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*Spoiler* Class Mission on Belsavis


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Why does the Zale Barrows fight suck so much??? I'm on my 4th attempt now, and it's getting ridiculous. First you get stuck with Skadge, who's useless (even after I pulled all the better gear off one of my other companions for him), but the whole interaction with the Imperial soldiers seems bugged.


I'm specced AP at the moment, so I took some advice I had seen elsewhere about trying to kite him away a bit so that you're not in the middle of the probe droid adds when they show up. Everything is going fine until the Imp soldiers start to shoot at him and suddenly he turns grey and gets locked and Skadge won't attack. This, despite the fact that I had already taken out 25%+ of his health down before they started firing!


At this rate, I'm probably gonna have to fleet pass back to the fleet, respec, get some of my old Tank gear out of storage, and then spend another 30 minutes getting back to the area with this fight...all because AP seems to be totally unbalanced compared to the other specs. I really hope they fix some of this in 1.2...

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I had problems with this as well,


First atempt, Skadge died fast, I had only just got him, and he was missing many bits of gear, as soon as Skadge died I just turned and ran out, that resets it,


Second attempt, so now I know what to expect, off we go again, I knew Skadge was gonna die fast so I went all out nuke on the boss, ignored everything else, plan was to get him as low on health as possible, I got him to just above half, then -


Skadge Dies, and I turn and run again, but this time I stop and wait near the exit, I get chance to heal up a bit and dump some Heat, then the 4 droids appear from round the corner, they follow you but very slowly, I hit them with a death from Above, job done,


Now I got another pause, dump some Heat and wait, the Boss turns up, he follows but very very slowly, and only after the droids are dead, so you get breathing space,


Best bit is the Boss is still on half health, he does not reset, so we go 1v1 in the entrance area, poped all my CD's, and spammed Tracer on him, he was still tough to kill, but I got him, job done.


I think I was just lucky tbh,


But yeah if your having trouble try just running, worked for me, lets you seperate the droids and kill them in a seperate fight so to speak.

Edited by Tsaritsin
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I ran into the entrance with Skadge out and then pulled out a different companion once I was inside.


They must have patched it because when I did it last week, all companions are greyed out except skadge. When I zoned in with Mako, she dissappeared with only skadge as an option.


Also, if I zone in without companion and try to summon pet, only skadge is available; so as of right now, we're stuck with skadge on this quest.


OP, yes, it was a difficult encounter. i did it several times before accepting that Skadge was going to die rather quickly. WHen I completed it, I had burnt everything, all cooldowns, stims, medpack. I did it as a merc, so basically the brute force won it. Just keep hammering the main guy and let skadge get himself killed. He seems to randomly attack the adds and gets their aggro, which does help. If you can outDPS the encounter, you're golden, if not, you'll have to try some of the tactics detailed in other replies.

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I over leveled in PvP so I had to catch up on this one at level 48. Just did it this morning and they killed Skadge and had me pop some CDs as well as a couple self heals. I can see how this would be quiet challenging at the recommended level..
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They must have patched it because when I did it last week, all companions are greyed out except skadge. When I zoned in with Mako, she dissappeared with only skadge as an option.


Also, if I zone in without companion and try to summon pet, only skadge is available; so as of right now, we're stuck with skadge on this quest.


OP, yes, it was a difficult encounter. i did it several times before accepting that Skadge was going to die rather quickly. WHen I completed it, I had burnt everything, all cooldowns, stims, medpack. I did it as a merc, so basically the brute force won it. Just keep hammering the main guy and let skadge get himself killed. He seems to randomly attack the adds and gets their aggro, which does help. If you can outDPS the encounter, you're golden, if not, you'll have to try some of the tactics detailed in other replies.


I did it 2 days ago, and once inside it was impossible to select any other companion apart from Skadge,


In a way that's exactly what makes the fight hard, chances are you will have only just got Skadge, and he will not be geared,


You do have the option to simply leave, go gear up Skadge, get him all the missing bits of gear and so forth, but I think people are reluctant to do this because of the travel time to the boss encounter location, it's a blinkin long treck to get back again,


I was lvl 43 I think when I did it, and I think Zale is lvl 43, and dishes out some big dmg.

Edited by Tsaritsin
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  • 4 weeks later...
I just did it and died once, I hate the way the game just drops you into a fight from a cut scene, no time to prepare. I swapped to the heal tanks and kept shooting Skadge, combined that with heals and attacking the droids, it wasn't so bad doing it this way, I did it level 43 though.
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It's strange, I had absolutely no trouble with this one, to the extent that I thought I was missing something. Skadge wasn't much help, but he didn't die until just before the fight was over, and Zale was a pushover. I was in the low 40s at the time, and I remember thinking "Is that it?" No deaths, no tricks, no problem. Maybe I was just lucky this time...
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i cannot belive no1 suggested what i did(maybe they changed it)

simply run pass them at the other side of the bridge there are imperial soldiers (npc`s) that will assist you or atleast be cannon fodder for the droids while you take them out, ya skade sucks

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