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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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You would rather play on empty servers with a name you like and no one to see it, than play with other people with a second choice of your name and thousands of people who can see it?


I think the focus should be playability here. Empty MMO's aren't MMO's at all. That needs to be fixed. Regardless of names. I hate to say it, but it's a numbers game. When mergers happen (and believe me, they're going to happen sooner or later), you're always going to upset some people. So you upset the smallest demographic, which in this case, I'm sorry to say, are those like yourself, who are protective over their character names.


Sad but true I'm afraid.

You sir do not get it. To you it's just a name tacked onto some pixles to him it's a character with a life of it's own. His character. His role. I know I spend about 30mins to an hr trying to get my character to have a look and a name that matches who I envision that character to be even with the choices we have. I was working on a list of Legacy names from before EGA so when I got my first pick I was ecstatic. Then for all that go go it's disheartening. I'm a person who would make a new character with a new look and name on another server than transfer the max level one I got and have to change the name. It's THAT important to me. I have abandoned characters because I was so so about its look when I created it and as I leveled it I realized that this was not what I wanted.


So don't look down on what is important to him because it is not important to you.

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Not really sure what you guys are looking for. Bioware will not do ANYTHING until after the Oceanic transfers. So coming in here every day, posting fake numbers and claiming them as FACT will not get you anywhere. You just have to wait. Raging daily will not help you. You have a few options right now.


Help Yourself: reroll to find a server you want to transfer to and play until transfers.

Wait to be Helped: play on a dead server (your words) or take a hiatus from the game and wait for transfers.



I don't consider 140 people at peak a dead server considering that's probably 40 more people than were playing on the last WoW server I played on.

It's amazing how well X-server LFG masks a population problem.

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I share your amazement that the devs haven't said ANYTHING about this.

I am mad at all the attendees of the Summit for not asking the question as well. (One woman sort of did, but her question was more about faction imbalance and the "REPUBLIC being a ghost town." Their answer was something like "we're hoping Legacy will fix imbalance."


This tells me NOTHING about their views on server populations as a whole.


I blame the summit on the fact that most of the big guilds represented probably make their homes in the high-pop servers. The attendees there are not an accurate cross-section of the player base.


I fear this will be the same case at PAX but hopefully some brave questioner will prove me wrong.


And when the answer is "We are not merging servers at this time", what will the response be then?


The same 20 people posting in huge threads about how it is a travesty, blah blah blah.


Be truthful, you only want to hear the answer you want to hear. Nothing else is going to make you happy.

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I only hope they make it happen soonish. So far Trayus is pretty low pop on rep side. End game content is doable providing you are in a decent guild, and there is some WZ you can do. but for example finding people for group q's while leveling or low FPs is just pain in a place where the sun doesnt shine all to often. :(


Either merge some low pop servers, or provide a free migration.

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Not really sure what you guys are looking for. Bioware will not do ANYTHING until after the Oceanic transfers. So coming in here every day, posting fake numbers and claiming them as FACT will not get you anywhere. You just have to wait. Raging daily will not help you. You have a few options right now.


Help Yourself: reroll to find a server you want to transfer to and play until transfers.

Wait to be Helped: play on a dead server (your words) or take a hiatus from the game and wait for transfers.



I don't consider 140 people at peak a dead server considering that's probably 40 more people than were playing on the last WoW server I played on.

It's amazing how well X-server LFG masks a population problem.


Which is why we need an x-server LFG tool. But that is a discussion for another thread. ;)

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I only hope they make it happen soonish. So far Trayus is pretty low pop on rep side. End game content is doable providing you are in a decent guild, and there is some WZ you can do. but for example finding people for group q's while leveling or low FPs is just pain in a place where the sun doesnt shine all to often. :(


Either merge some low pop servers, or provide a free migration.


And when it isn't free (because, face it, there is no reason they should be unless your server is really, really dead)?

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Before we all think about server merges or transfers lets think of it this way. 1.2 is about to be released and i think bioware wants to see if this won't be necessary in 1.2. it'll be less important to do so they will do it a little later after 1.2 if its still low population maybe they will reconsider doing this alot earlier.
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And when it isn't free (because, face it, there is no reason they should be unless your server is really, really dead)?


Well 30 people online in the fleet in the evenings, getting alot of 6v8 token loses in WZ's and leveling a alt on planets with alot of times you beeing the only one there, isnt exactly alive and kicking either.


Truth be told, it would be a reason for me to let my subscription run out and look for something else when it does.

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Merge servers or make it possible to transfer between servers!


I'm thinking of stop playing the game because it sucks so hard to play with 20 ppl in one server! Group quests, PVP, Warzones = SUCKS right now because it's so hard to find ppl!



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Where are these numbers coming from?


That was taken out of context.


Someone implied that "if the servers are so dead then the number of people that are affected by it must be a small percentage of the playerbase"


To which I responded that he must not be good at math. The numbers were taken mostly from here -




Byerley did a fairly decent job of explaining it. If you look back earlier in this thread, Notdonnareed had a fairly similar conclusion in regards to population caps as well.


350 appears to be the the bare minimum required for standard ranking on the server list. Where this number caps at is still speculation, but it is probably around 2000. 1800 was reported by others a few times.


Assuming that the heavy and full servers are at 2500 or more, and noting that there are only 5 or so out of the (last I heard) 200 or so other servers.


Even saying there are 10 good servers with an average population of 2500 or more between EU and US, that's only 25,000. The other 190 servers with an average of 500 (which includes the light servers with under 350, and the standard servers with 1800 or so, so 500 is the number I went with) comes out to be a bit short of 100,000.


Granted, the "standard" population servers with 1800 aren't experiencing the same problems as the ones with 350 or 500, so even if you wanted to go ahead and cut the number in half to account for the standard servers that aren't having the same issues, you are still looking at 50,000 people who are having issues vs 75,000 who aren't. That clearly isn't a small portion of the population


125,000 is roughly consistent with the fact that rarely, if ever, do MMO's have more then 10% of their player base playing. Which, when multiplied out, comes to a bit under 1.25 million subs (given that I rounded up slightly earlier). This number isn't too unrealistic either.




So yes, you can disagree/agree with my numbers but this is how I got them. I'm sure I'll be torn to shreds over something I missed.

Edited by Frostvein
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While I agree that it sucks to start over you will be happier in the long run if you do.


I left behind a level 48 and a 36. I'm now 30 on a new server and had no regrets.


If server transfers/merges happen I will have my characters to go back too.

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While I agree that it sucks to start over you will be happier in the long run if you do.


I left behind a level 48 and a 36. I'm now 30 on a new server and had no regrets.


If server transfers/merges happen I will have my characters to go back too.



This is exactly what I did. I started my pub and imp characters on servers that eventually became light. I rerolled on two heavy pop servers under new ACs and I've been having a blast ever since. Once transfers are available, I'll transfer my old characters to my new servers and I'll be set. :)

Edited by Galbatorrix
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you guys are talking about server merges?

Why don't we just roll a new toon on 1 server :)


Start all over again and go :)


Lets turn that around. Why should we? Why should i be forced to give up my characters?

Ive spend a great deal of time on getting them where they are now. The idea of having to do that again, playing the same class quests, getting all the skills maxxed and gathering funds as i have now. Is not really a motivating idea.


Sure if i would have just started the game and found the server dead after doing a few levels, it wouldnt be a big issue to roll a new one somewhere and start again.

But i started at launch, then atleast my server had a "heavy" population, i even selected one with a high pop so i could play in a big community. But after the free month subs ended the population took a nose dive to beeing on the high curve of low pop. And since then the numbers slowly but steadily dropped to beeing what they are at the moment. Pretty much a ghosttown around noon and nights, even weekends. The only timesloth you can hope to get something done is in the evenings.


Is it that weird to expect to some kind leniency from a provider if the service beeing payed for is lacking? I am a paying costumer afterall.


If your internet service provider was giving you a terrible connection issues, and there response would be: "Well, just move to another city our service there is brilliant." What would you do? Move? Or find another provider?

Edited by Glock_
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Just to give a time line idea, Rift offered server xfer/mergers/consolidations at the end of June last year. That would of been the games fifth month of being live. swtor is currently 3.5 months old from its decermber 21st ish release date. do i expect them to offer it at the same time as rift, no, but when 1.2 comes out and people return, whether its alot or a little, bioware will have the data to make a decision on whether its needed.
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People that are saying to reroll are idiots. People dont want to start it all over again, they shouldnt even have to.


Transfers will not fix the problem, the problem will still be there and that problem is TOO MANY DAMN SERVERS. People will just flock to one of the 5 high pop servers with transfers.


What we need are merges simple as that. I dont give a crap about PR or that kind of stuff. People are quitting cause most servers are empty. Where in peak times you wont past 50 ppl on fleet, where pvp queues take a hour to get in a match only for that match to end early, where raiding guilds barely can keep up with the amount of people quitting. We need merges. Every server at peak time should average 200-400 people on fleet, where pvp queuues are no longer than 5 mins tops, where you actually can do heroics and encounter ppl while leveling.




Bioware wake the f up. Your game is failing and if you dont merge your servers soon your game will end up like another Warhammer.

Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 are around the corner and peoples patience are running out.

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Also just to add RIFT has 16 us servers. around launch they deffinatly had alot more then that. Not to compair apples to oranges but there is nothing wrong with merging servers. the big question is how many accounts can fit on one of biowares servers. right now it just may not be possible.
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Lets turn that around. Why should we? Why should i be forced to give up my characters?

Ive spend a great deal of time on getting them where they are now. The idea of having to do that again, playing the same class quests, getting all the skills maxxed and gathering funds as i have now. Is not really a motivating idea.


Sure if i would have just started the game and found the server dead after doing a few levels, it wouldnt be a big issue to roll a new one somewhere and start again.

But i started at launch, then atleast my server had a "heavy" population, i even selected one with a high pop so i could play in a big community. But after the free month subs ended the population took a nose dive to beeing on the high curve of low pop. And since then the numbers slowly but steadily dropped to beeing what they are at the moment. Pretty much a ghosttown around noon and nights, even weekends. The only timesloth you can hope to get something done is in the evenings.


Is it that weird to expect to some kind leniency from a provider if the service beeing payed for is lacking? I am a paying costumer afterall.


If your internet service provider was giving you a terrible connection issues, and there response would be: "Well, just move to another city our service there is brilliant." What would you do? Move? Or find another provider?


I find it surprising that so many people in this thread think its just no big deal to reroll. But this is exactly why BW and other developers can get away with this sort of thing. We apparently have a high tolerance when it comes to services.


It makes no sense. When a movie sucks, people complain so much about how they wasted 10 bucks and 2 hours of their day on it. But apparently spending dozens of hours leveling only to have to abandon your character and repeat the process is no big deal. I don't get it. But to each their own.


I've complained to the various gaming portals- Massively, MMORPG, Darth Hater...hoping that someone would at least editorialize the issue, which may or may not capture the attention of BW. Because right now they seem more focused on a "which would you prefer ingame" poll than addressing one of the highest concerns on their forum. That speaks volumes.


And people should really review those Guild Summit notes, really see what Ohlen is saying about server merges/transfers and Legacy. 1.2 may hinder any hope of transfers for the foreseeable future, as he clearly states that the Legacy system makes transfer considerations much more complex. I keep hearing other people say they will offer transfers a little bit after the APAC transfers are complete. I've read nothing about this anywhere from BW, and Ohlen's statements clearly contradict this.


So, transferring to a high pop server might be very easy for some. But consider this scenario: What if those who don't care about rerolling roll on The Fatman, level a few toons and alts, get deep into the Legacy system, then The Fatman starts getting light. What then? Would they reroll again? From what I'm hearing, maybe they would. I've rerolled once now. I won't do it again. If The Fatman starts losing weight, I'm not feeding another fat server.

Edited by andrelle
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No info from developers? Everybody on forum are asking for one thing... a developer should ask why and how give fun to the user. No new features, planet char... a MERGE... then think about the rest... only after rhis they could think on new features...

3 hours no wz started on Trayus Academy... we don't need 1.2 or legacy or story quest... we need people to play with...

Edited by DarthToRa
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You sir do not get it. To you it's just a name tacked onto some pixles to him it's a character with a life of it's own. His character. His role. I know I spend about 30mins to an hr trying to get my character to have a look and a name that matches who I envision that character to be even with the choices we have. I was working on a list of Legacy names from before EGA so when I got my first pick I was ecstatic. Then for all that go go it's disheartening. I'm a person who would make a new character with a new look and name on another server than transfer the max level one I got and have to change the name. It's THAT important to me. I have abandoned characters because I was so so about its look when I created it and as I leveled it I realized that this was not what I wanted.


So don't look down on what is important to him because it is not important to you.


All he is saying the important of your name is trivial, nobody cares when looking at the big picture.


You will get over it, it's just a name. Server mergers will be forced eventually, it will happen with EA budget cuts. Subscriptions will eventually run out and their hand will be forced.

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No info from developers? Everybody on forum are asking for one thing... a developer should ask why and how give fun to the user. No new features, planet char... a MERGE... then think about the rest... only after rhis they could think on new features...

3 hours no wz started on Trayus Academy... we don't need 1.2 or legacy or story quest... we need people to play with...


They did give info on March 1st which has been reposted many times

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