it on the screen fully rendered and THEN the loading splash screen appears and makes me wait... what's that about?!

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I know I will get bashed for this, BUT I totally agree with your statement about the running. I don't see why we can't after getting one toon to 50 have the speeder purchase added to our new toons.


SO we unlocked our 50 char, we should have the option to purchase speeders for our lowbies now. Just my opinion... I too rather not run back and forth and back again repeatedly through the same story lines *sometimes* I have actually not gone back to the last 2 that are still stuck under lvl 10 because of the RUNNING issue. Yet 4 others are over 30 and one at 50. I agree with you completely!!!



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It doesn't bother me as much as some of you others but it does seem like the world is artificially bigger than it should be. I wouldn't mind the run if I was running past something but in some areas there are several minutes of running before seeing anything that is ever going to be interactive. I'm hoping these huge open empty areas are there for expansion and in a few years they will be stuffed with quest givers, roaming vendors and random interactive npcs.

What does bother me is that after 10 minutes running past nothing for the millionth time I have to wait several more minutes staring at a loading screen. Sometimes I take a lift and instantly get to my destination, I see it on the screen fully rendered and THEN the loading splash screen appears and makes me wait... what's that about?!



Ahh the start of a new day (yes i'm at work also) and like 3 people that most likely didn't read or didn't get the point of my post except for Eaglec here.


I don't have a problem with running but I would love to see, interact, bump into or fight something while running. Again get quest run to point a, do quest back to npc, get new quest run past a to get to b do quest rinse and repeat.


The game seems to lack ADVENTURE yea its not kill 10 of this 10 of that like WOW but you could explore in WOW hence ADVENTURE.


I don't need a speeder at lvl 1 I don't need the game given to me and I do have a lvl 20 something that can get a speeder, I happen to have gotten pulled onto different servers to play with different friends...so new toons.



So to re-cap i don't mind running its part of the game, I know this and have never disputed this point. Just make it more interesting while i'm running.

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Ahh the start of a new day (yes i'm at work also) and like 3 people that most likely didn't read or didn't get the point of my post except for Eaglec here.


I don't have a problem with running but I would love to see, interact, bump into or fight something while running. Again get quest run to point a, do quest back to npc, get new quest run past a to get to b do quest rinse and repeat.


You want your path littered with trash mobs?


I don't. I've dealt with that in other games, it's annoying, and doesn't make the game more adventure like or interesting.


The game seems to lack ADVENTURE yea its not kill 10 of this 10 of that like WOW but you could explore in WOW hence ADVENTURE.


You can explore in this game if you wanted to.


I don't need a speeder at lvl 1 I don't need the game given to me and I do have a lvl 20 something that can get a speeder, I happen to have gotten pulled onto different servers to play with different friends...so new toons.


Maybe get your friends to play on the same server?


So to re-cap i don't mind running its part of the game, I know this and have never disputed this point. Just make it more interesting while I'm running.


You're idea of interesting is have trash mobs in the way you have to fight just to get where you're going. You're idea of interesting is to jam so many mobs together you cannot go around them even though the quest objectives for your quests are past them, and you'll have to go back and forth between them two more times.


That's not interesting, that's annoying.

Edited by terminova
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You want your path littered with trash mobs?


I don't. I've dealt with that in other games, it's annoying, and doesn't make the game more adventure like or interesting.




You can explore in this game if you wanted to.




Maybe get your friends to play on the same server?




You're idea of interesting is have trash mobs in the way you have to fight just to get where you're going. You're idea of interesting is to jam so many mobs together you cannot go around them even though the quest objectives for your quests are past them, and you'll have to go back and forth between them two more times.


That's not interesting, that's annoying.


So in my post you only see the thing that bothers you the most which i'm guess is trash mobs. I'm not going to analyze everyone that posts but feel free to keep an open mind and just not look at this one sided....your side. I really didn't give any kind of example of what I want except saying the words "bump into and see" so I guess you take that as trash mobs....ok.


All of my friends are not all friends with everyone one else I know so your going to have people on different servers not a big deal it allows me to play different types and side again not a biggie. Still comes down to the time played versus running around the server to get to quests which is less time playing the actual game...crafting, questing. exploring. Oh yea you don't have to craft your companion does it for you...wow fun


Ohh I can explore what? most times i'm running around i'm in some kind of valley or the area is on a plateau or as I go off the beaten path I run into a sheer cliff face.

Edited by Doghnut
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Lol you know they make money off of monthly payments right? Time, time, time. It's a business.


^ This guy gets it.


its funny to see all the mmo snobs get on here and be like, "moving slow is acceptable" but then give no justification as to why.


Look, I'm not saying I like it... I just understand why it's part of the formula.

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Increased speed buff for everyone at lvl 14 is already too much. Imho only certain classes should have speed buff.

A good solution for altaholics (i am one) would be to make speed buff a legacy thing.

Get one char to 50 and all your alts get speed buff at lvl 1.

Actually, i would like all my chars to get stealth much more than high speed, but thats another story.


Even though if i come to think of it, if you want to just zip through the game at high speed...why play at all?

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Maybe I was looking for too much in this game, playing WOW for the 6 or so years I played and seeing new games emerge in that time I thought this game would be more.


SWG had housing and vendors, in the town you built, that sold the items you made with the mats you harvested yourself. The original game lacked questing like games theses days, I cant comment after the big patch that changed your talents completely as I quit after that patch. But really that was ground breaking and a lot of fun, at the time.


When WOW came out I was awe struck when I stepped into the the horde capital with its size and detail. It was like learning to play an MMO all over again.


When I started TOR it was like old hat sorry to say...read the tool tip on the skill and poof WOW with a different name and look.


So really when I said run...run...run I guess it had a deeper meaning I just didn't get across. I was hoping for something completely new and different. I will keep playing to see if I am missing something or I just haven't given it enough time....time will tell

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Maybe I was looking for too much in this game, playing WOW for the 6 or so years I played and seeing new games emerge in that time I thought this game would be more.


SWG had housing and vendors, in the town you built, that sold the items you made with the mats you harvested yourself. The original game lacked questing like games theses days, I cant comment after the big patch that changed your talents completely as I quit after that patch. But really that was ground breaking and a lot of fun, at the time.


When WOW came out I was awe struck when I stepped into the the horde capital with its size and detail. It was like learning to play an MMO all over again.


When I started TOR it was like old hat sorry to say...read the tool tip on the skill and poof WOW with a different name and look.


So really when I said run...run...run I guess it had a deeper meaning I just didn't get across. I was hoping for something completely new and different. I will keep playing to see if I am missing something or I just haven't given it enough time....time will tell


I hear you, me too i came to swtor after EQ2, SWG, Matrix, Vanguard and many others and i was shocked to see how a game that allegedly cost 200 million offered so much less than the previous mmos i played.

After the dust settled tho, i calmed down, took a deep breath and started enjoying swtor for what it was....its admittedly not much, but what it is there is good....and its fun to play.

Im enjoying playing swtor so far (1 month old here, my sub is about to renew and im gonna let it do so), but at every step i cant help seeing how much is missing, how much could have been done better, how many chances to do something good have been wasted.

200 million dollars....you can build a small town with this money for crying out loud, so forgive me for expecting something more, Bioware.

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