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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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ONLY if you're anti social...


I did HMs at 11am earlier today...


Just put in some work and dont sit and wait for others to make groups lazy lazy!


Righto because most people have single digits on their fleet, half of which aren't even 50 yet... that's a great pool of people to pull from for HM's.

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That is a huge LIE


Standard for Red Eclipse earlier and was 100 people on both fleets + instant wz pops for 10-49


Are you joking? I hope you are.


My server will say standard and we will only avg 30-50 on fleet on repub/imps. With wz queues from 10-30 minutes long.


Now as of this post Fatman is standard yet have almost 200 ppl in fleet, and over 200 ppl currently in wz. Standard means nothing, a server with 200 players online total can be standard and a server with 600 players online can mean standard too.


But point is, people are quitting cause this game is feeling like a single player game. 90% servers are dead almost. EVERY server should avg 100-200 off peak times and 200-400 peak times on fleet. Every server should have the pop of Fatman. We dont need 126 servers. We need 30 servers.



Edited by evildestroyer
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Bioware if you decide to make a merge can you email everyone so we know to reactivate :D

Good luck listening to the community.



To everyone like myself, what would bring you back as a subscriber?

I would like a announcement of a server merge, a Looking for group finder, and a 15 day trial to see if the population issues have been resolved or are tolerable with the new LFG tool.


(And some kind of Vanity pet for everyone who hasn't cancelled. So they dont feel cheated of a 15 day game credit. Something that plays the sound bite "you're my only hope" for some subtle tongue in cheek.) :p

Edited by Sinerex
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Bioware if you decide to make a merge can you email everyone so we know to reactivate :D

Good luck listening to the community.


Yeah if you decide to wake up send me an e-mail I mean, I every one deserves a second chance.

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ONLY if you're anti social...


I did HMs at 11am earlier today...


Just put in some work and dont sit and wait for others to make groups lazy lazy!


Do you understand that what is possible on some servers is not possible on all? The vast majority of servers in this game barely have the population to do such things at peak time.

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Money talks. Stop paying and they'll either go broke or do something.


I'm giving em until 1.2 launches to at least say something about this situation.



I just logged into my WoW account, friend sent me one of those scroll things. There are more lvl 85 warriors online in Orgrimar than there are total people online in the fleet on my SWTOR server republic side... just lvl 85 warriors. That's not an exhageration. I've also been getting instant BG Q's for the last 4 hours. Not 'short' Q's but I hit 'Enter Q' and it pops before I can close the BG window.

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I'm giving em until 1.2 launches to at least say something about this situation.



I just logged into my WoW account, friend sent me one of those scroll things. There are more lvl 85 warriors online in Orgrimar than there are total people online in the fleet on my SWTOR server republic side... just lvl 85 warriors. That's not an exhageration. I've also been getting instant BG Q's for the last 4 hours. Not 'short' Q's but I hit 'Enter Q' and it pops before I can close the BG window.



Please do me a favor and SS that, I'd love to put it in a sig.

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Right, because them leaving has absolutely nothing to do with the abysmal state of end-game PvP in this game. C'mon, let's be reasonable here; even the developers came out and admitted they missed the mark.


I don't even PvP for the most part, but I can understand the frustration of PvPers.


PVPers have no patience or loyalty, they come and go all the time. It seems to be the pvp servers with low population. Pvpers came, played for a month or so and headed out for the next big thrill. They typically want the game to be change to suit them and they want it NAO!!!!!!11!! You cant base a business model around pvpers. They are always marking time till the next big game. This is a generalization but it does fit.

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PVPers have no patience or loyalty, they come and go all the time. It seems to be the pvp servers with low population. Pvpers came, played for a month or so and headed out for the next big thrill. They typically want the game to be change to suit them and they want it NAO!!!!!!11!! You cant base a business model around pvpers. They are always marking time till the next big game. This is a generalization but it does fit.


The largest server in the game is a PvP server if I recall correctly.

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I'm giving em until 1.2 launches to at least say something about this situation.



I just logged into my WoW account, friend sent me one of those scroll things. There are more lvl 85 warriors online in Orgrimar than there are total people online in the fleet on my SWTOR server republic side... just lvl 85 warriors. That's not an exhageration. I've also been getting instant BG Q's for the last 4 hours. Not 'short' Q's but I hit 'Enter Q' and it pops before I can close the BG window.


wow send me scroll. sound's fun.

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My point is, they have already announced server transfers are coming, but this is going to take time.


So you may either bash them over the head and scream and shout, or you can reroll on a more populated server for now and enjoy your time until then.


The option is yours.


Or you can chose to re-roll and bash them over the head.:eek::cool:


I kinda find it hard to believe that this issue with server populations/character transfers was not planned for before release/shortly after so there could be a plan in place to deal with the matter appropriately. It be a challenge to name a lot of mmo's in the past (not just wow) that had not had to tackle the same issues.


I also hope on a side note that lessons were learned very quickly with dividing the development team (hire for new titles). I hope (that this isn't wishful thinking &) that they can get this game to where it should be, it has the potential, but time is kind of against them..

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I'm a level 50 Sage.


I'm on a pve server and I worked hard to complete the sage storyline of this game-- the majority of which felt like a single player experience beyond the first week in Feb. My server is virtually dead. I originally joined back in December because it was the only server that wasn't "very heavy", it was only "heavy". Now, I've actually traveled to various planets during what should be "peak" hours on the East Coast and there are maybe 2-5 players on a planet. I get very excited and pee myself when I see 6-8. Out of the 360 people in my guild, there are about 6-10 on at any given time, most at very different points than I, and very uninterested in teaming. The majority are a small group of high ranking level 50's that have done it all. I have tired this game at all different times during the day and night, as my schedule changes. I thought it was just my server, which I heard was one of the 3 least populated in the game. I don't understand why this issue has not been addressed. There is no point in playing a game where I wait around to do group quests that I can no longer do on my own. I didn't enjoy playing much of the game solo, but I had little choice. Now I don't have any choice at all, because I cannot beat these flashpoints alone on Ilum.


I'm not interested in starting over on another server, I tried that with a Bounty Hunter and that server is now dead too. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. I know my gripes with this game have nothing to do with anything they are addressing in 1.2. I could care less whether a pure blood sith can be a republic character. Are you kidding me? I want to be able to actually get relevant gear on quests. Why was finding gear like panning for gold the entire game? With respect to artifice, I want to have a higher success rate than .005% at reverse engineering enhancements I create. I spent countless in game credits sending out crew members and I have very little to show for it in way of advancements. Epic fail there, not even worth the time. When I do actually create a purple enhancement, the beefy +39 alacrity points cut my cast times by .002 of a second.. "And their was much rejoicing."


Finally, when I do get a group together-- if anyone is at a slightly different place in the story-- the quest cannot be shared. Or worse, in the middle of a quest, players actually have to wait for something to re-spawn and complete it themselves rather than get credit from their group completing it. And as far as the bonus quests go, "Stage 3: run back around and kill 40 more robots" just isn't cutting it. I love Star Wars, and I love SO MUCH about this game. I really do want to love the game, but there is enough wrong, that I'm leaving. They aren't addressing the problems that are CAUSING people to flee. At issue is not the decline in server populations: that is a symptom of the real problems, which are those I've mentioned and more. Never mind the fact we have a cap at level 50 with no more skill advancements. Yeesh. If such issues are not addressed, all the server merging in the world will not light up this game. There is plenty of money to go around with younger players, wow has survived. This game wasn't ready and is still not ready to go the distance. Bioware, please email me when you fix these issues and I will GLADLY give it another go.

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Q: Our server is currently low on the population rung. We''ve lost people, can we get transfered to another server? A: JO - Number one priority, coming soon. It's not as easy as it seems.
Quoted by James Ohlen (Game Director for SWTOR) at PAX EAST 2012 today


Source: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20056-darth-hater-pax-east-2012-coverage/q-and-a-liveblogs


Confirmed by a friend sitting in the hall right now who got all excited when it came up. Theres your answer, so is this thread over now?

Edited by Vahzl
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Thank you for posting that link, but no, that doesn't answer the question of when or even a ball-park delivery date. In fact, I just read through all of their well thought out answers, which range from "we're working on it" to "it's coming soon, we're still talking about it". Maybe Obama and Mitt can run on those slogans too. Love it. Peace.
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Thank you for posting that link, but no, that doesn't answer the question of when or even a ball-park delivery date. In fact, I just read through all of their well thought out answers, which range from "we're working on it" to "it's coming soon, we're still talking about it". Maybe Obama and Mitt can run on those slogans too. Love it. Peace.


The point is it's a high priority, which has a lot of purchase, as they mention things that are low or not even a thought. I expect once they get to grips with the patch, the next thing we are going to see is transfers. You need to realise these are small victories, but still victories non-the-less.


Oh and also following Stephen Reid on Twitter (the Community Manager for SWTOR) seems to have just revealed the release date of 1.2, at least vaguely, being very soon. Very soon in most MMO's is a 2 week period.


Stephen Reid ‏ @Rockjaw


Did @JamesOhlen just drop a huge hint about when Game Update 1.2 will release during this panel? Yes, yes he did.



Stephen Reid ‏ @Rockjaw


We've said 'very soon' all day to booth visitors. And that is true. :) PS - 'Soon' and 'very soon' are two different time periods.

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Too bad I didnt roll on The Fatman at release as I thought instead of Jung Ma. Oh well, last MMO I will roll on a RP-PvP server in over a regular PvP server. They always seem to decline very fast. I'd rather be on the currently very heavy fatman instead of the standard size jung ma. :mad:


Pondering more and more about heading back to WoW. :(:eek:

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Dude, seriously? Is it possible for me to post an informed opinion on a forum without catching flack and getting sucked into a pissing contest?


I respect your acknowledgement of their efforts. I appreciate that you aren't just raging blindly, but are staying informed and up to speed and that you are trying to inform other players of progress.


The point is that these problems have been around for a while and I don't think there is much excuse for any of them existing in the first place. It is a matter of too little, too late here. We are paying for a service. As paying clients, it is not our job to make excuses or show understanding toward sub par performance in a game that has been hyped for over 2 years. Let's leave at that.

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Dude, seriously? Is it possible for me to post an informed opinion on a forum without catching flack and getting sucked into a pissing contest?


I respect your acknowledgement of their efforts. I appreciate that you aren't just raging blindly, but are staying informed and up to speed and that you are trying to inform other players of progress.


The point is that these problems have been around for a while and I don't think there is much excuse for any of them existing in the first place. It is a matter of too little, too late here. We are paying for a service. As paying clients, it is not our job to make excuses or show understanding toward sub par performance in a game that has been hyped for over 2 years. Let's leave at that.


Ohlen: SWTOR, for 2012, we want players to feel like they are getting their moneys worth. Huge changes additions, 1.2 coming next week (slipped, corrected himself).


There you go :)


Also the pay to play argument is moot. You are paying for access to the servers, our money then gets funnelled into development. How they choose to spread and release that dev is up to them. With a tonne of new MMo's coming soon, their next few patches need to be ready and mind blowing, or people are going to wander, which is why they aren't rushing it, and good on them for doing so. I would rather play something thats working than something that needs a tonne of repatches just to get into a playable state.


No "pissing" contest here, you are simply upset and im trying my best to bring the words right from the horses mouth, as they come live, from PAX, right now.


We just need patience, which I have in reams, as I am, afterall, in Customer Support myself, and damn do you need it there.

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Dude, seriously? Is it possible for me to post an informed opinion on a forum without catching flack and getting sucked into a pissing contest?


I respect your acknowledgement of their efforts. I appreciate that you aren't just raging blindly, but are staying informed and up to speed and that you are trying to inform other players of progress.


The point is that these problems have been around for a while and I don't think there is much excuse for any of them existing in the first place. It is a matter of too little, too late here. We are paying for a service. As paying clients, it is not our job to make excuses or show understanding toward sub par performance in a game that has been hyped for over 2 years. Let's leave at that.


Absolutely. 1.2 should have been launch, its clear as day. Had that been the case, not nearly as many people would have left and the need for server mergers wouldn't be as pressing as it is now, AND they'd probably have it done by the time it became a problem.

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i have come to realize ************ and moaning doesn't solve anything and none of us are game designers and have never made a game. Yet some of us act like we have and try to say that what isnt in yet should already be in like we are gurus.
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i have come to realize ************ and moaning doesn't solve anything and none of us are game designers and have never made a game. Yet some of us act like we have and try to say that what isnt in yet should already be in like we are gurus.


Most of us have played other games, developed with smaller companies behind them, with a much smaller budget, and have blown SWTOR out of the water feature wise.


All I need to know is how much trouble they are having with Mergers/Legacy, etc.


These guys are simply in over their head, and a lot of them are going to lose their jobs because of it. The ones who should lose their jobs, most likely won't. That's the tragic part.

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