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Server population is dropping...


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You will care when you are all alone on your server...


If you think the servers are going to be empty, you should wake up from your dreaming...

This game has potential but you players won't give them a chance...



He forgets that his server can be affected by people leaving and Bioware continuing to do nothing to alleviate the problem.


Just read what i have written on previous page, i explain there what i think you are all alike.

BioWare does and cares, you just do not appreciate work enough and oversee what they do.

Be patient and you will see changes, but as i wrote before, you are obviously "high-fed" as others...

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If you think the servers are going to be empty, you should wake up from your dreaming....

This game has potential but you players won't give them a chance...



Yes, the game has potential, but making enough servers to host 16 million people is stupid.

1)start with a lower number of servers, its easier to make more than to merge, transfer, etc.

2)people log on and see 10 people standing around, it gives the game a bad rap, you will never reach 16 million steady subs like that!

3)mmo=community. 10 people=/=community.

Edited by Spritle
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You must be joking???? Another flawed post...


This is a game depending on a large number of players coming together doing things together.

MMO = Massive Multiplayer Online.

This is not a solo game, I will not pay for a solo game every month, then I can play better ones such as Dead Space 2 etc


QFT this is not a solo game and I will not pay monthly to play it alone. 66 playing between level 1-30, 51 31-49, 48 50's. This is a holiday weekend, no one is at work and people old enough to play MMO's aren't hunting Easter eggs. Most young adults don't have to do anything today, not to mention star wars is idolatry so it's not like the players are religious (trolololol).


With 48 other people to play with right now, could I find something to do? Sure. Have I met cool people on my server? Yeah, no doubt.


Does that mean that I find a sense of community on Prophecy of the Five? No. There is none at all, and it's sad. I believe the quote a friend of mine said was "this is the best single player mmo I have ever seen".

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gibt es ein grobes Ranking, welches jedoch keine "Detailzahlen" hat und entsprechend nur eine ganz grobe Orientierung geben kann.


Zusätzlich gibt es einige Stichproben, welche mit Hilfe von Spielern (siehe Threadverlauf) entstanden sind.


Stand: 08.04.2012

(Stichproben jeweils in der Primetime von 19:00-22:00 Uhr, Zeitraum: 04.04., 05.04., 06.04., 07.04.)


1. The Jedi Tower (PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 1336-1380 / Imp 1045-1101

2. Vanjervalis Chain (RP PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 803 / Imp 879

3. Jar'Kai Sword (PvP) - Stichprobe: Rep 497 / Imp 909

4. Jen'jidai (RP PvP) - Stichprobe: Rep 610 / Imp 699

5. T3-M4 (PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 654 / Imp 855

6. Exar Kun (PvE)

7. Sith Triumvirate (PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 348-400 / Imp 816

8. Cassus Fett (RP PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 484-638 / Imp 526-688

9. Force Harvester (PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 232 / Imp 593

10. Darth Andeddu (PvE)

11. Brianna (PvP) - Stichprobe: Rep 227 / Imp k.A.

12. Darth Revan's Mask (PvP) - Stichprobe: Rep 319 / Imp 568

13. Darth Traya (PvP) - Stichprobe: Rep 287 / Imp 541

14. Supreme Commander.. (PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 415-437 / Imp 539-557

15. Zayne Carrick (RP PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 261 / Imp 313

16. Opila Crystal (PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 330 / Imp 370

17. The Cinzia (PvE)

18. Dreypa's Oubliette (PvE)

19. Odacer-Faustin Acade... (PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 202-321 / Imp 293-378

20. Handmaidens of Atris (PvE)

21. Lenico Gargantuan (PvE)

22. Pius Dea (PvP)

23. Blotus the Hutt (PvP)

24. The Restoration Zone (PvP) - Stichprobe: Rep 180-237 / Imp 301-359

25. Murakami Orchid (PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 234 / Imp 263

26. Exis Station (PvP) - Stichprobe: Rep 141 / Imp 207

27. Stereb Cities (PvE) - Stichprobe: Rep 208-212 / Imp 228-249

28. Loramarr (PvP) - Stichprobe: Rep 226 / Imp 213-304

29. The Krath Enchanter (PvP) - Stichprobe: Rep 77-95 / Imp 149-188

30. Gnawer's Roost (PvP) - Stichprobe: Rep 96-101 / Imp 125-207



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Just read what i have written on previous page, i explain there what i think you are all alike.

BioWare does and cares, you just do not appreciate work enough and oversee what they do.

Be patient and you will see changes, but as i wrote before, you are obviously "high-fed" as others...


Unless you are an employee of BW and know for a fact that they do care, you are talking to the hand. You keep asking players to be patient. Patience is running out and no one has a clue what BW's future plans are.

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I couldnt believe how they were opening servers left and right during EGA and launch. Queues were expected, but all the crying made BW panic and open up a million servers. Sure everything was great the first few weeks, I just cant believe that the higher ups at BW didnt have the foresight to see what a monumental mistake they were making.


Hell, I'm not paid to make the big bucks for a game company, but even I knew it was a massive mistake to open up so many servers. Whoever made that decision needs to be fired. Now, we are in the position we are in. EA is not going to allow server merges because that sends a message to the players, and more importantly the investors, that there is a major problem with the game. Its not going to happen.


Server transfers will have to be handled the right way or it wont alleviate the problem much.

I absolutely love this game. I love it. The one thing that is killing it for me is the population. I said earlier, its very hard to invest a huge amount of time in your character when you see such a low population. I'm very attached to my name....I preordered as soon as they were available and took the day off of work on day one of EGA just to get my names. If I am unlucky enough to have to change them, I may not continue. It may be just a name to you, but in an MMO, my characters name is as attached to me at the character itself. Having to rename a character xX(insert name)Xx or whatever will kill it for me....

Edited by runback
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I'm on the edge of going back to WoW myself. Atleast there I will have enough to do when I want to, run instances at will, bgs at will and go farm mats and other things while waiting in queue.


I honestly have no idea why ToR server were so small at release, even those that were full and had queues. It feels like BW set the player cap per server much to low for a modern MMO. Just looking back at DaoC it had twice the size on servers, at pretty much any given time.


Why do new MMOs expect to have an epic proportion of subs at lunch, add too many servers and set silly low pop caps? We used to have 250-280 on fleet, now its 150 at peak hours, do a few planet searches and you end up with an avarage 20 per planet/WZ/FP and so on. Given some of those are also empty or close to.


I would think maybe we have 500 online at peak hour on Jung Ma empire side, and perhaps 350-400 on pub side. Thats just not a big server pop for a modern MMO server that can easily handle 10 times that without issues.


@Runback: Agreed, I will not gladly give up my names if I can transer just to be able to enjoy the game with an acceptable population. I think I'll rather quit the game in that case. Population issues should have been handled before 1.2.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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Just read what i have written on previous page, i explain there what i think you are all alike. BioWare does and cares, you just do not appreciate work enough and oversee what they do. Be patient and you will see changes, but as i wrote before, you are obviously "high-fed" as others...


First, no one cares what you think when your solution is "be patient, doesn't matter if you are affected by this it'll be fixed soon." Secondly, if Bioware cared they wouldn't have players waiting this long for something that is apparent to enough of the population to get some to quit and others to funnel re-rolling on four select servers. Your actions speak more about your work than words and promises.

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It's the end.

Near 20 of my friends and me are stopping. This game is like desert, there is nobody anymore. And with the Diablo3 really near and after that Guild Wars 2 (free) swtor will be dead. It's a nice average solo game (we never crosses anyone anywhere), but if I want to play solo game I play Skyrim or Mass Effect who are largelly better than this game.


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Is almost impossible to find someone in the server that I play... I dont do the hero quests anymore and I have a lot of flashpoints to do, but I just can't find someone. Even the pvp sometimes I need to wait a lot to enter... Bioware really need to merge the servers or allow us to transfer the characters... I think that this 1.2 patch is a good oportunity to do this...
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You must be joking???? Another flawed post...


This is a game depending on a large number of players coming together doing things together.

MMO = Massive Multiplayer Online.

This is not a solo game, I will not pay for a solo game every month, then I can play better ones such as Dead Space 2 etc


In the beginning...MMO meant ONLY that a game allowed for multiple people to be logged into a server or servers at the same time. It did not mean that people had to do anything other than be able to do something that was, at the time, quite miraculous...all being on the same server(s).


Somehow, over the years, this MMO bit got corrupted to mean "we must all do things together". I think EQ had a great deal to do with that as you really couldn't do very much (a couple classes excepted) in EQ unless you did it with other people.

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Seriously people, you are way too much "high-fed". By that i mean, you expect impossible things. You seriosly do not realize what some features cost. Money, energy, time and you still whine.


Have patience, for god's sake!


Everyday, i see someone compare swtor to wow. I hate those comparements but if you already compare those games, you should compare SWTOR now to WoW at realease.


Your "so great Warcraft" also didn't have enormously high population on beginning, it had no server transfers, no server merges, no faction changes, no talents, no achievements, pvp imbalance, 1 pvp battleground, no barber or such fashion changes and much more!


Only the fact that you expect those things in a brand new game, doesn't mean it will be there immediately. It will take time, as everything. It is literally impossible to release a game with all that. I admit, they made too many servers but just for a case, there would be a massive wave of people, instead, most joined Tomb of Freedon Nadd and it's the most crowded server.


Just give it a time and you will see what BW and SWTOR are capable of. So far, everything you did wish for, they implemented, and I bet, they will implement such things what you whine for, it just won't be now and it, by all means, is understandable.


If you won't wait month or few months for those features, then yes, go back to your lovely Warcraft or whatever. It would just support what I have written here, you are "high-fed" and expect impossible things.


Your post is outdated for 2 months at least. By the time BW is ready to show what they are "capable of" there may be no one to care.

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The forums are getting full with this and no official response from Bioware.

It would be nice that they at least let us know what they are planning to do about this, besides telling people to re-roll fresh character on higher populated server (which is crazy).

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Think a more likely answer to the question why they ignored the topic of server merges, is that if they start talking about server merges, it means they admit their number of subscriptions is dropping, which is bad news for EA and the shareholders.


I honestly believe it will be a long time before we'll see server merges.



Even though BW's days of making sub numbers public are in all likelyhood over, it certainly doesn't mean these numbers were some big huge secret to EA and shareholders. Obviously powers that be have these numbers available. I'm guessing it is mostly question of PR and trying to maintain an aura of "big" MMO that keeps merges from happening.. and in doing so, keeps communities from evolving or borning.


It pisses me off BW doesn't seem that eager to even recognize how huge the need if. Significant majority of the servers are dead. People stuck in these servers for whatever reason won't do OPs,flasdhpoints,WZs,heroic missions or anything else. They don't get the feeling of belonging in a community. Rather, they get at least partially false impression of being stuck in an utterly dead game.


New patches don't offer relevant content to them simply because server they habit is too dead to make the said content accessible. New Ops, New flashpoints, new WZs, GTN upgrades, guildbanks. What does this mean to people in servers so deserted they don't get groups or raids going? What good is a new WZ when the queue is 60 min due to complete void of players? What good is a guildbank on a server where majority belongs in dead guilds? What good is a ship GTN when market hasn't turned into an actual market?


According to my rough and admittedly subjective estimation,EU side has 4-6 servers that feel alive enough for me to live. Dozens of servers out there have no reason to exist at all.

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Everyday, i see someone compare swtor to wow. I hate those comparements but if you already compare those games, you should compare SWTOR now to WoW at realease.


This makes perfect sense...

...in odd alternative reality where TOR has the luxury of competing with 2005 version of WoW.


Bioware had..what, 10-12 MMOs of WoW generation out there to learn from. Victories, defeats, good aspects and malfunctioning portions of a dozen or so games to consider. Stealing from a succesfull game..even cloning it can be a huge success..just ask Blizzard. If you do it however, you need to do it well. Your cloning of competing game's functioning aspects need to be little bit more polished, little bit more fun, little bit more functional. Competitors mistakes need to be erased or made less severe. BW didn't do this properly. Many portions of TOR are NOT as polished,complex, accessible or exiting as TBC era WoW. Vanilla WoW actually had UI superior to TOR's. Not easy to forgive that.


People buying them subs and picking which game is theirs for long haul do NOT pick between 2005 version of WoW and TOR. They pick among games that are out NOW, among games that are current NOW.

Most dedicated fanboys excluded, people don't cling to some desperate part optimism, part dream, part Hype image of what TOR MAY be like ONE DAY in some distant future. Majority wants fun, entertaining and finished MMO now, today.

Edited by Stradlin
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This makes perfect sense...

...in odd alternative reality where TOR has the luxury of competing with 2005 version of WoW.


Bioware had..what, 10-12 MMOs of WoW generation out there to learn from. Victories, defeats, good aspects and malfunctioning portions of a dozen or so games to consider.


People buying them subs and picking which game is theirs for long haul do NOT pick between 2005 version of WoW and TOR. They pick among games that are out NOW, among games that are current NOW.

Most dedicated fanboys excluded, people don't cling to some desperate part optimism, part dream, part Hype image of what TOR MAY be like ONE DAY in some distant future. Majority wants fun, entertaining and finished MMO now, today.


WoW has had around 10 years of development time. You want Bioware to develop something for 10 years before release?? That would not be very smart.


While I concur with the spirit of more content is needed; I will remain patient for a little longer with the understanding that it is comming.


P.S. I still think random generated flashpoints would help tide us over until more real content become available. I'm not experienced with the engine they are using and thus I do not know how much effort that would take to implement.


Edit: I didn't snip your post; looks like you edited after I quoted. With your add ins that would only make sense if they used the same engine; which they did not.

Edited by K_Schrimer
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WoW has had around 10 years of development time. You want Bioware to develop something for 10 years before release?? That would not be very smart.



If you make a WoW clone among dozen others, you want to make damn sure you have learned from their mistakes BEFORE your game is out, not after. BW devs haven't lived in a barrel. They had dozens of games out there to learn from.

Wheel is already out there. BW didn't have to reinvent it. They needed to make their own, preferably little more tuned version of it.


Fail to do it and you start losing people, fast. MMOs are far from something new and exiting now. Most people here have significant amount of (geeky..) hair in their chests in this regard. As a result, most people have zero tolerance for something jurassic like an UI you can't customize, procs and debuffs that have less space given in UI than..say, your own name and class(< -personal favorite of mine) or depressing healing with bugged, malfunctioning and unreliable healthbars.

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If you make a WoW clone among dozen others, you want to make damn sure you have learned from their mistakes BEFORE your game is out, not after. BW devs haven't lived in a barrel. They had dozens of games out there to learn from.

Wheel is already out there. BW didn't have to reinvent it. They needed to make their own, preferably little more tuned version of it.


Fail to do it and you start losing people, fast. MMos are far from something new and exiting now. Most people here have significant amount of (geeky..) hair in their chests in this regard.


Unless you use the exact same engine you CAN NOT just import their game and change skins; you HAVE to reinvent it, even if you are looking at the blue prints.


A Lot of time can be eaten up by trying to fit in 'it was like this in game x' stuff on a new engine. Sometimes too much time; everything is give or take in this business.


EDIT: They got what they could in with the time and money available. They will add more and more to the game as long as support remains.

Edited by K_Schrimer
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Since you want to compare WOW to SWTOR, This game is not worth a $15 sub atm, maybe $7.50 but def not $15.


You wouldn't pay 60k for a Camaro would you?


Camaros are very pretty, very sporty and look real fast but they are not worth what a Benz(Real MMO) is worth.. Because a Benz offers you a hell of a lot more bang for your Buck.


Now go nerd-rage and when you're done holler at me cause I have a bridge I want to sell you.

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Unless you use the exact same engine you CAN NOT just import their game and change skins; you HAVE to reinvent it, even if you are looking at the blue prints.


Having that blueprint available leaves precious few excuses when it comes to spotting and avoiding some of the mistakes they've made. We aren't speaking of some indie studio with half a dozen devs and 50k budget here. EA gave them absu8rd amounts of time and money.


Seriously..there are like 9000 small, easy to fix DUMB errors in TOR UI and questing that could have been avoided by planting one geeky, antisocial wow junkie in their Studio and making a habit of tapping him on shoulder few times a day and asking what pisses him off about TOR the most.

Edited by Stradlin
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Having that blueprint available leaves pretty few excuses when it comes to spotting and avoiding some of the mistakes they've made. We aren't speaking of some indie studio with half a dozen devs and 50k budget here. EA gave them absu8rd amounts of time and money.


Seriously..there are like 9000 small, easy to fix DUMB errors in TOR UI that could have been avoided by plantiong one geeky, antisocial wow junkie in their Studio and making a habit of tapping him on shoulder few times a day and asking what pisses him off about TOR the most.


A Lot of time can be eaten up by trying to fit in 'it was like this in game x' stuff on a new engine. Sometimes too much time; everything is give or take in this business.


They got what they could in with the time and money available. They will add more and more to the game as long as support remains.

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99 pages in just this thread alone and no official response... that's impressive.


and theres multiple threads, I havn't looked at the other one.


while I wait on them to respond/rectify this I've been playin on my old WoW server. FOund an interesting new problem while playing. The PVP Q's were popping too fast I had to 'not' Q for a little while just so I could farm up some materials I wanted.

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A Lot of time can be eaten up by trying to fit in 'it was like this in game x' stuff on a new engine. Sometimes too much time; everything is give or take in this business.


They got what they could in with the time and money available. They will add more and more to the game as long as support remains.


Yas well, that's the thing. I would feel very unfair if I bïtched about clunky aspects of a 3 months old MMO had they actually tried to reinvent the wheel. Or abandoned wheel all together and went for building a gosh darn hoverboard:p

But nay! They went in with " Ok, let us make a polished version of wheel!" and came out with well, a version of wheel. Cloning is perfectly okay..even preferable if you do it well. If you improve the source material. Bliz has build 4 incredibly succesfull franchises around this. Grade B clones though, it is hard to forgive or tolerate their rough edges.


Time and money available here was something more or less every single MMO Dev can only dream of. Including Bliz when they began work with WoW.

Edited by Stradlin
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Yas well, that's the thing. I would feel very unfair if I bïtched about clunky aspects of a 3 months old MMO had they actially tried to reinvent the wheel. Or abandoned wheel alltogether and went for building a gosh darn hoverboard:p

But nay! They went in with " Ok, let us make a polished version of wheel!" and came out with well, a version of wheel. Cloning is perfectly okay..even preferable if you do it well. If you improve the source material. Bliz has build 4 incredibly succesfull franchises around this. Grade B clones though, it is hard to forgive or tolerate their rough edges.


Time and money available here was something more or less every single MMO Dev can only dream of. Including Bliz when they began work with WoW.


Just because another company made a great car and you have the blue prints; doesn't mean you can make a car yourself with the same handling characteristics no matter how hard you try.


Regardless of leasons learned bugs fixed you have to understand that once you introduce another engine it all is moot you have to start from scrtach; even doing the same thing requires a completely different approach and programming which you have to learn for yourself.


Think of it like a song sung in English; you want to copy it but in a different language; you have to change words around to make it flow with the rythym but find away for it to mean the same thing.

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