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PvP Sorc Healing & 1.2 (Bioware pls let us discuss)


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I for one think these changes are devastatingand i am now very worried i will no longer be a source of reliable and timly heals for my raiding group. Not only does my main healing move now have a 2.5 second timer with no work around but the whole time i am worried about running out of force power.


I am a one character player, but this could change that.

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So not only is our healing capability being "brought down to the level of the other 2 healers" I'd even go as far to say that we're now quite possibly the worst of the 3, they opened the debate of giving our battleres to Mercs/Commandos?


Sure, why not seen as most guilds and rated pvp groups will most likely be favouring them anyway. Hell.. why don't you give the Operatives a shield whilst you're at it and be done with killing the unique feel of the entire healer role.

Edited by Kyhren
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Bleh I've said this often enough... but just in case BW decided to read this particular thread...


It's not the nerf that worries me. I don't mind having lower healing output. I would really enjoy having a workable mechanic that makes me really think about force management too. But what these changes seem to be doing is taking all the fun out of Sorc gameplay.


Slow, tank-focussed healing, with fewer GCDs and slower casts meaning that spreading stuff across multiple targets will be much reduced. People on test are already casting DI and then cancelling it unless the tank took a big hit - Cast/Cancel has to be one of the most horrible, dull and annoying things to need to do for a healer. Apart from which, it too soaks up casting time making the Sorc even more tank-focussed and less able to spread abilities around. Also, all of this affects the ability of Sorcs to use utility stuff like interrupts, stuns, cc etc.


The news from PTS is that the slow speed of play coupled with the new 30% cost reduction to force bent DI, has also lead to them still not really having to think that much about force management. That's even when casting resurgence on themselves to cover the health hit... which incidentally also puts the reconstruct AC buff on the Sorc and not the tank...


It will no doubt be good enough to hit BW's 'viable' healing output target. It will no doubt be able to contribute to healing stuff and be more balanced compared to the other healers... but it'll be horrible, dull game-play that doesn't have so much ability to use our wide tool-set.


I dunno... we'll get to see it when it hits live I suppose. But I don't like the game-play direction that these changes will impose on the Sorc.


They'd have been better off increasing the force costs on abilities and reducing the heal values on them all. That would have kept the game-play, put force regain under more pressure and still reduced the healing output. I would have hoped for a more imaginative and innovative solution to Sorc overpowering than that of course...


... but just anything that doesn't destroy my game-play and my fun would be better than what seems to be coming.



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I don't mind the change to Dark Infusion. It will really mess with my game play as I use Resurgence + Dark Infusion combo very often for group healing.


However, I hate what they are doing to the consumption talent. This is most likely a nerf for PvP, because you almost never oom in PvP, and it aggravates me when they balance out of PvE for PvP. I don't know about you guys, but I am almost 50 and plan on healing nightmare modes...

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Quick Corrections, although you are right, Sorcs have a very good survivability in WZ's. The AoE snare is another spec thing which is actually in the lightening tree, not Corruption. A free Consumption goes off of Innervate which you have to crit for it to actually work. Also Static Barrier is on only 17 cooldown if you have more than two of the PvP Force mystic gear set. You survivability is really on you to have the right spec. The problem is that you aren't going to have consumption as a really viable option in PvP anymore. This is one of the leading reasons people are upset over 1.2, but as of now Sorc survivability is quite good.


I'm sorry but I have to disagree completely, Sorc, unless corruption spec, has the least survivablity of any class. We are the ONLY class with a non time specific defensive bubble, which only absorbs at most, 3k damage, which at lvl 50 in serious wz combat is half of a hit from any merc, op, jugg....hell ANY class including sorcs. While the cooldown may be short, 17 seconds can be a life time when an op opens up on you, takes your bubble and 25% of your health in 1 hit. The only get away we have is force speed, and the only viable option of escape is bubble, instant CC which btw, both of ours constitute 75% resolve instantly, 100% if specc'd into stun after whirlwind which is terrible, and to have to rely on 3 cooldowns to get away from anyone whos half decent is just unbearable while other classes have 2 or 3 different defensive cooldowns they can use that make them near invincible. Now when playing against random bads, these cheap parlor tricks may do the trick, but when rated WZ's come out, god help any sorc who gets focused. We deserve more survivability with serious competitive groups now coming into play since we lack the raw damage that all other ranged dps have, and before you go saying "Oh but sorcs can put up 500k damage easily every wz" thats because we have lots of aoe abilities, but AOE is pointless in pvp other than to put up big numbers at the end, my chain lightning might hit everyone in a group for 3k each, but big deal if i cant kill any of them in a short period of time. As far as burst damage in pvp goes, we are near the bottom. Now don't get me wrong, I love my sorcerer, but as a ranged, light armor class whos sole purpose is nuking, I feel we are out matched by snipers and mercs, who i feel in pvp we should be able to go toe to toe with in an all out no cc raw damage war. Oh but sorry, the nerf to consumption can in no way be geared towards pvp because not only is it not viable for pvp, its a waste of points to spec into. It's not how i stay at full mana all the time in pvp, its a purely pve ability which is now going to just kill us regen wise in pve. We have the slowest pool regen, and now our only source of decent regen is being taken away, makes no sense to me what so ever.

Edited by GlockCommando
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Sometimes it's hard to hear this, but the change to healers you're referring to was, quite simply, a result of them being too good. When one healer is close to target performance and the others aren't, it's natural to think that the logical course is to buff the underperformer and leave the over-performers alone. I want to dispel that notion and explain why it isn't always possible.


All specs for all roles have a target performance. This is what drives the balance of the game: soloing, Heroics, PvP, Flashpoints, Operations... everything. When those targets aren't hit, we can't just ‘bring everyone up’ to the highest performer without negatively impacting the balance of the game and creating unsustainable inflation in our combat system. Frankly, it's also a lot more work to change all end game content in the game to compensate for an over-performing role than to bring the role back in line. The hard but simple truth is that Sorcerers and Sages had better Force management than we intended (e.g. a well-played Sage was almost incapable of running out of Force) and Mercenaries and Commandos were significantly over target in their healing performance.


After considerable testing, we're more confident than ever that all healing roles are both closer to target performance and closer to one another than ever before, leading to a much tighter balance on end game content. The community will be able to confirm this using the new combat logging feature in Game Update 1.2.


I know trying to ‘sell’ a downwards adjustment (AKA nerf) to anyone affected is like selling the need for a tax increase to people. When you are on the receiving end of it, you're not going to be happy about it. It may appear massive to you, even if the overall impact is limited. You likely won't care that it's 'for the greater good of the game' and, if you decide to disagree with our action, there's little we can do to sway you.


Based on the feedback brought to us so far from testers playing on PTS along with metrics and combat logs gathered from our guild testers, we are going to make additional adjustments before Game Update 1.2 is promoted to the live servers. For example, we reopened the internal debate about having an in-combat resurrect ability for Mercenaries/Commandos based on PTS feedback regarding the new Operations, in light of the higher utility value this ability brings to the table in 1.2. We're listening to your feedback, too, and rebalancing some of the changes made to healing based on data gathered from PTS. Look out for a future update to PTS for more details.


I'm sorry but this is wrong, as said " (e.g. a well-played Sage was almost incapable of running out of Force)" That's the point, WELL-PLAYED is key here, most people do not play their classes at top performance, this means operations that were barely passable are now going to be unbeatable by some groups because healers dont know how to keep up heals, or damage wont know how to balance dps with regen, this is a ridiculous "Improvement" as it will only cause people to quit the game who aren't able to play as well as others. These kind of changes are geared towards hardcore players (like myself) and at one time would have defended it, but as a new game, things like this cut casual players out as now a well-played sorcerer will no longer have full force to heal with, but will struggle to balance between healing and regen, where as a sub par played sorc will bury themselves instantly and cause an entire wipe. Also sorry to say, but well played mercs and ops have no problem keeping energy and heat through a fight, they're nerfing healing sorcs into the ground and are causing them to be a ranged dps over healing class. bad move bioware.

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I'm sorry but this is wrong, as said " (e.g. a well-played Sage was almost incapable of running out of Force)" That's the point, WELL-PLAYED is key here, most people do not play their classes at top performance, this means operations that were barely passable are now going to be unbeatable by some groups because healers dont know how to keep up heals, or damage wont know how to balance dps with regen, this is a ridiculous "Improvement" as it will only cause people to quit the game who aren't able to play as well as others. These kind of changes are geared towards hardcore players (like myself) and at one time would have defended it, but as a new game, things like this cut casual players out as now a well-played sorcerer will no longer have full force to heal with, but will struggle to balance between healing and regen, where as a sub par played sorc will bury themselves instantly and cause an entire wipe. Also sorry to say, but well played mercs and ops have no problem keeping energy and heat through a fight, they're nerfing healing sorcs into the ground and are causing them to be a ranged dps over healing class. bad move bioware.


Did the developers write that letter lmao!!!!.......you thought 5people on a planet was bad try none!!! swtor you have messed up in a critical time of your development ..with tsw and gw2 coming out you are giving people who are subrscribing to your game a reason to look else where........The Sorc is just as powerful as a combat medic or a merc which I have both.I choose not to play those characters because wait for it , I don't want to I liked the Sorc the way it was. Well in a week Tsw comes out which will fill my days until Gw2 I had nevered imagined going anywhere else but You are forcing ppl out of the game.

Then theres the hardcorers I can make anything work people nerf all you want I still can make it work,guess what guys not all causal gamers have 20hrs a day to play they have family,work,lives outside the game and belv it or not we need those ppl too . The more subs swtor has the more they can do to make it better fot the hardcore fans....


Well Swtor you have a great story driven game I don't feel I have wasted my money but will not be renewing my monthly subscription thanks for the 4 months of fun

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night after downloading the patch i logged in to see the changes first hand.

I'm currently in a top PvP guild in my server and proud to call myself a good healer.

After this patch it made me feel extremely crippled with quick loss of force and not enough burst healing to save myself from marauders.

Before patch i felt Sorc healers to be very competitive and fun(I'm not focused in PvE one bit only PvP) before patch i was actually able to survive against the best marauders in our server(I know this because they always attempt to kill me first whenever they see me in a match) Last night i was destroyed by marauders, it was a very frustrating feeling to not be able to even keep yourself alive with the ridiculous amount of interrupts and stuns they have.

BioWare has made a huge mistake by making these changes to us healer sorcs.

I logged in to talk with some of the top PvP sorc healers and all they told me was "Get ready for the complete fail a sorc healer now is now" and once i jumped into a WZ i was welcomed by Forerunner, Xalos, Soulstealz(Some of the best marauders in our server) who completely ripped me to shreds every time they saw me.

After some matches i was filled with frustration and just logged off for the night and went on WoW MoP beta.

The changes are too brutal in PvP i see these changes being fine for a PvE player due to the lack of interrupts and stuns,they don't feel the frustration a lot of us PvP players are going through.


Edited by Viored
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Last night after downloading the patch i logged in to see the changes first hand.

I'm currently in a top PvP guild in my server and proud to call myself a good healer.

After this patch it made me feel extremely crippled with quick loss of force and not enough burst healing to save myself from marauders.

Before patch i felt Sorc healers to be very competitive and fun(I'm not focused in PvE one bit only PvP) before patch i was actually able to survive against the best marauders in our server(I know this because they always attempt to kill me first whenever they see me in a match) Last night i was destroyed by marauders, it was a very frustrating feeling to not be able to even keep yourself alive with the ridiculous amount of interrupts and stuns they have.

BioWare has made a huge mistake by making these changes to us healer sorcs.

I logged in to talk with some of the top PvP sorc healers and all they told me was "Get ready for the complete fail a sorc healer now is now" and once i jumped into a WZ i was welcomed by Forerunner, Xalos, Soulstealz(Some of the best marauders in our server) who completely ripped me to shreds every time they saw me.

After some matches i was filled with frustration and just logged off for the night and went on WoW MoP beta.

The changes are too brutal in PvP i see these changes being fine for a PvE player due to the lack of interrupts and stuns,they don't feel the frustration a lot of us PvP players are going through.




Well this is all very sad to hear. I left for a family trip to Japan on April 5th knowing this 1.2 update was coming. Ive been reading all for the hype of how bad things were going to be and getting nerfed in this 1.2 update. Now im returning to the states to play on Daviks Estate server on April 17th and im extremely worried i will be not satisfied anymore being a healer. I feel that i was doing really well as a healer for this is my first mmo and always averaging atleast 300K healing in WZ. I was already being solo out in WZ and it is now going to be even worse. i am extremely curious to get in game and see for myself in the 17th. but after reading so many bad reviews it is going to be hard to hit that enter key for the first time to see the destructive madness :(

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This is a new game, there are bound to be ups and downs for each class at some point. Anyone who's played any MMO knows that a class can go through a whole roller coaster of nerfs and buffs before players are (sort of) satisfied.


And even then, the developers might not be.


I won't say the nerfs are geared towards hardcore players, I would say that they're encouraging players to prioritize and plan before going into a fight. More raid awareness, more communication.

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This is a new game, there are bound to be ups and downs for each class at some point. Anyone who's played any MMO knows that a class can go through a whole roller coaster of nerfs and buffs before players are (sort of) satisfied.


And even then, the developers might not be.


I won't say the nerfs are geared towards hardcore players, I would say that they're encouraging players to prioritize and plan before going into a fight. More raid awareness, more communication.


Normally I would agree with you but here is the problem Bioware was told multiple times that they over doing the nerfs by the community in general. We didn't need a PTS on it because when you read all of the changes it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what the end result would be. Ups and downs when your entire sorc community is stating the same thing at the same time that is stating alot right there. First of all it doesn't matter if heal or dps spec really.


Fact is this they wanted to break the hybrid which I am fine with that however what I am not fine about is how our tree synergy is working out.


- Lighting needs a serious relook at from ground up why because if you are going to be a turret then you want dmg throughput to be high. Look at LS it should hit hard like 3K with top end gear alone. Its a single target nuke and its exactly 45-50% of that of FL. Why Lighting barrage proccs equal around 3 to 4 cast of LS as is and I am not asking for an upgrade on a procc. I am asking for SINGLE TARGET BURST nuke which is not much to ask for as a sorc and to make lighting a bit more attractive to use. In fact take wrath and make it for only crushing darkness so there is no way of OP the hybrid builds at all.


-Madness is for the most part is fine.


-Corruption is now broken in the terms of burst heal. If bioware would have lowered the cast time of DI itself from 3 seconds untalented to lets say 2.5 seconds untalented then a true corruption spec sorc could work in DI PVE and PVP wise since with talent it would be a 2 second cast instead. What is needed to be addressed is this any idiot can look at HPS all day long but fact of the matter is HPS means crap if you can't use it. DI is a wasted button in general because it takes too long to cast when I know OPS and BH can get their big heal off faster than any sorc. Those are the simple facts of it all. Consumption is a lost battle and not worth discussing. But not having DI in a pvp situation due to cast time is a totally different matter. i am not being unrealistic at all if the other healers have 2 second cast time for their big heal then we should as well which puts all healers on the same page then.


General problems and fixes in which is not hard for them to work which they should have done in the first place in my humble opinion. Yes it took exactly 3 minutes last night for me to come up problems and solutions for our beloved class. Gee bioware will you now listen to your community on solutions to your problems a bit more now?

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-Corruption is now broken in the terms of burst heal. If bioware would have lowered the cast time of DI itself from 3 seconds untalented to lets say 2.5 seconds untalented then a true corruption spec sorc could work in DI PVE and PVP wise since with talent it would be a 2 second cast instead. What is needed to be addressed is this any idiot can look at HPS all day long but fact of the matter is HPS means crap if you can't use it. DI is a wasted button in general because it takes too long to cast when I know OPS and BH can get their big heal off faster than any sorc. Those are the simple facts of it all. Consumption is a lost battle and not worth discussing. But not having DI in a pvp situation due to cast time is a totally different matter. i am not being unrealistic at all if the other healers have 2 second cast time for their big heal then we should as well which puts all healers on the same page then.


Being a pure healer I do not feel like I should rebutt any of the points you raised with regards to the lightning tree.


Similarly healing from a pvp standpoint.


Facts are fine, but have you had practical experience? I've done the new op till 2nd boss and can tell you that it's hard(er) but manageable. Faster does not mean they can sustain it. On fights with large, steady damage on the tank, a sorcerer will still do much better than either an op or a BH.

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Last night after downloading the patch i logged in to see the changes first hand.

I'm currently in a top PvP guild in my server and proud to call myself a good healer.

After this patch it made me feel extremely crippled with quick loss of force and not enough burst healing to save myself from marauders.

Before patch i felt Sorc healers to be very competitive and fun(I'm not focused in PvE one bit only PvP) before patch i was actually able to survive against the best marauders in our server(I know this because they always attempt to kill me first whenever they see me in a match) Last night i was destroyed by marauders, it was a very frustrating feeling to not be able to even keep yourself alive with the ridiculous amount of interrupts and stuns they have.

BioWare has made a huge mistake by making these changes to us healer sorcs.

I logged in to talk with some of the top PvP sorc healers and all they told me was "Get ready for the complete fail a sorc healer now is now" and once i jumped into a WZ i was welcomed by Forerunner, Xalos, Soulstealz(Some of the best marauders in our server) who completely ripped me to shreds every time they saw me.

After some matches i was filled with frustration and just logged off for the night and went on WoW MoP beta.

The changes are too brutal in PvP i see these changes being fine for a PvE player due to the lack of interrupts and stuns,they don't feel the frustration a lot of us PvP players are going through.



I feel the same way, like I've worked so hard to my healing/hybrid on/off builds and now nothing suits me anymore. I can't survive crap now, and players I used to decimate are taking advantage of the changes made to my class. I think when Guild Wars 2 drops I'm quit for a while until something is altered, because I'm sick of Heavy armored non force classes out healing/dpsing me and I barely make a dent in them while rocking the best pvp armor WZ/Merc Points can buy. The only welcome change I like is that you can customize pvp lightsabers (finally), but that doesn't help in stun interrupt central with a 2.3 cast time on the best heal and so-so crits on the others. Purge is a joke now, and Resurgence/Force Bending was better when it sped up cast times. Right now my Dark Heal with a crit seems to be less than if I use my BM power relic and Recklessness buffs. I'm just really disappointed now and I feel like a noob, even though I've been playing from the start.

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Only problem i have with theese nerfs is the cast-time.


I really really (so far, ive only played a few hours yet) have a hard time getting my head wrapped around the 2.3sec DI heal.


the other nerfs to consumption etc etc, np.. it IS doable to manage your force, though it takes abit of puzzling on some fights.


I just did Lost Island, and it went pretty well, even though i found myself struggling abit with force management in the beginning.


In PVP , im just sad to say.. i will prolly not do alot of pvp healing anymore, the DH is just not up to the task of healing anyone from death. And its a lottery getting that DI of at any time.


Still like the game, but i do hope they will adjust cast time abit for DI , from proc or non proc.. dosnt matter.


my two cents

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well i feel sorry for you guys got a level 40 sorc healer and its currently gooner by on hold


pvping against the worst of players with a 2.5 sec cast is well LOL you just cant heal unless your standing there and everyones ignoring you.


mara on you = you can do nothing


hope things get chnaged they really have gone to far

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They have blown it.


DPS rules the roost now.


Its pointless taking a sage/sorc into any WZ and i would go close to say raid. Even more so if they give other classes combat rez. Yes there was lots of sorcs/sages now there for a reason it was fun, now all you will see is sents/maras.


I really cant be botherd with a another DEV that simply refuses to listen and that they have there golden vision on where things should be taken. Thing is it takes them 12 months to get even close and by then the community are so fed up it they move on.


I look forward to this game becoming a flop.


No more will it take my money.


Lets hope they keep the DEV team they have so they cant polute anything else coming out on the market.

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While I still heal about ~500k on a fairly long I really feel the effects of this nerf. It's extremely annoying that we can't cast a burst heal.


What I usually do is try to have forcebending up ALL the time so I can cast a ~1.5 sec ~2k heal. The problem with that there's a cooldown on resurgance plus the extra global cooldown.. so the time spent on prepping for the critting darkheal if your not ready pretty much nullifies the effect.


The only really viable heal we have now is revivication (spelling!?) which works really good, as long people are smart enough to stand in the circle.


Intervate is also pretty good still. I've also noticed that if you cast intervate, you don't lose forcebending when the channeling is done, so you can cast dark heal and get the effects right after, which gives you a pretty decent rotaion. This might be a bug though, but I sure hope not, cause if they were to remove that... g.g.

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You can theory craft all you like guys, but let me paint you a picture of how things go on my low pop server. As one of a small handful of healing Sorc's who tried to make pvp healing work post 1.2.


step 1. Log on, queue up.


step 2. Get marked immediately as a healer.


step 3. Prepare to die.


I tried re-speccing into a dps role, but with zero burst ability and healer gear it's was utterly pointless and frustrating.


bioware pulled the classic blizzard move. Our class was over represented so they nerfed us to cull the numbers. Once enough of us re-roll or quit altogether they'll slowly start to buff us back to normal. GG

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There's really no point in healing in PvP anymore, especially if people now you. They'll do nothing but stun/slow/interrupt you. It's basically completely useless. Ops/Mercs have better HoTs, instant cast heals, and quite frankly now with the changes to Noble Sacrifice (don't know what it is for Sorcs) we now have to keep OUR health up; before I only healed myself if it was necessary. I have to stand in my own salvation to keep health up which makes that useless because it's not on anyone but me. Call me a bad healer, I just really hate these changes.


I did Lost Island HM last night with two guildies and, honestly, could barely keep up with the heals. Maybe I'm not used to it yet, or maybe I just suck. I absolutely hate these changes more than anything BW has done so far.

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Force Bending- BW couldn't figure out how to fix the bug, so they removed 1.5 infusions.



Sorry, but there's nothing good to say about a company that nerfs a class rather than fix the bugs- it hurts in pvp cuz you can never get a heal off, and it hurts in pve against bosses with burst phases that you need fast heals for.


The long GCD and relative ineffectiveness of alacrity makes healing nothing short of painful in both cases.

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They have blown it.


DPS rules the roost now.


Its pointless taking a sage/sorc into any WZ and i would go close to say raid. Even more so if they give other classes combat rez. Yes there was lots of sorcs/sages now there for a reason it was fun, now all you will see is sents/maras.


I really cant be botherd with a another DEV that simply refuses to listen and that they have there golden vision on where things should be taken. Thing is it takes them 12 months to get even close and by then the community are so fed up it they move on.


I look forward to this game becoming a flop.


No more will it take my money.


Lets hope they keep the DEV team they have so they cant polute anything else coming out on the market.


Actually, one thing about raids.


It's actually more beneficial to stock up on sorcs. Here's why- revification (the aoe one) is a great aoe heal still, and, it's the way to handle consumption. Having one sorc doing that won't really mitigate it, but, having 3 healing sorcs stacking them pretty much negates the penalty of consumption.


Of course- if you only have one sorc in a 16 man, it's too much of a liability- too likely to eat a huge hit after a consumption and die, have to spend too much time self healing... time that's truly wasted.


So, it ends up being- take several sorcs, or take none at all.

Edited by fungihoujo
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Tbh these nerfs seem overkill. Speaking from a PVP point of view one of these nerfs would have been enough, but the DI change is gonna really, really hurt. If a decent Marauder goes on me at the moment it's pretty hard as is to survive (cooldown dependant). I'm pretty much out of the match until there dealt with. A better solution would have been making the force surge proc less frequent i.e. 50% and keeping the 1 sec off DI. I really hope these changes don't all make it live because a Sorc healer will be a sitting duck in PVP and in high damage situations they will be a 30 second healer.


I agree with you 100% and I do not like my sorc healer since 1.2. Right now only class that can't kill me in few hits is jag, everything else I am gone in 3-5 hits. Before 1.2 at least I had fast cast DI that gave me enough health to try and run away but now that's gone too. I am not sure if most DPS classes got dmg boost but now I drop very fast. I am war hero and have full BM set other then 2 pieces PVE gear for shorter CD on Innervate. Healing used to be fun before but now I find myself running away more then I do actual healing. DI is almost impossible to cast anymore and Innervate gets interrupted which leaves me waiting for 7.5 sec(set bonus reduction) for Innervate CD to be back up or 17 sec to cast new shield. Experise rating boost dmg vs healing is also one big joke, while healing got nerfed or was kept close to where it was before 1.2, DPS got decent boost of around 5% if not more. Some games I get lucky and have guard on me so I actually do some healing but most games I heal, die, run back and do it all over again.

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Ok, as a small number of you may know I have been playing madness sorc for quite some time now, and I had no trouble performing despite the many upset sorcs who claim we're useless. Naturally you can argue it's because my opposition is bad, and there is no real way to refute that, but until ranked and/or cross-server queuing makes its entrance I can only play the situation at hand.


Anyway, moving on to the reason as to why I'm posting in this thread; obviously I wanted to see if all the (PvP) healing sorcs saying things are hopeless are actually right. All I can say is: I feel pretty balanced in PvP as it is. If y'all are correct in how big the nerfs were then healing sorcs must have been ridiculously OP before 1.2, but I think it's more plausible that the nerfs are smaller than you think but that they also managed to increase the difficulty of playing effectively. Of course, there's always the possibility that other servers have a lot better players than Tomb of Freedon Nadd does.


For the record, I used a Corruption-Lightning hybrid in order to pick up all the survivability talents in Lightning, and I sure hope you considered that too before you came here complaining about getting killed to easily.

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The skill floor has gone up ladies. There are only about 3 sorcs still healing IMP side in PvP on my realm, including myself. None of us are having issues.



Lulz, I smell a troll!


Let's sum things up post 1.2:


Sorc lost all burst healing ability

Sorc lost all burst DPS ability


Sorc's like me that had 8 battlemaster tokens in my bag that forgot to buy another set of BM gear lost the option to buy BM gear period. (before you ask, I already have a full set of mystic and stalker gear)


Sorc's like me that had several hundred champion tokens, centurian tokens, un-used champion gear tokens now lost all that gear.





What Did BioWare loose?



My Money :D


Cya all, I'm just logging in and screwing around on other toons until my sub is up which happens to concide with when Tera Online comes out. I hope to see most of you there! (IE: Speak with your wallets people)

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