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SWTOR: No fat chicks allowed?


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Were you born yesterday? If you have a standard keyboard you should notice that the t is right next to the r. So with a bit of common sense you could assume that was a typo, which it was.


Lol I know did I say you meant it on purpose? Noooo... Did I think it was funny? Yes. Don't be so sensitive. Oh and again for lols you said r instead of 'y'. LOL I know it's a typo, a funny typo. Off topic though.

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body option 4 is the fat girl body

look at it closely

make a body type 4 stand to a body type 1 and the difference become really obvious


and if she really wants to play a really fat woman, just play the fat guy option... give him some long hair, slap on some of the make up complexion.

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(I don't have actual stats/numbers to back this up so feel free to correct me) I think the majority of gaming players don't want to play a fat character.... particularly a hero of the galaxy. Now we DO know that male gamers outnumber female gamers (though of course in recent years the gap has lessened), and I would also hazard a guess that they want to play/see generally physically-appealing female characters.


So I don't think it's fair to say that gaming companies don't realize that fat people exist, I just think that whatever research they did during game production indicated that the current set of female bodies would be most preferable.

Edited by Sireene
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For your viewing pleasure, here is a front view of the male body type 4:


My bounty hunting Chiss, Smurfster


And here is a back view.




In both views, it is abundantly clear the character in question is built like a truck. There is clear, exaggerated muscle definition in his arms, back, and abdomen. He's bull-necked as opposed to, say, double or triple chinned. There's no flab so much as solid trunks of beefcake. Is he big? Yes, very, it's the widest body type. But he's built like a professional lifter, not a McDonald's customer.

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For your viewing pleasure, here is a front view of the male body type 4:


My bounty hunting Chiss, Smurfster


And here is a back view.




In both views, it is abundantly clear the character in question is built like a truck. There is clear, exaggerated muscle definition in his arms, back, and abdomen. He's bull-necked as opposed to, say, double or triple chinned. There's no flab so much as solid trunks of beefcake. Is he big? Yes, very, it's the widest body type. But he's built like a professional lifter, not a McDonald's customer.


Nice, but you didn't show us his gut.

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Nice, but you didn't show us his gut.


Let it never be said I only go halfway in proving someone wrong on the internet.


Here is a full body back picture.


Here is a full body front picture.


Clear abdominal muscle definition. Legs like tree trunks, don't even have the thighs touching. The man is shredded in every sense of the word. Even his butt is tight.

Edited by GorillaJ
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My thread about not being able to play as disabled people was deleted. Safe to say that Bioware will allow you to talk about fat people, but not disabled people. I'm definitely going to fight this garbage.


Its the way you went about it that go it deleted.

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I want to play a female Hut Sith juggernaut. My dream is to cause extra severe damage by using force jump and intervention.


...and not to forget, I want Leia as a companion to dress here in a slave dancer outfit.


...and as a racial ability I want to lick others.


I hope this is disturbing enough for this thread.

Edited by Midichlorien
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My thread about not being able to play as disabled people was deleted. Safe to say that Bioware will allow you to talk about fat people, but not disabled people. I'm definitely going to fight this garbage.


Maybe they will make a X-Men MMO in the future.... rolling around in a wheelchair all day jedi mindtricking ppl.

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Again, go look at it. That's muscle. They're built like Olympic powerlifters, not fat dudes.


I don't know what you're talking about.


Olympic powerlifters objective is to lift weight, not body sculpt which is why they are fat as hell.


BW uses hollywood standards for the "fat" female bodytype in this game.

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I don't know what you're talking about.


Olympic powerlifters objective is to lift weight, not body sculpt which is why they are fat as hell.


BW uses hollywood standards for the "fat" female bodytype in this game.


Some are unhealthily fat, yes. Some are simply large. As shown in the myriad screenshots I posted, male body type 4 is not fat.

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This thread is silly. The reason BW didn't allow a fat female character is the same reason Hollywood rarely has fat female characters in their movies. Being thin and above average tall is ideal for female. Obviously, being fat and short is not. That is how western society views woman body type and if you don't like you can attempt to change that view, live with it, or move to another country that is more tolerant of fat people.


Now the fat man option isn't really fat. Body type 4 for males is more of a linebacker body built than a real fat man.

Edited by Meluna
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