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Harassment vs Trash Talk


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I sometimes jibe people on the opposing team about fotms or incoming nerfs in 1.2 in /say when im getting butthurt in warzones but its mostly good natured and often jump across to chat to some people of note.


Its generally own side where people are extra stupid, you kindly point out their stupidity, pop them on ignore then they jump to other characters to scream abuse at you while you lol and then ignore their alts.

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I had a Powertech Pyro trash talking me one match because I burst him down from range a couple times then he made it his whole point the rest of the match to find, interrupt and kill my Mercenary which was Arsenal spec at the time.


It's pretty uncommon for people to call me bad at a game but he continued to do so since he beat me in a close quarters one on one. Pretty sure the measure of a good Mercenary is definitely not beating a Powertech in a one on one, or beating much of anything in a one on one, but that in for another time and place.


I love it when I can peel 3 - 4 enemies away by spamming TMs at them and clear the path for a ball carrier because they see me hobbling away with no utility for rapid movement or escape. The 3 - 4 people will gank me and talk **** like "Your bad spam more" (just how they would type), meanwhile in the background the announcer will cry that another point is added in favor of my team.


People forget that Huttball is an objective oriented game, not a death match. Although you may be trying your hardest to kill me, my object is not the same which results in you losing.

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Not so sure about that. An ops leader in VoidStar repeatedly broadcast "**** you boaz" over the ops channel and spelled out. (He was mad because I had not thrown a timely heal to him a couple of days before.)


I didn't think /ignore was an option 'cause we were in a WZ and I wanted to be able to pick up the zerg here/zerg there messages.


(Didn't tattle on the MF; I have a thick enough hide. Later on I did have the opportunity to say that as things stood I would't p*ss on him if he were on fire, which is always fun to say.)


But just saying, /ignore isn't necessarily a fix. And I go commando -- don't have any panties to twist. :D


I remeber that day Boaz. That was just bad and wrong on the other players part and you handled it well.

Edited by LexiCazam
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its just a shame BW allowed cross-faction communication at all, huge mistake.



It infantilizes and ghetoizes the game; "trash-talk" is drivel, babble, nonesense...a meaningless stream of excrement spilling out of players' mouths.


real pvper's let their game do the talking.


The other downside to cross-faction chatting is it just made it easy for everyone to organize Ilum farming....

Edited by Bluetickone
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First off, this wasn't meant to be a debate about what a specific person did or said. I brought that guy up because I am facing a situation where I don't think he should have been banned, it's something I would probably do from time to time, and I'm worried that I might get banned NOT REALIZING ITS AGAINST THE RULES - "Sorry bro, you emoted a fart, banned". This was a serious question : What can and can we not do? If the rules were : "No talking." , then that's what I want to know.


This also isn't a debate about whether trash talking should be done or not. That's everyone's own opinion. Regardless of anyone's opinion the fact is that some people do things that other people don't like. The question is, what things will get a person banned? It's impossible to please everyone. How do I make sure that I don't get banned, while still enjoying the game for myself?


I just want someone to lay down the law so I know what it is, so that I might be able to follow it.

Edited by HuntinSikness
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If you have time to type something in a wz you're not doing it right.


Tho I always to try to smack talk someone during huttball since name-calling is allowed.


If you can't type a message before a speeder lands or force field door opens you're slow...


If never dying to be put in the position where you have that opportunity is "doing it right" by your standards I hope your occupation does not involve judging others.

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Trashtalking seems pointless, you have to spend time typing, when you could be, you know being useful.


Of course if there were emote macros.....Well, i know i would have /slap bound immediately.


It not pointless it make the trash talker aware to me so i can spend most of the time when i see the trash talker yanking them in fire or acid and watching them die then seeing them nerd rage cuz of that and i feed on there QQ lol

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As far as I know, trash talk and pvp go together like peas and carrots. However, a guy in my guild got a 3 day ban for what the most of us would consider trash talk. He had been banned prior for something that was clearly vulgar and over the top. But for all intents and purposes, he has drastically toned down his language, but still managed to pull a suspension without using any vulgarity at all.


So my questions are : What guidelines should we be following in order to stay on the safe side of the ban fence while still being allowed some amount of trash talk? If someone feels that they are being reported, not for the claimed 'vulgarity' or 'harassment', but because someone is literally out to get us, what recourse do we have?


In my personal opinion, /ignore and vulgarity filters should be used by those that can't handle someone's language and thus it falls to them to decide what they can handle. Versus having someone constantly watching what they say and to whom they say it. Some of us are grown ups, and some of us can handle grown up smack talk. But others use the harassment form for the sole reason of trying to get someone banned, and not because their language was particularly offensive.


Guidelines for someone who has already been marked ? Waste cause trash talkers by nature like to push the limits. Its inevitable a repeat will happen. If they can't operate without resorting to trash talk ( despite threading on thin ice ) its basically something else. Over-compensation comes to mind. The responsibility lies with compulsive trash talker not with generic player base who could / will react in different ways.


There is no way to be sure once you have already set a precedent of the behavior. We have no way of knowing if threshold for repeated offense is lower by Bioware.

Edited by Stovokor
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I find it hard to talk trash in this game in the first place. Most of my matches are against my own faction, so it feels pretty dumb to me to talk trash to the same guy who might be on my team next match.


As for the Republic, they're not worth the energy spent typing.


Besides, in order to talk trash to someone, I'd actually have to give a ****, and take this game's PvP seriously, first.

Edited by Numerii
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its just a shame BW allowed cross-faction communication at all, huge mistake.



It infantilizes and ghetoizes the game; "trash-talk" is drivel, babble, nonesense...a meaningless stream of excrement spilling out of players' mouths.


real pvper's let their game do the talking.


The other downside to cross-faction chatting is it just made it easy for everyone to organize Ilum farming....


You can't cross-faction communicate.

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You can't cross-faction communicate.


Yes you can.


Edit: There's a Republic Sentinel on my server, who upon seeing me in a WZ will literally glue himself to my leg. He talks trash to me every time in /say.

Edited by Numerii
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Trash talk is a viable form of throwing people off their game, or distracting them from certain objectives.


For all the lawyers out there, I will show you a case of precedence...


Um... Helloooo.... BASE-KET BALL! Your psych stats were tracked...

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As far as I know, trash talk and pvp go together like peas and carrots. However, a guy in my guild got a 3 day ban for what the most of us would consider trash talk. He had been banned prior for something that was clearly vulgar and over the top. But for all intents and purposes, he has drastically toned down his language, but still managed to pull a suspension without using any vulgarity at all.


So my questions are : What guidelines should we be following in order to stay on the safe side of the ban fence while still being allowed some amount of trash talk? If someone feels that they are being reported, not for the claimed 'vulgarity' or 'harassment', but because someone is literally out to get us, what recourse do we have?


In my personal opinion, /ignore and vulgarity filters should be used by those that can't handle someone's language and thus it falls to them to decide what they can handle. Versus having someone constantly watching what they say and to whom they say it. Some of us are grown ups, and some of us can handle grown up smack talk. But others use the harassment form for the sole reason of trying to get someone banned, and not because their language was particularly offensive.


Star Wars = kids play = vulgar lang and insults will NOT be allowed like they were in OTHER MMos.


Money is money and you can't blame them for protecting thier brand. I would say to keep TRASH TALK to guild chat only where you can have SOME control over the people that hear it. ESP if there is a track record.

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There's an Op that I have managed to make always gun for me, (doesn't help he's War Hero and I just got my first 2 BM implants) but I definitely trash talk.

Like a simple GG

Hey buddy how's the family?

Can I have a hug

Scoundrels like it best from behind, just relax it'll be over soon.

Or after the halfway mark in ACW "Move away from the node and surrender and we will let your daughters as wives live"

Gotta keep it kind of civil.

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Alright. Lemme try again.


Person A : I drive 40 miles an hour because going faster is dumb.


Person B : I drive 50 miles an hour.


Person C : I drive 60 because I'm in a hurry.


COP: Sorry C, you're under arrest.


Person C : Wait, where's the speed limit posted!??!

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Alright. Lemme try again.


Person A : I drive 40 miles an hour because going faster is dumb.


Person B : I drive 50 miles an hour.


Person C : I drive 60 because I'm in a hurry.


COP: Sorry C, you're under arrest.


Person C : Wait, where's the speed limit posted!??!


What was the speed limit again? I'm confused.

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Alright. Lemme try again.


Person A : I drive 40 miles an hour because going faster is dumb.


Person B : I drive 50 miles an hour.


Person C : I drive 60 because I'm in a hurry.


COP: Sorry C, you're under arrest.


Person C : Wait, where's the speed limit posted!??!










probably the first link is more what you're looking for, but the 2nd link talks about 'chatting' with people as well

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Alright. Lemme try again.


Person A : I drive 40 miles an hour because going faster is dumb.


Person B : I drive 50 miles an hour.


Person C : I drive 60 because I'm in a hurry.


COP: Sorry C, you're under arrest.


Person C : Wait, where's the speed limit posted!??!


It is the TOS/Rules of Conduct. The policies are purposely broad so that they can ban you for almost anything. They will never come out and say these are the X number of words you can't say in SW:TOR.


It will be a case-by-case thing, and having a history of improper conduct (as your friend did) weighs against you. So, the thing he did might not have crossed the ban line for a first time offender did for a repeat offender.


They will not ban you for calling someone bad in /say. But hit race/religion/etc. and they will probably drop the hammer.

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