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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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I'll be honest. Between having surnames basically be on a first come, first save basis, to guild names being first come, first serve type of thing, and unless I missed it (Might've, honestly), only being one RP-PvP realm...


I preordered with the mindset that I'd get early access. I sighed in relief knowing I'd get early access and not lose my surname for my RP character when it was announced, I was glad that I might get a chance to get the guild name I wanted. Now, Bioware is basically stating they are only doing four waves today. Understandable... But we really need more information than what we are getting. Only four waves of invites today? How many invites, how far into the order cycle are they?


I understand MMO early access isn't a right, but when you do preorder something with the intent of having said access and there's been very little communication from the company on how it's done, and the staggering invites wasn't detailed till well after I preordered... It can be frustrating.

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Notice to all people who use windows live mail


If you refresh your page x times, i forget the number, you will after that not be able to access your email, and it will be glitched the the end of the month!


Notice to bioware, how do I check my email?



notice to self, waves, rollercoster? no, wave pool!!!! noo, waves in the hill while in a speeding car!!!! darn, still no, waves to self!!


YES!! I am crazy and damn proud of it!

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LOL you guys are funny early access was suppose to be on the 15th but it got moved 2 days early which means you have 2 days you don't have to wait, which also means if you don't get in today you will get in tommorow which means it's still 1 extra day that is giving for early access so be happy that they did 2 days early and stop your crying :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
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I pre ordered on 8-5 and redemmed my code that I recieved later that day from Gamestop. The question though is when I logged into my account under code redemptions the early game acess code redemtion has the date of 11-02 does anyone else have the same im just curious.
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Well I redeemed mine as soon as I could:


Below is a list of valid Star Wars: The Old Republic codes that have been redeemed under this account.


11.02.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch


07.26.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Collector's Edition Pre-Order


Although when I go to MY ACCOUNT the "Redeem a Product Registration Code" isn't ticked... is this a problem?

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all i have to say is i bought 2 packs 1 cost 80 bucks 1 cost 150 Come on you know i got to get the collectors edd (reason is = they didnt have the collectors edd. at the time so i bought the 80 first pifft...



any how the game pre ordered the 21 i got mine the 25th OF july


So were do i sit in all of this i payed 230 buck i better be getting an email realy soon

for ether of my accounts or i hate to say this but show me the refund link thats what i pay for. thats what i expect when i pre ordered the game it was never a ( mabey you will get to play ) ( IT WAS you GET to Play.



ohh well i will wait my turn i just felt like throwing this out there to cry a bit lol


was vary heart broken when i got up at 4 am and seen i didnt have a e-mail and countless of times running the patcher



Still waiting...........................................................

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SO is that it now, all Bioware and EA members gone home :)




i dont mind when i get in but 4 waves of e-mails for a whole days work is stupid and i bet All the Damn Americans are level 20 and all in playing


Tis what you get for being a citizen of the greatest country on the face of the universe. :cool:

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Hundrets of pages full of whine xD


Well, it seems almost every whiner will miss becoming #1 of the epeen-like level rushing. Very sad... not xD


Feeling satisfied there are so many ppl who are not able to handle this game right before it started :)


But to make a useful comment... it would be nice to get a rough time for the next wave. checking mails every hour that some1 has the time to is pretty annoying

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Dear Bioware,



On behalf of the sane, mature and reasonable player base allow me to apologise for the insane, immature and unreasonable player base.


If you need a hug, or just someone to talk to, then feel free to contact me (in game would be preferable). Of course, you would need to expedite my early game access to do so - but that would make us both winners.


Stay calm, and carry on!



Lots of love,



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Seems like my message didn't take, so I'm going to say this again:


EA F@cked up my pre-order by giving me a standard edition code when I should have had a CE and forced me to wait days trying to resolve the problem before telling me I had to start a new account. I was literally the first one through the door of Gamestop to pre-order this game and could actually prove that with my old receipt.


Right now (I just checked) my account with the standard edition has received early game access, yet my account that has the CE code I eventually was able to receive does not.


If they are going first come, first serve, they should be taking this kind of thing into account since they have me in their customer service archives (or so I would hope). I don't see why I should have to make a desician between either the headstart OR the Collector's Edition I paid top dollar for.


Go ahead, check. I'm Therumancer, if the boards go back that far enough you'll see plenty written by me when they screwed this up.


Not only is the situation messed up in general, but I'm getting screwed in paticular. Given how many pre-orders were messed up I can't be alone in this. EA should take responsibility for it's actions and make this right.


Sadly it's a petty enough thing where threatening legal action isn't really viable, but really the way EA has been treating it's customers with this game over the last year or so has been absolutly deplorable. Not being able to simply update a pre-order code, customer service run arounds, and now this? Heck, I even had one point where Customer Service tried to tell me my CE code when I got one wasn't valid and then put it into the site with a new account and it worked (and is registered now) followed by an "oh, we're sorry but really you needed to do that anyway because we'd rather spend hours running you around than spend 15 seconds to edit an account despite a well known issue and all the evidence you can provide".

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