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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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In order to improve the fow of this thread and reduce the mental strain on those who post here I have created a template that others can use for future posts, be they positive or negative. Please choose the appropriate section based on your emotional state at the time of posting:






I have played [Current age + 27] MMO's and this is by far the worst experience I have ever had. Bioware is a bunch of [ idiots / jerks / capitalist dogs / noobs ] . I have over [Current age +18] years of experience in the IT industry and hold my Master [Pick 4 random letters] certification, so I know what I'm talking about! I put in my pre-order code on [Date prior to July 21, 2011] and still haven't gotten EGA. My [ Friend / Guildie / Neighbor / Rabbi ] put in his code on [Date after December 20, 2011] and is already playing. I'm going to [ quit / file a lawsuit / continue posting / move to a desert island]








I have played [Current age + 27] MMO's and this is by far the best experience I have ever had. Bioware is a bunch of [geniuses / cool dudes / innovators / people who know what they're talking about ] . I have over [Current age +18] years of experience in the IT industry and hold my Master [Pick 4 random letters] certification, so I know what I'm talking about! Just be happy that you have been given the [gift / honor / privelege / birthright] of early access. You all make me [ Sick / homicidal / strangely aroused ] !


Several thousand posts, and this is by far the best in the whole blasted thread... I've waited patiently all day today, and I will continue waiting. However now I will do so with a smile on my face thanks to the above.

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It probably doesn't since it is a US company and they follow our laws and international laws, not necessarily laws specific to other nations. I can't even imagine the costs involved in hiring attorneys specific to every nation on earth to deal with these issues.



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Wow... Bioware is doing a nice gesture of giving us a few extra days of EARLY ACCESS (ie. Access to a game before it's official launch date), and we have a bunch of babies here crying because the selection process they created in their mind isn't playing out. GROW UP, it's not even the 20th yet when we are officially supposed to receive the game. I'd love to see how some of you react if something in life actually went wrong.


Let me be one of the few to say, great job on the game Bioware! I can't wait to start playing it, I got hooked while playing the beta. *cough* on a completely unrelated not, I hope I get early access tomorrow *hint*hint* ;):p. In all honesty though people, just be happy and excited that you are receiving the game in the next couple days.

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Well it took less than 6 hours to realize the community for this game is going to be immature at best. Glad I got all adult friends coming to the game. Really disappointing.


Thats the mmo community now my man, you can thank WoW for that. Keep your mature friends, enjoy the game, and dont let em get to ya

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i have a question i started the pre load like a day ago, and i'm not sure if it finished downloading because it only downloaded about 18gbs i believe? and an error message popped out saying my account isn't active, how big is the download? and did i download all of the pre-loaded game? or is this message stoping me from finishing my download?
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I love how so many people are complaining when they never took the time to actually read the agreement for early access. Let me break something down for all of you people that are about ready to riot you are IDIOTS!!! The EGA clearly stated that you MAY have up to 5 days early access it does not mean just cause you pre-ordered in July day 1 that you will even get in for early access learn to read agreements before you go off all half cocked


LMAO at all the people complaining the game comes out 7 days chill out if you don't get early access its not going to be the end of the world get a LIFE!! as it was stated by someone else that is also in IT like myself opening the flood gates for everyone at once for EGA would be completely ******** which would you prefer being able to get in and play the game smooth with min lag on a stable server or everyone jumping in at once and then bam server EXPLODES no more early access for ANYONE!!! What they are doing right now is the right course of action and obviously almost none of you have any idea the amount of strain MMO can put on a server cluster when you have 4-5 million people logging in all at once.


Also what alot of you are not understanding is that open BETA server stress test they did went over fine but you also have to take into account the number of people that played that beta went and told friends how amazing this game is and had them pre-order the game as well. I know of entire 400 member guilds from other games that are all Migrating over to this game so chill out and stop complaining cause you are not owed anything :p

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OH no they did early access 2 days before they said they were gonna do it . oh no that means 2 extra days and oh no that means if you don't get invite today you will get it tommorow and oh no that means 1 extra day then you had before the original 15th date . Jeez you guys have to get over urselves and calm down.


Also look at the forum time if they go by that time it means 6 hrs from now they will start the waves again.

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"Bonus wave" what a joke. How about you do what every other MMO and every other IT worker does and work 24/7 until your done. Or maybe calculate how many servers you need based on your stress test weekends and them up BEFORE early start? This wave crap just makes it harder to play with your friends. I expected more from bioware.


You can play with your friends at 20th

Everything else is just a BONUS, you are NOT entitled to it

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Thanks for the updates on this and all the other things you have been more than reasonably candid about regarding the game.


I know you guys are proffessionals, but i hope you dont take the opinions of the vocal minority of spoiled kiddies too seriously. They know not what they say, probably have never read a news article or an FAQ in their short lives, and demand personal treatment in a game catering to millions. They have probably also never witnessed an MMO roll out before either.


They are far outnumbered by people who are pitifully excited about a game many of us have been waiting for since we saw the films as kids. WE appreciate your efforts, and long may they continue.



Love from The Republic Gankers of Tattooine.


well said

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