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Convenient "lagging" of enemies


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I've been observing this quite a bit over the past two weeks especially. I'm not sure if this is a technical issue or some kind of exploit, but it's getting really out of hand.


Time and time again I'll see very convenient "lagging" and quick zig-zagging of enemy players just when they're being targeted (say as a ball carrier in Huttball). This seems to be especially common with Assassins and Shadows for some reason.


Especially annoying is when they seem to jump down and then "oh no" they "lagged" back up for some reason.


I see this at least once per Huttball and a lot more frequently with certain players. I'm not sure it's a real hack or if it's just the poor netcode but it reminds me somewhat of lag-switches in CoD.

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Yeah, seen this happen often as well. Mostly in huttball on the catwalks. You'll see the ball carrier knocked down into the pit so you jump down after him. Nope, he's still up top and about to score now. I see it most often with a sudden change in Z-axis. Edited by ViperI
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It's the oldest and hardest to prevent way to cheat in online PVP. It literally can't be stopped when it's based on a hardware lag switch rather than a software one, because it's impossible to prove or detect.


fraps my friend, especially repeat offenders. If you see someone doing it, follow them and fraps them.

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fraps my friend, especially repeat offenders. If you see someone doing it, follow them and fraps them.


They can always just say they have a poor network connection.


Sure, BW can assign someone to tail a hardware lag switcher to gather proof. But all you ever prove is that someone's connection is lagging at convenient times. There's no way to detect what's causing it if they use a physical lag switch on the ethernet cable.


P.S. Most of the time it is just you or them lagging and there's no switch involved. All those isolated times you jump off a ledge after someone only to have them pop back up top - that's just innocent lag.


But there ARE people who use lag switches out there.

Edited by yukirshiro
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I've been observing this quite a bit over the past two weeks especially. I'm not sure if this is a technical issue or some kind of exploit, but it's getting really out of hand.


Time and time again I'll see very convenient "lagging" and quick zig-zagging of enemy players just when they're being targeted (say as a ball carrier in Huttball). This seems to be especially common with Assassins and Shadows for some reason.


Especially annoying is when they seem to jump down and then "oh no" they "lagged" back up for some reason.


I see this at least once per Huttball and a lot more frequently with certain players. I'm not sure it's a real hack or if it's just the poor netcode but it reminds me somewhat of lag-switches in CoD.


Not a hack.


Not an exploit.


Just a bug due to poor netcode


Advice? Just get used to playing BioWare's crappy engine.

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They can always just say they have a poor network connection.


Sure, BW can assign someone to tail a hardware lag switcher to gather proof. But all you ever prove is that someone's connection is lagging at convenient times. There's no way to detect what's causing it if they use a physical lag switch on the ethernet cable.


P.S. Most of the time it is just you or them lagging and there's no switch involved. All those isolated times you jump off a ledge after someone only to have them pop back up top - that's just innocent lag.


But there ARE people who use lag switches out there.


Not when it consistently, and conveniently results in that team winning. If I were a BW employee and I saw that person's lag is causing an unfair advantage in the game I would ban them.

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Not when it consistently, and conveniently results in that team winning. If I were a BW employee and I saw that person's lag is causing an unfair advantage in the game I would ban them.


Yes but you arn't and this is a company that doesn't ban for deliberate kill trading on Ilum, but does warn for queing up for a WZ if you are getting farmed.


The point is there is no actual way to verify whether someone is using a hardware lag switch. BW would have to just ban people for lagging at convenient times. They have not shown much desire to ban anyone for anything, much less for something that isn't provable.

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Yes but you arn't and this is a company that doesn't ban for deliberate kill trading on Ilum, but does warn for queing up for a WZ if you are getting farmed.


The point is there is no actual way to verify whether someone is using a hardware lag switch. BW would have to just ban people for lagging at convenient times. They have not shown much desire to ban anyone for anything, much less for something that isn't provable.


Whether it is provable or not, if the lag is creating an unfair advantage over people it is a banable offense. All it takes is someone to be persistent, and prove that this always happens with the same person over and over again. Bio Ware will ban these people, as long as you talk to the right person, and present the right articles of evidence.

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This always happens. No matter what class. Seriously doubt it is an exploit.


I've seen it happen to pretty much all classes in Huttball dropping from the top catwalk to the lower one. The same effect (the seeming lag before the "ta-daa, I'm here now" moment) happens during the Soa phase transitions as people jump from platform to platform.

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Real life lag spikes will follow a normal distribution curve.

A lag switch will show up in H-Not testing.

Stat wins again! Go go Statistics... yea!


I say plot the occurances graph the variation


Edited by VoidJustice
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had a guy yestrday jump down to pit from mid lvl by hlth buff, follow'd him attack him for like 5 secs then this op gets on him and he's on his back next things he's up on catwalk. sent him a tell like '??' and hes all 'i was on catwalk all that time'. now that he was obviosly lying cos he didnt even start on catwalk, so yea clearly theres z-axis crap goin on.


for rateds tho im srsly not worryin about it, im amaze how many ppl got fraps or stream goin on 24/7, my GM has it so any1 doin skechy crap is gonna be gone real soon. the guy i was talkin bout b4 was from a pug wz and it was worst ive seen. ive seen the z-axis weirdness happen a lot tho and sometimes its like it helped them other times it didnt help them so i dunno. lol whys it 90% the time asassins tho??

Edited by Darth_Ricky
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lol whys it 90% the time asassins tho??


same reason in other games it's 90% rogues... people that tend toward classes that "hide" and gank... are people that tend toward cheating and unfair play... pretty simple correlation actually.

Edited by VoidJustice
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same reason in other games it's 90% rogues... people that tend toward classes that "hide" and gank... are people that tend toward cheating and unfair play... pretty simple correlation actually.

Incorrect. It's because poor netcode + Force Run = player somewhere you didn't think they were.

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