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Can anyone see the problem in this picture?


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What you think Customer service in any industry types out every single individual reply? They all use form letters to increase response times. Not surprised in the least, matter of fact I'd have been surprised if they didn't' use cut and paste for basic responses like that.


I am not surprised they use C+P responses, I expect them too, but at least take the time to fill it in.


With regards to the photoshopped comment, I have better things to spend my time doing than making convincing mock ups of mildly amusing customer support responses, like screenshotting them and sharing with the community for a giggle :)

Edited by Vahzl
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youre kidding when you say your surprised they use copy and paste responces right?



They're called Templates.



They make it so it doesnt take 10misn to reply to each job, it only takes 2.


Notice how it normaly takes days in every other MMO you've played to get a respocne to a ticket?



Notice how in SWTOR they answer before the 30min mark unless it has to be escalated, and even then its actioned within 24 hours?



the SWTOR gm team, imo is t he best ive ever seen.



I'm willing to give the guy a break for accidently missing 1 prefill line while getting your'e stuff sorted in under 30mins. heh.

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The best you have ever seen are you serious ??? the best I have seen was putting a ticket in wow playing a BG then when it finished a GM msg me and asked how he could help and that he noticed I was in a BG and didn't want to disturb me and waited till I finished that's proper in game CS whether you like it or not Wow rocks for CS. That was about a year ago in that game I can't imagine it would have changed.
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I reported a player who made his legacy name "Calrisian". The CS droid responded by asking me to clarify what the issue was...and closed the ticket so that I couldn't actually do that.

Not only are they unreliable, it seems that many of the CS droids have never watched the movies.

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I reported a player who made his legacy name "Calrisian". The CS droid responded by asking me to clarify what the issue was...and closed the ticket so that I couldn't actually do that.

Not only are they unreliable, it seems that many of the CS droids have never watched the movies.


Funny my friends toons name was jodokast for the longest time and just recently a player reported him for his name...how stupid I mean your really that much of a D-Bag to report someone so they have to change their name? get a life dude

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I mean your really that much of a D-Bag to report someone so they have to change their name? get a life dude


Agreed. Venomlash Please take your petty /reports elsewhere. I have no time for this prattle.

Edited by Bleadz
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youre kidding when you say your surprised they use copy and paste responces right?



They're called Templates.



They make it so it doesnt take 10misn to reply to each job, it only takes 2.


Notice how it normaly takes days in every other MMO you've played to get a respocne to a ticket?



Notice how in SWTOR they answer before the 30min mark unless it has to be escalated, and even then its actioned within 24 hours?



the SWTOR gm team, imo is t he best ive ever seen.



I'm willing to give the guy a break for accidently missing 1 prefill line while getting your'e stuff sorted in under 30mins. heh.


Err did you misread it? I said im not suprised, and I expect them to use templates. We all do in our jobs.

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