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Why my guild may leave


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Its fun to see people get mad at a game tht came out 3 months ago say why isnt their crap to do when the answer is pretty obvious. Coming from AoC, WoW, etc their were periods where there wasnt much stuff to do but alt up and do the same things over and over, its just the way of an MMO it cant be helped. I suggest take a break come back later, you only get bored of things when u make it a chore or obsessively play which is seems like you and your guild did.
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That's not progression. That's being dumb and doing the same stuff over and over.


Progression ENDS in this game. You think one raid will fix that?


is there an mmo out there that has any progression for very long after you reach end game ? in every mmo we have the same choices, raids, pvp, rp, crafting, I think what all theme park mmo's need is some diveristy, we have a park made up of rides, we have a green ferris wheel and a blue ferris wheel, lets add a red ferris wheel at the end of the day, you have rode another ferris wheel, just like adding a new warzone or another raid, at the end of the day same thing with a different view, almost all mmo's suffer from this, problem here in TOR new game and not seven years of the same thing added over and over again.


Maybe we could get some thing like pod racing or swoop racing, cantina games, I dunno, just something to break up the end game to have some diversity..:)

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I thought that my guild killing bosses in the top 10 in the world was cool once. Then my wife threatened to leave me.


Now I enjoy gaming, with her, at a casual pace.



For those of you that are all hard core and want to blow through content like you are going to get some kind of status from it, I suggest slowing down. It's been a year or so since I stopped raiding hard core and I am just now getting the cheeto stains off my fingers. But my marriage is stronger than ever.





I agree.. there's definitely too fast. And playing at a certain pace certainly does put a strain on your life and relationships. Unfortunately, that isn't the case here. I feel like I've completed content at a pace that is reasonable and have experienced thing at the rate they were meant to be experience or at least at the slowest rate I can imagine myself being able to experience the content without completely stopping gameplay. There were times that I would even consider my in game time as wasteful because I would be standing around in game socializing instead of leveling. I love 1-50, hard modes, and even my first couple of alts. Unfortunately, after doing all that the fun stopped. I just find it hard to believe that the people playing since launch aren't experiencing this same issue.

I personally do have a suggestion for BW. And it is a pretty obvious suggestion. I played all the 4 man HMs and grinding them to get the items I felt I needed. It however was not at all necessary and a lot of people skipped HMs all together for that reason and went straight to the real raid content. They put a lot of time and effort into this content and they should change the difficulty on Regular mode raids so that people can't skip that content.

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I hear ya OP. It is not that there is a lack of content. It is that the content is stupid easy. My very casual guild walked into EV the first time and 1 shot every boss in there in less than 3 hours. So we geared up and did hard mode, think we had maybe 1 wipe. We are not some crazy hardcore raiders that spend 10 hours a day in the ops, we barely play more than 3 nights a week. This game is sadly simple even for casual players. Sure you can take your time casually getting to endgame, but once you are there you blow through it in hours.
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Some people just eat through content. It's not their fault, and it's not the developer's fault. It's the nature of the beast. Honestly, this is the first "end-game" portion of SWTOR, give it a break. some people haven't even SEEN it yet because they can't find a guild to do it with *cough* me *cough*.... And that's not their fault either.


To be honest, it's probably the fault of the other major mmos out there. If only for the reason that they've been going for a few years now and they're reached a level of maturity where they CAN deal out the "hard" or "complex" mechanics. Remember, SWTORs is just starting... How you you like it if Hm rag 25 was the first boss you encountered. You'd probably want to not raid anymore. Or, to a lesser extent, HM alysrazor 10. You'd want to cry and then not raid anymore after a few weeks.


And if you can't see the problem with the above scenario, think about it if you weren't in Vodka. Think about it if you were just starting mmos because hey! it's Star Wars! That looks fun! Or think about it like hey, I can't even compete in rift or wow because all the good groups aren't willing to teach me how. I am just going to start with the new players!


Cut people some slack, is all I'm saying.


If you're bored, then just don't pay for right now. it will get better, trust me. Just like how you went from Hogger to C'thun to the Lich King. We don't talk about the Twin Emps....


After all it's like that proverb,

Give a man a fire, warm him for a day. Set fire to him, and warm him for the rest of his life...

Or something like that.

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Got nothing to do? Then you should take a year, perhaps 18 months off from the game. Wait for it to be out for two years, and then come back. You'll have plenty of endgame content to do, compared to four months after launch.
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We are all in full rakata gear and have been for at least a few weeks.. some longer. We've cleared every iteration of EV and KP more times than we can count. Nightmare mode is now on "farm with your eyes closed' status. Those of us who enjoy pvp also have our full set of that also. At this point we've been playing the same content for so long that the game is really stale. Most of the guild logs in 1 night per week. We fully clear all content in one not so very long night. I'm afraid the new content being added in isn't going to be enough to justify continuing to pay the monthly subscription.


Not really a game for hardcore raiding oriented guilds. May never be actually. That treadmill is filled by other games.

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Got nothing to do? Then you should take a year, perhaps 18 months off from the game. Wait for it to be out for two years, and then come back. You'll have plenty of endgame content to do, compared to four months after launch.



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Got nothing to do? Then you should take a year, perhaps 18 months off from the game. Wait for it to be out for two years, and then come back. You'll have plenty of endgame content to do, compared to four months after launch.


I agree and that's the likely what I will do. Unfortunately there is a point of no return for an MMO and end game content. Once the player base as a whole as advanced to a certain point then you won't be doing old content because there won't be enough people to do it with. Of course the devs will have implemented a means of bypassing the content to catch up to the population by that point but then you kind of defeat the purpose of taking the time off.

Since you'll have skipped the content you waited for.


It's a catch 22.

Edited by Jaygregz
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Not really a game for hardcore raiding oriented guilds. May never be actually. That treadmill is filled by other games.


That's the thing, you don't need to be a hardcore raiding guild to complete the endgame content easily. Even very causal guilds have blown though it with ease. Even random pugs are doing HM ops in just a few hours. This game has a treadmill it is just set to the lowest (easiest) possible setting.

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Ok, cya later. Content locusts are never happy with any game.
Maybe if the content wasn't braindead easy it would last longer.


Personally, I find it's those solo players who demand the difficulty of the game be reduced to their level who drive this whole "content locust" mentality. They want a game where gameplay consists of "seeing the sights," rather than something that focuses on any sort of challenge. That is the very definition of a content locust, someone who just wants to go "sight seeing."


Nevermind that a feature like AQT only reinforces the simplicity of the content, further exacerbating the issue.


So you have all 16 AC's? Finished all stories to level 50? Gotten all datacrons on all of those toons? Battlemaster on all 16?
Throwing out a checklist of completionist content does not help make your case. It only serves to highlight what this game lacks, which is meaningful progression, even within leveling. Edited by Ansultares
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I wish I had as much time as the OP does to chew through that much content that fast. No game company can make that much content that fast. Some people are just that obsessive/compulsive about their gaming, I suppose. That being said, perhaps other interests outside the game might be in order.
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I agree and that's the likely what I will do. Unfortunately there is a point of no return for an MMO and end game content. Once the player base as a whole as advanced to a certain point then you won't be doing old content because there won't be enough people to do it with. Of course the devs will have implemented a means of bypassing the content to catch up to the population by that point but then you kind of defeat the purpose of taking the time off.

Since you'll have skipped the content you waited for.


It's a catch 22.


Yeah... $15/month makes for a very mind-crippling decision...


You either like the game or you don't. 11 pages of arguing whether or not to stay is ridiculous.

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do you want a lollipop or a cookie cause all you did was come here to cry and make others cry till you get what you want so what is it the lollipop or cookie

wow heads are never happy in a new game cause all they really want is to grind out new dailies that were the same as yesterday to run instances with there new people they ran with yesterday and explore new lands that were explore last year

3 months and the game is old cause y ou space bared your way thru content

didnt like the story line cause wows story is so awesome how many people actualy read the quests before they accepted them n all 20 of there alts

then they can feel good cause there part of 13 million players that dont want to do crap with each other and half of them are just there to make gold to sell

do the retarded people giving this game crap actuary know what they really want

please go and please take all the other wow heads with you this is a new game not your speed cause if all you know how to do is beat content then you dont know how to play

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Relax he is just expressing his concerns. And you know what? He is kinda right! There is nothing more to do at the moment Start thinking outside of your little own world.


There are millions of things to do.


The problem with people like the OP is that the only thing they do is raid.

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There are millions of things to do.


The problem with people like the OP is that the only thing they do is raid.



I raid, I warzone pvp, I got to ilum to laugh, I level alts, I craft, I sell on the market. I'm not a one dimensional player at all.

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Yeah... $15/month makes for a very mind-crippling decision...


You either like the game or you don't. 11 pages of arguing whether or not to stay is ridiculous.


I am fortunate in that 15 dollars month is not a bank breaker for me. I do however consider myself thrifty and value my dollar. That's the reason I play MMOs. You get lots of bang for your buck. Unfortunately the value in this game is being exhausted faster than myself or many others would like.

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"My whole guild is leaving" posts are always humorous. If you tell me the guild has 1 person in it, then I would believe you, but getting a 100% consensus from a variety of people usually doesn't happen.
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We are all in full rakata gear and have been for at least a few weeks.. some longer. We've cleared every iteration of EV and KP more times than we can count. Nightmare mode is now on "farm with your eyes closed' status. Those of us who enjoy pvp also have our full set of that also. At this point we've been playing the same content for so long that the game is really stale. Most of the guild logs in 1 night per week. We fully clear all content in one not so very long night. I'm afraid the new content being added in isn't going to be enough to justify continuing to pay the monthly subscription.


My guild cleared all raids in wow more times than I can count. This is what a mmo is at endgame, farm for gear. Granted some of these (EV) could be harder with better gear. BW should think about making the next tier a lot harder to acquire as far as the raid difficulty.. is concerned, but keep in mind, this is what endgame mmos are all about. The Treasure Hunt.

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"My whole guild is leaving" posts are always humorous. If you tell me the guild has 1 person in it, then I would believe you, but getting a 100% consensus from a variety of people usually doesn't happen.




This is the only reason I read these posts, to laugh ..


I also like the:


"Half the people on my server hate XXX" as if the poster has taken a vote


"Everyone in General Chat on Fleet says XXXX" - Improbable, again for the same reasons the quoter said ...


"All the raid guilds on my server have quit now because of XXX"


"Everyone hates PvP, Bioware Change this !!"





Posters that are supposedly making "constructive" posts would probably get a better response from others if they didn't try to play the "Everyone in the game hates this !! I know because I do" and just post "I am thinking about quitting because XXX" and leave off the trying to speak for others ..


Many of the "I r quitting posts" that start out well usually have something like "And if this isn't changed soon bioware, many others will follow !!" As if making up a random % (65% of my server has quit!!) or saying "Many Others", "Everyone In My Guild" (which is usually like 4 people but that doesn't sound as impressive as the use of the word Everyone), etc ... will suddenly have Bioware jumping up and thinking "OMG!!! We must stop this mass-exodus, PLAYER_759089 has said 65% of his server and his WHOLE guild are quitting if we don't add swimming by tonight!!!! Quick !! To the Code-Cave !!!" ..

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Here folks we have the other spectrum of the equivalent of pvp hardcore, but for pve. This reminds of wow and how the hardcore pve were complaining about the nerfs to hm. If content was hard from beginning, then got nerf you would be on these forums complaining about the nerf. If content is easy from the star you here complaining about how easy it is. No matter what BW does the hardcore raid players will always complain. Ultimately, any raid will be nerf down to the difficulty of what raids are now. Only difference is BW started those raids at that nerf difficulty. Still it's better to have some thing that is easy than too hard. If you look at what happen in wow with Cataclysm.
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If there is one thing I've learned playing MMO's, it's no matter how easy the content is, casual players are still not going to do it. So trying to balance PVE raids around casual players is completely pointless. You have to cater to hardcore players or you have what you have now, extremely easy content that is cleared in one day and then left with nothing to do the rest of the week. I'd be OK with raiding one day a week if I had spent the last few months learned the content and working hard to get it down. But that's not what happened. We cleared Nightmare Mode content the first week we did it. Which is kind of sad because I think some of the bosses in the current raid tier would make for some pretty awesome fights if they actually tried to make them hard.


I don't expect this to get any better with 1.2. Apparently there is only 4 bosses in the new raid, which regardless of difficulty, isn't enough to satisfy people for long periods of time. Even if it took a month to clear those 4 bosses, if the next content patch is 3 or 4 months away, that is 2 or 3 months of people again doing absolutely nothing in the game.

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Relax he is just expressing his concerns. And you know what? He is kinda right! There is nothing more to do at the moment Start thinking outside of your little own world.


Yup. Three people from our guild/main raid group did as well, pretty much gutted all forms of raiding. Guild is now dead.

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but keep in mind, this is what endgame mmos are all about. The Treasure Hunt.


v tru but swtor hands out gear like candy with little effort when u get all u want this quick no wonder alot of ppl run out of steam to play and like others have said rolling one of the other 8! not 16 ac is just mind numbing since 80% is the same more so the way the levling system works in this game with mobs with raid boss hp only further add to the grind smacking a mob for 4mins to turn to his friends to kill them then go o look 1/10 done bw took the grind u want at the end and put it at the start and middle :p


if only they let us play "story version" ie only your story quests no others dont mind even if when your done with that story you dont own that lvl 50 he gets deleted/ whatever just got to use these characters to see the story which on some ac is v good.

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If there is one thing I've learned playing MMO's, it's no matter how easy the content is, casual players are still not going to do it. So trying to balance PVE raids around casual players is completely pointless. You have to cater to hardcore players or you have what you have now, extremely easy content that is cleared in one day and then left with nothing to do the rest of the week. I'd be OK with raiding one day a week if I had spent the last few months learned the content and working hard to get it down. But that's not what happened. We cleared Nightmare Mode content the first week we did it. Which is kind of sad because I think some of the bosses in the current raid tier would make for some pretty awesome fights if they actually tried to make them hard.


I don't expect this to get any better with 1.2. Apparently there is only 4 bosses in the new raid, which regardless of difficulty, isn't enough to satisfy people for long periods of time. Even if it took a month to clear those 4 bosses, if the next content patch is 3 or 4 months away, that is 2 or 3 months of people again doing absolutely nothing in the game.


This is what worries me, 1.2 does not look as big as they are making it out to be. I give it 2 months MAX before we are back at the same point we are at now.


It better be good, and it better keep me engaged in the content or i see myself leaving and just playing D3 (which i dont really want, because i want SWTOR to succeed!!)

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