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best 1v1 classe ?


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i never tested pyro mercenary though , i rarely see them in WZ :c


You dont because they are garbage. Imagine a Powertech that has to spam easily interruptable casttime/channeling spells in order to do any damage, and you got a pyro merc.


They do less damage than gunnery, and dont really have any more mobility (if they want to be any useful that is). Running around spamming weak *** DoTs will sure pad your damagenumbers, but it will not help your team in any way.

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pretty much anything besides a Gunslinger or Sniper and you can do fine. Just choose something that compliments your play style.


Scoundel or Operative if you wanna win 90% of your pvp encounters


Shadow or Assassin for surviveablity and still good dps with stealth to boot.

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try a rage jugg if u haven't then... its not the best 1v1, but it has great utility and 5-6k aoe crits 2-3 times/ minute vs sorcs/sages is just so much fun!


with rebuke and tree talent cuts those 5k in half.

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with rebuke and tree talent cuts those 5k in half.


Yea, maybe the first one, if I'm not paying attention to your CD's, but then you're slowed down to 10% speed a few seconds later > Push > jump > sweep again!


Also, the assassin resistance to force attacks cuts those 5k by 100% if i'm not paying attention to CD's.

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Carnage Marauder is definitely the highest burst-damage class. With the exception of tank classes that use shield generators, a carnage marauder can drop most classes in 5-8 seconds even with their defensive cooldownds up. On the downside, however, carnage marauders are very squishy and DoT damage adds up quickly. That being said, however, my carnage marauder has won many 3v1's so long as I kill quickly and selectively choose which target to pop first. I've NEVER lost a 1v1. Carnage marauders are most susceptible to Snipers/Gunslingers/Mercs/Commandos on platforms which they knock you down from.


Annihilation Marauder is very solid at burst-damage (annihilate/force scream) as well as sustained DPS from their DoT's and more resilient since their DoT crits give health, but nothing can produce the spike damage that a good carnage marauder with a good rotation can deal.


Rage Juggs and their empowered smashes are another viable option. They have the most damaging attack in the game (that also happens to be an AoE), but until smash's cooldown returns, they do poor damage and often rely on their plethora of CC abilities to buy time for another smash -they also need to be heavily strength/power/surge statted- BUT... they certainly shine.

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I heard if you use this thing called a Search function or heck even Google you will find ALOT of threads already, stop wasting space...




I heard if you read a thread to which you have nothing constructive to add, you can simply close the thread and move on, heck you can even click the left arrow to go back. You will find A LOT of people not doing this, stop wasting space.




To the OP:


I'll fight anybody, anywhere on my Scrapper Scoundrel.


And I'll win.


But, in absolute honesty, I could do it a lot easier on a shadow/sin.


I just love doing my small part to prove that Scrappers are pure ******es in the right hands.

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I just love doing my small part to prove that Scrappers are pure ******es in the right hands.

I've got to second this. I've never played a Scoundrel character myself, but the only time I've genuinely felt overwhelmed is against a good Scrapper.


If they catch you with your escape on cooldown - or if you panic and don't use your other cooldowns - their opening is unreal. If you don't respond quickly, you are going to die - simple as that. Even after the opening, you have to be careful.


The ones I've fought that give me so much grief, I could only beat about half of the time - and that was if I blew my cooldowns early, used my escapes judiciously, and made it through the first 8-9 seconds. After that, I could go all zen and outlast them but it took every ounce of skill and muscle memory in my arsenal to get to that point.


Now, at the risk of sounding arrogant, if I can catch one from stealth, it's pretty much easy street. In this case, BLACKOUT IS YOUR FRIEND...




P.S.: Getting punched in the face and kicked in the nads while not being able to move is EXTREMELY demoralizing.



Edited by RodneyMcNeely
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Sorcerors hands down.


"won't lie to you. Every single man or woman who has stood their ground, everyone who has fought a sorceror has died. But where they have failed, you will succeed"

Edited by xMercx
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ok so i want to reroll :)

since i play almost only pvp lonely , i want to know witchis the best classe to 1v1 .

i think about marauder but isn't the stealh better for that ?


I play a Mara, only up to LV45 so far, but there is not a single class I lose to 1v1. Even 2v1 i melt faces.


In the 50's, my BH always gets murdered hard by the good Mara players...


Mara is the way to go....

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