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Why was PVE made so inaccessible yet PVP very accessible?


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It would help if the OP would actually present an argument, instead of just jumping to his conclusion without really indicating how he came to it. If by inaccessible you mean that its difficult for a solo player to group up for end-game flashpoints/operations, well that's already being addressed with the future LFG tool. Edited by Dinadan
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Some of the issues is gear. flashpoint gear is not worth the time to grind when PVP gear is on par.


I do the FPS for fun, not gear as whats the point when my PVP gear is better. This is why most people skip the FPs and just straignt onto normal mode raids.

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Correct me if i'm wrong but what your trying to say is that pve is inaccessible to solo players and many players in general at the moment due to low server populations, group forming, and lack of endgame solo content. Whereas pvp is easy to get involved with


Basicly BW made a boo boo, they assumed that standing around in fleet typing DPS LFG would generate a better commuiity. And they assumed solo players would be happy rolling alt after alt with no character progression in mind for the next 2 years till the next xpac.


They are addressing the random dungeon finder issue, but the pug groups will be just as nasty as they are in other games. While solo players are being ignored hoping they will continue to pay for a game that promises much but delivers little once you hit 50.


MMO are games based on the community.


If you choose to be anti-social and do everything solo, you get what you're looking for.


How if you want to progress PvE wise... find a guild and start raiding.


PS: I'm a soloer and pretty fine with what EA/BW did (usual stuff I may add). Now if they could find a way to rank PvE players, so that we don't end up with bad players costing us gobs of creds by perma wiping in FP, HM and Ops pugs... =D

Edited by IPaq
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Correct me if i'm wrong but what your trying to say is that pve is inaccessible to solo players and many players in general at the moment due to low server populations, group forming, and lack of endgame solo content. Whereas pvp is easy to get involved with


Basicly BW made a boo boo, they assumed that standing around in fleet typing DPS LFG would generate a better commuiity. And they assumed solo players would be happy rolling alt after alt with no character progression in mind for the next 2 years till the next xpac.


They are addressing the random dungeon finder issue, but the pug groups will be just as nasty as they are in other games. While solo players are being ignored hoping they will continue to pay for a game that promises much but delivers little once you hit 50.




THIS man, knows what he is talking about.



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The problem is that they made pre-50 warzones too fun, and people want to do that rather than group up to do flashpoints. Not that they really wanted to do that anyways.


Finally, somebody that understands what the OP was on about. Some responses hinted around what the OP was getting at without really addressing it. By 'accessability' for PvE versus PvP they were simply driving at how easy it is to get into PvP battlegrounds from mulitiple entry points. But there is no similar system for PvE flashpoints or operations.


I won't argue why that is but that's what they were getting at and I agree with them. It's a problem that is strangling a game that simply doesn't have enough players per server to reward standing around in fleet for hours looking for a group.


There have been many threads debating the merits of some sort of LFG tool but I can say with fair confidence that the lack of one is killing the game for a significant portion of the current player base.

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Really? Do you have any idea what you are talking about?


Let's see what PVP has....


1. Few PVP Servers

2. Three Warzones

3. Three Tiers of Gear.



Now, let's take a look at what PVE has.


1. Like 50 PVE Servers

2. Quests on Every planet to help you level, along with Class quests that keep you in the right area that gives awards, gear, commendations, and legacy.

3. Oh, yeah, the legacy system.

4. About 10 Flashpoints to do while you are leveling.

5. Heroic Flashpoints to do once you hit 50.

6. World Bosses

7. Professions

8. An Economy

9. Daily Missions that give almost 150k daily.

10. Weekly missions.

11. Operations and varying difficulty levels.

12. Three tiers of gear to earn.

13. Crafted gear.

14. Space


You're right this game is totally built for PVP. With their one daily quest.


Two daily quests actually.


March them down, and cutting the cord.


Just sayin....

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There is also an issue with how easy it is to obtain PVP gear and how well PVP gear performs in PVE content.


Many guilds simply are not farming HM FPs for PVE gear because they can get the full PVP set much more quickly and be just as well off or better for having not bothered farming the PVE gear.


This creates a system where even guild groups are choosing to gear up through PVP rather than PVE. When you have this going on then the old adage of "join a guild" isn't a viable solution for someone who only wants to play the PVE content.

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When you have this going on then the old adage of "join a guild" isn't a viable solution for someone who only wants to play the PVE content.


Or you can use it as a cheap way to dismiss the idea of people being freakn anti-social.


Most guild are PvE centric. Just saying.

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Correct me if i'm wrong but what your trying to say is that pve is inaccessible to solo players and many players in general at the moment due to low server populations, group forming, and lack of endgame solo content. Whereas pvp is easy to get involved with


Basicly BW made a boo boo, they assumed that standing around in fleet typing DPS LFG would generate a better commuiity. And they assumed solo players would be happy rolling alt after alt with no character progression in mind for the next 2 years till the next xpac.


They are addressing the random dungeon finder issue, but the pug groups will be just as nasty as they are in other games. While solo players are being ignored hoping they will continue to pay for a game that promises much but delivers little once you hit 50.




Although, low server population is not a key reason, i rerolled on a very heavily populated server and as a solo player i can't get a flashpoint group for love nor money. It's all guild powerlevelling or guild-only groups.

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There is also an issue with how easy it is to obtain PVP gear and how well PVP gear performs in PVE content.


Many guilds simply are not farming HM FPs for PVE gear because they can get the full PVP set much more quickly and be just as well off or better for having not bothered farming the PVE gear.


This creates a system where even guild groups are choosing to gear up through PVP rather than PVE. When you have this going on then the old adage of "join a guild" isn't a viable solution for someone who only wants to play the PVE content.


And this right here is the winner.


Play pretend with me for a moment.

You reach level 50. Giving the benefit of the doubt that you arent completely goofy, you have should wind up with six pvp bags. 15 cent/7 Champ coms per. Thats chest and legs. Finish your two dailies, and two weeklies, thats another six bags for the weeklies and 2 per daily. Again, more gear. And if you save the champ comms, plus the bags you b uy for comms during the process of grinding out the dailies and weeklies, you should have enough for the champ weapon as well.




PvE- for the most part, you just hit fifty. At best your gear is suitable for pugging HM BT. Dailies, etc can up this with some mods, however, its simply easier to pvp it. Second, you are dependant on drops. If you get very lucky, you might gear out in one day. Doubtful, but it could happen. If you are forced to depend on token drops.... plan on a solid month or three before you have enough for Tionese, let alone Columi. Speaking of which Tionese is horrible gear even in comparison to Cent. Columi holds up better, but only minorly in terms of stats.


That being said... yes PvP is actually more accessible and easier for the gear grind.


Why they went this route, is beyond me. And why they locked out HMs is confusing too. Now that I think about, whats the purpose of tionese gear? Its arguably the worst gear in the game, and most people skip straight over it.

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Greetings everyone,


We appreciate anyone who takes the time to offer feedback, but we find that the most useful feedback is focused and posted in the correct subforum.


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant subforum, such as PvP, Flashpoints, Operations, and Heroic Missions.


You may also be interested in posting your thoughts in one of these conversations, where people are already talking about some of the topics covered in this thread:


Server Population: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=379515

Dungeon Finder Tool: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=279017&highlight=dungeon


We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your feedback!


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