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Heroic Quests: Why ppl dont do them ?


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-They provide lots of experience. They are key to fastest way of leveling with space missions and dailly pvp/pve quests.


-They award lots of credits


-They are repeatable


-They grant you lots of legacy , more commendations , custom / prototpye gear.


-Most of them dont require a healer or tank. You only need to mark mobs nuke them as fast as possible.Use your survival , offensive cooldowns. Use your stuns , interruptions , snares ...


-Heroic 4 quests can be done by 3 ppl without healer/tank , can be done by 2 people with some good gear and good geared companions.


-Some of the heroic 2 quests are soloable with custom / prototpye gearwhich only requires you gather some stuff .


I cant find any group for heroic quests.You can level in 7-8 days by doing dailly heroics of your level , space missions , dailly pvp and dailly flashpoints.

Edited by kijthae
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The biggest issue with them that I see is that many people have not progressed far enough in the zone to do them. So if I get to a planet, and someone is yelling for more, and that quest is not in the datapad yet, then I probably don't have a quick flight path to it, and I may not know how to get there. Usually, players are not that patient with people trying to find instances.
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They aren't actually faster than questing normally, as you spend ages killing each monster group on heroic level quests.


I thought the same at first, but instead I just skip any 2 man+ stuff and stick with story, PvP, and the occasional distraction with a bonus series.

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Because no one wants to group it seems when asked.


quoted for emphasis. It gets tiring spamming LFG for heroics for over an hour, yes, we quest while we spam chat, yes we play during prime hours, but nobody likes doing heroics unless they're Heroic 2+. Which are few and far between compared to H4.

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I only try the ones that I can solo. Otherwise your having to spam chat looking for others to help you . Sometimes there's hardly anyone around. :confused:


Hardly yes, but there are some around are there not? Even if theres just you, and 1 other...you can still group.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Here is why I don't usually do them:


I don't like spamming for a group. I just don't like doing it.


If someone else is spamming for a group, almost every time, I'm like 100000 miles away from where that heroic is and it would take me 30 minutes to get there :) I just don't feel like wasting people's time like that. If I'm around, I'll usually do it, but sometimes I just want to get on and knock a few quests off while I have time. I don't have time to get on every single day.


In general, I disagree that Heroic 4 quests can be done with 3 people. Some of the earlier ones can be for sure (I did a Heroic 4 with 3 people on Taris but compared to the level you get said Heroic, I was somewhat overleveled for it) but I mostly find them to be difficult without the required classes. I freely admit that I'm not a min/maxer, nor am I a great player. I play for fun :)


Additionally, on my server, the later planets tend to have very few people on them, making grouping difficult at best :(

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They aren't actually faster than questing normally, as you spend ages killing each monster group on heroic level quests.




In most cases, they are overrated IMO.


There is a time overhead for heroics that offsets the xp (vs xp gained via solo work). Takes time to group up and takes time to clear them. If you have solo quests in your quest log, they are faster xp and leveling.


I only do heroics these days if I want a specific reward (like a specific orange piece of gear), need a few extra commendations, or I just want to top off some xp before leaving a planet.

Edited by Andryah
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It would help a ton if any prerequisites to sharing the quest (other than having already done it that day) were removed, and if people in a group could call other players to their location as a quick travel option (I think wow had something like this).
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Myeah it isnt worth the hassle of trying to find a group for the Heroic 4 quests. By the time you got enough people youre in a whole different area. I on occasion solo a Heroic 2+...now theres a challenge! (for non-stealth builds anyway).
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On my first character I tried to do as many of them as I could. It helped that there were lots of other players also willing to try at the time. With subsequent characters I barely bother because the hassle of trying to form a viable group versus the reward just isn't worth it.


The problem I found was that a lot of the Heroic 4s are overtuned and can be rather difficult if you don't have the correct trinity of tank, healer and dps. Often it's hard enough getting 3 or 4 people together without worrying what role they are. Some of the Heroic 4s play out like mini flashpoints. I can understand they are meant to be a challenge, but if players aren't doing them then it is content going to waste, sadly.

Edited by Cernow
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My approach is that as I get them, I'll lfg maybe a couple of times each time when I arrive on that planet and if I'm lucky, I'll stumble on a group, or find someone else is already looking for them. That approach has worked so far, but on Taris is seems to have finally have ground to a halt. I've managed to knock off only one of the Heroic 4 quests, and once I've done the Bonus series, will try to knock of the Heroic 2+ that I have via soloing, but I suspect I'll have to abandon the other Heroics in my queue - purely because there's not enough people interested in doing them.


Which is a pity, as I like trying to complete everything on offer, but it just doesn't seem possible at the moment.

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-They provide lots of experience. They are key to fastest way of leveling with space missions and dailly pvp/pve quests.

Leveling is far from hard in this game. Soloing isn't a hinderance upon exp gain and bonus content like space missions that take 15 minutes are also a boon. If leveling was harder and the bonus from heroics better then people would use them more often.


-They award lots of credits

Cash flow is no problem if you're not crafting. And even when you are crafting it is simply a matter of pacing yourself.


-They are repeatable

Plenty of solo content to go around, most people level so quickly they out-level most of it anyway.


-They grant you lots of legacy , more commendations , custom / prototpye gear.

Legacy exp is a fixed value. Prototype gear is easy to craft and therefore easy to purchase from someone. As the legacy stuff itself, there is anything really worth having.


-Most of them dont require a healer or tank. You only need to mark mobs nuke them as fast as possible.Use your survival , offensive cooldowns. Use your stuns , interruptions , snares ...

Soloing doesn't need them either. See above.




Leveling is so easy in TOR and 'rare' loot so abundent that there is very little need to group. Plus if you want to 'see' the content you can just run it once you've out leveled it and get the storyline and gear. What is killing TORs group appeal is the complete lack of merit to the bonuses that grouping offers. Player's aren't striving for anything, it's being handed to them on a silver platter just from soloing.

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They aren't actually faster than questing normally, as you spend ages killing each monster group on heroic level quests.


I thought the same at first, but instead I just skip any 2 man+ stuff and stick with story, PvP, and the occasional distraction with a bonus series.


Good Point.


When I go to a new planet, I do my story line (usually first) and all side quests that I can find. Even just doing this I'd end up 2-3 levels higher than is required for the next planet. I have friends I can ask to do heroic 2 and heroic 4 with me so I don't have a problem there. I only do Heroics once before I leave just for the group quest experience.

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-They provide lots of experience. They are key to fastest way of leveling with space missions and dailly pvp/pve quests.


-They award lots of credits


-They are repeatable


-They grant you lots of legacy , more commendations , custom / prototpye gear.


-Most of them dont require a healer or tank. You only need to mark mobs nuke them as fast as possible.Use your survival , offensive cooldowns. Use your stuns , interruptions , snares ...


-Heroic 4 quests can be done by 3 ppl without healer/tank , can be done by 2 people with some good gear and good geared companions.


-Some of the heroic 2 quests are soloable with custom / prototpye gearwhich only requires you gather some stuff .


I cant find any group for heroic quests.You can level in 7-8 days by doing dailly heroics of your level , space missions , dailly pvp and dailly flashpoints.


1: No they do not provide lots of experience... The time it takes me to shout for someone I can pass right over this quest and move on my merry way leveling faster then you.


2: No... They do not award enough credits to make the time worthwhile... There are wayyyy faster ways to make money.


3: Lots of things grant you legacy... and commendations...


4: I haven't hung on to any gear rewards I have received from a heroic quest... not a single one. Nor is there any reason to.... Therefore no reason for me to waste my time in the first place.


Basically they are pointless any way you look at them.


1 reason to do them is that I guess they are a little different from the regular quests in that they have heroic monsters... NOPE not worth it...


The real question I think is.... Why bother doing them at all?


They are not AT ALL the key to the fastest way of leveling.

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I've been playing MMO's since WoW Vanilla and i picked up on a lot of the basics myself. Things like: watch out for your healer, hit the same thing the tank is hitting, and all the other basic stuff. My first main was a Rogue, and even though i wasnt a tank, if a loose mob was on our healer i could keep it stun locked and kited and therefore off the healer.


But let me give you guys some examples of my SWTOR group experiences:


On my BH i did Personal Challenge in DK, you know the one where you kill some elite Mandolorians and then the boss comes out. We did one of the pulls and we were fighting 3 of the elites. The tank had 1 elite, and the other two were left loose and they were pew pewing me, the healer.


But if you're saying that it was a low level heroic then i have another example. At 50 my BH was doing some Ilum dailies. Me and another guy, Jugg/assassin/Mar i forget did one of the Heroic +2. Without saying anything it seemed like it was agreed that since they had no heals and i did, our roles were pretty clear. One pull the guy took on an elite and a strong, i healed him through it. But at the same time i also had an elite pew pewing me, so i was keeping myself up too.


Last story, was a full group doing an Ilum daily. Was on my BH again, and doing the daily where you summon 2 elite Jedi out of a hut. So there's 3 of us about to start, when we see this sniper ride in on his mount, dismount and proceed to try and kill the 1 elite and 3 strongs by himself. He died in a few seconds of course, so we invited him into our group. We cleared the mobs and summoned the 2 jedi. We CC'd 1, but then this nub sniper decides to just pew pew the CC'd Jedi and ignore the other 2 guys who were on the other one. We were even separating the two by several meters so that any AOE that we do doesnt break the CC.


So thats 1 of my experiences at level 10-11, and two more at level 50. Yah these were pugs and yah i do know the dangers of running in pugs. But i dont wanna have to run with people like this. And i gave up a long time ago trying to help people (unless they first ask for help). For one thing people get offended so easily, and two why should i have to teach somebody something soooo basic that all it took for me to learn it was common sense and/or a little observation on my part.

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Actually I have found the answer to the question in the topic. People dont do it because some people are lazy enough to turn advantages of heroic quests to disadvantages and some people dont have morals of playing in a group in a mmo , they are making group wait and saying " oh sories my gf ..."


I dont mean all heroic quests.Some are harder then all flashpoints.Even bugged easly and totaly time waste but there are some heroics that could be a nice boost to experience bar.


Doing normal quests make you spend same travel time as doing heroics but heroics grant more experience .I love swtor's linear maps they make me feel im progressing and they dont deceive me by making me walk from one corner to an other corner in hendecagonal map but even in a linear system you need to spend time on travel. One elite mob grants 4k experience at lvl 45 heroic. If you kill 10 mobs its 40k and on completion they give you 25k. 65k for 1 quest , 325k for 5 and you would complete %75 of the bar.


If i were dev. I would nerf experience income from normal quest %75. Force people to group up and do heroics.Therefore lvling would be more challange and game would urge you to socilize.

Edited by kijthae
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I do them when I can. On my Empire main I missed only a few before Voss and Corellia - although I did have to solo a couple of H4s afterwards, above the correct level for them.


On Voss I could do only one Heroic 4, people were just not interested to do them outside their own guilds, if at all. On Corellia I've done just one, Heroic H2 which I soloed. There's usually 5-8 people on Corellia on my side when I am logged in, so it's hard to get a group going.


I think BW miscalculated the appeal of the later planets and gave them lots of H4s thinking they would be full of people, when at that point the population on the correct level for the H4s is scattered far and wide across the server's planets, Fleet, FPs, Warzones etc. My server for example is Standard, so there theoretically should be people for the Heroics.

Edited by Rouge
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If im getting enough people to do a heroic 4, I'd say screw it and do a flashpoint instead. Get way more bang in a Flashpoint than Heroic 4's. Plus like someone else mentioned earlier I don't like spamming chat. If I don't get an answer by the third time I post in chat, I move on to something else and drop the quest.


On another note I just hate some people's attitudes. Take for instance one person is on fleet LF2M DPS for a Flashpoint. I pm'ed the guy asking if he still needed someone and he never replied back to my PM and instantly said in General chat again that he's still looking for 2M DPS. Then I noticed he was a Vanguard Trooper and I was a Commando Trooper and put 2 and 2 together. He didn't want me in his group because he wanted all the Trooper gear if any dropped.

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Usualy I see people spamming for something I don't have yet, which means I probably don't have the travel point unlocked. Which means I feel bad because I know I will slow them down.


By the time I do have it, I'm an hour or so away from being done with the zone anyhow, so I don't bother.

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