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Everything needs a Chance.


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my biggest gripe with "giving things a chance" is that they (devs) dont necessarily position the game to be given the best chance. Anything that deal with improving the game im more then willing to give them time for, but then the things the community labels as "important" get pushed to the side.


Look at the whole server transfer issue, the lack of player driven content (not player created but needing players) fuels people sitting around lookng for things to do, or things that are wrong with the game. Then you get a system that rewards rerolling, but have servers where rerolling isn't going to increase your population, discouraging you from the end game of rerolling.


or the best option i've heard yet, reroll to experience the content you've already experienced (on another server) so later you can reroll and experience it for yet another time. I've already rerolled 3 times, i have 2 50's. With the exception of them being on a smaller pop server the desire to reroll and play the same faction isn't high.

Edited by goulet
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By purchasing the game is a gamble that we all made. The chance part is usually the first 3 months of a game for most MMOs.


Sorry the time's up & I ain't keep paying to BETA TEST this game. Look at WAR, it was bad, & many still gave it a chance. Now it's pretty much down to 1 or 2 servers left.


I'm not saying this would happen to SWTOR anytime soon but I for one ain't going to keep BETA TESTING a game w/ my money. So see ya! Before anyone say anything. Yes, I've cancelled & destroyed the CDs.


Speak with your wallet & that's the best way as a player can do to voice their long over due concerns.


After nge I destroyed my two copies of swg and will never play another sony mmorpg.

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After nge I destroyed my two copies of swg and will never play another sony mmorpg.


But you see, according to the majority of fanboys in most mmo forums now a days, its essential to change your game in recognition that the needs of many outweigh the needs of the few.

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By purchasing the game is a gamble that we all made. The chance part is usually the first 3 months of a game for most MMOs.


Sorry the time's up & I ain't keep paying to BETA TEST this game. Look at WAR, it was bad, & many still gave it a chance. Now it's pretty much down to 1 or 2 servers left.


I'm not saying this would happen to SWTOR anytime soon but I for one ain't going to keep BETA TESTING a game w/ my money. So see ya! Before anyone say anything. Yes, I've cancelled & destroyed the CDs.


Speak with your wallet & that's the best way as a player can do to voice their long over due concerns.


Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you...

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This game did need alittle more time,every mmo i have played this is the case and everyone that has ever played one should know that by now.


That said there is also the "I want it all and i want it now" culture that has developed now,not only in gameing but in our society in general and it is a shame.

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I sincerely hope WoW dies in a slow, horrible way. I hated the concept from the beginning and I hate it even more when other games rip that concept off, again and again.


Star Wars Galaxies forever, someone give us SWG2 please instead of WoW Wars.




mmorpg's need to get back to their sandbox roots, and not these themepark failures. Give me a virtual society to game in, and not some queue lobby that gets boring after the first month. Played swg for 4.5 years, already bored to tears with swtor after 3 months. I'm gonna laugh hard when swtor dies in less time than swg's 8.5 year run.

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SWTOR is the most polished, has the most content, and most things in ANY mmo EVER out in this time.. period. 3 months and they are already going to be on 1.2 with a TON of new stuff. They will just keep adding more and more to further to great icing on the cake :)
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SWTOR is the most polished


Let me just stop you right there.


Within a few minutes of playing, I was finding bug after bug after bug, and now I can't look at my consular without seeing bugged models. Let's not forget bugged cinematics (and lots of 'em!).

Edited by Ranknar
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SWTOR is the most polished, has the most content, and most things in ANY mmo EVER out in this time.. period. 3 months and they are already going to be on 1.2 with a TON of new stuff. They will just keep adding more and more to further to great icing on the cake :)


I really think you need to play other MMO's for perspective. It's content, while surpassing any other MMO in terms of voice acting is large, everything else is either average or below average. Saying that, I do somewhat enjoy the pvp aspect as well as casually leveling but unfortunately many key innovations from the games competition that have been around for years have been ignored.


Bioware however does seem to be somewhat learning. With focused discussion and interaction with the players they are gradually looking to improve upon their shortfalls. Another company, CCP was recently reminded of this by their player base, losing 10% of their subscriptions within a week and are only now, months after the fact seeing a rise again. I have very high hopes for this game, but if after 6 months errors are not being corrected; I can see the game coming to the position of Warhammers MMO, which while fun was riddled with crippling bugs and unfulfilled promises.

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SWTOR while only being out for 3 months is drawing a lot of criticism that is really not necessary or premature in the growth stages of any MMO. While a lot of people make a valid point about their views of WOW vs SWTOR, there is really nothing to compare except both companies want your business.

I get the impression that many players didnt want Wow in space but that is exactly what we got, apart from huttball there has been very little innonvation as even the companion system (while great) has been done before as has VO (see privateer 2, 16 years ago).


The biggest issue I see is that a game was released with the conception that it was competing with a game released 7 years ago rather than competing with the game as it is today. As a consequence alot of material had been left out, yes we will be receiving it in the coming months but the question needs to be asked has the damage already been done?


Gamers as a whole are a very unforgiving group, I know personaly from my own experiencesin the past I would accept a great deal of dissatisfaction with a game (that I played for 7 years) year after year while continueing to support that game. I am far less tolerant of developers and their visions today than I was 3 years ago.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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I gave them a chance when I signed up for and joined general testing, when I dropped $60 for their game, and when I continued to subscribe every month since.


How many chances are necessary before we agree that something has to come of it?

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By purchasing the game is a gamble that we all made. The chance part is usually the first 3 months of a game for most MMOs.


Sorry the time's up & I ain't keep paying to BETA TEST this game. Look at WAR, it was bad, & many still gave it a chance. Now it's pretty much down to 1 or 2 servers left.


I'm not saying this would happen to SWTOR anytime soon but I for one ain't going to keep BETA TESTING a game w/ my money. So see ya! Before anyone say anything. Yes, I've cancelled & destroyed the CDs.


Speak with your wallet & that's the best way as a player can do to voice their long over due concerns.


Purchasing an MMO was a big mistake on my part, and i will not make the same mistake again.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

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Let your wallet do the talking, people. I've cancelled my subscription and hopefully the comment survey they ask you to fill out is actually read by someone who gives a **** on the design team. Sadly that probably wouldn't even be effective because they're the professionals and we are just discerning gaming customers who have no idea what we want or expect from an MMO. :rolleyes: Edited by Matteis
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