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Relentless 'Buy Credit's Mail spam?


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Recently every time I log on there are 2 - 4 'Buy Credits' mail from some random website and it's really quite annoying, is there anyway to combat this? or will I spend the rest of my days with 'buy 1000k credits for 8$' mail :confused:
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Recently every time I log on there are 2 - 4 'Buy Credits' mail from some random website and it's really quite annoying, is there anyway to combat this? or will I spend the rest of my days with 'buy 1000k credits for 8$' mail :confused:


I flag them as spam and hope that there is someone actually monitoring it.


In game GMs? What in game GMs. :rolleyes:



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Recently every time I log on there are 2 - 4 'Buy Credits' mail from some random website and it's really quite annoying, is there anyway to combat this? or will I spend the rest of my days with 'buy 1000k credits for 8$' mail :confused:


...what server do you play on? O.o I only get like, one a month at most.

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Recently every time I log on there are 2 - 4 'Buy Credits' mail from some random website and it's really quite annoying, is there anyway to combat this? or will I spend the rest of my days with 'buy 1000k credits for 8$' mail :confused:


That is what the nifty little button to report spam is for. Bioware will take care of it from there.


Do you report them as spam?? If not, you are part of the problem.

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Recently every time I log on there are 2 - 4 'Buy Credits' mail from some random website and it's really quite annoying, is there anyway to combat this? or will I spend the rest of my days with 'buy 1000k credits for 8$' mail :confused:


I flag them as spam and hope that EA will be able to do something about them.


But from what has been released about how Legacy will work, I am expecting that the people that sell credits will have a huge increase in sales once 1.2 goes live.

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  • 3 years later...
Recently every time I log on there are 2 - 4 'Buy Credits' mail from some random website and it's really quite annoying, is there anyway to combat this? or will I spend the rest of my days with 'buy 1000k credits for 8$' mail :confused:



This problem takes more than 3 years and nobody did anything with that ...spammers still feel great. This is ridiculous and pathetic at the same time.

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Yeah, that in-game mail is rather annoying. By the way, how do I report them for spam? There's no "report" button, and though I know to use /ignore, I'd like to report them, as well.


Just right click the mail and select report. You can then report for spam or harassment.


However, do note that reporting for spam does not block the person. They may re-send you a mail, and you'll still get it. Unfortunately.

Edited by Noobishlord
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Old thread. 1.2?


Yeah, that in-game mail is rather annoying. By the way, how do I report them for spam? There's no "report" button, and though I know to use /ignore, I'd like to report them, as well.


right click the email.

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This problem takes more than 3 years and nobody did anything with that ...spammers still feel great. This is ridiculous and pathetic at the same time.


It beats the spam we've seen the past 3-years. I can easily ignore an in-game mail...especially when the cheapskates don't include a freaking credit...

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All you can do is keep marking it as spam. BW does monitor it both from mail and when people do it from the chat. They've removed them before and will continue to do so, but like they've said in the past, they prefer to take down the whole company or large ring of people vs just on an individual basis like they stated in the below thread.



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I report for spam/block user, etc. but then I have 2-3 more come in the next day advertising the same web address for it.

Same here the other day I had 8 in my mail all from the same gold spammer company all labeled with different names this **** is getting old I think they just need to stop letting f2p players able to send mail till at least level 30 or so and it would die off..

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I also flag them as spam, not that it seems to have any effect at all. Get same thing next time I log on just a different name, most likely the same people sending all the same.


not sure what the answer is, banning just means they re-join with different name, could ban I.P address but there are ways around that. So what can be done?

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I log into various names that haven't been on for a while and get up to 10 messages from these credit spammers. Amazing at how they are able to send me something when offline for days, even weeks at a time. On all the servers I play on too. I report them for spam, then ignore them, but still doesn't help when you're getting spammed to death on names that are idle for a bit.
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