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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I loved ME3


Different strokes


If you are serious than look at the second link on my sig and realize how artistic that game and its ending truely was. I will give you a hint about the ending it was Cut and Paste.

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I love how haters try and make me feel like a lesser person because I dared enjoy a BioWare product.


Oh I don't have the "correct opinion"...must follow the sheep you know. :rolleyes:


No wonder developers have a us Vs them mentality.

Edited by faymar
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I love how haters try and make me feel like a lesser person because I dared enjoy a BioWare product.


Oh I don't have the "correct opinion"...must follow the sheep you know. :rolleyes:


No wonder developers have a us Vs them mentality.


The fans are worse about this to those of us who don't like the game and end up making the game suffer more by belittling our criticisms.

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No and the reason is we will do the new operation for a month to a month and a half have all of the gear from the new op and then people wont even log on for raids again. There is no content and endgame raiders who are focused on 1 character and don't care to roll alts like myself feel no compelling reason to log on in fact I feel it is a chore more then fun at this point. I log on see who shows up to raid and waste either 30-45 minutes of my life twiddling my thumbs to see if we can get our final member on and if that doesn't happen we all log off. If it does happen we speed through EV and KP in about 3 hours total and have no reason to log into the game until next server reset.
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I like the game and have a monthly sub going since 20 December.

3 Characters so far, but mostly worked up with Consular Sage.


So far I am having fun in both PVP and PVE.

On the server I am Lord Calypho there is little to nothing PVP bugs. At lease I have none of what people say here. Only FPS problems where Ilum, but now since new 1.5 patch is a desert there.

Interesting that while people here complain and BioWare listened to these, people me included still miss the jam packed Ilum War Zone opps area. We used to be about 100 plus there on weekends and Tuesday reset day.


My plan so far is to stay here for minimum a year.


What can spoil it for me and leave?

The upcoming Nerfs for my Consular Sage Seer don't look nice. If doing PVE and PVP content with my main Alt will be hard or near to impossible on 1.2 I really might leave the game for good.

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I love how haters try and make me feel like a lesser person because I dared enjoy a BioWare product.


Oh I don't have the "correct opinion"...must follow the sheep you know. :rolleyes:


No wonder developers have a us Vs them mentality.


history will remember you as being in the wrong.

Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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I initially signed up for 90 days, which has expired. I decided to sign up for another 30 days and go month to month. At this point, I really plan on trying to give it at least a couple more months. I've told myself from the beginning that I would give it 6 months.


I've been real guilty in the past of playing a new MMORPG for a couple months and then quiting. I played the original Everquest almost every day for a year and got burnt out on it because of lack of new challenges and a leveling system that would take away an entire Saturday of work on my character just for dying once or twice. I figured that better MMOs would be coming out all the time since I had seen video games progress from Pac Man to Doom to Everquest and I just assumed that games would get better every year. Boy was I wrong.


I played SW Galaxies for a couple of months and quit because they hadn't implemented space combat yet, I really wanted to be a Jedi and you almost couldn't at that point, and above all else it didn't FEEL like Star Wars because I ran around collecting resources for crafting and killing monsters. It was Everquest in space, not Star Wars. When did they EVER do that in the Star Wars movies? I mean sure, there was an occasional Sarlac here and there and Luke's uncle was a moisture farmer, but it was always a side plot, not the focus of the movie. So, I quit. In retrospect it was probably the best MMO I've ever played and I went back years later, but I was basically alone on the server at that point, which takes most of the fun out of an MMO.


I tried WoW for a couple of months and REALLY didn't like the characters they let me create. I also didn't like the fact that there was no player housing, etc. Really, it was Everquest with updated graphics. I thought it was basically Everquest II and I was burnt out on Everquest.


I tried the ACTUAL Everquest II, but it was really in many ways less of an entertaining game than Everquest One and wasn't even as good as WoW which was the REAL successor to Everquest. They got a lot of things right, but they also got a lot of things wrong. So, I quit.


I tried several other MMOs over the years. I've lost track of most of them but suffice it to say that they weren't half as good as the games I just mentioned. None of them.


So, I spent the past decade pretty much not playing MMOs because I've been waiting for something better than the original Everquest to come out. It never did.


SWTOR is probably the best thing to come out since EQ, although that's really not saying much since the rest of them have mostly been steps back rather than steps forward. At least TOR tries to take the MMO off in a unique direction with the emphasis on quests and the voice acting in the quest dialogs. As much as I hate the linear "railroading" in TOR, I have to say it's the most fun I've ever had running quests.


I've taken 7 alts above 20th level, going as high as 30th to get Legacy with one alt. I've got my crafting as high as 180. A couple of weeks ago my interest started fading after playing since before release. I hardly even log in on weeknights. The last couple of weekends I've logged in but have used the excuse of needing to do work for my job on the weekend rather than playing. I'm really finding myself asking myself if I could be doing something more productive with my time. So, basically my interest is waning.


I'm not sure exactly why. Part of it is running 7 alts who all go through the exact same story line after the starting planets. I mean there's a class story that's unique to them, but that's only about 10% of the quests that you do. The other 90% of the quests are the same quest you've already done 6 times already. I personally think the voice acting was a HUGE mistake. I like the story lines, but they blew a huge portion on the budget for voice actors when they could have just given me text on the screen for dialog and I would have enjoyed the game just as much. Plus, text would have given them a lot more flexibility to call my character by name or allow every companion in the game to have a unique name. And it would have been MUCH easier to work in something radically different like a new playable character race.


Anyway, back to why I'm bored. After spending months crafting, I'm coming to the conclusion that crafting is a COMPLETE waste of time and money. I'm still going at it and trying to prove myself wrong, but time has done nothing but prove that right so far. And crafting is a big part of the game for me.


The space combat is terrible. I mean it's nice to have something to kill time while your companions go do crafting for you, but it won't help you on missions or gathering. Worse still, I've gotten almost to grade 3 ship upgrades and there are only like 6 missions that you go through and play out the exact same way over and over again. The first 20 times or so, it's kind of fun then it's just boring button mashing. It's grinding. You do it to get the rewards, because it's DEFINATELY not fun.


I also really hate that it's not a virtual reality. It's not a sand box game. It's a theme park game with limited replayability.


Since the whole game is in third person, it ruins a lot of the emersion. I feel like I'm watching a movie more than becoming a character in another world. You "can" play in 1st person, but you discover real quick that the game was not designed for that and the drawbacks are so severe that even someone like me - who thinks all games should be in first person - refuses to play in first person.


What can I say nice about the game ... Well, I've had fun for the past couple of months. That says a lot. My interest may be waning now, but it took me about 4 months for that to happen. I'm also starting to explore some areas of the game that I've previously ignored like the Sith side of the game and PvP. I'm not crazy about the PvP thing but it was fun enough I plan on trying it some more. Creating my first Imperial character was a refreshing change because I'm going through new content that I've never been through rather than running 7 alts through the exact same content over and over again.


If they improved the crafting system, that would help a lot for me I think. But mostly I want new game mechanics to explore and what not. I want cool new abilities to work towards and maybe something to work towards like furnishing my ship with furniture that you can actually sit down on etc. The lack of interaction with the environment, again, kind of ruins the emersion.


I think my interest is waning because I'm not seeing much left to work towards or work towards understanding. I spent a lot of time trying to get orange gear that represent who my characters are. Now I've either gotten it or am half convinced that it's not in the game since there are only a hand full of orange outfits in the game. I spent a lot of time learning to craft, but I've found very little use for any crafted gear other than mods to orange equipment. A lot of the story lines really aren't THAT exciting. I was real set on getting my smugglar's first ship, but after that the story lines have been "okay" rather than exciting. I dislike MOST of the companions and a lot of the NPCs, which doesn't help me get to excited about what happens to them. I just generally feel like there's not a lot left to discover or explore or do that I don't already understand and see "where it's gong". I'm at least a little hopeful that 1.2 will breath some more life into the game. We'll see.


Anyway, I say all this to say that I plan on continuing for at least a couple more months. I've quit so many MMOs over the years that I REALLY want to give Bioware as much of a fair chance as possible so that I never regret leaving. The fun is waning, but I'm sticking with it for probably at least two more months.

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The fans are worse about this to those of us who don't like the game and end up making the game suffer more by belittling our criticisms.


The thing is, the "haters" are taking a selective sample of what they don't like about the game, and basing their entire opinion on the game on their opinions on a very small part of the game. The two pictures in your sig are proof of this. I could take clips of what a certain 24 hour news channel says, mash them together in a 7-10 minute segment, and make them look like they're the most evil and spiteful group on the planet, but it doesn't necessarily make it so.


This game has problems, I know it, you know it, heck, even people who love this game know it. You have every right to criticize, but I implore you that your criticism be constructive, or else you run the risk of hating on a product just to hate about it.

Edited by Oofpez
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I initially signed up for 90 days, ........


i appreciate the honesty and thoroughness of you opinion. you have some very legitimate points and coming from someone experienced with the evolution of videogames, i value this.


im not going to disagree with you on anything and it sounds like you are doing the right thing and waiting just a little while longer.


and you should.


it sounds like the highest level character you have is 30. there is still so much more to this game than that. more planets to explore, datacrons to collect, the armor gets better looking around then and most of the advanced classes "come into their own" at around level 30-32.


1.2 is bringing things like a mailbox, a repair vendor, a training dummy, all sorts of stuff to your personal ship. interactive things.


swtor is very theme parky, it is. its very linear as well. but this is star wars we're talking about. its an infinite universe, there are so many planets that were in the movies and books that arent in the game YET. so much room for expansion.


i hope you give this game an honest shot and see the potential.

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It's pretty simple really. This game isn't for pvprs. BW's valiant(?) attempt at it, but they're banking more on story lines, voice overs, and alt after alt after alt. Fanbois are obviously going to keep their shields up, and enraged pvp'rs will move on.



How this game is not for pvpers if you get faster experience and money from pvp instead of pve???

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This game has problems, I know it, you know it, heck, even people who love this game know it. You have every right to criticize, but I implore you that your criticism be constructive, or else you run the risk of hating on a product just to hate about it.


But it's the new cool, didn't you know? You're not "cool" if you don't hate just to hate.

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As a PvPer, the issue for me is that 1.2 offers a slight gear upgrade; questionable (or at best unexplained) skill changes; another wz (presumably another one in which certain classes will dominate due to deliberate but unintentionally poor design) and a ranking system (on my server and in my tz we already know who the best are).


Overall, it's a meh (and a long, excruciatingly drawn out meh at that).


Beyond 1.2, however, I see little prospect of anything but drip fed, incremental additions released at epochal intervals.


I've lost faith in BW, particularly the team that bought us Illum. Their only thing that's improved is the platitudes in their community releases and Dev posts.


I'll stay around until GW2 and then I'll cancel, with no regrets and - unlike WAR, AoC, Shadowbane or UO - with very few favourable memories.

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i think alot of the hype is gone and the players just arent there, i have 4 accounts for my family including mine and if i do keep any of them after this month it may just be mine, so i can try 1.2. but i honestly dont see it being anymore than that. sucks cause this is an awesome game
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So my guild gave hardmode EV another go.


Shock and surprise, but the Pylon bug is still around.


Look, this is rookie stuff guys. If you don't have the people on staff to fix the bugs, then *HIRE MORE/BETTER QUALIFIED PEOPLE*.


This is unacceptable. MONTHS past release and the player base still has to deal with these bugs. It's atrocious. Blizzard does not do this to their player base, and they are your competition. Step up to the plate, Bioware.


Seriously. Step up to the plate. This isn't DA2 where you can cut every corner imaginable and call it good. You have to prove to your customers that EVERY MONTH is worth that 15 dollars.

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I will be renewing my subscription.


I reviewed the comments of a player.


His Quote:

"I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription."


Expose your opinions


My Opinions:


I will begin with a question-


How long does it take to go from level one to level fifty in World of Warcraft?


Approximately one week to up to one month?


Let us consider this comment:


"I do not like this MMO it's another wow"


I examined the image link, and I understand where you are coming from.


It is my opinion, that a large majority of the members that play Star Wars the Old Republic, fully know that the "game mechanics" are Blizzard designed. It is not uncommon for games to use engines from other developers/designers. Star Wars the Old Republic is Star Wars, with Star Wars lore, etc.


Quake is a fine example:


The Quake game engine is used by:


Quake (1996) – id Software

HeXen II (1997) – Raven Software

Half-Life (1998) - Valve Corporation (Half-Life uses the Quake-based GoldSrc engine)

Laser Arena (2000) – Trainwreck Studios

CIA Operative: Solo Missions (2001) – Trainwreck Studios

Urban Mercenary (2001) – Moshpit Entertainment

Silver Wings (2005) – Bampusht! (Silver Wings uses a heavily modified version of Telejano v7)


Does that mean that "Half-Life" is just another "Quake"? No.


Next I will get to the image link and post my own image link, I didn't take much time putting the image together, but I hope it will illustrate a point.




I think having the mini-map as a hexagon and placed near the bottom center with your action bar acting as a frame to the mini-map is totally not WoW.


I think that having a body location hit image, where you have to click on the location of the body to indicate where you want to strike your enemy. This concept is totally not WoW.


I think having something from "the Sims" with various meters, nature call meter, tired meter, relationship meter will be great to have. This concept is totally not WoW.


I didn't include it, but I see it on the horizon, touch screen attacks, where you swipe the screen and tap it, this will be the next step in mmorpgs. This concept is totally not WoW.


Let us throw out levels and experience points. I think an mmorpg should start by randomizing your characters parents, their race and their "title or life occupation" (which would give your starting character his or her starting skills), and then your characters gender and name would be random. Depending on your characters family, you would be born: into peasants, merchants, nobles. You are limited to re-rolls, so don't try to get your character as a noble. Your character starts at age 15, with the given name from your characters parents. You might be the son or daughter of a blacksmith. Being an apprentice blacksmith, would get you into crafting armor and weapons. Depending on what your character does, he or she might become a squire, and over time become noticed by nobles to be "knighted" and over time be noticed by the gods, and be made into a demi-god, and then over time, become a god. This concept is totally not WoW.


Is this what you want? Is this what players want? All of these different non-WoW concepts and game mechanics? In my opinion, most players will not want this.


Changing the subject to Star Wars the Old Republic.


I'm loving the idea of this "legacy" - I'm seeing it add an element I have not seen in a game.


I enjoy the companion(s). There is a lot in this game. And it's just started.


In my opinion, I imagine more content added, possible level cap raised.


I also enjoy the various pvp arena's etc.


For me, there is plenty of things to keep me happy.


Besides, I enjoy, "role-playing" and that just allows you to soak up the game all the more.


If anything, one of the main reasons to play the game, because,


"It's STAR WARS"!!!


the end

Edited by Ravynwynd
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As long as Gabe Armatangelo designs... that guy killed Warhammer, wich in itself is quite a huge franchise... now its Star Wars that gets butchered...


But no, runs out for good in about 11 days. im though.

Nice Singleplayer Game with Chat + AH.

Edited by Kheldras
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I'll stay around until GW2 and then I'll cancel, with no regrets and - unlike WAR, AoC, Shadowbane or UO - with very few favourable memories.

Hope you like holding your pillow and crying at night. When will you guys learn that pinning all your hopes and dreams on yet another messiah game is a BAD idea?

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Staying on SWTOR because its the best SCI-FI mmorpg for casuals like me..


EVE also good but its space combat focus, not ground pounders..


Until someone else creates better SCI-FI mmo (hopefully thats Blizzard's next MMO project Titan), im staying here..


Still on LOTRO as my fantasy elf n orc fix (tolkien fan here)


will be on SWTOR as long as they keep putting in more STORIES and social/casual stuff.. dont care about pvp or raids in every mmo

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