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They were already well past that already, and many servers went up since then...


Yeah we all know what's going to happen; they will announce between 2-2.5 million (with Asia opening up it could be considerably more) The hate machine will say they are lying or they are all Asian subs on their free month and we will listen to three more months of OMGZORZ!!!1111 MASS EXODUS!!11111.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Yeah we all know what's going to happen; they will announce between 2-2.5 million (with Asia opening up it could be considerably more) The hate machine will say they are lying or they are all Asian subs and we will listen to three more months of OMGZORZ!!!1111 MASS EXODUS!!11111.


This guys got it right

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people don't get it...


when game come out player are exaited and play 8 hours a day 10 hours a day server seem full


then they relax they play 2/3 hours a day and server have the same number but seem lot less because they are more spread out


honestly whoever measure the number of subs from people on line when he is on line just dont get it.


not everybody want to play 8hx30day=240h for 15$


some people is happy with 3hx20day=60h for 15$ (actually a movie is 2h x 10$ 1 hour tennis it's 20$ entrance at the pool for 1 or 2 hours it's 7$)


so it's not people leaving it's just people playing in a "normal" way

obviously when the game is first out people is exaited and everybody play 6/7 hours a day thats why it seems A LOT MORE


but it's too difficult for people to understand and they think that if u play only 2/3 hours a day it's because the game is failing not because you have a normal life.

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today we have 400-500k active players


Not bad for a Wednesday...:cool:


For everyone crying about empty servers, I suggest you check out the Lord Adraas server. There were 200 people on Korriban the other night for an RP event, and the server is never empty.

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EA releases quarterly investor reports but bet that Bioware sends the rosiest possible reports to EA and EA in turns puts an extra positive spin on them to keep stock prices up.


Even all that spin has not been enough to keep EA's stock prices from tailspinning from above $20 when tor was released to just above $16 today.

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Last report was on February 1st so, I'd assume May 1st

will be the next one. I don't think it is typical for companies to give detailed subscription numbers every report but, I think it would be taken badly if they did not at least give a rough comparative statement. I am confident it will remain between 1.5-2m, I just think people play less than they di near release.

Edited by Matte_Black
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EA releases quarterly investor reports but bet that Bioware sends the rosiest possible reports to EA and EA in turns puts an extra positive spin on them to keep stock prices up.


Even all that spin has not been enough to keep EA's stock prices from tailspinning from above $20 when tor was released to just above $16 today.


Yes because a SINGLE game is going to have that large of a effect on stocks for a massive corporation like EA. You know...no other factor can take place right? Like projected earnings, performance of other games, the economy, etc. It all depends on SWTOR.


Second of all, a third party agency signs off on investor reports. If EA was to lie there would be a serious fine and the company would be sued.


Funny thing is the biggest investors have a buy rating for EA and it directly points to future profits from SWTOR being the result of the rating.


If you dislike the game stop playing and stop posting here.

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Yeah we all know what's going to happen; they will announce between 2-2.5 million (with Asia opening up it could be considerably more) The hate machine will say they are lying or they are all Asian subs on their free month and we will listen to three more months of OMGZORZ!!!1111 MASS EXODUS!!11111.




Impeccable prediction skills J-R. Of course they are very predictable, so that helps. :D

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Second of all, a third party agency signs off on investor reports. If EA was to lie there would be a serious fine and the company would be sued.


Prison time as well. Sarbanes-Oxley has teeth in it.


If you have ever seen a corporate executive sweat and double check things before they sign off on financials, it's quite fun to watch. Very different from the old days when they can and would polish a turd to make it shine for invetors. Now days, they are actually afraid of prison time.

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