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Harassment vs Trash Talk


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Man, you guys have no idea what you are talking about. You cant pvp and trash talk some1 in the same time. You either pvp or you either trash talk. If you decide to pvp, you are focus on objectives, at least i am. You are that focused that sometimes you cant even see the chat.


If you are trash talking you cant focus on pvp. Studies shows that you cant drive and talk on the phone on the same time and be focused on both things on the same time so why in the world would you want to be in the middle of warzone trash talking some?


If you're stealth you can, nothing better than telling them you're coming to get them or similar stalkerish talk. Then proceeding the put them against the wall.

When they are about half health.

"That's right, scream for help. "

And 1-2 hits before they die.

"It'll all be over soon.... Shhh,it'll be ok, no more pain. "


You can easily type and click between GCDs if you're


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Somehow, I manage to play the game and PvP a lot without any trash talking or vulgarity at all. I see others use it, but it seems like a bunch of chest-beating on the internet to me.


Exactly. Why sit back and belittle someone or another team or even your team for that matter? There is the "uh, guys, why are 6 of you pushing to cap mid when we own East and West?" and that's fine. But the "ZOMG you are all idiots /rant rave throw temper tantrum" is another. Same goes with an opposing faction.


Look, I am a "big boy". I've been called every name in and out of the book and the ones out of the book were from my wife btw. I've been dispatched to fires for months on end with no days off (ya people get froggy), worked in a prison and have worked in underground mining (all jobs with little tolerance for a good dictionary or etiquette). It isn't a matter of "can I handle being talked to that way" it's an issue of, is it really called for?


Simple answer is no.

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***? I are we really having this conversation?? If I get banned ever for saying "You suck" "You play like a girl" "Yo momma hits harder!"


I will un-sub, period, that means that bioware doesn't want PvP-ers in their game... I mean the reason why WoW had the language filter was to "prevent" this which happened anyways, BECAUSE IT IS PvP!!! You don't pvp to water the flowers and say hi to people passing by, You pvp to OWN people. Thats the feeling that PvP sells, if you can't trash talk in PvP its all complete ********!


to be honest tho... Depends on if your friend was saying something racist, politically related or of the kind, then the ban was well done..

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***? I are we really having this conversation?? If I get banned ever for saying "You suck" "You play like a girl" "Yo momma hits harder!"


I will un-sub, period, that means that bioware doesn't want PvP-ers in their game... I mean the reason why WoW had the language filter was to "prevent" this which happened anyways, BECAUSE IT IS PvP!!! You don't pvp to water the flowers and say hi to people passing by, You pvp to OWN people. Thats the feeling that PvP sells, if you can't trash talk in PvP its all complete ********!


to be honest tho... Depends on if your friend was saying something racist, politically related or of the kind, then the ban was well done..


I PVP to kill other people. I don't PVP to go into some pseudo AOL chat where I claim to be 6 foot tall and bullet proof trying to "own" the chat room. Ya a ban on saying "PWNED" to someone else or the like is a bit much, but to think it's a birthright or something because "you PVP", well you may want to look up the definition of PVP and point to where it says PVP=trash talking.


Gotta remember, some people go a bit too far in what they say and claim, well I was only trash talking, it didn't mean anything. What's little to me might be huge to you.

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I PVP to kill other people. I don't PVP to go into some pseudo AOL chat where I claim to be 6 foot tall and bullet proof trying to "own" the chat room. Ya a ban on saying "PWNED" to someone else or the like is a bit much, but to think it's a birthright or something because "you PVP", well you may want to look up the definition of PVP and point to where it says PVP=trash talking.


Gotta remember, some people go a bit too far in what they say and claim, well I was only trash talking, it didn't mean anything. What's little to me might be huge to you.


YES IT IS A BIRTHRIGHT! When in the history of mankind have u seen a dictionary were it say oil = cars, or war crimes = war, or were earthquakes = tsunami....


They aren't the same but they are tied to each other! You "pvp to kill other people" pfft ur just in level 1 PvP then... You don't just pvp to kill other people but to kill THAT person. Otherwise you could just as well be playing an FPS... The community aspect of MMOs is supposed to make every fight personal, and each kill worthwhile to rub it in their face!


AKA: When you have alot of trash talk in a PvP zone means your game really does foster social/community :)

Edited by Assaultrooper
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***? I are we really having this conversation?? If I get banned ever for saying "You suck" "You play like a girl" "Yo momma hits harder!"


I will un-sub, period, that means that bioware doesn't want PvP-ers in their game... I mean the reason why WoW had the language filter was to "prevent" this which happened anyways, BECAUSE IT IS PvP!!! You don't pvp to water the flowers and say hi to people passing by, You pvp to OWN people. Thats the feeling that PvP sells, if you can't trash talk in PvP its all complete ********!


to be honest tho... Depends on if your friend was saying something racist, politically related or of the kind, then the ban was well done..


When you equate "You suck" and "You play like a girl," you're saying that women are inferior players which almost certainly violates the terms of service. I would not be surprised if that resulted in a ban.

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YES IT IS A BIRTHRIGHT! When in the history of mankind have u seen a dictionary were it say oil = cars, or war crimes = war, or were earthquakes = tsunami....


They aren't the same but they are tied to each other! You "pvp to kill other people" pfft ur just in level 1 PvP then... You don't just pvp to kill other people but to kill THAT person. Otherwise you could just as well be playing an FPS... The community aspect of MMOs is supposed to make every fight personal, and each kill worthwhile to rub it in their face!


AKA: When you have alot of trash talk in a PvP zone means your game really does foster social/community :)


lol I'm level 1 PVP because I don't act like a 16 year old with something to prove? You know when I was in High School our coach taught us about a word call "class". This word even carries to the pro's. While you can see some who don't care and are usually shunned, fined, suspended and sometimes kicked out/fired from the sport. More often then not you see a professional person who has enough class to win graciously and lose just the same. Because, after all, it's just a game.


To attempt to make anything more out of it is only showing what one lacks in life. Sorry man, but your wrong. While you may condone jumping up and down, hooting and hollering, you are only looking like a fool.

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lol I'm level 1 PVP because I don't act like a 16 year old with something to prove? You know when I was in High School our coach taught us about a word call "class". This word even carries to the pro's. While you can see some who don't care and are usually shunned, fined, suspended and sometimes kicked out/fired from the sport. More often then not you see a professional person who has enough class to win graciously and lose just the same. Because, after all, it's just a game.


To attempt to make anything more out of it is only showing what one lacks in life. Sorry man, but your wrong. While you may condone jumping up and down, hooting and hollering, you are only looking like a fool.


The point exactly IS that this IS NOT a professional sport and u should not behave as if it was! calling it "lack of class" would matter if this was the real world! But it is not! You are playing games to have fun! And more importantly you are playing MMOs to have the community aspect of it. AND you are playing PvP not to respectfully bow to ur foe and have a 1v1 duel all fair and nice. (altho u could RP that if ur into that kind of stuff...)

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When you equate "You suck" and "You play like a girl," you're saying that women are inferior players which almost certainly violates the terms of service. I would not be surprised if that resulted in a ban.


hmm... must have missed the part in the Eula were they specified "girls" were a race.... as it seemed last time I checked only Racial slurs, and political things are covered...

Edited by Assaultrooper
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The point exactly IS that this IS NOT a professional sport and u should not behave as if it was! calling it "lack of class" would matter if this was the real world! But it is not! You are playing games to have fun! And more importantly you are playing MMOs to have the community aspect of it. AND you are playing PvP not to respectfully bow to ur foe and have a 1v1 duel all fair and nice. (altho u could RP that if ur into that kind of stuff...)


Was my high school football team or any any high school team for that matter a "professional sport"? Nope. Just because you can get away with stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar doesn't make it right. It boils down to ones personal character.


This isn't an issue with MMO's. This is a gamer issue that is unique per person. It's all on how one conducts themselves both online, offline, in real life, alone or in a group etc etc.


So, are you going to steal that cookie or are you going to leave it be because it's not the moral thing to do?


You guys act like the internet is one big excuse to act like bafoons. It's really not and again, people only like like childish fools when they act in such a fashion.

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Was my high school football team or any any high school team for that matter a "professional sport"? Nope. Just because you can get away with stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar doesn't make it right. It boils down to ones personal character.


This isn't an issue with MMO's. This is a gamer issue that is unique per person. It's all on how one conducts themselves both online, offline, in real life, alone or in a group etc etc.


So, are you going to steal that cookie or are you going to leave it be because it's not the moral thing to do?


You guys act like the internet is one big excuse to act like bafoons. It's really not and again, people only like like childish fools when they act in such a fashion.


ROFL, steal the cookie :p? Ok see this, there is a real world, its magical! and has magical stuff like rule of law, and natural law, and human society. In this world killing other people is bad... Real bad, bad enough as to make it law.


Now let's consider if there wasn't that law, if there weren't anything there but language. You insult a fellow human being and he insults u back.. The thing scales up for 30 secs, and 2 min later one of you is dead. THAT is the difference between this magical world called Real Life. And well this Game...


Your objective is to kill the other guy... In real life killing is naturally accompanied by insults and such. So when u seek to re-create it in-game its just natural for it to come out as a "YOU SUCK!" taunt.


and to be honest in the real world there is a benefit to having "class" there is none in games.. Actually given that u can see the other player batter themselves trying to kill u, its actually encouraged (not to have class)..

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Just don't trash talk. If the guys whispers you and trash talks to you, report him. That will teach him. LOL Seriously, I hold to the rule that unless some one else start trash talking to you first, you don't trash talk. Called it mutual trash talking.
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Trash talk is part of the game as long as it does not break the eula. It's a useful tactic to throw players off there game.


For example: I think 'Come at me bro' macros are okay (ala rift/wow) especially if a tank is using them. I'm sure vulgarity is probably not aloud, so saying XXX guild are full of **** players.


I'm sure using tells and pm's to tell other players how bad they are, are probably against the EULA, and this would be considered harassment.


It all depends on what he did.


This is how I look at it.


I'll be honest and say I do this almost out of habit anymore because especially in MMOs it's consistently effective. Just last night I was leveling my alt PT and found some guy who was obviously getting really mad, so I started antagonizing him. Made him so upset that when we ran into him again a few matches later we exploited it to basically make it a 8 v 7 in our favor for a quick 6-0 Huttball. If you get in someone's head they'll almost always try to protect their ego in favor of helping their team with the objective.


I don't see it much different than taking advantage of people that keyboard turn. It's PvP, so you should look for weaknesses in people on the other team and exploit them.

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If some one is being vulgar, and you don't like it - ignore them. When I say vulgar, I mean using foul language, and talking about crap like what he would like to do to you, or your family in real life. This is totally unacceptable behaviour and needs to be reported. IF your in a dispute over some thing in a guild, and you, yourself, have not engaged in any vulgar language, or derogatory remarks, but people put you on the ignore list anyway, because they don't agree with you, is a mixed bag. I mean ok fine, they don't agree with you on some thing, but no need to place on ignore list, its over the top. On the other hand it is their prerogative who they choose to ignore and who to talk to.
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There is no difference between "trash talk" and "harassment" - just a matter of perspective. If you've got someone's number in a game, your "trash talk" is likely to be interpreted as juvenile "harassment" by them. Intent really doesn't matter.


People should just shut up during matches. If you want to comment on an opposing player, do it in Ops chat.


For every one person who has no problem with trash talk during a game, there's a hundred people who will get their backs up, start arguing with you in the general chat channel, or hurling insults through /say when he's up close.


If you've got a personal rapport with a player, then obviously some playful trash talking is fine, because you both understand that it's in good fun. With someone who doesn't know you, it will almost never be treated this way.


Heck - how many PvP threads in the server forums on this board devolve into lengthy arguments because someone disparages a player, only for that player to come on and write a lengthy screed that basically amounts to "no u".


Just show some humility, enjoy the competition, and don't potentially ruin the experience for the person on the other end by running your mouth.

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If you need to open your mouth and trash talk then you need to be able to suck it up and not cry like a baby when you get a suspension.



Then they should remove the "name calling" from baron deathmarks speach in huttball.

Edited by Regurgitate
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I don't trash talk but i have no qualms calling out my teammates who suck, and suck badly, like damit learn to play idiot. (is this bad? i dunno) What would you categorize this lol? Getting tired of watching me have the highest dps by 100k as a tank. I think im allowed to flame on my own worthless teammates :mad: oh but im a glassy shadow, well learn to play the objects... sap them hide... spamming ops to tell the leader to tag the healers and when healers are tagged yelling at them to actually get on them, nope lets keep hitting the tank that just does worthless dmg on me




i love reporting those mails that go to this website to buy blah blah blah, instant ticket response, unlike a bug request, and later to find out they sent me another to fix a typo instead of You they typed Yu -.- like you needed to fix it for my own amusement?


harassment means focusing on someone constantly, i see it go around lately and have even been telling people to tone it down, it's just not good, pointing out flaws i think however should be fine. But yea, if you had a warning seriously how hard is it to just shut your mouth? Your fault you got banned and you have some anger management issues to fix in your real life.


sorry flame off topic w/e

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I don't trash talk but i have no qualms calling out my teammates who suck, and suck badly, like damit learn to play idiot. (is this bad? i dunno) What would you categorize this lol? Getting tired of watching me have the highest dps by 100k as a tank. I think im allowed to flame on my own worthless teammates :mad: oh but im a glassy shadow, well learn to play the objects... sap them hide... spamming ops to tell the leader to tag the healers and when healers are tagged yelling at them to actually get on them, nope lets keep hitting the tank that just does worthless dmg


THIS. Very rarely will anything get under my skin. But one time I guarded a door for almost 30seconds from 5 extremely awful imps. And right before I go off the SEVEN people guarding the other door lost it to 3 flipping people. I expressed my feelings to the group needless to say.

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THIS. Very rarely will anything get under my skin. But one time I guarded a door for almost 30seconds from 5 extremely awful imps. And right before I go off the SEVEN people guarding the other door lost it to 3 flipping people. I expressed my feelings to the group needless to say.


It wouldn't be an MMO if sucking had no consequence :)

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I don't trash talk but i have no qualms calling out my teammates who suck, and suck badly, like damit learn to play idiot. (is this bad? i dunno) What would you categorize this lol? Getting tired of watching me have the highest dps by 100k as a tank. I think im allowed to flame on my own worthless teammates :mad: oh but im a glassy shadow, well learn to play the objects... sap them hide... spamming ops to tell the leader to tag the healers and when healers are tagged yelling at them to actually get on them, nope lets keep hitting the tank that just does worthless dmg on me


I like how you start your post saying you dont trash talk, and then comes a wall of text about how you do just that :rolleyes:

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Stupid. I guess I didn't realize I was playing a game for children who aren't old enough to be home alone without a babysitter when mommy and daddy are sick of being around you. You can say trash-talking is juvenile but it's just as juvenile to be offended by it or to actually tattle on someone and report them. Grow up and DEAL with it, use the profanity filter if you're afraid of soiling your ears, or just ignore them, why else would these functions be there?


But honestly with the amount of carebearishness this game has I pretty much expected this sort of crap would happen. TBH I'm surprised I haven't gotten a suspension yet because I rage at bads pretty hard sometimes, ask them to leave the game, unsubscribe to swtor, etc. If my fun is going to be ruined by them because they are absolutely terrible at what they do I think I deserve a little (however minor) cathartic release. I mean I'm paying bioware so that I can play and enjoy their game, which CANNOT be done when pvp is the reason I play and no matter what my team and I are stuck carrying half a team of worthless players (but this is getting fixed finally and I am ever so happy!), and if I'm working late it's almost unplayable because I have to pug. Ech. Disgusting

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