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Mission skill vs GTN


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Greetings all, I have a question I'm hoping someone can answer from personal experience.


I'm leveling Armortech on one of my characters, paired with scavaging. The question is, would it be more cost effective to take underworld trading for the rare metals? Or to take slicing for credit generation, and just buy the occasional rare metal from the GTN?


I know the prices will vary by server, but I'd think there would be some general consensus on this.


I thank you in advance for your time and response!

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If you are rushing to get to 400 armortech the slicing would work because you can gather the nodes for credits as you craft. If you stick to producing "green" armor as you level you should be able to find schematics that only use scavenging materials. For synthweaving most time I need a UT material its for a blue or purple schem. I've never done armortech so it may be different. Once you hit 400 you can decide between dropping slicing for UT or just buy off the GTN.
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What are you planning on using Armormech for?


If all you want is orange recipes and augment recipes in 1.2, or just Rakatas for yourself, you can powerlevel it using only green Scavenging mats. If you don't intend to RE and use or sell blues/purples, you don't need UT.


If you want to make yourself gear or sell any gear, having UT would be more cost-effective. I sell UT mats for far more than I spend on the missions, and that's particularly applicable to metals.

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I guess the question is are you trying to just ding your skill or learn every purple recipe along the way?


Honestly Either way I'd get slicing for the credits so you can buy mats that are available as it will be faster. Farming for purples is unreliable and expensive.

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I was just planning on using the crafted blues for my character as I level, then delve deeper into it end game. I do plan on outfitting myself and my companion along the way, but I'm not going to spend the credits to get to purple. Does that make a difference?
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i dont know what to tell you but slicing appeares it might be the way to go with the new 1.2 changes. with slicing you can get augment mats to help you make augments which armortechs can then make.


re blue items dont add endurance, aim nor cunning to the green schematic base pieces. they just add crit, defense, power and etc. for leveling you can get away with green items if you must take slicing. besides you will pick up alot of orange pieces with your questing too. these orange pieces can be upgraded with commendations.


eventually you will want ut for the blue and purple mats but leveling it is expensive and if done on a alt a pain too. perhaps that would be the way to go. if so get your alt to level 16ish where he gets his ship for the second companion.


generally i have never been a fan of trading ut for slicing but with the new changes coming out in 1.2 that is changing for certain crewskills. armortech is one of these.

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