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Am I the only one NOT having problems with this game?


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I'm starting to feel left out here. Is there something unusual about my machine?


I don't experience crippling bugs.

I don't suffer from horrible FPS.

I don't get kicked to the desktop on a regular basis.


I have occasionally been stuck in terrain before but a quick /stuck resolved that.

I have a fairly high spec machine (i5 2500k + GTX570 + 16GB Ram) so I wouldnt expect FPS issues, but I've seen people relate that they are experiencing problems with higher spec rigs than me.


From the CS Forum you'd believe that everyone was about to quit as the game is unplayable. Surely I'm not the only one this isn't true for?


Please note, I am not in any way trying to deny or belittle the issues others are having. I can imagine it would be very frustrating when they happen, and people just want to have an enjoyable game experience.


Just wanted to point out that this experience isn't universal and some of us are having a great time in game.

Edited by Cesta
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I'm starting to feel left out here. Is there something unusual about my machine?


I don't experience crippling bugs.

I don't suffer from horrible FPS.

I don't get kicked to the desktop on a regular basis.


I have occasionally been stuck in terrain before but a quick /stuck resolved that.

I have a fairly high spec machine (i5 2500k + GTX570 + 16GB Ram) so I wouldnt expect FPS issues, but I've seen people relate that they are experiencing problems with higher spec rigs than me.


From the CS Forum you'd believe that everyone was about to quit as the game is unplayable. Surely I'm not the only one this isn't true for?


Please note, I am not in any way trying to deny or belittle the issues others are having. I can imagine it would be very frustrating when they happen, and people just want to have an enjoyable game experience.


Just wanted to point out that this experience isn't universal and some of us are having a great time in game.


i would have agreed with you tbh, im still loving this game, however yesterday for the first time ever i got kicked to desktop 3 times. quite annoying as i was raiding for the frst time with a new guild...a little inbarising.

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I have encountered very little problems myself. There was one time my class mission couldn't be continued because my holoterminal wouldn't move the conversation.


A GM promptly responded to my ticket and told me it was due to AMD 12.2 drivers. I rolled back to 12.1 and it fixed the problem.


So I've only encountered one major issue, and it was solved quickly.


I highly suspect that the majority of the complainers are impatient people who would threaten to quit simply because the planet that they are supposed to go to just owned them in difficulty. You see some of the most ridiculous complaints on the forums.

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Currently the level of CTD/Framerate bug-ery is entirely acceptable for me. My wife runs on an identical rig (built 'em both myself) and has a few more black screens of death than I do, and she has more clutter running in the background than me. It's not always about the hardware, and the frequency of such crashes is certainly declining over the weeks.
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No problems for me. The only issue I've encountered was that I couldn't advance my class story at one point (Trooper). Sent in a ticket and got a response 5 minutes later, telling me it was a known bug and offered me a work around solution. All fine and dandy.
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My only problem is when my laptop overheats and shuts down, but that's Toshiba's fault.


Actually Bioware is partly to blame. The graphics look simple, but for some reason it works my game card like as if it was playing Deus Ex at the highest graphics setting.


The game should not use that much resources.

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Nope, none. People love to exaggerate problems a lot, you have to keep that in mind.


2 crashes a week turns into constant.


Only 30 fps means it's unplayable.


Minor glitch or an inconvenience turns into a gamebreaking bug that prevents them from enjoying the game.


The fact is that *most* problems are a direct result of incompetent PC management and nothing else. Malware, 100 programs running in the background, insides that haven't been cleaned, ever. OS not updated since installation, drivers from the last decade and the list goes on.

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Actually Bioware is partly to blame. The graphics look simple, but for some reason it works my game card like as if it was playing Deus Ex at the highest graphics setting.


The game should not use that much resources.


Not really. It overheats with any game. Team Fortress 2, World of Warcraft, Civilization V.


My Laptop just can't handle my gaming lifestyle. :(

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Zero problems?


hmmm I cant say I have had zero problems.


Looting bugs from raid bosses (KP), some really crazy bugs in pvp, once half our team got spawned in the wrong place and the game killed us as we spawned :) (funny)

I had the bug that dropped performance untill I changed shadows setting, then it was fine.


Graphic bugs, like the flashing that freeks some people out dont bother me in the slightest. I just move on, new area and its gone.


None of it is game killing, sure I lost out to loot in KP but theres always next week, only one thing I dont like is I cant get a datacron coz my Vanguard is too big :(


Problems, sure

Game killers? No

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U are not the only 1. I dont have problems as well.

I had fps prblems with my old rig, but it was because I was playing on max res.

I had also crashes to desktop, I dont have this anymore, perhaps they fixed it finally :)

So atm I dont experience any game problems such as crashes or fps drops.

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For the 1millionth time most people have zero issues, that is until there are more than 15-20 people fighting in the same area then and only then does the game come to a screeching halt. This is why you will never see anything but 8 vs 8 in Bgs and Illum has been basically removed in 1.2. Do we all understand now?
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I'm starting to feel left out here. Is there something unusual about my machine?


I don't experience crippling bugs.

I don't suffer from horrible FPS.

I don't get kicked to the desktop on a regular basis.


I have occasionally been stuck in terrain before but a quick /stuck resolved that.

I have a fairly high spec machine (i5 2500k + GTX570 + 16GB Ram) so I wouldnt expect FPS issues, but I've seen people relate that they are experiencing problems with higher spec rigs than me.


From the CS Forum you'd believe that everyone was about to quit as the game is unplayable. Surely I'm not the only one this isn't true for?


Please note, I am not in any way trying to deny or belittle the issues others are having. I can imagine it would be very frustrating when they happen, and people just want to have an enjoyable game experience.


Just wanted to point out that this experience isn't universal and some of us are having a great time in game.


It's a pc game, some people can run fine with no issues while others experience almost crippling problems. There could be any number of reasons for it. In SWTOR's case, it's mostly cause it's a PoS,

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I have 0 problems with this game as well.

Haters gonna hate.

Kids are on gonna when mummy and daddy don't buy them a decent computer, [sarcasm] which of course is Bioware's fault [/sarcasm]


I love the game and have no issues either except on Ilum. A planet which is designed for massive op vs op battles. And no one can play thats flawlessly. This is my only gripe.

My system is close to the ops. Only its a 2700k I7, 16gb of corsair vengance ram, and the 7970 black edition. and Ilum is the same as any other PC ive seen it run on. which is shocking when in an ops vs ops battle.


THis isnt hating. Its been honest!

Edited by DigitalPrime
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I'm starting to feel left out here. Is there something unusual about my machine?


I don't experience crippling bugs.

I don't suffer from horrible FPS.

I don't get kicked to the desktop on a regular basis.


I have occasionally been stuck in terrain before but a quick /stuck resolved that.

I have a fairly high spec machine (i5 2500k + GTX570 + 16GB Ram) so I wouldnt expect FPS issues, but I've seen people relate that they are experiencing problems with higher spec rigs than me.


From the CS Forum you'd believe that everyone was about to quit as the game is unplayable. Surely I'm not the only one this isn't true for?


Please note, I am not in any way trying to deny or belittle the issues others are having. I can imagine it would be very frustrating when they happen, and people just want to have an enjoyable game experience.


Just wanted to point out that this experience isn't universal and some of us are having a great time in game.


Alot of the problems players experience in SWTOR are commonly referred to as #firstworldproblems in that they are very minor issues, which have been exploded into mountains of drama because people tend to forget how comfortable their lives are compared to something like 85% of the worlds population, in that they have the time to sit and play these games, and rage on forums about how it doesn't live up to their impossible standards.


I for one am really enjoying the game, but I understand that those who have played since release are now bored or tired of it. It's a new thing for me to explore, and I love it, and am now even thinking of levelling one of each class on each faction for the storylines, after getting to a very good twist in the Jedi Knight Saga.


I don't experience hardly any of the issues I see dredged across these forums daily, but in the same respect, I don't actively seek out things to complain about.


Case in point, there was a guy raging hard in general chat on Tatooine last night about how a boss knocked him through the green portal as it died, locking the portal (turning it red) as the boss was dead, but meaning he couldn't loot it. People tried offering advice (call a GM, relog, play an alt till it's fixed etc) but he was having none of it, expecting a developer to show up and fix it (yes he said that). I then calmly suggested dragging a monster to the portal, killing it with AoE loot enabled and looting it, thus allowing him to loot the boss. Stunned silence in the chat as peoples brains exploded at this ground breaking suggestion. Players actually coming up with ways to work around these minor issues? No way. Of course I got no thank you, but the guy didn't speak again after I suggested this.


Part of the fun of playing these games, is when coming up against bugs, working out ways to defeat them, as to me, it's like unplanned bonus content, but then again, in my line of work, it's kind of normal that I would enjoy this :D

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I get some FPS problems. Not enough to ruin my gameplay though, and it's mostly just when I'm in the Fleet.

I've noticed a few bugs, some can be annoying like getting halfway through a story zone to suddenly get kicked out of it and have half the mobs inside respawn.


However I'm still really enjoying the game.


That's not to say I don't believe there are some people who are experiencing far worse problems, and some who aren't experiencing any.


Thing is with computers, everyones acts in different ways to different programs.

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i had no major problems myself, a few FPS drops low for a mear moment, the llum quest bugged but besides a few minor issues, i yet to have a major issue suchs as client crashing on me since beta weekend.


now i will say i do not pvp and the llum quest the one were you get chest for crystals, seem the chest are bugged so waiting for that to get fixed.

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