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Our robot on our ship,


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I'm sure this has been brought up, but just in case, i'll suggest it again. Currently our robot has no bonuses to crafting, neither efficiency nor crit bonus. Perhaps let us buy programming mods for our pet robot to suit us.


I made my artificer on the wrong character and would love to be able to make +crit companion on him, same for synthweaving. I've a slicer that doesn't have a +crit slicing bonus but i'd sure love a chance at seeing those blue briefcases more often.


How about it? Even if as a legacy reward??

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An improvement to the useless droid is actually coming with 1.2 and is currently on the Test Server.


-The C2 Droid Corporation and their competitors, the 2V Droid Corporation, have developed a series of new sensors for their products, the C2-N2 and 2V-R8 that significantly improve the Droids' Crew Skill efficiency and critical success chances. These products may be purchased via the Legacy Repair Astromech unit on the player's ship (once unlocked).

-Additionally, the C2-N2 and 2V-R8 Droids have had their personality matrices upgraded with an experimental emotional response chip, allowing them to accept gifts and tokens of appreciation. The Crew Skill performance of these units will increase upon acceptance of these goods.


And best of all....


-C2-N2 and 2V-R8 have been reprimanded and now vocalize less frequently on personal starships.


Not exactly what you're asking for but better than him doing nothing but making the ship smell like flowers :rolleyes:

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An improvement to the useless droid is actually coming with 1.2 and is currently on the Test Server.


I didn't know about the first two things you quoted. That's awesome. I was always upset that C2 was virtually useless after a while because he can't gain affection and has no special skills. I could really care less about the second part.

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The crafting bonus is nice but I really like the second. Every time I get on my ship and at least on my smuggler's ship every time I get off (basically any time I walk by him) he says one of the same four things. It gets old.... fast!
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The crafting bonus is nice but I really like the second. Every time I get on my ship and at least on my smuggler's ship every time I get off (basically any time I walk by him) he says one of the same four things. It gets old.... fast!


It really doesn't bother me that much. I usually run up and down my ship a few times while I'm on it. The Trooper ship also has C2 placed right at the door. I don't remember where his in on the Smuggler ship.

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