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DWM and Accuracy


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I have seen threads where people are saying, "Oh, I don't have dual wield mastery" and pretty much all of the responses are essentially, "You're terribad, l2p." That being said, I am currently an avid supporter of always having 3/3 in DWM because there isn't really anything else that you could take that would be more beneficial (but 1.2 is coming with new talents so who knows?! :D).


I know a dps increase is still a dps increase, but I haven't really seen anyone discussing how your accuracy influences this talent.


I really think that until we get combat logs and can see what percentage of our DPS comes from offhand hits, we can't be sure how useful this talent really is in practice.


Also, if we were to take the points out of this, where else would they be spent? There would have to be a damn good talent to take to replace this...


I just wanted to post and get people thinking that yes, while it is raising your offhand damage, if you are at cap accuracy for pvp (110% with special attacks) you will have 77% accuracy with off hand strikes on your special attacks (I think, I'm not able to sign on right now to check)


This means all of your special attacks that use both weapons have a 28% miss chance on enemy players (with 5% defenses) in pvp. Idk about you guys, but I miss my off hand swings all the time which is really annoying lol...



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I'm glad you asked this abstract question, because I have several thoughts about the topic.


Starting with ...


1. Just because there is no combat log, does not mean you can't analyze existing data. It's rather *********** easy for anybody with high school math and a functioning brain -- and with access to a calculator I suppose. Note: there are online calculators and spreadsheets for free ...


2. Dual Wield mastery is a T1 filler DPS talent. DPS: it adds dps. Filler: it adds small, incremental increases. Tier 1: its general effects are either minor, or essential for every spec. Note: it is minor.


3. The net effect is that each point into DWM increases your total DPS by slightly over one percent (note: depends on build, ability usage, Acc, etc).


4. One percent matters in PvE, especially (that's why PvE builds always have 3/3 DWM).


5. One incremental percent is pretty much irrelevant for PvP. Which is why people go 1/2/2 for Carnage tier 1, so they can get Defensive Roll or Focused Charge, etc. Hell, if you're Rage (gets less use out of DWM) and don't want Defensive Roll, it's viable to just go 1/0/2.

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Thanks for the info! Yeah, I wouldn't use DWM if I was doing a Rage spec since most of their DPS comes from abilities that don't use both sabers (I should have clarified my opinion on that in my original post, I suppose).


A 1% DPS increase is very significant when you are min/maxing for PVE. I know I could gather the data and calculate it myself, but I am too lazy ㅡ.ㅡ

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I have seen threads where people are saying, "Oh, I don't have dual wield mastery" and pretty much all of the responses are essentially, "You're terribad, l2p." That being said, I am currently an avid supporter of always having 3/3 in DWM because there isn't really anything else that you could take that would be more beneficial (but 1.2 is coming with new talents so who knows?! :D).


I know a dps increase is still a dps increase, but I haven't really seen anyone discussing how your accuracy influences this talent.


I really think that until we get combat logs and can see what percentage of our DPS comes from offhand hits, we can't be sure how useful this talent really is in practice.


Also, if we were to take the points out of this, where else would they be spent? There would have to be a damn good talent to take to replace this...


I just wanted to post and get people thinking that yes, while it is raising your offhand damage, if you are at cap accuracy for pvp (110% with special attacks) you will have 77% accuracy with off hand strikes on your special attacks (I think, I'm not able to sign on right now to check)


This means all of your special attacks that use both weapons have a 28% miss chance on enemy players (with 5% defenses) in pvp. Idk about you guys, but I miss my off hand swings all the time which is really annoying lol...




I didn't really read much until you started questioning DWM. You understand it affects the tooltips on your abilities like Vicious Slash/Massacre/ETC... right?

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