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The Myth of the SW:ToR Story; No it can't support an MMO.


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I find it more than a bit Obtuse that instead of saying: Hey this isn't my type of MMO some people are demanding that BioWare drastically change what their MMO is.


I find that really interesting....and a little bit sad.

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They are a very self involved and entitled crowd it seems.


That is indeed true. People keep saying how swtor sucks blah blah this new MMO will kill swtor and I can't help but notice how naive, impatient and stupid gamers are (and Im one of them).


Every MMO in this century (21st) has been named the ULTIMATE MMO by its fans before it even launches. Ofcourse they allow their imagination to run wild when all they are asked for is to discuss and share ideas for the Devs to choose from (some of the ideas, not all and not as they are presented).


Come launch and with all that imagination running wild, people are too numb from excitement the first few months to notice anything. Then after they have rushed through the content with insatiable hunger, they discover there is nothing more at the moment, simply because they "ate" the whole thing in two weeks to one month instead of a spread of months. They have reached the end without enjoying the in-between.


Any serious MMO gamer knows he/she can't expect an MMO to look perfect at least the first year. For a recently launched game SWTOR looks fine. Not perfect, fine. It will take more constructive threads, though, in order to make it perfect. So far all I am seeing is prolly what WoW players have been seeing all those years before. Empty claims of "killer" games and /ragequits. Nothing new there. Seen that in every MMO I have played.


And those of you who now say Terra or GW2 or what not will "kill" SWTOR, were possibly the ones that pre-swtor launch said that SWTOR will kill WoW. I remember how RIFT was referred to as the new Messiah of MMOs. Look at it now.


Seriously people, up until now the story in MMOs didnt matter much. It was a click click click. Now it does so much with the choices and different cutscenes and alignment, that upcoming MMOs are trying to match.


BW never said they would reinvent the wheel. They specifically said that multiple times, but some people seem to have the memory of a gold fish in the tank. They said they will add to it. And guess what? They kept their promise and they have not stopped to celebrate their launch, but instead continue to work on new content and an expansive system (Legacy).

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A story driven MMO is going to be linear and themepark by definition, there are only so many threads in a story the GMs can program in, it would be wondeful if AI was being used and NPCs would react to real text, but thats not been perfected yet.


The problem is, if we dont have a story what is left? If it were a sandbox a lot would be happy, but a lot more will be lost and not understand what to do, so sadly theme park is going to be the majorities choice.


having said that, this game is not mature yet, and was released late, but still not finished, so I feel the corporate pressure to release before christmas has meant we have not got a finished product, the hope is that as time goes by we will get the final product.

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It's a mirror, so you are seeing your reflection. ;)


Really? Is this pre-school? Okay. I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks back to you. Nanny-nanny-boo-boo, stick your head in doo doo.

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The funny thing about the story is that it's really no different than any other MMO, other than being voiced. You usually have to pick the dialog choice of your chosen alignment to get to the max and get the benefits from it, or simply skip alignment based gear. All conversations end up with exactly the same sort of quests in any MMORPG. The stories are all bit similar and use the same pattern.


Very few of the dialogs seem to have different branches, and most seem to end up in the same spot.


./ 1 \

a- 2 - b

.\ 3 /


Then end result will be to go click on something, kill something (1..n times), or use an object at spot X.


The only stories that really interested me in the slightest are the ones where you are chasing some guy that is acting like an ***. :)

Edited by Qoojo
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You mean which color to choose at the end?


No, who is there to do it with you is a huge factor, romances, etc... All because of decisions you made one or two games ago. Did you kill the arachni queen? Did you romance Ashley? Did you let Rex die? Did you choose the Asari or the Geth, etc...


Loads of choices, even if the story ends with only a few degrees of separation.

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They should totally scrap the game and redo it to please every possible person. Also, every discussion should have at least 10 different outcomes that all open up different planets, ships, gear, companions and story lines. For all 8 base classes... that lasts at least 300 hours. Also, you should be able to have babies, with wookiees.


Don't think it's anywhere near this drastic even if I see this for the sarcasm that it is. All I'd need to be contentedly playing my gunslinger would have been more thought into the loot pools in hard mode fp's/normal op's


As an example to what I mean by that, in karaga's on Monday night, I forget the bosses name, the one with two mobs, procs a bot occasionally. That's besides the point though, the loot we got is what's important. Me and another gunslinger guildee both got as our boss drop an off-hand that was a ton worse than the one I bought with tokens from the hardmode vendor, he had the same experience too I think, his off hand from fp'ing being better. This should just not happen. Operations are supposed to be the next step past hardmode fp's. The loot needs to be too. Biggest and only real issue I have.


As an extension to that the amount of time it takes to gear through hard fp's is stupidly short. Really need more loot variety in general post 50. I was in my full column set in less than 2 weeks. No fun if there's nothing to work for.

Edited by Macabakur
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I think one of the things that separates the newer generation of MMO players from the older generation where TOR is concerned is with the story.


For me, and from my perspective, the story is good however I don't feel any attachment to my character. My character's reactions, feelings, and thoughts are dictated based on the multiple-guess system of dialog and no ability to really deviate from the canned path.


This works in a single-player game like Mass Effect because the character is pre-established. It's designed to have a very clear separation between the player playing the game, and Shepard. I call the characters in most single-player games "Borrowed characters". Revan, the Exile, Any of the characters in the JRPGs from Square. These are all borrowed characters. They're not mine. I don't decide their thought processes, their outcomes, the lives. It's all pre-established.


In an MMO, the character is an avatar to more closely represent the player on a basic and fundamental level, a form of extension of the player. My Tauren Warrior, my Iksar Shaman, my Rodian shipwright. These are owned characters. I get to decide what they do, how they behave, where they go, who they talk to without restriction other than the loose ones imposed by the given game system, and in turn the game system was designed to account for this. Most importantly, I get to decide how they think.


My bounty hunter here in TOR feels more like a borrowed character than an owned character, and as such there is considerably less emotional attachment. The most jarring indication for me was when my character had a voice that I didn't even get to choose. It very firmly slammed down a wall of separation.


Be that as it may, I don't know if this system works for an MMO. Time will tell. If it does, though, and this is now the new normal, I'll have accept the fact that I'm a dinosaur. ;)

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I liked the game and the story but I was disappointed when I seen that the Light side and Dark Side options for stuff had no effect on the story in any way. When I was playing at one point I was offered the chance to take the path of redemtion for my Sith I WANTED to take it but sadly even tho I was at lvl 2 light I couldn't. I don't want them to change every thing and I know they have to make the story follow a path of some kind but would be nice if what we did had a effect on the story that is all I was hoping for. They have the base layer to make for a great story driven MMO but they need to work on it a bit more is all. Edited by Solsticewind
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The funny thing about the story is that it's really no different than any other MMO, other than being voiced. You usually have to pick the dialog choice of your chosen alignment to get to the max and get the benefits from it, or simply skip alignment based gear. All conversations end up with exactly the same sort of quests in any MMORPG. The stories are all bit similar and use the same pattern.


Very few of the dialogs seem to have different branches, and most seem to end up in the same spot.


./ 1 \

a- 2 - b

.\ 3 /


Then end result will be to go click on something, kill something (1..n times), or use an object at spot X.


The only stories that really interested me in the slightest are the ones where you are chasing some guy that is acting like an ***. :)


Ok with a simple reply: If they could make the game so that each choice resulted in a totally different ending, they would. They actually considered it when the game was in pre-design stage. Thing is that the actual size of the game would be enormous (byte size) and the cost for VO will be astronomical ...and then you would have those who want to be able to see the other options to whine about it :p. Instead they chose a more compact option.

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SWToR won the Story Oscar. I don't think anyone would disagree.
I would. I'm not impressed by narrated quest text, or by the relatively shallow choices presented by the chat wheel.


I always saw the cutscenes as something I would have to tolerate; they're decent enough on occasion, and others like them, but I had no problem following classic quest text.


Still, I never let them blind me to the fact that it's the underlying gameplay which makes or breaks an MMO.


And as far as sci-fi stories go, this one was mediocre.


You usually have to pick the dialog choice of your chosen alignment to get to the max and get the benefits from it, or simply skip alignment based gear.
Certainly that's one of the drawbacks of the currently designed system. Granted, LS/DS only unlocks relics, and you'll only use one LS/DS relic at any given time, but if you do want to use that relic (and formerly those color crystals), what few choices there were to make are limited even further. Edited by Ansultares
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Story is important. People will play a well-told story.


Take a look at what the backlash of Mass Effect 3's endings caused. It is even on the BBC.




Never have people been so engrossed in the story, that they feel completely ripped off at the ending and demand it to be changed.


They didn't care about the gameplay. They didn't care about the graphics and sounds. They cared about the story more. Yeah, all those people who think that this game is nothing more than "kill 10 boars with cutscenes and voice conversations"? Story does matter.


A story is a good incentive to play a game. And I don't blame Bioware for taking this gamble that it may work in an MMO.


I do hope that you are wrong OP, that story can't support an MMO. I hope Bioware proves people wrong.

I appreciate the above.


I haven't enjoyed an RPG for the "RP" aspect since back when I first started playing MMOs. Way back then I concluded that the video game format just wasn't conducive to RPing (I played pen and paper games for years) the story in SWTOR blows any game I've played to date out of the water (I don't bother with single player games these days). Ultimately though its a matter of opinion and preference. No MMO has ever been perfect for everyone, yet that is just what is expected these days in a game. I hope that BW continues with their current course rather than making this into just another gear grinding mindless raiding MMO like just about everything since WoW.

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initially, i thought the story driven nature of the game to be a cool idea, and i definitely enjoyed my first character's story (bounty hunter). however, once i got to the end, all i could think was "welp, now what?" the story was over, and i was left with basically nothing aside from queuing up warzones, and fighting bugs with my guildmates in raids. world pvp? lol.


so i started to level up alts. it is here that i became infected with the spacebar plague. it's simply because the side missions are so nauseatingly repetitive, that you just spacebar everything without thinking about it. as soon as i realized this about myself, i took a good hard look at the game, and realized that it definitely isn't for me.

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At the moment "story" is supporting the entire game. And I don't mean in a good way.


"Endgame" and the state its in is barely ever mentioned on podcasts or by my friends. It's a painful and embarrassing subject like so many others we just don't want to mention.


At the moment the only thing I really do "endgame" is alt's. I level through for class story then more or less dump them, much like a discarded comic.


I'm just churning out alts as I go through BW's mmo story. But something is missing. I don't know if BW haven't left enough room for other peoples stories or what but this mmo is definitely starting to lack that certain something that makes mmo's a pleasure.


After playing Swtor since launch my pleasure meter is at an all time low and I've filled my plate with lashings of story.


Who else is already skipping story on their 15th alt?


You know what? Screw 'endgame'. Seriously. Screw it. Pandering to this crowd of 'endgamers' is a loosing proposition. Little is ever good enough, and the content that is created is so quickly consumed that it is hardly worth the pay off, which consists of people like this coming to boards a ************ about the game.


I love this game for its story, and the involvement I feel with each plot line. It's highly addictive to me, like a fast page-turner pulp fiction book. I have 6 more unique stories to experience, which should last me through the rest of the year. I might even re-create some classes to do a different AC and follow a different companion's story.


Plenty to do.

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so i started to level up alts. it is here that i became infected with the spacebar plague. it's simply because the side missions are so nauseatingly repetitive, that you just spacebar everything without thinking about it. as soon as i realized this about myself, i took a good hard look at the game, and realized that it definitely isn't for me.

Ultimately a healthy conclusion, better to leave a game when its not for you than incessantly push on the forums for it to be ruined for those who do enjoy it. I'm definitely not planning to do much with the side missions with my alts, instead I'll be PvPing, doing space missions etc.



You know what? Screw 'endgame'. Seriously. Screw it. Pandering to this crowd of 'endgamers' is a loosing proposition. Little is ever good enough, and the content that is created is so quickly consumed that it is hardly worth the pay off, which consists of people like this coming to boards a ************ about the game.


I love this game for its story, and the involvement I feel with each plot line. It's highly addictive to me, like a fast page-turner pulp fiction book. I have 6 more unique stories to experience, which should last me through the rest of the year. I might even re-create some classes to do a different AC and follow a different companion's story.


Plenty to do.



Honestly I wish developers would recognize this and move on from the current approach to endgame. The endgame raiders crowd will never be pleased by what any MMO offers them, the pace of devouring content and demand that they specifically be catered to just makes for lackluster gaming for anyone who isn't this flavor of MMO player. It should be interesting to see how (probably niche) games like Game of Thrones work out with less of a focus on PvE endgame than player driven content and PvP.

Edited by SWImara
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So many people here see the story as an impediment to the game, when instead IT IS THE GAME. Ridiculous endgame loot grinds don't make a MMO either.


I remember when I first started playing these games. I didn't even consider 'raiding' as that term is understood now. I used to have fun just exploring and living in another world. Just the wonder of different locales. Making my character as 'uber' as possible wasn't even a consideration. I only wanted to get more powerful so you could adventure more places.


I play SWTOR as an online version of the PnP Star Wars RPG. I long ago stopped worrying about the endgame loot grind. I enjoy playing my 50s because I enjoy playing them. Finding things for them to do, helping others, exploring places on my own and not just looking up datacron locations.


I feel sorry for Bioware and most other MMORPG developers. Blizzard mastered the Skinner box model of MMOs and folks now demand it. That's not what MMOs used to be about. MMOs used to be about living in another world. Not making numbers ever bigger.


Exactly, I remember my first days in EQ. I never knew what raiding was for months. I wish I knew about UO, but I didn't play it. I bet it was about the adventure or exploration too.


Gear grinds don't make an MMO either as you said. PVP doesn't make an MMO either. Whether people group, PVP or even just sell commodities to each other does not matter. It is whatever works in each game for itself and the players that makes an MMO. The story drives this MMO game.


Folks that want good PVP, play Guild Wars. Folks that want good raiding, play EQ. Folks that want a clustering of everything even if none is excellent, (i.e. PVP, Raiding and Casual soloing), then go play WoW. Folks that want to group, go play the Final Fantasy Series. Folks that want a story driven game, play SWTOR. It is that simple.

Edited by Dawgtide
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At the moment "story" is supporting the entire game. And I don't mean in a good way.


"Endgame" and the state its in is barely ever mentioned on podcasts or by my friends. It's a painful and embarrassing subject like so many others we just don't want to mention.


At the moment the only thing I really do "endgame" is alt's. I level through for class story then more or less dump them, much like a discarded comic.


I'm just churning out alts as I go through BW's mmo story. But something is missing. I don't know if BW haven't left enough room for other peoples stories or what but this mmo is definitely starting to lack that certain something that makes mmo's a pleasure.


After playing Swtor since launch my pleasure meter is at an all time low and I've filled my plate with lashings of story.


Who else is already skipping story on their 15th alt?


You rambled a lot but didn't really say anything other than some personal opinion stuff.


You may have answered this in another page but - What is it you want again? Better end game? Just what is that to you?


Less alt making?


I can't tell what you're looking for. What is that certain something that would make it all better in your opinion (cause it may not be others opinion)?

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Before release date of this game for the longest time that's all Bioware's been talking about & selling Stories Stories Stories. We've hardly heard of any other aspect of the game & that's because it's weak.


I wouldn't even call this an MMO. Calling it an MMO would be an insult to all other MMOs on the market. Just call it single player 'MMO wannabe' is more like it.


Regardless, for the very start I didn't want to get this game. Just my bro. wanted to try it & GW2 still not out yet so here I am. See ya when GW2's out!

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Story is important. People will play a well-told story.


Take a look at what the backlash of Mass Effect 3's endings caused. It is even on the BBC.




Never have people been so engrossed in the story, that they feel completely ripped off at the ending and demand it to be changed.


They didn't care about the gameplay. They didn't care about the graphics and sounds. They cared about the story more. Yeah, all those people who think that this game is nothing more than "kill 10 boars with cutscenes and voice conversations"? Story does matter.


A story is a good incentive to play a game. And I don't blame Bioware for taking this gamble that it may work in an MMO.


I do hope that you are wrong OP, that story can't support an MMO. I hope Bioware proves people wrong.

You are quite right and if you take a good look at other future MMOs incoming they will all have story and voiced narrative. From memory i recall GW2 and secret world for instance.

So swtor did bring something new at least in scale and comitment considering storytelling on MMOs.

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The story supports the game for me. Don't know if it does for the magical "enough" people to keep the game near the top of the MMO pile.


I get so into the story that it's usually somewhat of a surprise when I level, because I'm not watching the XP bar like a hawk.

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There's (edit) one (/edit) main weaknesses to the story:



1. Alting through them - by the 3rd or 4th time (YMMV) it does get very boring.



^this exactly in my opinion


The story is, what the game is about for me now.


I came with a lot of friends, but they are more interested in the technical and competitive aspects of an MMO, which they supposedly didn't find. Thus, most of them left. So, endgame is pretty much done that way. I don't feel the urge to play with random strangers just to get gear (I never got the gear angle of these mmos anyway).


So my wife and I are now rerolling on the republic side and will once more enjoy a (hopefully) fresh story. And then we'll stop. The game is good and all, but the gear-grind mmo endgame concept was never for me so I wasn't planning on doing that extensively anyway.

I had just hoped for more replayability. But whenever I reach Nar Shadaa I'm just sick of redoing all the same areas. Even though the main story is new, there is soooo much to be repeated. This could have been made better. Mainly through multiple areas to level in any given lvl-range like in WoW pre-60. Having to move through exactly the same planets every single time is pretty lackluster.

Edited by Turkman
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I've played most of the MMOs on the market since around 2001, with the exception of WoW as I was too busy with EQ1.


To me the story is the best thing here and it makes the levelling fun, in my opinion levelling is far too quick.


If you are basing your game around a story and the levelling system then the story should last long enough so that new story content comes out before the previous is completed by the majority of the player base. There will always be those that level fast but the average player takes around 2 months to get from 1 to 50 in this game and an experienced gamer can do it in about a month (I'm not counting power gamers here who spend 12 hours a day playing).


It should have been extended to 6 months for the average gamer so that they complete it by the time a new expansion is released.


The worst part of the game is the endgame because the story and motivation just dies, why on earth do they jump from story to repeatable dailies?? That's a killer for anyone that enjoyed the story lines, make your entry level armour take just as much time as grinding dailies but put it in an epic quest style story line that forces you to go back to different planets and trigger spawn mobs and event but above all follow a story line.


After playing a story why on earth is everything instanced and in one spot? PvP queues and teleports to warzones (bleh) give me open world PvP zones with story lines, NPCs ect to complete.


Operations and all level 50 flashpoints out of the fleet? Put them on the planets, make people find them, make them tie in with the story. It will keep the planets occupied.


World bosses, why are they single bosses out in the open? They were a great opportunity for unrestricted (level and number of player wise) for open world raiding for those of us that do not want instanced raiding. Put them in dungeons with mini-bosses!


Multi-group content under level 50? When my guild 1st started here we had 12 people hit around level 30 and look for something to do together, not a single Operation exists for under level 50.


When we had people hit 50 we wanted to go into an operation to size it up, we had 5 level 50s and 7 people from level 47-49, we couldn't enter prior to level 50...


We actually had to wait for the guild members to get to 50 before we could act like a guild, that to me was a bad sign and very annoying.


That is for me (in this game) the biggest anti-climax, you go from travelling all over galaxy, following a well written narrative to repeating dailies on 2 planets or standing on Fleet waiting for a group.


That was actually a very interesting read thanks! I think for me I would have to disagree in principle solely based on the current condition of the game pre patch 1.2. Before going near any of the "goodies" they'd like to release. I'd like an actual functioning mmo first. One with an actual endgame, working pvp, access game to information, an economy that works (honestly one of the worst I've ever come across in an mmo and speaks volumes to me about BW priorities.) etc etc


Do you know how entertaining a story is that glitches on you when you try to do content? Thats right its not entertaining. It's annoying as hell. Death of a thousand bugs is how most end level content is going. I'd prefer a working mmo to the coolest story ever told! :rolleyes:


I like some of the ideas you had but Flashpoints are more than enough leading up to pre-50 raiding. And they wont spread too much out just because that would go against their policy to make this game as easily accessible as possible to as many people as possible.


I'm sick of rolling alts being 90% of my game time. I remember when I used to actually have a main and stuff. And like....raid and stuff with him....

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^this exactly in my opinion


The story is, what the game is about for me now.


I came with a lot of friends, but they are more interested in the technical and competitive aspects of an MMO, which they supposedly didn't find. Thus, most of them left. So, endgame is pretty much done that way. I don't feel the urge to play with random strangers just to get gear (I never got the gear angle of these mmos anyway).


So my wife and I are now rerolling on the republic side and will once more enjoy a (hopefully) fresh story. And then we'll stop. The game is good and all, but the gear-grind mmo endgame concept was never for me so I wasn't planning on doing that extensively anyway.

I had just hoped for more replayability. But whenever I reach Nar Shadaa I'm just sick of redoing all the same areas. Even though the main story is new, there is soooo much to be repeated. This could have been made better. Mainly through multiple areas to level in any given lvl-range like in WoW pre-60. Having to move through exactly the same planets every single time is pretty lackluster.


There you go. I can understand not being into the whole gear grind aspect of mmo's. To be honest even most people who engage fully in it don't like it much. It's a means to an end really for them. And yes the "core story" is all your really interested in after seeing some of the dialogue options 5-6 times....


I also have had a lot of people I leveled with just float off because this is basically a finger paint version of an mmo at the moment. When the bugs are also taken into consideration it starts to get boring fast. I'm glad your enjoying the game.


But that is BW fear. They've written a single player game into a very badly purposed mmo framework. People leave mmo's because they burn out genrally. Not because they've run all the sotries. The former guaranteeing a long shelf life. The later will have subs for 4-5 months then people dump it after all the fun stuff is done. What ever mmo elements are missing (and a lot are suggested elsewhere on the forums) its missing in spades and it's just a shame. It still has a lot of potential I'm just not sure BW can deliver. They are apparently the story guys. Not the mmo guys....

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You know what? Screw 'endgame'. Seriously. Screw it. Pandering to this crowd of 'endgamers' is a loosing proposition. Little is ever good enough, and the content that is created is so quickly consumed that it is hardly worth the pay off, which consists of people like this coming to boards a ************ about the game.


I love this game for its story, and the involvement I feel with each plot line. It's highly addictive to me, like a fast page-turner pulp fiction book. I have 6 more unique stories to experience, which should last me through the rest of the year. I might even re-create some classes to do a different AC and follow a different companion's story.


Plenty to do.


So I'm suppose to pay MONTHLY for the story alone? Oh no no no, the class story lines are great, But that's not what an MMO is suppose to be all about.


Story mode should = Single player game that I spend money on ONCE.


I'm only on my third alt at the moment and I don't want to be most of the time, I know I only enjoy actually playing a sorcerer/sage but I'm bored and well.. seems like that's just what you're suppose to do in this game. Altoholics must love it, I don't. I feel forced into playing classes where I dislike the mechanics and the actual play style but I'm doing it because... Legacy, boredom already, and the fact that I bought a new computer to play this game.


The stories will get you hooked... but endgame is what keeps people playing/paying.


I really dislike the idea of logging in 6 months from now with a roster full of 50's that I can't even find a real purpose to log in on anymore.

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^this exactly in my opinion


I had just hoped for more replayability. But whenever I reach Nar Shadaa I'm just sick of redoing all the same areas. Even though the main story is new, there is soooo much to be repeated. This could have been made better. Mainly through multiple areas to level in any given lvl-range like in WoW pre-60. Having to move through exactly the same planets every single time is pretty lackluster.


There is also where I am now. They said they wanted us to make lots of alts. I also wanted to try most of the classes. I am very tired of same quests/same areas. And walking!


Sprint at 5 speeder at 15 pls! Just ugh.

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