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PVP needs consistency in leaving combat


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please just make a system that works consistently so i don't have to pull my hair out while waiting to leave combat for some 20 seconds. its way too depressing to have to just die to be able to get out of combat in any reasonable amount of time so i can get full health and back in it. this is a relatively severe quality of life issue for assassin. please, just some consistency. what sane pvper would ever play a game where a mechanic as basic yet integral as this can rng so wildly. it makes me want to taze myself.
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Its because you used an AoE ability, or someone you attacked is still alive, until there is a x time length amount where you are not attack or attacking you will stay in combat.


The game just thinks you are LoSing.

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such a kind response...you leave a very ugly impression.


the mechanic is overcomplicated and inconsistent if it treats aoe damage differently.


i dont expect non-assassin/shadows to understand the pain of hiding behind walls or running half a football field away while wearing paper for armor in order to re-stealth or seethe.


this is the correct forum for bringing up a questionable mechanic that ultimately affects everyone in pvp.


also, i read the notes and dont see it there.

Edited by brgnomnom
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My impression was that after 8 seconds of taking no damage and making no aggressive action should take you out of combat. This currently does not work


On my sniper I have been out of combat, dropped an orbital bombardment on top of a group and remained out of combat.


On my sith warrior I have broken off combat, hidden behind a pillar to wait my 8 seconds. 30 seconds later I was still incombat having taken no aggressive action (nor received it)


I am at a loss as to what it takes to get out of combat

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please just make a system that works consistently so i don't have to pull my hair out while waiting to leave combat for some 20 seconds. its way too depressing to have to just die to be able to get out of combat in any reasonable amount of time so i can get full health and back in it. this is a relatively severe quality of life issue for assassin. please, just some consistency. what sane pvper would ever play a game where a mechanic as basic yet integral as this can rng so wildly. it makes me want to taze myself.


If you weren't so terrible and could actually kill someone, you would be able to get out of combat.

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If you weren't so terrible and could actually kill someone, you would be able to get out of combat.


oh? there are PvP games with 1 on 1 with no respawns? when did this happend???


let me tell you what actually happens. I kill someone, I lost health, someone sees this and takes a crack, I kill them too. Meybe even a third if there are no worthy takers. Whats this???? the guy I killed first is coming back seeking vengeance.


hmmm. 10% health left.....trying to find somewhere out of combat looks real attractive now dont it. So i kite and let my teammates, take care of him. 30 seconds later still 10% health, attacked no one, and havent been touched.


Would have been more efficient just to die..

Edited by Kalliadies
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the consensus seems to be that if you are hit by an attack from an enemy(even just a random aoe or shot in GvG), you are stuck in-combat until they are dead, you are dead, they leave combat, or you gain some ~50m distance between yourself and that enemy. these wait times people experience while hiding or w/e are most likely due to the enemy that damaged them finally dieing. the obvious control is when you straight kill an enemy in a X vs 1 and are immediately out of combat.


the problem with "staying and fighting" as posted above is that stealthers are squishy. i can't just go for a romp in the melee pile and expect to live longer than a handful of seconds. eventually, enemy dps and tanks catch on to my harassment of their healers/ranged and at that point my options are usually escape or die.


whether they want to fix it or not, i still just want to find out exactly how it works so i can make better decisions about it and improve my game. like if i know that i got splashed with aoe from a bunch of people i will opt to just fight to the death instead of trying to run and reset.

Edited by brgnomnom
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