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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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If you could make one change to PVP in SWTOR, what would you want it to be?



Make PvP gear MUCH less viable in PvE. (Or make PvE gear more viable in PvP, but who are we kidding?).


Right now PvP gear is much more viable in PvE than PvE gear is in PvP. 8 players wearing BM can clear HM KP. But 8 players wearing all Rakata will do terrible in PvP against 8 BMs.


It seems markedly unfair that a well geared PvPer can meet the gear check for Operations, but a well geared PvEr is at a distinct disadvantage in PvP with their gear.


The balance on the stats exchange primarily endurance for Expertise. That loss of endurance doesn't really hurt in Operations for DPS and Healer roles. Example from the PTR using thew new Commando Chest pieces:



PvE Black Hole Chest (DPS)

98 Aim

158 Endurance

54 Critical

57 Surge



War Hero Eliminator’s Chestguard (DPS)


87 Aim

111 Endurance

110 Expertise Rating

61 Critical Rating

53 Surge


That PvP piece gives you 110 Expertise and 7 critical rating at the cost of 47 Endurance, 10 aim, and 3 surge rating. 10 Aim? That's less than the bonus you get from datacrons.

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Make Pvp World events.


Like a big battle in space.


Maybe like this:

Players of both factions can control turrets in star destroyers / republic cruisers, fly their ship in the same space battle and fight the other faction in a battle for a planet.

after that battle the planet will open up one big city for the winning faction on the planet, special ressources and so on...

Edited by al-mar
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I have been stunned when i have a resolve bar running.


My one thing is for that to stop happening. I suppose it must be due to latency/lag issues between players. Often i also see players flickering madly between levels and miraculouly teleporting to a further away point. Something there needs optimising.

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*An idea copied from a guildie*

What would be really nice is an epic progression warzone(open world zone) that has things you can spawn and send to certain points(IE NPC mobs). Defenses you can build like automated turrets, or anti stealth zones, or heal towers. Things like that could really change the dynamic of a game.

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Hey everyone! James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, would like to solicit some feedback from the community on weekly basis.


1. Stop allowing Force Users to have such a huge advantage in Huttball. They can bypass areas of the game by Pulling, Leaping, Interceding and Bubbling up to run through hazards. Turn off those abilities in Huttball.


2. Force Attacks should not bypass Defenses. This completely negates defense abilities and makes them worthless.


3. Put Interrupts on Resolve. Healers should not get completely shut down by people chaining interrupts.


4. Allow snares to be Purged and/or put them on Resolve. Endlessly being snared for a class without a gap closer is endlessly frustrating.


5. Add a CC immunity to Break Free so that players can use their ability without getting CC'ed the very next instant they are freed.

Edited by Brightglade
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Hi James,


One thing I would change would be the the force field preventing a player from re-entering the action. A break in frantic paced action is undesirable. I hate having to wait there twiddle my thumbs until the force field goes down. I understand there are reasons for those force fields, but there has to be another way so we don't feel like we're just sitting there waiting. If that change is too big and unrealistic in that you would have to go back and redesign the Warzones we have now, then I would say the below would be the next best thing.


I would love to see random maps for Huttball, and the other Warzones. Different maps for that particular Warzone has different types of hazards and map styles and themes. Just brainstorming. But maybe have a Rakghoul themed Huttball map and npc's running around attacking random players as a type of hazard for example. Maybe you get bit and turn for a few seconds, loosing control of your character during that time while you attack your allies and enemies alike.

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First and foremost, please fix resolve. When that bar is white, there should be nothing that stops me, slows me or inhibits me from moving in ANY way! There is nothing worse than staring at a bar full of resolve and watching your health go from full to 0 before you can even move again. To expand upon that, activating Unbreakable Will (stun remover) should give you a few seconds of stun immunity, or fill your resolve bar. I can't tell you how many times I've cussed at my monitor when I hit that ability only to be IMMEDIATELY re-stunned and now have to wait another 2 minutes before I can use it again. There is entirely too many stuns/snares/roots/crowd control abilities in this game. I play an Assassin and have probably more then most other classes and I'm telling you it's too many. Hell I would appreciate the hotbar space of them being removed to be honest!


Second, more Huttball maps please. While Voidstar and Civilwar have their place, Huttball is something SWTOR could build it's PvP base around. It was a great concept and easily the most enjoyable of the 3 WZ's right now. It's time to add some variety, some new arenas, some new strategies.


Third, I would like to be able to experience both PvP and PvE without having to do TWO gear grinds. Expertise needs to be built into all gear (pve and pvp) or removed from gear and changed to a social gain like valor. Hell, have it be directly related to valor. The point being I shouldn't have to collect two different sets of gear to do both PvE and PvP. There are enough time-sinks in this game already, you've got me logging in pretty much daily. Don't "force" me to choose one path or the other. Allow me to do both!


Fourth, I would love to see some actual Arena's added for 2v2 and 3v3. The Hutt's already have fighting pits so that is the perfect place to tie them into the game. Ranked Arena play with some quick bracketed tournaments that 4-8 teams can queue for and there be a decent reward for the winners of credits/valor/tokens etc would be an awesome addition. I think the small bracketed tournaments could be done for Arena's and Huttball both and add some fun competition to the game.



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(1) Fix the lag problem. Avatars are not where they are. Interrupts are hard to do. etc, etc. Note: I play many other games without any problem with lag (incl. WoW), so this is not a problem with my computer or my network connection. I know it is not competitive PvP in SWTOR, but it would be way more fun if lag didn't make it so random. Is this an EU only problem? (I don't know where the servers are physically located)


(2) Make CC less of an impact. Being stunned to death is a terribly boring game experience, in any game...

Edited by Zorkmid
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The biggest problem and the most critical issue right now in PvP is the communication between the server and client. This is horrendously obvious when you stun or CC someone and they teleport to another location 2-5 seconds later. This is a disaster when you try to time your knockbacks and will prevent the game from being even remotely competitive until it is resolved.
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The biggest problem and the most critical issue right now in PvP is the communication between the server and client. This is horrendously obvious when you stun or CC someone and they teleport to another location 2-5 seconds later. This is a disaster when you try to time your knockbacks and will prevent the game from being even remotely competitive until it is resolved.


Hear! Hear! This is exactly what I meant by "lag" in my post. This is a very very big issue for people who want to play PvP at least a bit seriously.

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Deathmatch option in PvP Warzone matches, Allow us to change up the way the mechanics in a warzone is won. Give us the ability to uncheck objectives and go straight up Kills and DPS,


Hutt ball = Deathmatch with objectives turned off etc etc.

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I hope this is the place to say this.


I would like to voice my comment on World PVP. To me World PVP means, engaging in combat with another enemy player, out in the open. To me, this means PVP in zones that are the zones I remember playing....the world that I consider SWTOR, Ilum is part of it ....but WORLD PVP to me means just that... world. I have been playing mmo's close to 7 years, and let me tell you some of the best pvp times I had was unscripted, random world encounters. In world pvp I dont want capturing objectives, I dont want time limits, grinds, and just another Warzone instance. To be locked in one on one combat with a imp/rep ( depending on your side ) in a place that I remember questing as a lower lvl pushes a button :) ...imagine a movie like that famous one we all know about the robots that transform :) from space, if you go back and watch it try to see how EPIC they look compared to the surroundings, when they are in cities, places that us people are used to as being normal....now look at the same robot in some out of place, totally out of someones fantasy setting. The robot no longer looks as epic....what I am trying to say is World pvp works best when it is in places that are normal, not battlegrounds but peacefull ones, because that is when the full force and impact of battle strikes home, that you are doing something really big here!!!


What about giving players a PVP currency that can be turned into gear for PVP kills on a planet that can match a warzone grind in terms of how quickly gear can be obtained....titles...something. Maybe every week or month one planet can be chosen as a place where PVP happens, random, kill on sight PVP , thats my type of PVP, I love it ...I just do NOT love the scripted, repetitive start and go of a warzone, I love random!! Scary!!! unexpected!!! and feel like I should not have to grind Warzones to get the gear I need to withstand a pvp battle.


there...that's all sorry if this is not the place or if I offended anyone


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PVP needs:


- More Warzone variety. Only 3 warzones and a 4th on the way is still too little.


- Ilum is a dud. You guys over hyped it and it sucked. As such you lost a ton of PVP players. It needs to be reworked and improved. This needs to be done in the next 2 months. With info regarding these changes being produced before Guild Wars 2 releases their preorder. If not TOR will never see the light of day in any PVPers eyes.

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Team Death Matches.


Open World PvP is too dependend on population balance and cc.

Last time I saw RvR / Open World PvP working properly for a long period of time was DAOC. And they had 3 realms and massive amounts of cc (20/30 sec + for a mezz as I recall).


Maybe GW 2 will get it working.

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Roots NEED to be affected by Resolve.


In addition, either completely rework the resolve system by replacing it with DR's or reduce the CD on the CC break to 5 seconds, so that you can never be stunned longer then that.

Edited by ZudetGambeous
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Heavily reduce the amount of CC used in PvP, either by a complete rework of Resolve to make it actually work, including adding in all Snares and Roots, and there is a LOT of work to be done to fix that system. Or add in diminishing returns also to the game, on top of your current broken Resolve system. Facerolling CC isn't conducive to a good PvP experience.
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Take a closer look to Shadow infiltration's survivability tools and force regeneration.

Ideea: Interupts could not cost any force power, Force Cloak have to triger Resilience when used no meter if it is on CD or not and remove any bleed efect or damage over time. Armor penetration incresed as base stats only for Infiltration spec. Force cost reduced for the strikes used to build rotation. Force regeneration increased by 50% at list.

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