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Shadow Fist Commander Frustrations


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Oh my, you are still stuck on this mission? I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt but either you are trolling or you didn't learn anything about your class over the 25 levels you have played. I did this mission twice, once as a combat medic specced commando and once as a tank specced Vanguard and neither time was difficult.


As a medic, I just sent in M1-4X and kept him upright with AMP/MP spam with kolto bombs and hammer shots sprinkled in. When the damge was under control I would toss some grenades/sticky bombs and various non-channeled, low ammo cost dps abilities until he was dead. With the Vanguard, I used Dorne to heal me and just got in close and concentrated on interupting his channeled abilities while I killed him.


Use your abilities. As a commando, we don't have a large variety of interupts but there are things like cryo grenande and concussion that can interupt his channeled abilities. You can even use your 20 minute cooldown ability to reset your cryo grenade and give you a Heal over time for a minute if its really rough. Don't forget your shield ability as well, it gives you a 25% damage reduction for something like 12 seconds, that is a huge help since the whole fight shouldnt last more than a minute.


If all this doesn't help, I don't know what else to tell you. Just grab someone who is willing to team up with you to knock it out. This is about the point where your class skillset starts to come to fruition and you need to learn what to do and when to do it or else you are going to have some serious problems later on the harder planets.

Edited by Razhah
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Let me mention this, if you dont see cryo grenade in your arsenal, i would recommend going back to your class trainer. On the bottom of the training window there are some tabs, one for trooper, AND one for Commando( i think this is what it is named). from how you are describing this, it would seem like you haven't trained all of your AC skills from the trainer. I was lucky and had one of my brothers who plays on the same server mention to me when i was like lvl 13, to check the other tabs from the trainer, i didnt even think to for AC skills to train, i thought it was all in 1 place, but there is an AC specific tab you need to look at to see if you need to train those skills as well.
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Wait so you don't have cryo grenade OR grav round.....you HAVE been getting new skills from the trainer and actually using your skill points right? I mean holy crap dude you aren't trying to take this guy down with explosive round over and over are you?



Sorry, but I'm starting to smell troll. No one can be this bad....

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Wait so you don't have cryo grenade OR grav round.....you HAVE been getting new skills from the trainer and actually using your skill points right? I mean holy crap dude you aren't trying to take this guy down with explosive round over and over are you?



Sorry, but I'm starting to smell troll. No one can be this bad....


I was starting to think troll too when he wasn't seeming to understand what I was trying to tell him. I am now starting to believe that he just went for 16 levels as a commando without training ANY commando skills from the trainer. That would explain the issue he was having. If that is indeed the case, I am surprised he made it through to that point at all.

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  • 1 year later...
Fast forward to 2013 ,,,,necro bump I dont give a Fck ....ive tried downing this guy 7 times ....Bioware this guy represents why you fail so hard and why you had to lay off so many people ...this isn't f-ing fun ...it makes me want to unsub ....get it ...wake the F up ...
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