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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.
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Because the previous thread has exceeded our normal threshold for thread length, we've started this new thread for the community to discuss .


We would like to bring to your attention to the following posts made by Principal Lead Combat Designer Georg Zoeller here:


The Group Finder feature we've discussed for the near future is definitely single-server only.


and here:


You're guessing quite wrong. Cross-server Warzones are coming.


As always, we ask that the community keep the following things in mind when responding:


  • Stay on Target - Please keep discussion on topic.
  • Insults - Please do not resort to or use them in any way in your posts. Posts should be productive, not destructive.
  • Disruptive - Please do not post messages that are purposefully designed to provoke, antagonize, or otherwise elicit a negative emotional response.
  • Agree to Disagree - Be respectful of others' viewpoints even if they are opposite of your own. Discuss disagreements constructively.
  • Flag, Don't Fight - Utilize the Flag Post feature to report possible rules violations, rather than responding to or fighting them.


Please see the following threads for similar discussions:


Thank you and enjoy the discussion!

Edited by Paralassa
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I cancelled my account today. I stupidly subbed for 6 months initially. When I unsubbed, I told BW they have until my sub expires to find a way to get me into groups quickly and painlessly or I'll take my money and time elsewhere.


I don't care how they do it. They could do single-server LFG, x-Server LFG, or find a way to get so many people onto my server that there are always groups easy to make when I spam the General channel.


I don't really care.


But I'm pretty sure if there's no x-server LFG by the time my sub is up, I'll be playing GuildWars 2 instead of SWTOR.

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I say we ask for a different type of sharding. One where each shard is a server. you can switch between shards make friends with anyone in the game and all communicate via whispers, guild chat, party chat, channels regardless of what shard we're on.


One large virtual galaxy segmented via servers that players are free to move between.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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I cancelled my account today. I stupidly subbed for 6 months initially. When I unsubbed, I told BW they have until my sub expires to find a way to get me into groups quickly and painlessly or I'll take my money and time elsewhere.


I don't care how they do it. They could do single-server LFG, x-Server LFG, or find a way to get so many people onto my server that there are always groups easy to make when I spam the General channel.


I don't really care.


But I'm pretty sure if there's no x-server LFG by the time my sub is up, I'll be playing GuildWars 2 instead of SWTOR.


I'll see ya there, buddy.



Future Norn Guardian :)

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I cancelled my account today. I stupidly subbed for 6 months initially. When I unsubbed, I told BW they have until my sub expires to find a way to get me into groups quickly and painlessly or I'll take my money and time elsewhere.


I don't care how they do it. They could do single-server LFG, x-Server LFG, or find a way to get so many people onto my server that there are always groups easy to make when I spam the General channel.


I don't really care.


But I'm pretty sure if there's no x-server LFG by the time my sub is up, I'll be playing GuildWars 2 instead of SWTOR.


Yeah a LFG tool is going to be my deciding factor as well. I will not resub if there is no X-server tool.

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bring on the lfg tool. 100% for it. i'd like to actually do some heroics/flashpoints.


the same argument over and over about how it will destroy the community is ridiculous, as if there was even a community to destroy.


final fantasy 11 had the best community of any mmo, this game has nothing compared to that.. without a lfg tool or with it.

Edited by teambff
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bring on the lfg tool. 100% for it. i'd like to actually do some heroics/flashpoints.


the same argument over and over about how it will destroy the community is ridiculous, as if there was even a community to destroy.


final fantasy 11 had the best community of any mmo, this game has nothing compared to that.. without a lfg tool or with it.


At least they said we might get it SOMEDAY.


Now if they just add a Looking for Raid tool, and throw in the Armor Color Matching feature THAT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE IN PLACE AT LAUNCH, then they might be half-way caught up to WoW.


sorry for frustration, it's late :(

Edited by Toxen
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Words cannot express my complete and utter lack of understanding for any single bit of evidence anyone has posted in support of NOT having cross server LFG tools. It also makes me question whether any of these people have ever played another mmo in their lives. This system has been implemented in a number of games with no change in community, game play, or any of the absurdly ridiculous factors you claim to be affected. It's literally frustrating listening to you people complain about things like this. And finally, Anaz, either look up the word "redundant" and understand what it really means and how to use it, or stop using it. you chose.
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While it's not a 'do-it-or-i-cancel' issue, i would highly appreciate a X-server LFG.

My time is valuable, and i want to be in a group as fast as possible. It should not take longer to get a flashpoint going, than it takes to do the actual flashpoint.



All that being said, I cant help but imagine that people against this aren't on republic characters....


my main is imp, but i wish i could (ever) get in pub groups when i'm on my alt :|

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If people honestly believe that the LFD tool destroyed the community on their server, or their Guild, then clearly their Guild/Community were in a poor shape to begin with!


My server never changed after the LFD came in. People still pugged in Trade Chat looking for groups to do 5-mans. Successfully too! Know why? Because they liked the choice of being able to group up with people from their own server if they wanted.


What effect did it have on my Guild? Nothing negative that's for sure. Why? Because we still preferred to group up with our Guildies, but it meant that if we were short a tank we could easily get one from the LFD tool or pug it.


It also meant that if I logged on at a time when most of my guild were off, I could still run a 5-man easily.


And if I only had a couple of hours to spare I could quickly get into a group for a 5-man rather than asking around for ages.


If a player was every rude to me or acted immature or selfish...I got over it. Cause it's a computer game.

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bring on the lfg tool. 100% for it. i'd like to actually do some heroics/flashpoints.


the same argument over and over about how it will destroy the community is ridiculous, as if there was even a community to destroy.


final fantasy 11 had the best community of any mmo, this game has nothing compared to that.. without a lfg tool or with it.


You just directly contradicted yourself. I played FFXI for years, and the very design of the game didn't need an LFG, as it simply didn't have dungeons or instances. It had mission based encounters that only needed to be done once per character (Promies, CoP progression up to Al'Taieu and unlocking Sky through RoZ mission storylines).


SWTOR has already commited itself to using instances instead of the same as FFXI's excellent storyline progression, so it needs an LFG. There isn't an option for Bioware here. They have commited to their playstyle, and need to put in the QoL features to reflect it, as, like with other games, it dies. Say what you will about WoW but it's dungeon and raid systems are fantastic. The players are the issue.


Either way, I tend not to make "do this or I quit" threads or posts on gaming forums, as I am a gamer, not a whiner. Games are for fun, I play them till I stop having fun, then move on to the next one. In my day, we were happy just holding right and pressing A as a little 8 bit plumber jumped on turtles and collected coins for points and nothing more.


Nowadays, we aren't happy unless our game of choice massages our soft bits while we play, and works towards curing leprosy. God forbid we would remember that games are about fun in the end... the modern "gamer" really has begun to sicken me.

Edited by Vahzl
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bring on the lfg tool. 100% for it. i'd like to actually do some heroics/flashpoints.


the same argument over and over about how it will destroy the community is ridiculous, as if there was even a community to destroy.


final fantasy 11 had the best community of any mmo, this game has nothing compared to that.. without a lfg tool or with it.


Even if the server did have a "community" I am not sure how X-Server would have any effect on it. We had LFD in WoW, my guild was very tight, we met after the LFD was introduced and are still all good friends today.


People just hate anything that WoW has and parrot arguments they have seen others make.


As I said, when my sub ends I will not renew if there is no LFD in place.

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Words cannot express my complete and utter lack of understanding for any single bit of evidence anyone has posted in support of NOT having cross server LFG tools. It also makes me question whether any of these people have ever played another mmo in their lives. This system has been implemented in a number of games with no change in community, game play, or any of the absurdly ridiculous factors you claim to be affected. It's literally frustrating listening to you people complain about things like this. And finally, Anaz, either look up the word "redundant" and understand what it really means and how to use it, or stop using it. you chose.


I've played WoW since 2005. The community was much better before LFD. The minute people dared to take an item from a dungeon that they shouldn't take, they would be called out, a message sent to the guildmaster, and that person booted from the guild. Word spreads, and no one wants to bring a ninja to their runs. They pretty much have to re-roll.


After LFD was introduced, a dps dared to take a tanking loot from me, and eventhough I asked him to wait, thinking that it was a mistake, he left the dungeon without saying a word, confirming that he KNEW it was wrong, but he did it because he could get away with it.


And if that dps lost the roll for the tanking item of the first boss, he would bail from the dungeon because that was the only thing he wanted and he didn't want to honor the rest of the run. Why? Because he can just queue again anyway.


You run with 4 people from the same guild. Before they start the boss, they votekick you because their guildie wants to come in. You can't do anything because, well, they are on another server.


Cross-server LFD encourages even more bad behavior due to the removal of consequences. You don't have to understand. All that matters is WE know how bad cross-server LFD makes people, and we will oppose it.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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I approve of LFD, but only if:

1. it is on the same server

2. it does not port you to the flashpoint


Why do you favour waiting longer for someone to travel across world to their ship, go through the loading screens of getting onto their ship, travelling to the fleet, loading screen, going to the elevator, loading screen, running over to the other elevator, loading screen, running to the flashpoint entrance, loading screen.


Why is that more enjoyable than just one loading screen straight into the flashpoint from wherever you are?!

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Why do you favour waiting longer for someone to travel across world to their ship, go through the loading screens of getting onto their ship, travelling to the fleet, loading screen, going to the elevator, loading screen, running over to the other elevator, loading screen, running to the flashpoint entrance, loading screen.


Why is that more enjoyable than just one loading screen straight into the flashpoint from wherever you are?!


This is one of those uninformed arguments. PVPers have the option right now, they get ported to the WZ and then back when its done, What impact has that had on the "community".

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Why do you favour waiting longer for someone to travel across world to their ship, go through the loading screens of getting onto their ship, travelling to the fleet, loading screen, going to the elevator, loading screen, running over to the other elevator, loading screen, running to the flashpoint entrance, loading screen.


Why is that more enjoyable than just one loading screen straight into the flashpoint from wherever you are?!


Because when we were young we walked FIFTEEN MILES in the snow backwards, uphill to work, 12 hours before we woke up, just to work in a coal mine, for 82 hours a day, 16 days a week, and WE LIKED IT!


Imho, go for full LFG, or nothing, and scrap instanced content in lieu of mission based progression with groups. Don't half arse both versions from 2 different systems.

Edited by Vahzl
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Why do you favour waiting longer for someone to travel across world to their ship, go through the loading screens of getting onto their ship, travelling to the fleet, loading screen, going to the elevator, loading screen, running over to the other elevator, loading screen, running to the flashpoint entrance, loading screen.


Why is that more enjoyable than just one loading screen straight into the flashpoint from wherever you are?!


It makes the environment more populated. If you think the worlds are already empty, instant-port will make them even more empty.


All the flashpoints are already on the Republic Fleet. Just use your emergency port to the fleet every 18 hours.

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I've played WoW since 2005. The community was much better before LFD. The minute people dared to take an item from a dungeon that they shouldn't take, they would be called out, a message sent to the guildmaster, and that person booted from the guild. Word spreads, and no one wants to bring a ninja to their runs. They pretty much have to re-roll.


After LFD was introduced, a dps dared to take a tanking loot from me, and eventhough I asked him to wait, thinking that it was a mistake, he left the dungeon without saying a word, confirming that he KNEW it was wrong, but he did it because he could get away with it.


And if that dps lost the roll for the tanking item of the first boss, he would bail from the dungeon because that was the only thing he wanted and he didn't want to honor the rest of the run. Why? Because he can just queue again anyway.


You run with 4 people from the same guild. Before they start the boss, they votekick you because their guildie wants to come in. You can't do anything because, well, they are on another server.


Cross-server LFD encourages even more bad behavior due to the removal of consequences. You don't have to understand. All that matters is WE know how bad cross-server LFD makes people, and we will oppose it.


All your points are just so wrong.


The WoW community was good, when? I played WoW since day 1 as well


DPS took tank loot because the loot rules set by Bliz sucked, a problem that is now fixed


Getting vote kicked happened sometimes but since you get get right back into another run, who cares?


LFD does not cause any bad behavior that does not already exist in the game and thats a fact.

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It makes the environment more populated. If you think the worlds are already empty, instant-port will make them even more empty.


All the flashpoints are already on the Republic Fleet. Just use your emergency port to the fleet every 18 hours.


The 18 hour CD fleet pass is your argument? oh my goodness :)

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This is one of those uninformed arguments. PVPers have the option right now, they get ported to the WZ and then back when its done, What impact has that had on the "community".

I have explained previously why you cannot have the players going for PvP to head to the portal when the match is ready.

In PvP both parties are made up of players. you see in PvE one side is ALWAYS ready. That's the game. You do not have to wait for the trash and bosses to be ready, they are... ALWAYS... You've already experienced what happens when a couple of people are afk during a warzone pop. Your team is at a disadvantage. Imagine a team gotta wait for some of their members to make it there. The match will be over with a faceroll.


In PvP you don't have the luxury of saying wait don't fight I gotta go afk because zombies are attacking. PvE has some advantages over PvP that PvP just cannot enjoy because of the nature of the encounter.

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It makes the environment more populated. If you think the worlds are already empty, instant-port will make them even more empty.


All the flashpoints are already on the Republic Fleet. Just use your emergency port to the fleet every 18 hours.


Wow really, that's your argument for it? So you want to sacrifice convenience for the sake of passing a couple of players on your way through a world, so that you don't feel so alone?!

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In PvP both parties are made up of players. you see in PvE one side is ALWAYS ready.
so you saying that other 3ppl in FP group is not players? their time have no value, they always ready to wait you…




It makes the environment more populated.


if you need a party you stay at fleet, why?

because if you travel to belsawis, that is a fk ton of loading screens, station, coridors and other garbage

and when party ready you repeat all this ***t in descending order yet again… no thanks

Edited by navarh
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I have explained previously why you cannot have the players going for PvP to head to the portal when the match is ready.

In PvP both parties are made up of players. you see in PvE one side is ALWAYS ready. That's the game. You do not have to wait for the trash and bosses to be ready, they are... ALWAYS... You've already experienced what happens when a couple of people are afk during a warzone pop. Your team is at a disadvantage. Imagine a team gotta wait for some of their members to make it there. The match will be over with a faceroll.


In PvP you don't have the luxury of saying wait don't fight I gotta go afk because zombies are attacking. PvE has some advantages over PvP that PvP just cannot enjoy because of the nature of the encounter.



I got it, so no real argument against LFD expect YOU don't like it. Cool.

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