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Help me Understand - Orange gear vrs Mastercraft Crafted Purples.


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I keep running across people. People that swear that their orange item is so awesome and better than what I am trying to sell in the Market. I look at what they link me..and compare it to my item, and its vastly inferior. And no matter what i try and say, what evidence I try and show them otherwise, they call me the idiot.


Maybe I am an idiot, and missing something obvious.


But here is two equal level items, both assault cannons, one is the best orange cannon i could locate, and my best craft-able assault cannon.




Orange Cannon, E-403 Heavy Cannon. Requires level 50

Orange Color Crystal (48)

+27 critical rating

Barrel (50)

41 aim

29 endurance

Mod (50)

41 aim

24 endurance

7 critical rating

Enhancement (50)

16 endurance 24 critical rating

34 alacrity rating


total stats:

253-470 energy Damage Rating 116

82 aim

69 endurance

58 critical rating

483 Tech power

34 alacrity rating


And now my crafted cannon.


Endowment Fusion-X Annihilator [Mastercraft]


Augment +22 aim (its what i put in with a crappy augment, could be way better, or a different stat completely)


Total stats:

285-529 energy damage (rating 124)


82 Aim

48 endurance

90 critical rating

543 tech power

47 surge rating

28 alacrity rating



aim is =

endurance is 21 less but low priority stat for a commando

32 more crit rating

47 more surge rating

6 less alacrity


Seems like a big gain to me, and expensive upgrades from blue mods to purple in the orange item wont amount to that much more.


I could upgrade the orange a little bit with crafted mods from a cybertech and others, for massive expense (top level upgrades on our server is about 40k each) and it will get closer to what i can craft you, or you could just buy my cannon and get it all, plus some.


But no one does. they consistently claim their orange cannon is better than any crafted item i show them. Please, what am i missing and why does everyone avoid awesome crafted weaponry?

Edited by FyrosFulke
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The orange is better because you can constantly upgrade it by taking mods out of high level gear and putting them into the orange cannon.


You can't do that with the crafted purple one.


Next patch, an armstech will be able to RE that orange cannon and get the pattern for it. He will then be able to crit craft it and basically have a Mastercraft version of it with an augment slot.


That will put it even further ahead of the purple one.

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becouse the orange is beeter with just a bit of work, get the barrel from the daily vendor (8 tokens) orange now does more damage take mods enhancmets out of pvp cent gear now has better stats


I have a hard time believing a barrel will make almost 100 points of crit/surge difference... do you have hard stats to show? even if its +10 higher stats for each upgrade, there's only room for 4, and it wont add up to being better still.


Thanks for the reply. Keep it coming please.

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The orange is better because you can constantly upgrade it by taking mods out of high level gear and putting them into the orange cannon.


You can't do that with the crafted purple one.


Next patch, an armstech will be able to RE that orange cannon and get the pattern for it. He will then be able to crit craft it and basically have a Mastercraft version of it with an augment slot.


That will put it even further ahead of the purple one.


I need to see one, ive been looking for over a month, and ive yet to see an orange anywhere or on anyone thats better.


If the case will be that oranges will always be better than crafted purples, then im not sure the purpose of having the crafted purples at all. Oranges can be almost as good, if you are going for a certain look, but if you want stronger its still seems to me purple -is- better. So both have a use.


I'm starting to think they should just make all purple crafted items purple moddables, or just switch em orange and give differnet upgrades inside than current oranges...


At least then you can rob the purples for superior stats to any orange.


+90 crit rating is someting I'd rob out of it. No orange can get that high AND grant two other stats at competitive levels.

Edited by FyrosFulke
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the barrel makes the min-max higher, + more aim and end

the mods and enchments can add any stats you want, and when you take them from cent or bm pvp gear, or calumi or rakata pve gear it = better.


take a look. how hard is it for you understand, higher mods= higher stats?

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the barrel makes the min-max higher, + more aim and end

the mods and enchments can add any stats you want, and when you take them from cent or bm pvp gear, or calumi or rakata pve gear it = better.


take a look. how hard is it for you understand, higher mods= higher stats?


the barrel makes the min-max higher, + more aim and end

the mods and enchments can add any stats you want, and when you take them from cent or bm pvp gear, or calumi or rakata pve gear it = better.


take a look. how hard is it for you understand, higher mods= higher stats?


Condescension aside, I'm not disputing that higher mods will give you higher stats. My claim is that they don't give enough stats to match what a crafted master crafted artifact gives you.



I found the barrel you are talking about.

Advanced commando barrel 23.

40 aim

43 endurance


The original is :

Barrel (50)

41 aim

29 endurance


Really, that's so much better? For a tank, im sure thats wonderful. But these are commando's im talking about, going for ultimate DPS and fire power. The rating may increase the min max damage by a fraction, but not much, and you actually lose a point of aim... and it still wont compare to what you get from so much extra surge and critical in the crafted items.


Its hard for me to understand, because the math doesnt justify your claim. I can go look up the items to rob mods from but the differences are still minimal and dont grant as many rating points.

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I found the barrel you are talking about.

Advanced commando barrel 23.

40 aim

43 endurance


its also got a higher weapon rating. that makes the minimum/maximum hit larger.


critical hit chance on its diminishing return scale means you reach the soft cap at 30%, and surge at 70-80% roughly. so at this point +power mods are better. because i have my armour mods arranged just so.. and likely diffferent to any other commando, i dont need those stats on my gunto be larger than they are. the barrel is higher base, and the higher your base hit, the higher you crit.


i havent found a purple cannon that can compare in sustained damage with anything i can mod up orange since i was on balmorra.

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Diminishing returns on Crit/Surge make that specific [Mastercraft] example not very good.


Sure the weapon is front-loaded with those stats, but if you're already at the caps (30% crit/80% surge) you're just wasting secondary stats.


If it was Power/Accuracy, it would be different since Power has no DR, and Accuracy only continues to reduce armor past 100% (giving slightly better return per point than crit or surge).

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