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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Why the hell would you even bring up Warhammer? It's not even a close approximation in any shape or form. It's not because the failhammer was brought under the Bioware team from Mythic that both games have anything to do with each other.


You go to WaR for the PvP (is it even good?)

And you go to TOR for story driven PVE.


I certainly would not recommend any hardcore PvP fan to this game unless I knew for sure they loved a good story. Otherwise it won't do. However this is a story lover's paradise.


I can't even comprehend why this isn't just a given by now... :rolleyes::p


The reason why I brought up the topic of Warhammer is due to the fact that several dev's that worked on War also worked on TOR. Warhammer would not of been a failed project if they waited a bit longer to release the game. Just like TOR's release should of been push back. However both games were pressured into release by EA. Warhammer could of been a great game however every patch they ignored the testers, when they did patch they always screwed something up, they put out shiny new area's to play in without fixing class problems etc, crafting was half ***, the auction house was half ***, the cc was out of control, and to top it all off they took some of the worst ideas the community had to offer and implemented it into the game


Does that sound somewhat similar to whats going on now? I truely loved the idea of TOR, the story line is pretty cool and lowbie pvp is some what fun but other than that at 50 you pretty much stand around doing nothing. I like to focus on one character for a while. Get the gear, runs some wz's and have fun. I have no desire to roll a alt up to 50 just because I have nothing else to look foward to. 1.2 is not going to bring anything in the way of excitement for me. They gimped my healing tree for commando, they put in a really silly legacy system, they are buffing some classes that needed to be toned down. The list goes on and on. But wait one second I can just go play a mini space combat game if I get bored after 1.2 comes out. Or maybe i can go farm datacrons


The numbers dont lie. Alot of servers are mostly empty. People are asking for transfers left and right. That is a pure sign this game is sitting idle. What confounds me is the same thing happened with WAR and they allowed that game to sink like a stone. I for one hope that doesnt happen with this game because it does have potential. However for right now it needs alot of work.

Edited by Saltydogg
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The reason why I brought up the topic of Warhammer is due to the fact that several dev's that worked on War also worked on TOR. Warhammer would not of been a failed project if they waited a bit longer to release the game. Just like TOR's release should of been push back. However both games were pressured into release by EA. Warhammer could of been a great game however every patch they ignored the testers, when they did patch they always screwed something up, they put out shiny new area's to play in without fixing class problems etc, crafting was half ***, the auction house was half ***, the cc was out of control, and to top it all off they took some of the worst ideas the community had to offer and implemented it into the game


Does that sound somewhat similar to whats going on now? I truely loved the idea of TOR, the story line is pretty cool and lowbie pvp is some what fun but other than that at 50 you pretty much stand around doing nothing. I like to focus on one character for a while. Get the gear, runs some wz's and have fun. I have no desire to roll a alt up to 50 just because I have nothing else to look foward to. 1.2 is not going to bring anything in the way of excitement for me. They gimped my healing tree for commando, they put in a really silly legacy system, they are buffing some classes that needed to be toned down. The list goes on and on. But wait one second I can just go play a mini space combat game if I get bored after 1.2 comes out. Or maybe i can go farm datacrons


The numbers dont lie. Alot of servers are mostly empty. People are asking for transfers left and right. That is a pure sign this game is sitting idle. What confounds me is the same thing happened with WAR and they allowed that game to sink like a stone. I for one hope that doesnt happen with this game because it does have potential. However for right now it needs alot of work.


Excellent post. And I pretty much agree with everything you said.


This game was released early in order to cash in on a Christmas money grab. To be honest, it feels like we're still playing in beta.


But each week that passes less and less people log in - guilds and noted players start disappearing, and the entire time I ask myself why I'm still playing this game.


Fortunately my own guild is really cool people and (quite frankly), if there was a better alternative, I'd ask them to join me there.

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I agree with this post 100%. In fact, I usually recommend more hardcore PvPers to not even play MMOs. Multiplayer FPSs are more their style, like BF3 and CoD.


I disagree. I would pve more if I could get a group going for flash points. However my server is dead and my guildies dont want to pve becuase alot of the FP's are buggy. Loot drops sucked, most to almost all the gear is worthless, any crafting materials you get out of there are minimal at best. So what to do other than sign up for WZ's? Role a alt you say. Well rolling a alt is not part of my MMO gaming. If I want to run lots of different characters then I will go find some FP roleplay game to play, wait nevermind I already did.

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I loved this game and was so excited to play it.

Had a good time until recently.


My issues with the game are:

1) Hard/impossible to find people for Flashpoints and this is on a heavy server.

I want to experience the FP but i cant!


2) Bugs take too long to fix

So many bugs in the game, especially in FPs and after 3 months, BW still hasnt fixed them.


3) Crappy looking armor in 1.2

Looked forward to 1.2 and what do we get for armor? :(


4) Dailies and more dailies

Enough said.

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She's right. PVP is HORRIBLE in this game but the story mode is good. I enjoyed the smuggler and sith stories a lot. The commando story.. not so much..





They are making the same mistakes wow did driving a wedge between the PVPers and the PVEers so the game is just going to get worse for PVP. Long ques, premades roflstomping people, a massive gear grind once you hit cap because for some stupid reason you can't level in PVP and actually be READY to PVP at cap.




They have 20 gear, 40 gear and no 30 gear. I leveled one alt and had enough marks to put both my character AND my companion in the 20/40 gear and still had more marks than I knew what to do with. Making it so you can't buy things until you reach a rank is STUPID. You can't USE them so why can't you BUY them and save them for when you do get rank? Who ever is in charge of PVP needs to actually play it some time because obviously they have no CLUE how bad it is to level in vs PVE.


They had a chart on the Live stream that showed level progression almost TWICE as fast in PVE. So if you PVP you get sub-par gear, you get tokens you can't buy anything with, you DON'T get to gather or craft and you DON'T get any social or companion points.




They want us to buy a bonus with legacy to get more XP in PVP? All I can say is F*** Off bioware. You lying sons of Banthas promised us that PVP leveling would be viable from DAY ONE and in Beta it was. That's half the reason I got the game. Then you nerfed the progression to hell and now PVP is a ghost town.




Most of the matches I join on the republic don't even have enough players to keep the match open. It ends in 120 seconds. I don't even bother any more.

There are some flaws and things that have been overlooked, but I wouldn't call it horrable.

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30 minute que times to join a game with not enough players is HORRIBLE.


They nerfed the XP and the money gain to the point it isn't worth doing. It pisses me off because I liked the actual PVP part of it but you lose SO MUCH leveling in PVP it's not at all worth while.


No companion points, no dark/light side points, you progress in levels at half speed or LESS depending on how fast the ques are, you get less credits, you get armor only every 20 levels and you can't even spend your marks on gear you'll use end game or the speeder because you have to have the max rank just to BUY the gear you can't USE.



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30 minute que times to join a game with not enough players is HORRIBLE.


That's why cross-server queuing is coming.


They nerfed the XP and the money gain to the point it isn't worth doing. It pisses me off because I liked the actual PVP part of it but you lose SO MUCH leveling in PVP it's not at all worth while.


Actually, they adjusted that in 1.2.


No companion points, no dark/light side points, you progress in levels at half speed or LESS depending on how fast the ques are, you get less credits, you get armor only every 20 levels and you can't even spend your marks on gear you'll use end game or the speeder because you have to have the max rank just to BUY the gear you can't USE.




Again, fixed in 1.2.

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I'll wait for 1.2, the question for me is how long after will I stay for.


I need end game content and this game just lacks in that department.


WZs are too small, 8 v 8 is boring, we need different sizes. The fact that they don't have bigger WZs just proves they have no confidence in their engine.


Cleared all current 8/16 man nightmare easy, 4 new encounters won't keep me interested for long...


I had high hopes for this game, they are diminishing fast :mad:


I am going to try and level an alt on a heavy server as my current server is dead and who wants to play an MMO on a dead server? Bioware have made far too many bad decisions so far in this game, server merges are needed now, not later.


My guild can't raid 16 man anymore, as half the people don't turn up, login anymore and we can't recruit because no one plays on our server. Funny thing is, our server is always marked 'Standard'. I don't want to raid atm anyway, as I am bored of the content, so part of me is happy about that :rolleyes:

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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I purchased the live version with a 60 day timecard. I’m riding out the time left to play but not sure if I'll re-up. Although I have time to play, and I love Starwars, I find myself playing for only an hour or two before I get bored. I can't explain it... I'm not playing anything else either... I find I rather flip through channels finding something to watch on TV, or driving around looking for something else to do... As of right now I'm only playing for two reasons. First cause I purchased it and don't want to let money go to waste. Second I've got an old friend who I group with and we basically catch up while playing.....


I’m just not feeling the drive to play… I feel no connection with my character/s… It’s like I’m forcing myself to play a lifeless world… It’s just not fluid and I don’t see people raving about content, or end game which removed my drive even further… I feel absolutely no sense of adventure… I too find it hard to believe seeing how the game is hugely storyline driven, but I felt more adventure in other games. Seeing people rave about content in other games increased my drive to take on the challenge but not here. I feel no risk, I feel no achievement, I feel nothing….

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Burnt out, tired of low population, etc.


I'm just waiting to give 1.2 a quick try and then see when GW 2 is releasing.


To the best of my knowledge, GW2 won't have an LFG either.


SWTOR will have one around patch 1.3 ish.

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Yes I am, because it's a great game.

One's whiny and unsatisfied opinion reflects his failure in the game.


While I agree with you on the first part (I just re-sub for 3 months), the second comment is, well... ignorant. While many complain to complain, feedback is necessary for things to get better. Think of it this way, if you don't care you just walk away.


I think almost every gamer who tries out a game has hope for the best. We WANT to fall in love and find something that lets you have fun and you can do for a long time. I, as an older gamer, take care to choose what I am going to learn and invest time on. So, equally, I am not willing to give up easy. I am staying, waiting for things to )hopefully) get better, and giving BW all the feedback I can so they can make informed decisions.


As many have said, joining groups is an issue. I can barely get FPs or Heroics done. This relates to server population and transfers, which is a big issue. It also relates to the many bugs that need to be addressed.


I know many great players with L50 chars all over and let me tell you, the complaints are NOT coming from unsuccessful players.

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Although I have time to play, and I love Starwars, I find myself playing for only an hour or two before I get bored. I can't explain it... I'm not playing anything else either... I find I rather flip through channels finding something to watch on TV, or driving around looking for something else to do... As of right now I'm only playing for two reasons. First cause I purchased it and don't want to let money go to waste. Second I've got an old friend who I group with and we basically catch up while playing.....


This does not sound like a fault in the game. Games should not be so addicting that you put them over RL. Nothing wrong with playing for an hour or two at a time, when you feel like it. That is actually healthy.


Besides, it's 50 cents a day for the option to play when you feel like playing. Don't treat it like a job or a RL requirement... you probably have enough of that to deal with in RL.

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In fact, I can't think of a single MMO that launched with an LFG tool... Is there one?


I agree, if we are talking about LFD that auto assembles and auto ports a group into an encoutner. Most MMOs do have some form of social panel for looking for group members at launch (including this one).


I actually feel it is counter productive to the growth of server communities and the game overall to put any form of auto LFG in at launch. Even more counter-productive to do it cross server at launch.


People have been on the WoW hamster wheel approach to MMOs for so long I think it is hard for them to step back and take a fresh step forward into a new MMO at it's launch phase. It's kind of sad to see the MMO community so addicted to a particular approach to MMOs.

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My sub ends in around 20 days, I do not think I will renew.

At the moment I just log in once a week for ops.

There isn't anything to look forward in the short period.


A pity, I waited this game for years.


Sounds like you need a game where there is insta-level_cap followed by infinite end game entertainment. Or maybe a loooooooonnnng leveling process followed by infinite end game entertainment.


No such animal though. MMO play does require a player be able to self-direct and self-entertain to a certain degree, drawing from more then just one facet (like end game Ops) of an MMO. If end game Ops is all you value, yeah, this is probably not the game for you.

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While I agree with you on the first part (I just re-sub for 3 months), the second comment is, well... ignorant. While many complain to complain, feedback is necessary for things to get better.


"Whiny" is generally unconstructive, thus will be dismissed, thus will not be used to "make things better". Thus, it is not usable feedback.


There's plenty of constructive write-ups on this site that well describe the issues, the workarounds, possible fixes, and desires for features without resorting to the "QQ" that pervades this forum.

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I agree, if we are talking about LFD that auto assembles and auto ports a group into an encoutner. Most MMOs do have some form of social panel for looking for group members at launch (including this one).


I actually feel it is counter productive to the growth of server communities and the game overall to put any form of auto LFG in at launch. Even more counter-productive to do it cross server at launch.


People have been on the WoW hamster wheel approach to MMOs for so long I think it is hard for them to step back and take a fresh step forward into a new MMO at it's launch phase. It's kind of sad to see the MMO community so addicted to a particular approach to MMOs.


I absolutely agree. People whine that there is no LFG tool yet, and wonder why it wasn't in at launch, but there is a good, substantial reason for that.


But, then again, players are short-sighted and selfish by nature.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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"Whiny" is generally unconstructive, thus will be dismissed, thus will not be used to "make things better". Thus, it is not usable feedback.


There's plenty of constructive write-ups on this site that well describe the issues, the workarounds, possible fixes, and desires for features without resorting to the "QQ" that pervades this forum.


Quoted for emphasis on the importance of what JC shared here.

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I agree, if we are talking about LFD that auto assembles and auto ports a group into an encoutner. Most MMOs do have some form of social panel for looking for group members at launch (including this one).


I actually feel it is counter productive to the growth of server communities and the game overall to put any form of auto LFG in at launch. Even more counter-productive to do it cross server at launch.


People have been on the WoW hamster wheel approach to MMOs for so long I think it is hard for them to step back and take a fresh step forward into a new MMO at it's launch phase. It's kind of sad to see the MMO community so addicted to a particular approach to MMOs.

The problem with them is also their expectations for a new game is way too high. MMOs are something that grows into something great. The funny thing is they'd say they single player games don't have to grow it has to be good out of the box. The interesting thing is the solo play is solid. The leveling is solid. The group aspects some of it needs work and it's something that is being improved upon.


IMO the main aspect this game truly failed on is with is the player base. The players were making stupid demands from the jump and now they're paying for some of those concessions. A lot of people should never touch a brand new MMO because they don't got the patience or dedication to help the game improve and give it time to improve. EVERY MMO included the great World of Warcraft started with the bare minimum and when good suggestions were made they were implemented in time.

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The problem with them is also their expectations for a new game is way too high. MMOs are something that grows into something great. The funny thing is they'd say they single player games don't have to grow it has to be good out of the box. The interesting thing is the solo play is solid. The leveling is solid. The group aspects some of it needs work and it's something that is being improved upon.


IMO the main aspect this game truly failed on is with is the player base. The players were making stupid demands from the jump and now they're paying for some of those concessions. A lot of people should never touch a brand new MMO because they don't got the patience or dedication to help the game improve and give it time to improve. EVERY MMO included the great World of Warcraft started with the bare minimum and when good suggestions were made they were implemented in time.


True to an extent. With this game, it was functionally "complete" almost 6 months before launch. When other developers would have launched the game, BW did more testing, and then opened up Beta Testing Weekends and further testing.


So, by all intents and purposes, TOR already had that "bare minimum" in place, and then started to accept feedback.

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