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Duel area at the fleet or a third level at the fleet for a massive duel area


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You realise you can hit 50 within 3 days played? It doesn't cut the smack talk, they'll just whine how you used a rakata medpac they didn't have, or whine that you had better gear.


I much rather PvP where I don't know what's coming. I used to do small man in DAOC, where it could be 3/4 of us, vs 1, 3/10 or w/e people we fought against. We wouldn't know where we was going to engage. You say I've been hit over the head with a shovel.... No fun in duels, never have found them fun. It's all setup and will be Sentinels/Marauders vs everyone else post 1.2 etc ;).


Then. Don't. Duel. Sheesh. That's like saying "I don't like pve so they shouldn't add a new operation".


Btw, /signed.

Edited by Boissi
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Most certainly SIGNED.


Our primary social hub should have an area to duel in. It's not all that common on PvE servers for both sides to consent to duels. A friendly arena on board the fleets would bring duelists together without seeking out an appropriate planet, settle disagreements without having to travel off and also serve as eye-candy to people who want to relax and spectate.


It would be interesting to see how a community might grow around it. Maybe even let people wager against their opponent, or spectator against spectator. But I'm just getting way too far ahead now.

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I'm on the fence for this one. On one hand, I have no problem with the suggestion of an easily accessible duel area. If it's on the fleet, I could see a gladiator pit, where the crowd can place bets on who wins. But on the other hand, I worry that it might detract from dueling on planets(I do enjoy dueling on planets like Hoth and Illum because of the surrounding scenery), since there's the "why duel on a planet when I don't have to leave fleet at all for player versus player interaction, including same faction" card that people might play.


Is my worry valid, or am I being paranoid?

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YES..i love waching people fight/join in..its part of a MMO to me..and its missing ;/


whats up with that?


its like a bunch of noobs made this game hehe ;P


love the game thou.. :D


i say revamp the pointless VIP area into a PVP area for all..its out of the way and you dont have to if you dont want to..simple.....

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I'm on the fence for this one. On one hand, I have no problem with the suggestion of an easily accessible duel area. If it's on the fleet, I could see a gladiator pit, where the crowd can place bets on who wins. But on the other hand, I worry that it might detract from dueling on planets(I do enjoy dueling on planets like Hoth and Illum because of the surrounding scenery), since there's the "why duel on a planet when I don't have to leave fleet at all for player versus player interaction, including same faction" card that people might play.


Is my worry valid, or am I being paranoid?


Yes my friend you are..its somthing to pass time with it means nothing..every mmo in history has it..you get no rewards you dont have to fight you can never get ganked coz as soon as the fight is over your out of PVP..and its just fun..somthing to do wach..fool around with..i dont get peoples worry???

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Bw add a duel area for us at the fleet or a third level below the fleet



make it a gladiator area



ppl talk smack and never duel it out - ppl claim its a waste to fly to planets - help us cut the noob smack talk



you could even implement sometype of 1 v 1 duel area where players sign in and other players can bet on players - (could be exploited if players set up fights like they do in real sports and boxing)



all players that want a FLEET duel area /SIGN OR /SUPPORT this





lets do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its on


yes plz

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