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Played updates on the PTS and loving it....


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I quit wow 3 years ago. Wow got boring, regurgitating, re-hashing, and simplifying content.


So, out of curiosity, what did you play between the time you quit WoW three years ago, and your short time here on SWTOR????????? Seriously, I would like to know.



AND, if you declare WoW as the official benchmark that every MMO is to be measured by, then yes, you are effectively a wow-phile (WoWhead being the common term in use). Which is fine. But please, don't pretend you are not.

Edited by Andryah
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I stopped reading right there. How the patch effects leveling/lowlevel play is of no concern. Only thing that matters is how it impacts end game.


I know this will probably shock and surprise you, but not everyone perceives the game the same way you do.


There are many changes in the 1.2 patch that are readily apparent at low levels and are relevant to the player base. The so often maligned UI being juse one example.

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Keep on doing a great job Bw and this game will last a long time :D


Yep. Setting aside the rabid debates about the merits or lack of for each of the patch items, and the timing of them, to me what is great about it is how large and broad reaching the 1.2 patch is. I think a lot of people were surprised to see such a significant patch this early in the game. If that is their pace, then this game will see a lot of new content and features over the next couple of years.


It won't satsify the more hardcore segment of the MMO audience, but I'm fine with that. They already have their sights on upcoming MMOs, and honestly they need to find a game they enjoy rather than hang around here bashing the game 7/24. This game clearly was not designed as a hardcore MMO.

Edited by Andryah
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There's a LFG tool since launch. Do you mean crosss-server LFG? Bioware have repeatedly stated that they will not implement such a thing.


The game was not launched with a LFG tool. The /who is not a LFG tool.


That's what should be implemented, because adding new content when you can't find groups for the current flashpoints will not stop people from leaving this game.

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Also, perhaps.. just perhaps.. Bioware has decided that the "end game" isn't the only important part of the game! :eek:


I know, I know, terrible and shocking idea that.


At least you got part of it right (that it's a terrible idea).

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Ive played up to level 10 and the game feel better, polished.


However it doesn't fix the underlying problems of boredom.


Currently I clear nightmare both operations in 3 hours.

That leaves a minimum of 40 hours of doing nothing but pvp of which I only enjoy Huttball.

I sure hope the New Operation is difficult without being Buggy enough to fill in some of that boredom.


I also hope these legacy abilities arent given away free. Soemthing given away free has no value. If its bought with in game credits it means I have to do some monotonous task which will feel like 'something I work for'

If im to do that it has to be something I really want or need. Same reason you work in RL.


I have multiple level 50's other than deleting Im not going to be playing any more.

I dont do dailies, have no need to do them.


I came here with Several RL friends. 3 Have quit completely, 4 of them show up for 3 hours a week, do the operation and log. The game is all but begging me to quit.


Seeing more and more people in this exact same situation, myself included. Funny thing is, the discrepancy between sub-50 and 50 players is decreasing rapidly from what I see on the three servers I've been playing on (due to lack of transfer/mergers it has sadly been necessary). Which leads to the weird dilemma on how on earth the game can be said to be growing and not hemorrhaging subscribers... 'coz with half the servers in Europe on "Light" and an additional 30-40% on standard during peak... it just doesn't reflect the supposed high number of subs.


But then again, I'm not really believing those numbers in the first place.

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Seeing more and more people in this exact same situation, myself included. Funny thing is, the discrepancy between sub-50 and 50 players is decreasing rapidly from what I see on the three servers I've been playing on (due to lack of transfer/mergers it has sadly been necessary). Which leads to the weird dilemma on how on earth the game can be said to be growing and not hemorrhaging subscribers... 'coz with half the servers in Europe on "Light" and an additional 30-40% on standard during peak... it just doesn't reflect the supposed high number of subs.


But then again, I'm not really believing those numbers in the first place.


In 10 hours time, 6pm GMT, the majority of Europe servers are at "Standard".


What do you seriously want? Heavy loads at 6am in the morning? How can you judge server populations during off peak times and only one continent? The way I see it, European servers and Oceanic servers are doing just fine. It is the US players who are not on the same page.

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