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The Darkside of MMOs and why SWTOR escapes it.


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I play right by doing my part and that is enough.


Again, since joining the L50 Warzones, lead many times in the Protection category averaging around 60K-90K. One time I got in the 100K range and this is all with L40 PvP armor. As a tank I did my job, how come they couldn't out "Tank" considering that I had weaker gear?


So now you're onto bragging about how awesome you are compared to someone else? sounds pretty elitist.

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And not to get off subject, but even if they were right, I find it funny how I led that match with 85K Protection. If my L40 Gear is so bad, why am I leading in Protection and only had 6 deaths compared to the 12 deaths that some Powertech had with full BM gear. What does that tell ya?


Skill > Gear


I don't think this is where you want to take this conversation.


Not without screenshots from multiple warzones showing dominance consistently over time.

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Without being mean to you. When Ranked PVP matches comes out, you won't be part of it. You'll be in a corner speculating about the gaming industry and how "elitism" really works.


Actually I can't wait to partake in Ranked warzones, which is why I am trying to obtain my L50 gear now.


Think about it, if I am always leading my team in Protection now with L40 gear against tanks who have L50 BM gear, what does that tell you?


Just imagine how much more effective I'll be with the BM and eventually, War Hero gear.



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So now you're onto bragging about how awesome you are compared to someone else? sounds pretty elitist.



No, I am just stating my argument that a person's skill isn't or shouldn't be determined by the gear they wear. When I was playing huttball last night, I got hounded because I carry the ball and only having 12K HP but yet I scored twice and even made an assist on another score [Got stopped by the fire so I had to pass to the guy on the other side]


I am not saying I am a better player, I am just saying that I am not going to allow the armor I wear dictate how good I am. Because I am sure that there are PLENTY of players who have all out BM everything but are not that skilled. They just spammed Warzones to get the bags/commendations. Then there are those who are VERY skilled, but they just do not have the gear.

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This game does nothing game-breaking or inventive.

Quite true. The voice acting is about the only gimmick the game has over other MMOs but after a while it starts to get tedious having to press the spacebar umpteen times per play session to skip through the blurb I've heard so many times before. Companions are just Henchmen by another name, Space Combat is a bit too simplistic and other than that everything else is just a variation on game mechanics we've all seen many times before.


I don't think the game will keep me subbing for any great length of time, but as long as I'm having fun that's good enough for now and I'm still having fun at this time. I can't see myself still subbing in 6 months time though.

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I don't get why your self worth is so low that you would let something some random strangers say to you in a video game ruin your gaming experience. Doubly so when they were flat out wrong.


Where in my OP did I say my experience was ruined?


If I encounter people who insult me or just flat out be rude and immature, I just /ignore them and move on. :)

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No, I am just stating my argument that a person's skill isn't or shouldn't be determined by the gear they wear. When I was playing huttball last night, I got hounded because I carry the ball and only having 12K HP but yet I scored twice and even made an assist on another score [Got stopped by the fire so I had to pass to the guy on the other side]


I am not saying I am a better player, I am just saying that I am not going to allow the armor I wear dictate how good I am. Because I am sure that there are PLENTY of players who have all out BM everything but are not that skilled. They just spammed Warzones to get the bags/commendations. Then there are those who are VERY skilled, but they just do not have the gear.


This game is gear-based, live with it

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This game is gear-based, live with it


And yeah, I have came to understand that, which is why I am spamming Warzone Dailies/Weeklys so that I can get the bags/commendations to buy Centerion and Champion gear. I will just wait for 1.2 to get the Battlemaster gear since it'll be much easier [and faster] to obtain. Also when 1.2 comes out I'll work on getting the War Hero gear.



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Screw Elitists, I used to have that attitude until I grew up. Its a game and it should never be taken as seriously as some people take it. That being said, I do occasionally scold people with moderate smart-***-ed-ness to negatively encourage them to do better, but hey, if someone doesnt say something they will never learn.
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So, you are PvP-ing in level 40 PvP gear at 50. Didn't you save Corelia Commendations. You can upgrade your orange gear using Level 50 corellia commendation mods as soon as you hit 50.


There are other ways to getting gear besides getting carried in PvP. Stop getting carried.

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Screw Elitists, I used to have that attitude until I grew up. Its a game and it should never be taken as seriously as some people take it. That being said, I do occasionally scold people with moderate smart-***-ed-ness to negatively encourage them to do better, but hey, if someone doesnt say something they will never learn.


Rofl @ class warfare.


If you lack the confidence to get better its not our fault if you feel bad about it.

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Where in my OP did I say my experience was ruined?


If I encounter people who insult me or just flat out be rude and immature, I just /ignore them and move on. :)


Well, The fact that you made a post about how "people being jerks is the darkside of MMO's" kind of implies that yes, your gaming experience has been or will be ruined for others because of community actions.


Sorry if I misinterpreted it.

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I am not trying to degrade you OP, just stating something as a fellow PVP tank. Protection is great and all but it is a fraction of our purpose in Warzones. I have gotten 50k protection in one life before by running into a big battle and throwing up a group taunt, a guard, and a solo taunt on their top dps. Yes that is all useful but if you can do all that plus have the gear to do decent damage then you are serving the team better.


I do not fault someone for having weak gear cause we all did at one point and I am not saying this to attack you. Just giving friendly advice that quoting numbers of 90k protection doesn't mean much, especially if the opponents have figured out you aren't doing much if any damage to them they will save you for last.

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So, you are PvP-ing in level 40 PvP gear at 50. Didn't you save Corelia Commendations. You can upgrade your orange gear using Level 50 corellia commendation mods as soon as you hit 50.


There are other ways to getting gear besides getting carried in PvP. Stop getting carried.


I never made it to Corellia. I completed Belsavis, went back to the the Hoth Bonus Series and that is when I hit L50. So from there, I started doing the Warzones. I haven't even went to Voss yet.


Either way, if I want to use L40 PvP gear at 50 then I can do that. There is nothing you are anyone else can do about that. Yes, I am working on getting better gear, but in the meantime, I'm using my L40 gear. If people have problem with that, then I /ignore them.



Screw Elitists, I used to have that attitude until I grew up. Its a game and it should never be taken as seriously as some people take it. That being said, I do occasionally scold people with moderate smart-***-ed-ness to negatively encourage them to do better, but hey, if someone doesnt say something they will never learn.


Yeah, once I learned about the /ignore feature I have used it very liberally. I don't group at lot so I don't care about missing out on groups and I have a substantial list of people on my friends list so if I get the itch to run a FP or OP then I'll just hit them up. Sort of like an unofficial guild lol.


Thanks for your insight however.

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My opinion on "Elitist PvP'ers"


If you want to be an abusive elitist then join a pre-made where you can control who you play with.


If you join a PuG, accept what you get from random selection and dont badger the casual players - IF you think you are elitist and join a PuG you fooling no-one but yourself.

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You post that this is your first MMO... and your signature has threads that say 'the real game of SWTOR starts at level 1" and 'SWTOR will influence future games'


The entire thing is quite fail.

The only thing i slightly agree on is that SWTOR will influence future games. But not in the way you think.

This will be the end of subscription models, this is the end of complete theme-park MMO's.

Other companies will take notice of how NOT to make a game, and the complete failure of how to implement community into an MMO.

This game does nothing game-breaking or inventive. The only reason other companies haven't gone with this amount of voiced cutscenes it's because it's dumb and not what MMO players want.


But I'll forgive the OP for his post since this is his first MMO and has no frame of reference.

I do encourage him to try GW2 as it's at the other end of the MMO spectrum.


Didn't take long for a post like this to show up. Not every thread is a venue for you to spew this nonsense, you know.

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The only thing i slightly agree on is that SWTOR will influence future games. But not in the way you think.

This will be the end of subscription models, this is the end of complete theme-park MMO's.

Other companies will take notice of how NOT to make a game, and the complete failure of how to implement community into an MMO.


(Edit: Self-moderation)


I readed this so many times in the past 10 years, once about every MMOG I tried (17), that I couldn't help but laugh when I seen it wrote so boldly.


But history already prooved it to be a false statement.

And SWTOR being one of the 5 bests out of my 17 tries in the MMOG's world, I don't even think it seriously deserve it.

Edited by Moonheart_S
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Hello everyone,


We have recently had to clean up a number of posts in this thread that were in violation of our Rules of Conduct and wanted to remind everyone to stay on topic while avoiding the following:


  • Personal Attacks or Insults.
  • Creating posts for the purpose of derailing the topic, eliciting negative reactions or spreading false information.
  • Replying in a manner that adds nothing constructive to the conversation.


We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and will continue to monitor the conversation. Above all else please remember that we are here to help with issues that come up, you need not respond to them and extend the argument. In short, flag don't flame. This thread is not being closed, please feel free to carry on so long as you abide by the forum rules.

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So now you're onto bragging about how awesome you are compared to someone else? sounds pretty elitist.


OP's response..


No, I am just stating my argument that a person's skill isn't or shouldn't be determined by the gear they wear.


No, you don't understand the meaning of "elitist" in mmos, which isn't determined by the gear they wear.


Only an "elitist" would make issue of "a person's skill" as a relevant subject worth talking about in a mmo.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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You post that this is your first MMO... and your signature has threads that say 'the real game of SWTOR starts at level 1" and 'SWTOR will influence future games'


The entire thing is quite fail.

The only thing i slightly agree on is that SWTOR will influence future games. But not in the way you think.

This will be the end of subscription models, this is the end of complete theme-park MMO's.

Other companies will take notice of how NOT to make a game, and the complete failure of how to implement community into an MMO.

This game does nothing game-breaking or inventive. The only reason other companies haven't gone with this amount of voiced cutscenes it's because it's dumb and not what MMO players want.


But I'll forgive the OP for his post since this is his first MMO and has no frame of reference.

I do encourage him to try GW2 as it's at the other end of the MMO spectrum.


This is the type of player I don't understand in mmo communities , you think that your opinion is the only valid one. That vo, and story is "dumb", quite the contrary bro. I've been playing mmo's since ultima, and everything in between. I've never had more than one capped toon....never. I have 2 in Swtor, and planning on many more. Why? Story. That's why. I'm more compelled to play this game than I ever have another mmo. I don't have multiple char's stuck in limbo during the lvling process like wow. I could never make myself endure that journey more than once.


Mmo's to me HAVE to have story now, and not some tacked on crap like gw2, but good story. It's a must now because of Swtor....if I ever even play another mmo. I also disagree with subscription models being dead. Let me pay the 15 a month for a game to issue content on a regular basis, instead of f2p where u get an expansion every 2 years bc the developer doesn't have the revenue to give me what I want. Guild wars is the only free mmo I've ever played....and all indications point to 2 being the same, I want no part of it. But hey, if gw2 coming out means ppl like you leaving....I'm all for it.

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Utterly hilarious how poster after poster arguing against the OP are doing it in such a way that they do nothing other than prove him right.


I mean folks, get the big perspective, see the forest instead of trees and reread the thread for your free lunchtime lulz.

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My only exception to your post is the term "elitist." I think the people you are running into are the vocal twits of the game--you know, that one person who always loses control of themselves in PvP and starts having a tantrum. Or the individual who starts picking apart someone's stats or equipment. I always take these people with a grain of salt. If they were truly elite, they would be running in premades if doing WZs, or running with their close group of buddies in flashpoints or operations. Raging on people in random groups is just....silly and makes them look the fool.


I've met many great players who were super at their class, had great gear, had a vast knowledge of the game, etc. I would call them "elite" because they are playing beyond the level of the average player and are usually quite good. They haven't been jerks though. Some have been quite helpful and nice to me in other games. I've taken the time to ask them questions and learn a bit in the process. Others contribute to the community in positive ways like making player guides, websites, etc. Not all folks carry the attitude and baggage. Heck, I would suspect that some of the most elite players you just never see because they are doing things with their own guild--in operations, premades, etc.


With that said, I'm a pretty casual player playing MMOs very casually these days. I just started PvPing at level 47 or so and now that I'm 50, I'm running into a few of the same problems you are. I'm a healer and am usually cannon fodder for the folks that have been PvPing the whole time. I don't mind. I usually do my best, try to help the team and do what healing I can. So far haven't been called out except when playing Huttball the first time and someone passed it to me. Foolish me, I didn't have the icon to pass hotkeyed and didn't even know I had the ball. I just laughed it off and didn't take any of the comments seriously.

Edited by Florial
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I am not trying to degrade you OP, just stating something as a fellow PVP tank. Protection is great and all but it is a fraction of our purpose in Warzones. I have gotten 50k protection in one life before by running into a big battle and throwing up a group taunt, a guard, and a solo taunt on their top dps. Yes that is all useful but if you can do all that plus have the gear to do decent damage then you are serving the team better.


I do not fault someone for having weak gear cause we all did at one point and I am not saying this to attack you. Just giving friendly advice that quoting numbers of 90k protection doesn't mean much, especially if the opponents have figured out you aren't doing much if any damage to them they will save you for last.


Lol, degrade someone through a keyboard and monitor?


Anyways, I have become very comfortable with my roll in Warzones. Hell, I have made plenty of friends with Healers in WZs because of a great job I do protecting them. Yeah, I might not put out uber DPS numbers [i'm not a DPS btw] I am doing my job as a Tank. If I am in a large group fight, I'll through out Chilling Scream and my AoE taunt as welling as doing some spot taunting. I am not going to stress over DPS because that is NOT my main purpose. Just like a Free Saftey in Football is not going to stress over his Sacks stats or a Fullback is not going to stress over his Reception yards.


Thanks for your insight btw and even though I am not big on DPS, I am looking at ways to become more skilled at DPS with my Jugg so when the time presents itself [as you suggested], I can at least be viable and not just be a waste of space.

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