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Are Legacy clickables removed?


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Is there anything/any planet in particular that did not work for you?


The only thing I can say out of my own experience is that some lore object on corellia did not work for me - that's more a bug then "being removed".


I don't strive for completion of the codex atm so I can't answer you any more then that.


Let us know more in detail what you are experiencing issues with and maybe someone can help. Some lore entries require you to kill certain creatures for example, for some you only have to be close to them etc. Not everything is clickable and ... lot's of them are fairly small and not easy to see.


Yes it is mainly the small clickables im discussing,now granted some may be entirely different things,but not beasts because that is a different category,i have 10 left of 30 on Coruscant and before spending hours looking for them or doing flashpoints etc or both i would like to know if it is achieveable,thats it in a nutshell,maybe im wrong and they are there and i just havent found them,i do not know.


If anyone can point me to a site to maybe cross referance where the Lore objects are and maybe i could point some out i would enjoy that.

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You seem to haven't read the answer that two people already gave you: while there is no known change to the lore objects themselves, the "totals" that you are referring to are completely out of whack and make, most of the time, no sense.
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On my Bounty Hunter i have filled out Hutta in my Codex, all slots are completed.


What i noticed is that a few of those Codex's wasent actually ON Hutta, but on other planets that had beasts or Organizations the same as Hutta. So as much as some Codex's are tied to one planet, it might actually be obtained on a completly diffrent one.


Other then that i know some are semi-bugged aswell. For example one Spieces codex on Korriban iw only been able to get on my Sith inq and not on my Sith Warrior.


So as other people have mentioned in the therad, the Codex entires should be taken with a pinch of salt, not all works, some seem to be only achived via a class story but still be a generic codex uppdate and not class locked etc etc.

Edited by Archdragon
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use the menu at the top, "browse database" > codex > by category or by planet..


select your category/planet, then click on individual codex entries you have questions about.. scroll down to the bottom of the next page, often there are comments about things being bugged or not bugged, extra info, etc..


for republic players:



for empire players:



unfortunatly, its going to require a lot of alt+tabbing and back and forth between game, web browser, etc.. to find out if the stuff is bugged or not.. thats just the way BW rolls..

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On my Bounty Hunter i have filled out Hutta in my Codex, all slots are completed.


What i noticed is that a few of those Codex's wasent actually ON Hutta, but on other planets that had beasts or Organizations the same as Hutta. So as much as some Codex's are tied to one planet, it might actually be obtained on a completly diffrent one.


Other then that i know some are semi-bugged aswell. For example one Spieces codex on Korriban iw only been able to get on my Sith inq and not on my Sith Warrior.


So as other people have mentioned in the therad, the Codex entires should be taken with a pinch of salt, not all works, some seem to be only achived via a class story but still be a generic codex uppdate and not class locked etc etc.


I also want to reiterate that at least in one instance you can actually find MORE codex entries than the codex lists.

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Yes it is mainly the small clickables im discussing,now granted some may be entirely different things,but not beasts because that is a different category,i have 10 left of 30 on Coruscant and before spending hours looking for them or doing flashpoints etc or both i would like to know if it is achieveable,thats it in a nutshell,maybe im wrong and they are there and i just havent found them,i do not know.


If anyone can point me to a site to maybe cross referance where the Lore objects are and maybe i could point some out i would enjoy that.


30 sounds more like the complete codex for coruscant - so not just the lore objects. You might be missing a part of the map etc. There is a little button top right I believe that will break down the categories for you.



Edit: I know you didn't want to look things up, but if you change your mind here is a list for the coruscant codex.


Edited by iRouven
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Ok i understand to both posts above,maybe i will find them on my merry way around,i was just curiuos.


Onething i did was create an empre toon and some Codex's are in very tricky areas if attempted by Republic and vice versa,Tatooine and Alderann for example.

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30 sounds more like the complete codex for coruscant - so not just the lore objects. You might be missing a part of the map etc. There is a little button top right I believe that will break down the categories for you.


Ok il try that,thnx.

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