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So... legacy unlocks require levels AND 2 Million credits?


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The whole legacy system is dumb. Why earn levels if you still have to pay for it. The thing I'm majorly upset about is the species unlocks. Why would I want to play the same species for every class? If I want to play a Twi-lek Warrior just let me roll it don't make me level an alt to 50 or have to pay an insane amount of credits to do so.


Aside from purposely building credit sinks into the game and exploiting people to grind more the legacy system doesn't actually add anything to the game. I don't get why they didn't just give you "legacy points" like talent points and then you spend those points to unlock certain features, or pay cash if you don't have enough points.


So if you are legacy 15 you get 15 talent points and maybe it is 3 points to unlock a new species, 1 point for a mailbox in your ship and so on. The stuff like the auction house could cost maybe 10 points or something crazy like that. This would reward people who spend a lot of time playing and make much more sense than putting in credit sinks.

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Most of this stuff is for you to buy accumulate when your level 50 to give to your alts...if your level 50 and can save up 500k - 2 million credits then your doing something wrong. Some people for sure will gain it faster than others but thats just part of the game.
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Lol, how do you make credits with artifice at 50? The only thing worth selling is the crit orange lightsabres.


1.2 has a ton of crafting updates that'll make artificing valuable again especiallyw hen you can RE lvl 50 purples etc n sell them to new 50s. Lets not forget yocu oudl be making enhancments and selling them to the various levels. Sounds like you dont know how to Craft. You craft for the various levels of people on your server not just yourself

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I haven't seen that posted by a Dev anywhere, please show us a link claiming this... and BTW the GTN on your ship is like one of the highest perc's you can get, they said they only offer it for the hardcore players who play 10-14 hrs a day...




Galactic Market Kiosk: Purchase it for 5 million (req legacy level 25). Unlock a neutral Galactic Trade Network Terminal.


I dont understand why this is the highest unlock, I don't understand why this costs 5 million credits.


I am Legacy Lv32 atm, was hoping for something useful from Legacy, instead...fluff.


edit: take a look at the Legacy system and lmk what you're excited for (the "coming soon" in 1.3 does not count. no guarantee those will even be in 1.3 anyway)

Edited by Tyraelium
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1.2 has a ton of crafting updates that'll make artificing valuable again especiallyw hen you can RE lvl 50 purples etc n sell them to new 50s. Lets not forget yocu oudl be making enhancments and selling them to the various levels. Sounds like you dont know how to Craft. You craft for the various levels of people on your server not just yourself


I tried selling low level stuff, it does not make much on my server, i think there are to many artifices, plus everything can be bought with comms except crystals. Although in 1.2 the new items sound like they will be worth while.

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Lol, how do you make credits with artifice at 50? The only thing worth selling is the crit orange lightsabres.


Its artificers like you that have made me a rich, rich crafter. I love how everyone thinks you can only sell "end-game" crap. You know, there WERE 49 levels before that and people needed gear then too....

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The whole legacy system is dumb. Why earn levels if you still have to pay for it. The thing I'm majorly upset about is the species unlocks. Why would I want to play the same species for every class? If I want to play a Twi-lek Warrior just let me roll it don't make me level an alt to 50 or have to pay an insane amount of credits to do so.


Aside from purposely building credit sinks into the game and exploiting people to grind more the legacy system doesn't actually add anything to the game. I don't get why they didn't just give you "legacy points" like talent points and then you spend those points to unlock certain features, or pay cash if you don't have enough points.


So if you are legacy 15 you get 15 talent points and maybe it is 3 points to unlock a new species, 1 point for a mailbox in your ship and so on. The stuff like the auction house could cost maybe 10 points or something crazy like that. This would reward people who spend a lot of time playing and make much more sense than putting in credit sinks.


This sums up largely what I thought the legacy system should've been too.


Who cares about extra emotes?

Who cares about putting things in your ship that are readily available elsewhere in the world? (Its not like I idle on my ship, I idle in the fleet...it has a mailbox, training dummies already...neutral GTN is a flight to Nar Shadaa...5mil credits for a minor convenience for a tool rarely used by players on populated servers, let alone the dead ones).

Who cares about fluff melee attacks "unarmed combat moves"? Can I even use this w a weapon equipped?


Nothing to see in 1.2 w the Legacy system...just more crap with a Star Wars flair to keep the fanbois occupied and blind to the many important problems with this game's future.

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Humorous, the complaints about how having something cost credits will only cause the game to have gold farmers. Would you prefer that there was nothing worthwhile to buy in the game? Or are you the same people who complain about that side of the issue at the same time?


Special things require special effort.

If you want a white crystal, and "have a life" that prevents you from farming gold 24/7, then let me offer you this helpful guide for Republic, brought to you by a casual gamer: me.


The 2.5M crystal is a lvl 50 crystal. So, you are lvl 50, right?

Step 1: Go to Ilum

Step 2: Talk to the little astromech droid

Step 3: Drive *almost* to the mission checkpoint--check to the left where the wandering Guid is, just before you reach the Imps in front of the mission checkpoint, for a chest.

Step 4: Drive through imps and evade or drive around (takes 30s longer) and turn in for 10,767 credits.

Step 5: drive back out the way you came but hang a right instead, and go to the second base. Acquire the Bomb mission and the Turret mission.

Step 6: Drive to the bomb/turret area, swinging by the Adgean crystal node to check for a chest.

Step 7: Complete these 2 missions (ignore the bonus), which are literally in the same area.

Step 8: QT back and collect 21,534 credits.


You now have over 32k credits, and a repair bill of less than 1k. This took you less than 15 minutes to complete. Add in the chest or chests you may have obtained plus the relatively valuable useless junk you auto-sell, and you now have about 40k, and it has still taken you 15 minutes.


At this rate, a mere 15 minutes per day will net you 2.5 million in 2.5 months. You've had plenty of time, but it's too late to start today


So, I proudly introduce The Expanded Guide!

You will need:

~2 hours

~A Brain



Step 1: Follow the guide above while queueing for Warzones. This will bring your gaming time to an hour. You will net about 4k credits for each of the 3-ish WZs you complete. It will also make the fact that you spent an hour in-game seem enjoyable because you interacted with players. Note that this step is actually useless, I'm just messing with you.

Step 2: Upon completion of step 1, fly to Nar Shaddaa and hit the heroic 4 Lab animals. Or go to Belsavis and do the first area of dailies. I mean, just play for an hour.


Upon completion of 1 additional hour of time that is not spent wandering aimlessly and complaining about how the game never loved you, you will have approximately 100k in credits. Assuming your current game balance is zero credits, you will be able to afford the most expensive, exclusive, special bonus luxury item in the game in about 3 weeks.


Wait, you already have more than zero credits? :o You will acquire the most special item for only the most devoted of special players by casually spending very little time in the game! You win!


I mean...is this still seen as unfair? 15 minutes, 2 days, there's your weekly raid repair bill.

Want to play a race of character that you don't want to play as because they're Imperial? It costs less creds to unlock than the total credits you *would* have gained by levelling that race to 50. Little perspective goes a long way. Not owning the final endgame rewards the day they launch is good for you, you know. Builds character.

Edited by Journeyer
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Its artificers like you that have made me a rich, rich crafter. I love how everyone thinks you can only sell "end-game" crap. You know, there WERE 49 levels before that and people needed gear then too....


Like i said in an earlier post the low level stuff does not sell or there are so many on the gtn that it is not worth putting up, your server is obviously diff from mine in that respect. Also most mods, hilts can be bought with planet comms so that only leaves crystals and generators and the market if flooded with those items as well. I am on a very high pop server and there isnt really a niche for artifice. The new items coming in 1.2 will help with that I think.


Edit: The only real good items we can make are BoP (The relics), I am not sure why they did that. Those would be great to sell on the gtn.

Edited by Ruuprect
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Bottom line is that the game must have money sinks. Bioware doesn't just sit around a big table going "Hmm, how can we make life worse for our players?", they sit around the table and sweat over keeping the money situation in balance, I would wager.


*Insert Healer changes* Pretty sure they do exactly that.

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Upon completion of 1 additional hour of time that is not spent wandering aimlessly and complaining about how the game never loved you, you will have approximately 100k in credits. Assuming your current game balance is zero credits, you will be able to afford the most expensive, exclusive, special bonus luxury item in the game in about 3 weeks.


Hello, logic don't work on the Internet, i'm sorry.

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Like the white saber.. 2.5 M for 1? So for my marauder to look nice, I will need to drop 5 mil on a color crystal that will be gimped in 1-2 months?


Where am I suppose to get that 5M from? It's excusable because it is an "exclusive luxury item" type thing.. so that's fine...




Yes because they are forcing you to buy an overpriced ugly color crystal for 2 sabers.


yes this is sarcasm.

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Good luck with legacy. I will not use it until u make things free like it should be. Look at Guild Leveling in WoW every perk is free! If u want ur legacy to be like guild leveling u should enable it to most people not just 5% od players.


So you just want everything given to you? Then what?

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Humorous, the complaints about how having something cost credits will only cause the game to have gold farmers. Would you prefer that there was nothing worthwhile to buy in the game?


Clearly. They want it all just given to them. Whereupon I suspect they will complain there is nothing to do in the game.

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Is anyone else upset about this ?

Yes, but what can you do?


I've managed t grind my way to legact level 20+ playing multiple characters and yes I am to be punished because i'm not a wealthy player. A complete waste of time legacy is for me as i douby I will ever have the required credits to make the most of it.


I've definately seen a trend in the last few weeks to steer away from creating a game for the mainstream playing community. Bring on project Titan thats all i'm gonna say

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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For semi hard core and hardcore players...bioware /ea fails to put up populated servers (via merge /payd char transfer), that way this would even feel like a mmo.

Most are quitting because you can't get big guilds going or (like our server) wz's have the same 16 faces from dusk till dawn.


For casuals...they fail aswell...2mil creds is loads for casual if you buy mounts, put up crew skills. They've announced that only about 10-15% of swtor player base (or something like that) have over mil creds...so they know you don't have the money but this is how they keep the ones that like "new awesome face looks with this super cool legacy system..." playing.


My suggestion...just give up and think bw/ea as a good cinematic developer instead of game manufacturer and buy that pre order package of GW2 (out 10.4.2012) and hope it rocks! (it must after this one...unless 1.2 is more or less a miracle...yeah right!

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Sorry if its already been posted, but this was the response in the Dev Tracker:


You're not likely to have any significant legacy levels if you just play characters in the 20 to 30 range. You only unlock legacy levels once you finish chapter 1 ( ~ level 30) with a character in the first place.


And let me make this clear, since there's some confusion about it:


The system allows you to unlock things EITHER via achieving the unlock condition (e.g. reaching chapter 2 in a specific class, reaching a specific PvP rank, etc) OR by paying credits. It is not both.


The credit option exists so players can enjoy content that they know they would never unlock in regular play (e.g. 'I'd love a pureblood Smuggler, but no way I'll level a Sith Warrior just for that').


Some things (like legacy class abilities) cannot be purchased with credits while other things can only be purchased (not unlocked) but are gated by legacy level (e.g. the GTN for your ship requires you to have a high legacy level before you can purchase it).



So yeah, its not both legacy levels and credits, except when it is.

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Yes, but what can you do?


I've managed t grind my way to legact level 20+ playing multiple characters and yes I am to be punished because i'm not a wealthy player. A complete waste of time legacy is for me as i douby I will ever have the required credits to make the most of it.


I've definately seen a trend in the last few weeks to steer away from creating a game for the mainstream playing community. Bring on project Titan thats all i'm gonna say


I hate to burst your happy bubble but project Titan is a causal MMO (mainstream in your words) multiple sources confirms this.

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Ok, so let me get this straight.... previous incarnations were planning to make you pay AND have the necessary legacy level for unlocks... but now, it will all be free if legacy level is high enough? Apologies for the confusion, but it seems that's what's happening here. :confused:
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This is about the silliest thread I've seen to date.



You don't want to work for it? You don't get it. Did you really expect a 0 legacy character to get free stuff? Did you really expect a lvl 20 legacy to not get some things for free?


Get the legacy levels, unlock the content, or buy it. Sounds like a good deal to me.



And the people who still don't understand the race unlocks just boggle my mind.

Edited by Holden_Dissent
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This is about the silliest thread I've seen to date.



You don't want to work for it? You don't get it. Did you really expect a 0 legacy character to get free stuff? Did you really expect a lvl 20 legacy to not get some things for free?


Get the legacy levels, unlock the content, or buy it. Sounds like a good deal to me.



And the people who still don't understand the race unlocks just boggle my mind.


The original "gripe" was that you would need to GET that legacy level 20 and THEN pay an additional 2 Mil or whatever for 1 unlock...


Dev posted, debunked that or confirmed that it was changed to one or the other...


All rejoiced.

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Ok, so let me get this straight.... previous incarnations were planning to make you pay AND have the necessary legacy level for unlocks... but now, it will all be free if legacy level is high enough? Apologies for the confusion, but it seems that's what's happening here. :confused:


Some stuff is free yes at a certain legacy level , but some stuff you have to be a certain legacy level and pay cash , mostly the stuff on your ship like mailbox , GTN etc.


Also the species unlocks require you to have got that race to 50 on one faction , then you are allowed to create a character of that race on the other faction.


hope that helps.



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I'm not complaining about he legacy costs as long as I have some viable way to work my way to those items. I understand there needs to be money sinks and I'm willing to put time into working for those items. The concern I'm trying to address are players like me. Players that play late night, with maybe limited time and can't find a group. Due to repair costs, farming equal level npcs costs too much in repairs. The only option we have is to farm npcs, which makes nothing because of the repair costs. So please BW reduce repair costs, maybe slight increased credits and gear drops for those who like to have farming as a viable option to making some good credits. Why can't it be a avenue to make credits? When I have limited time or can't find a group I like the option to fight and farm. Why is this so bad if I'm willing to put in the time? Repair cost are the big problem. :mad:
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