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Does Bioware enjoy laughing at republic players?


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To most of the games population this wont matter since about 70% play Empire but it just needs to be said.


Are the Bioware devs mocking us? They laugh at the fact that republic have been at a disadvantage for so long. They alter a Empire CC to make it look like the Republic player is laying on its back crying like a little baby. Oh and surprise surprise... there is now a nifty little bug that occasionally makes republic players do this same animation after losing a voidstar match. They give us trash armor that at 50 looks worse then most of the 20-40 sets that Empire players get.


And then I discover this. While turning in one of my PVP quests I accidentally clicked on my companion Kira Carsen and she said something she had never said before. I believe this was added with one of the last 2 patches.


Kira Carsen says, "Have you seen what the Sith are wearing? It's like every fashion designer in the galaxy went over to the dark side."


Seemed a little bit of a coincidence that she started saying something new just after the latest 1.2 armor designs were released and there was widespread agreement on the republic side that not only were our old armors pathetic, but the 1.2 Republic armor sets were possibly the worst ever. Worse then anything previous.


Bioware has ridiculous resources to dump into this game. They need to do some serious work on the Republic side since Empire get an extremely beautiful and polished game experience.


Republic players don't need all of these little gimmes. Let BioWare reserve those for the kiddies who like to play evil bad guys with their little face masks and evil faces and such.


They need them to help feel good about themselves.


For the Republic... duty is the first and highest goal. All the fluff and frills... leave it to the Imps.

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Sith side has lame armor on medium armor, so don't worry, OP.


Reps deserve being laughed at. As we got the laughing at, early on.

Trooper gear is awesome looking.


Btw, Ever think, that the Sith are the rebels now, and the rep, is the empire, as the sith are the ones, who are rising up. The empire,thousands of years later, rises from the republic.

Kinda confusing huh?

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Sith Empire can't be "the rebels" because ... umm, i got it! It's Sith Empire, no rebels! There is an republic and empire in one time, no big deal. Quite simple. Transforming republic into empire and other way is a little bit harder to understand, but that include thousands of years of lore.


Sith side has lame armor on medium armor, so don't worry, OP.


Reps deserve being laughed at. As we got the laughing at, early on.

Trooper gear is awesome looking.


Btw, Ever think, that the Sith are the rebels now, and the rep, is the empire, as the sith are the ones, who are rising up. The empire,thousands of years later, rises from the republic.

Kinda confusing huh?

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Sith Empire can't be "the rebels" because ... umm, i got it! It's Sith Empire, no rebels! There is an republic and empire in one time, no big deal. Quite simple. Transforming republic into empire and other way is a little bit harder to understand, but that include thousands of years of lore.


Plus Rebels don't exist for another 3000 years.

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post 50 gunslinger pve, besides the hat, which is cool. is so utterly hideous :p none of it matches, it's like a blind guy just threw the set together getting fashion advice from another blind guy. Gunslingers should look, if any of the republic classes, cool as heck. And they don't at all, the shirt is like orange, brown, and red, the pants are blue and the shoes are black. it's completely nonsensical fashion :p. Edited by Macabakur
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The only way you could NOT love capes is if you have virtually no taste in fine clothing.


I would say the exact opposite, the only way you could love capes is if you have no taste in fine clothing, but hey if you enjoy prancing around like Batman thats up to you.


post 50 gunslinger pve, besides the hat, which is cool.


And the hat sucks too.

Edited by System_TOR
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I would say the exact opposite, the only way you could love capes is if you have no taste in fine clothing, but hey if you enjoy prancing around like Batman thats up to you.




And the hat sucks too.


I agree. Batman has terrible taste.

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They give us trash armor that at 50 looks worse then most of the 20-40 sets that Empire players get.



This person CLEARLY didn't play a Bounty Hunter or an Agent. While inquisitor is bearable I'd say the only good set is Darth Marr's lookalike warrior champion set.


On the rep side the Trooper's reasonably good and I dislike all the others, it's about even. high level gear ALL suck badly, the new war hero **** looks like Power Rangers meet Kamen rider, the sith force users are ridiculously ugly I do agree the Consular is highly homosexual but this is plain paranoia it's all very very bad.

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To most of the games population this wont matter since about 70% play Empire but it just needs to be said.


Are the Bioware devs mocking us? They laugh at the fact that republic have been at a disadvantage for so long. They alter a Empire CC to make it look like the Republic player is laying on its back crying like a little baby. Oh and surprise surprise... there is now a nifty little bug that occasionally makes republic players do this same animation after losing a voidstar match. They give us trash armor that at 50 looks worse then most of the 20-40 sets that Empire players get.


And then I discover this. While turning in one of my PVP quests I accidentally clicked on my companion Kira Carsen and she said something she had never said before. I believe this was added with one of the last 2 patches.


Kira Carsen says, "Have you seen what the Sith are wearing? It's like every fashion designer in the galaxy went over to the dark side."


Seemed a little bit of a coincidence that she started saying something new just after the latest 1.2 armor designs were released and there was widespread agreement on the republic side that not only were our old armors pathetic, but the 1.2 Republic armor sets were possibly the worst ever. Worse then anything previous.


Bioware has ridiculous resources to dump into this game. They need to do some serious work on the Republic side since Empire get an extremely beautiful and polished game experience.


All of the endgame armor, 1.2 and now, looks like garbage regardless of which side you are on. I really don't get it, from what I've seen the majority of people agree that the armor looks terrible and nothing like what you would expect to see in a Star Wars game. I just don't get why they continued this trend of creating terrible looking armor in 1.2 as well with our next tier of gear. It's kind of sad when you look better in level 30 gear than in level 50 top tier raid gear. I mean just look at any of the gear, we look like Space samurai, robots, birds, and bugs. Not that it really matters anymore since in 1.2 we'll be able to wear whatever orange we want with the mods from our endgame gear, but it is still dumb that they just can't move away from the terrible looking endgame gear and get someone that has at least seen the Star Wars movies to work on the armor models.

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All of the endgame armor, 1.2 and now, looks like garbage regardless of which side you are on. I really don't get it, from what I've seen the majority of people agree that the armor looks terrible and nothing like what you would expect to see in a Star Wars game. I just don't get why they continued this trend of creating terrible looking armor in 1.2 as well with our next tier of gear. It's kind of sad when you look better in level 30 gear than in level 50 top tier raid gear. I mean just look at any of the gear, we look like Space samurai, robots, birds, and bugs. Not that it really matters anymore since in 1.2 we'll be able to wear whatever orange we want with the mods from our endgame gear, but it is still dumb that they just can't move away from the terrible looking endgame gear and get someone that has at least seen the Star Wars movies to work on the armor models.


^^What he said.


I love my Inquisitor, wouldn't trade him for the world. But some of the gear he puts on... my goodness, it's like I dress him in the dark... :confused:

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To most of the games population this wont matter since about 70% play Empire but it just needs to be said.


Are the Bioware devs mocking us? They laugh at the fact that republic have been at a disadvantage for so long. They alter a Empire CC to make it look like the Republic player is laying on its back crying like a little baby. Oh and surprise surprise... there is now a nifty little bug that occasionally makes republic players do this same animation after losing a voidstar match. They give us trash armor that at 50 looks worse then most of the 20-40 sets that Empire players get.


And then I discover this. While turning in one of my PVP quests I accidentally clicked on my companion Kira Carsen and she said something she had never said before. I believe this was added with one of the last 2 patches.


Kira Carsen says, "Have you seen what the Sith are wearing? It's like every fashion designer in the galaxy went over to the dark side."


Seemed a little bit of a coincidence that she started saying something new just after the latest 1.2 armor designs were released and there was widespread agreement on the republic side that not only were our old armors pathetic, but the 1.2 Republic armor sets were possibly the worst ever. Worse then anything previous.


Bioware has ridiculous resources to dump into this game. They need to do some serious work on the Republic side since Empire get an extremely beautiful and polished game experience.


I think those silly 1950's witch doctor shaman costumes the inquisitors get are supposed to make up for all the ugly on the republic side.

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I think those silly 1950's witch doctor shaman costumes the inquisitors get are supposed to make up for all the ugly on the republic side.


I could agree with that if it werent for the fact that the Republic 1.2 sets are getting even worse... Let me see, I can choose from a Heavy armor class that looks like a Native American in Deer Skins, a COnsular class that looks like a Roman pesant ina toga and loin cloth, a Smuggler that looks like Peter Pan or Robin Hood, or a Trooper that no longer looks like a trooper but looks like a Robot in Mandalorian armor.

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