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Why my guild may leave


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We are all in full rakata gear and have been for at least a few weeks.. some longer. We've cleared every iteration of EV and KP more times than we can count. Nightmare mode is now on "farm with your eyes closed' status. Those of us who enjoy pvp also have our full set of that also. At this point we've been playing the same content for so long that the game is really stale. Most of the guild logs in 1 night per week. We fully clear all content in one not so very long night. I'm afraid the new content being added in isn't going to be enough to justify continuing to pay the monthly subscription. Edited by Jaygregz
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We are all in full rakata gear and have been for at least a few weeks.. some longer. We've cleared every iteration of EV and KP more times than we can count. Nightmare mode is now on "farm with your eyes closed' status. Those of us who enjoy pvp also have our full set of that also. At this point we've been playing the same content for so long that the game is really stale. Most of the guild logs in 1 night per week. We fully clear all content in one not so very long night. I'm afraid the new content being added in isn't going to be enough to justify continuing to pay the monthly subscription.


I know they should of put in a mountain of hard trash into both raids and dropped far less gear per boss and put something in there with a 0.01% drop chance and make it you need two of them for a legendary item so you could be farming the same instance mor many months.

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Ok, cya later. Content locusts are never happy with any game.


Relax he is just expressing his concerns. And you know what? He is kinda right! There is nothing more to do at the moment Start thinking outside of your little own world.

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We are all in full rakata gear and have been for at least a few weeks.. some longer. We've cleared every iteration of EV and KP more times than we can count. Nightmare mode is now on "farm with your eyes closed' status. Those of us who enjoy pvp also have our full set of that also. At this point we've been playing the same content for so long that the game is really stale. Most of the guild logs in 1 night per week. We fully clear all content in one not so very long night. I'm afraid the new content being added in isn't going to be enough to justify continuing to pay the monthly subscription.


It's bad OP, I play maybe 1 warzone a day. I have never played a mmo were you literally run out of progression. Let alone run out in 2 months.

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Just out of curiosity, how long was it taking your guild to clear content in other games (assuming you played them)


If you just formed up in here, then I suggest you and your guild take your talents to other MMOs with more competitive (difficult) raiding. The new patch drops in a week or two anyway, the new content is supposed to be harder then.

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My toons toon has a toon and that toons toon is bored of the game. I'm not a content locust. I've played, enjoyed, and repeated every aspect of the game so long though that it's grown tiresome.


So you have all 16 AC's? Finished all stories to level 50? Gotten all datacrons on all of those toons? Battlemaster on all 16?


If you are bored, that's YOUR problem, not the games' problem.

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We are all in full rakata gear and have been for at least a few weeks.. some longer. We've cleared every iteration of EV and KP more times than we can count. Nightmare mode is now on "farm with your eyes closed' status. Those of us who enjoy pvp also have our full set of that also. At this point we've been playing the same content for so long that the game is really stale. Most of the guild logs in 1 night per week. We fully clear all content in one not so very long night. I'm afraid the new content being added in isn't going to be enough to justify continuing to pay the monthly subscription.


Pretty sure this is the type of player that cleared Black Temple in spring/summer and then waited a year for Sunwell and kept paying the whole time. Nothing to see here.

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So you have all 16 AC's? Finished all stories to level 50? Gotten all datacrons on all of those toons? Battlemaster on all 16?


If you are bored, that's YOUR problem, not the games' problem.


That's not progression. That's being dumb and doing the same stuff over and over.


Progression ENDS in this game. You think one raid will fix that?

Edited by BCBull
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Relax he is just expressing his concerns. And you know what? He is kinda right! There is nothing more to do at the moment Start thinking outside of your little own world.


There is a TON of stuff to do. As I said the to OP, if you are bored it's YOUR fault, not the game.

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Don't worry, everything is being made "harder" in 1.2 and inaccessible for the less than elite masses. It makes sense to stick around at least until then. Once you've chewed through the 1.2 end game material you can probably safely move on to the next game to devour all content, rinse and repeat.


What would be great is if developers stopped focusing on instances and raids for end game and came up with something player driven or more interactive. The instance and raid grinding crew is pretty much insatiable, has been for years, and developers continue to design games to suit their whims.

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There is a TON of stuff to do. As I said the to OP, if you are bored it's YOUR fault, not the game.


Why in the world would I want to do the same thing over again 16 times? That's just dumb logic you are using.

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Don't worry, everything is being made "harder" in 1.2 and inaccessible for the less than elite masses. It makes sense to stick around at least until then. Once you've chewed through the 1.2 end game material you can probably safely move on to the next game to devour all content, rinse and repeat.


What would be great is if developers stopped focusing on instances and raids for end game and came up with something player driven or more interactive. The instance and raid grinding crew is pretty much insatiable, has been for years, and developers continue to design games to suit their whims.


I agree wholeheartedly

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That's not progression. That's being dumb and doing the same stuff over and over.


Progression ENDS in this game. You think one raid will fix that?

In what game under this model (ie the WoW raid and loot grind) doesn't progression end? The only difference from one game to another is how far away the goal posts are.

Edited by SWImara
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Why in the world would I want to do the same thing over again 16 times? That's just dumb logic you are using.


Then you should move on to something else.


Personally, I think there is TOO much to do in the game. I never have enough time to do all the things I want to do.


Diff'rent strokes...

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Why in the world would I want to do the same thing over again 16 times? That's just dumb logic you are using.


well me and some friends think it would be neat to have every AC and play each story from a dark side perspective and a light side perspective. different strokes..

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That's not progression. That's being dumb and doing the same stuff over and over.


Progression ENDS in this game. You think one raid will fix that?


lol, nothing says "I'm smart" like insulting someone who is trying to have a civil conversation.

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Just out of curiosity, how long was it taking your guild to clear content in other games (assuming you played them)


If you just formed up in here, then I suggest you and your guild take your talents to other MMOs with more competitive (difficult) raiding. The new patch drops in a week or two anyway, the new content is supposed to be harder then.



My current guild transferred from Rift. But we've all been playing MMOs for a very long time. In Rift you played for an entire week wiping repeatedly to the same boss mechanic in hopes to progress further in a raid just to find out that you don't have enough water resistance or that the 20th guy you brought can't seem to pull his head out of his butt and continues to wipe your entire raid over and over again. So it's not really a fair comparison. HK took a week to clear and it probably wasn't until your 20th week that you finally managed to clear it.. if you were lucky. These games are no where close in difficulty nor did I except them to be.


I personally have also played WOW since vanilla, EQ1, Eq2, DAOC, LOTRO, runescape, and a few other titles. And it's not acceptable in any game to clear all content in one night.


But I'm not trying to talk about what it was like in other games.. I'm trying to talk about what I see wrong in this game.

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Don't worry, everything is being made "harder" in 1.2 and inaccessible for the less than elite masses. It makes sense to stick around at least until then. Once you've chewed through the 1.2 end game material you can probably safely move on to the next game to devour all content, rinse and repeat.


What would be great is if developers stopped focusing on instances and raids for end game and came up with something player driven or more interactive. The instance and raid grinding crew is pretty much insatiable, has been for years, and developers continue to design games to suit their whims.


Yeah I agree with this, I just wish BioWare would stop with the incessant pandering to the Raid or Die crowd Guild Summits, Weekly video promising more Raids...meanwhile the other 98% of the population has to wait until the end of the year...maybe. I mean honestly two major MMO's are about to be released that basically gives the finger to Raid or Die...does BioWare not think that won't effects some players decisions to stay?


You simply can't have a story based MMO with a Jeff Kaplan end game.

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You must play a **** ton! I just got my first toon to level 50 less than 2 weeks ago and have 3 Centurion pieces and no endgame raid gear for PVE yet and I try and play some each night after work. Maybe you just play too much, I mean any game gets boring when you do nothing else but play it.


Suggestion quit and 6 months from now resub and you will have your maxed out toons ready to tackle the new FP's and OP's then when you play the **** out of those quit again, it seems stupid for you to keep paying money for something you obviously are no longer getting enjoyment out of, you may simply be to hardcore of an MMOer for those game.


And I don't say this stuff to be a dick, its just the truth. Sounds like you have played it to death, I promise the game will be here in 6 months and there will be more content so play something else and come back to enjoy the new content later down the road.

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