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People space-baring through Flashpoints.....

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Like other people said, just run normal mode if you want to watch the story. That is what is there for anyway(I mean they're even changing "Normal Mode" operations into "Story Mode" operations). You most likely won't run into this issue as the only people running normal modes at 50 are the people that only want to watch the story or the people that haven't quite figured out that they are worthless for gear yet.


I personally don't care if someone wants to watch the story in a Hardmode as long as they tell the group first, but I definitely understand why people get annoyed with it. Hardmodes are just there to grind out your gear and most people hate grinding so they would rather get it over with as fast as they can. Someone that is sitting there watching every cutscene is making the run last longer and that can be annoying for people that just need that last piece of gear and have run the flashpoint 10+ times.

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Depends on the flashpoint. Esselles and Black Talon get spacebar spammed because, well, they're the opening flashpoints. Everyone does them, and often multiple times on the same Character. They're also the go to choice for "I need to get the daily done quickly". So the default here is spacebar mashing. Foundry, Boarding Party, Taral V, and Maelstrom fall into a similar category.



D7 and further on, though, are a bit greyer. These are barely solo-able, if solo-able at all. Frankly, a lot of people are going to skip normal mode on these especially given the crappy gear rewards on the story mode versions.

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All normal FPs which have a hard more should be made soloable with your companions, i.e. the real Story Mode that you can take your time to read the story. Then add an extra menu after choosing [Hard Mode] at the FP quest giver to let the player choose "Auto Skip Movie" or "Play Movie". If the group leader chooses to Auto Skip Movie, all movies will be auto-skipped till the choice menu. I guess many players already hate spamming space bar.
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I solo and that solves my problem with "hurry up and go groups". True, I have to wait a few extra levels to solo an FP, but that is something I can live with. My level 35 has soloed up to Cademimu, that's next. While the gear is too low for me by the time I run the instance, it does not bother me. I'm a crafter and make my own gear, with more that one avatar I am pretty well equipted.

I love SWtor for the story line and the immersion. I have no desire to run the FP's over and over again. Once is enough. And I will do it my way, at my pace.

Now there is more than enough to keep a player exploring, class experimenting, and crafting. I've started on the starship wars. There is pvp to look forward to in due course of time. And with all my companions to back me in many game play styles-I'm not alone.

Blowing thru the gameworld in 3 months and then complaining of boredom always makes me wonder why these players bother to play MMOLRPG's, console games are really better suited to that play style? Fast, easy to reach end game.

And yes, I've been asked why I bother to play MMOLRPG's if I don't want to group. The answer is: I have grouped. I don't do well in groups. There are lots of people in the RL world, I don't have to interact with them all, same in game world. Probably the best answer is my old Bartleby score: Explorer 80%, Killer 60%, Achiever 33%, Social 27%.

I'm willing to be helpful in game, I'm just not socialable.

In any case, SWtor is fairly big, there is room for all types of game play.

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There have been many times at least at the lower levels that obnoxious players have harassed the player that wanted to see the cutscenes, every single time they were from a certain other game (because I asked when it happened).


I have absolutely no issue with people wanting to watch the cut-scenes & while I can understand it's boring for those on their 20th alt they "should" be a little more understanding, after all if you are earning "social points" is there a point to being "antisocial" ?


I've left groups when certain individuals got incredibly dramatic about it, reformed with the "new guy" & started a fresh run, I can't abide people that get rude, pushy & start harassing others, if they want a "spacebar run" they should clearly say so when joining or creating groups & definitely not start harassing other players that don't want to rush through at breakneck pace.


I hope BioWare creates some "speed runs" or "timed Flashpoints" so these speedfreaks can get their kicks, just don't give them many social points for it, not none, just a lot fewer, large chunks of social points is better where content is intended to be of a slightly slower pace, the social point gains should balance out to the same per hour, though you'll still get min-max elitist dipsticks wanting to speedrun through higher social point content at least there will be an alternative for them to get their ADHD fix on.

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I'll often ask people to skip if they aren't already, but if it's their first run (or they otherwise decline) then that's fine by me.


I'd prefer not to see the same cutscenes again and again but seeing them is hardly a major issue.

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There have been many times at least at the lower levels that obnoxious players have harassed the player that wanted to see the cutscenes, every single time they were from a certain other game (because I asked when it happened).


Yeah, because the only people that don't like to watch cutscenes they have seen 30+ times come from WoW. :rolleyes: I hate WoW but the amount of idiotic "Anti-WoW Fanboys" on these forums never cease to amaze me.

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Yeah, because the only people that don't like to watch cutscenes they have seen 30+ times come from WoW. :rolleyes: I hate WoW but the amount of idiotic "Anti-WoW Fanboys" on these forums never cease to amaze me.


Perhaps not in your experience, but I was talking about my own, or do you have such a high opinion of those players that you feel my personal observation is an outright lie, that in no way is it possible for a player to have come across only ex-wow players actively harassing people for not rushing through content?


I'm sure that "on average" it works out to not be only ex-wow players that harass people for not spacebar'ing their way through content, and that my experience is atypical, but to go so far as insinuate that I'm an "Anti-WoW idiot" is idiotic in itself, I still play WoW casually myself & maintain a subscription, so please explain how I'm an Anti-WoW idiot if I also play WoW and enjoy it as well as this game? Or were you just looking for a way into the thread to take a swipe at someone's opinion without giving it any forethought?


Casual Obnoxiousness +1 to you sir.

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As others have said, HM FPs are about gear farm (there is no other reason to do it) and not for story mode.


Want story mode? Do normal. Don't make the gearing up process longer than it needs to be.

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Perhaps not in your experience, but I was talking about my own, or do you have such a high opinion of those players that you feel my personal observation is an outright lie, that in no way is it possible for a player to have come across only ex-wow players actively harassing people for not rushing through content?


I'm sure that "on average" it works out to not be only ex-wow players that harass people for not spacebar'ing their way through content, and that my experience is atypical, but to go so far as insinuate that I'm an "Anti-WoW idiot" is idiotic in itself, I still play WoW casually myself & maintain a subscription, so please explain how I'm an Anti-WoW idiot if I also play WoW and enjoy it as well as this game? Or were you just looking for a way into the thread to take a swipe at someone's opinion without giving it any forethought?


Casual Obnoxiousness +1 to you sir.


You do realize how many people played WoW right? I would imagine if you did a bunch of flashpoints where players rolled need on Columi gear for their class and asked them if they played WoW at one point you would get a yes. Just because you asked a few random players that you had a negative experience with if they played WoW doesn't mean ****, you can do the same about any other experience as well since with the amount of people that have played WoW, it is hard to come across people that haven't in MMO's now.


I never once said it was an outright lie, I'm saying that you're whole comment about the subject was to insinuate that all players doing this are ex-WoW players is an extreme exaggeration to make it seem like all ex-WoW players are terrible people.


Your comment definitely paints you as one of the "anti-WoW fanboys" I was talking about and I still stand by it because the simple fact that you even asked these players if they played WoW implies that you already feel as though it would take an ex-WoW player to do something like this. Just because you still play WoW doesn't make you any less of one of these idiots, it just also makes you a hypocrite.


I didn't need a way into this thread as I had already posted my opinion on it. I just saw your moronic comment as another "Anti-WoW fanboy" trying to imply that "WoW players kill communities" or whatever and decided to call you out on it, and still completely believe that is what you were trying to do.


Edit: Nevermind, I can't believe I fell for the obvious troll from the guy that has "Troll since 1999" in his profile.

Edited by Ganrax
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FPs are optional and really have no real bearing on my players story [


Exactly why i don't care about story in flashpoints, i skip and don't waste time even when doing it first time. Afterall everything that happens in flashpoints is meaningless. Great job Bioware.

Edited by Lucyfer_Infinity
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You do realize how many people played WoW right? I would imagine if you did a bunch of flashpoints where players rolled need on Columi gear for their class and asked them if they played WoW at one point you would get a yes. Just because you asked a few random players that you had a negative experience with if they played WoW doesn't mean ****, you can do the same about any other experience as well since with the amount of people that have played WoW, it is hard to come across people that haven't in MMO's now.


I never once said it was an outright lie, I'm saying that you're whole comment about the subject was to insinuate that all players doing this are ex-WoW players is an extreme exaggeration to make it seem like all ex-WoW players are terrible people.


Your comment definitely paints you as one of the "anti-WoW fanboys" I was talking about and I still stand by it because the simple fact that you even asked these players if they played WoW implies that you already feel as though it would take an ex-WoW player to do something like this. Just because you still play WoW doesn't make you any less of one of these idiots, it just also makes you a hypocrite.


I didn't need a way into this thread as I had already posted my opinion on it. I just saw your moronic comment as another "Anti-WoW fanboy" trying to imply that "WoW players kill communities" or whatever and decided to call you out on it, and still completely believe that is what you were trying to do.


Edit: Nevermind, I can't believe I fell for the obvious troll from the guy that has "Troll since 1999" in his profile.


You Mad bro?


I didn't ask them if they played WoW, I asked them what game they had played before.


Kinda funny that you describe yourself as a WoW-hater & then jump on me as if all the WoW-hate on the forums was my fault or something.


You are clutching at straws to justify your outburst, fighting a crusade that exists in your head somewhere I suggest going outside & getting some fresh air, you've got me pegged as a WoW-hater & no matter what I'd say it wouldn't change your mind so I'm not going to bother.


Troll since 1999 by the way is because I played a Troll-species character in EverQuest when it launched up until 2008 & still use his name, though his class changed from Shadowkinght to Berserker - deleted & rerolled - when Gates of Discord was released, but thanks for stopping by my profile to find further things to jump to misinformed conclusions about - want my facebook page too so you can continue on your crusade or can you finally just let it go?

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normally, i would say that everyone should be able to play the game how they want, and if you want to watch it, go for it.


the problem is that this game holds you hostage during dialog. by that I mean, EVERYONE has to participate. if someone wants to listen to the dialog, you don't have the option to not join in the dialog, and go on a bio break or something.


a lot of times, we'll run a fast Black Talon after raid for alts, and after seeing it 4084350824695876 times, i kinda don't want to listen to the dialog anymore.

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make it known from the start that you have not been here before and would be watching the vids, if they have a problem with it they will take someone else :p personally i think its polite enough to let them know, if it was BT then i would have prolly kicked you thou :p
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If you want the story and have not seen it, why are you attempting HM anyway??

As alot of posters have said HM are for grinding gear and after you have been in the same FP for the 20th time the cutscenes are a pain in the *** waste of my time.


A lot of fresh lvl 50`s do this to be carried through by players in Columi gear so they can get equiped quicker !! YET &^"$£"% EXPECT TO WATCH CUTSCENES TOO !!


That is taking the *&*&. And is selfishness of the highest degrees.



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You know, I've been asked to spacebar through some flashpoints I had never seen before and since I don't do them often, I've entirely missed the story in a few of them and couldn't tell you what they were about. This severely impacted my enjoyment in a number of them.


I may end up simply skipping group content until I can find a group of players that actually enjoy the flashpoints, rather than being in a mad rush to get them over with. Considering how difficult it can be to get groups together, this is a real bummer.

Edited by ProsaicProse
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You know, I've been asked to spacebar through some flashpoints I had never seen before and since I don't do them often, I've entirely missed the story in a few of them and couldn't tell you what they were about. This severely impacted my enjoyment in a number of them.


I may end up simply skipping group content until I can find a group of players that actually enjoy the flashpoints, rather than being in a mad rush to get them over with. Considering how difficult it can be to get groups together, this is a real bummer.

find a guild. my guild runs new people through instances, we we patiently wait for them to listen through the crap.


the difference is, when i sign up to help a guildie, i'm willing to do the waiting. I don't wanna be surprised by the wait if i pick up a pug.. :p


hell, we had a guy listening to every cutscene in EV/KP-normal last week because they had never been there before. everyone just took the opportunity to get another beer :p

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I'm pretty tolerant. I spacebar thought everything these days but I dont ***** if other dont. It may be thier first time or maby they just enjoy it. Fair play to them. Not really an issue to me since an extra few mins on a flashpoint run is nothing in the grand scheme of things.


Of course since I dont run Flashpoints anymore this is really no longer an issue to me. Theres nothing in a flashpoint worth my time doing and pretty much my entire guild is in Rakata including our alts .sigh.


Having said that, again I have nps with people who want to watch them, grab a beer or soda, or light myself a smoke. Its not as if FPs are hard or stressful anyway so whats the point getting wound up about it. Did make a habbit of getting people on vent tho for FPs .. makes it alot more fun if I dont have to type crap all the time !

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IMO, HMFPs are for farming columi gear, not for story. If you're pugging, that's the expectation that I have of the rest of the group. In your case, where you're interested in the story, I think you should run it on normal mode first with a group of friends/guild or other people that want story. It will also go faster on normal mode and you'll get through the story quicker. Either that, or form your own group for HM and tell people that you're not skipping the convos and see how many people join your group.




Because there are no HM versions of those flashpoints. Only the main story arc FPs have HM options at level 50.


Also, it should be pointed out that most people, myself included, have different expectations of HMFPs compared to normal mode. Running normal modes while leveling, watching the cutscenes is acceptable. Once you're max level and your running HMs of the exact same FPs that you did while leveling up, you should be skipping because you've already seen it.

Agree. If you are level 50 doing HMs you should be spacebaring all dialogue. Regular mode is for the story.

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I think you should just let them know it's your first time there and would it be ok to watch the cut-scenes before you enter the FP. If any of them are idiots about it leave the party and then they'll have to spend more time looking for someone than they would have if they just let you watch the cut-scenes. I wouldn't stop someone enjoying the story because of my selfishness, however if you're in a group that you know has already seen them I'd expect people to space-bar through it. Edited by Flain
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There are few, quite short cutscenes in the flashpoints. Esseles/Black Talon are the big exceptions; I can understand people spacebaring through those, I do that too, having seen Esseles about a million times.


But seriously, there are two cutscenes in Kaon - and the final one can be skipped. Two cutscenes in Taral V - the final one can be skipped. Two cutscenes in Maelstrom - yes, you guessed it, the final one can be skipped entirely.


If people can't handle those extra two minutes, I say screw them. I enjoyed the RotJ-style scene with Darth Malgus even on the 15th time and wouldn't spacebar through it for the sake of someone who can't handle that two minute break. Fortunately, most people on my server never had a problem with it. This impatience might be an American thing, I'm not sure.


Really, MMO players seem intent on stripping away everything that's fun in a game. They just want to grind, constantly.


EDIT: okay, I'll admit, if you ask me politely, I might consider pressing that spacebar for you. But anyone who expects it by default gets no luck with me.

Edited by Siorac
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For my own pleasure, I like to roleplay while doing HM FP's. I play on a RP server anyways, so why not.


If 3 out of 4 ask for skipping, I do it. If there's anyone else who wants to RP or just read through the story, I let it play as well (instead of looking at a frozen character). I'm interested in meeting other characters and how they respond to the situation, for roleplay purposes.


But I have met some nice characters on my server with whom I have a lot of fun doing FP's... And that's all that matters.


TL;DR: I believe anyone has the right to do whatever he wants. Try to find like-minded people.

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I agree, which is why I think he shouldn't have to skip the scenes if he doesn't want to :)


And the OTHER THREE should WATCH even if they DON'T want to ? Someone needs to compromise, it's only fair if the majority get their way.


You may get away with it once or twice .. but you won't get an invite after that. If you want to watch the conversations THAT bad .. find a group with a similar interest, do NOT waste my time.

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@OP if you're the ONLY one in the group who would like to see the conversations - then you should skip as everyone else.


Seeing that you're 50 you can easily solo most of the flashpoints and watch as many conversations as you want.


Personally I like the conversations as well, what I do is ask whether the people in the group are ok with watching them, at least the first couple of times I do something, and then just do whatever the group wants.


You can't impose your opinion on other people and I don't consider wasting other people's time a an acceptable behavior.


And because his team is not letting him watch the cutscenes he has to solo the normal modes? So wait, who's the one wasting other peoples time? The way I see it, he was the tank, make them find a new one. I'm sure they would rather sit through cutscenes them spam lf tank in general chat for an hour (sorry dps, you don't get this luxury).


Also, I think the people that want to spacebar should be the ones up front about it (btw, I am one of these people). Skipping cutscenes doesn't effect the people that watch it as much. You need to be more upfront about your groups needs before inviting people if you are going to be that picky (this can totally go both ways, if you are going to watch all of them, you should let your group know ahead of time as well).

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